VOL. LXI, NO. 46. WATAUGA DEMOCRAT An Independent Weekly Newspaper ? Established in the Year 1 888 BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1949. FIVE CENTS A COPY KING STREET BY ROB RIVERS . MARK GOFORTH, who re signed his job as chairman of the hoard of commissioners of Cald well county, to accept Governor Scott's appointment as district highway commissioner, came to Boone Friday, spoke to the Ro tary Club, mixed with his friends in the community and county, made new acquaintances, and expressed his purpose of "'giving everything I nave to the important job I have been tend ered." . . . Mr. Goforth, of course, is intensely interested in the pending election on the two hundred million dollar bond is sue and expects to be around town again before long to ad dress a mass meeting of the people of the county on the elec tion issue . . . The new commis sioner. is well liked by the people here ... he says he's go ing to work with the folks, and bring the road building and maintenance program right down among the peole . . . I won't need to be spending much time on the primary system," be says, "that isn't necessary . . . most of my attention will be taken with the problems of the rural roads . . . the farmers must be enabled to have all-year travel on good solid roads." It is to be predicted that Mr. Goforth's administra tion will be a fruitful one . . . productive of the greatest service for the greatest possible number of our people . . . and we're glad he was named. ? ? ? SOME TALK U now being heard on thi road bond propo sal. and the mod of the folks appear to be for the proposal ... A pretty thorough-going camps km. it appears, will be -waged in behalf of the bond Issue, particularly in the rural sections of the county . . . Town folks would likewise do well to go down the lino on this lame, since the prosperity of ST community U linked In separably with the welfare of the farmer . . . The farmer and Appalachian College havb built community . . ? Tourist trade is. as yet. more or less since Boone is not equipped as a big-scale resort . . . Besides being right for the farmer to have an expanded Mad building program, it is food business for the town folks to help him get it ? ? ? We ?*??" lend our support to the Scott program ? ? ? Mrs. CHAS. PHILLIPS who lives over in Beaver Dam township, makes a special trip to Boone to renew her subscrip tion to the Watauga Democrat .... Had no other business in town, and her high regard for the county paper is duly appreciated by the publisher . . . Reports Saturday that a near-freeze and perhaps killing frost due to ar rive Sunday night, prevented gardeners from setting tender plants late Saturday . . . The predicted drop of the mercury failed to come . . . Rev. and Mrs. Moss carrying on a heavy sche dule of visiting the sick, mean time chatting a bit with those who are physically well . . . Red-worm anglers along the streams Sunday afternoon . . . The Guernsey calf at Wilsons Feed Store, being grown without milk as a feed advertisement . . . Rufus Colvard showing us over his big automobile sales and ser vice plant, equipped with all the new gadgets . . . New-comers to community express a liking for the town . . . and the people . . . Shirt-sleeved shopper, walks nonchalantly in cooling shower, the thin fabric sticking tight to his shoulders ... the profusion of white and red flowers Sunday, as sons and daughters paid silent tribute to their mothers ... the living and the dead . . . the guy you ao your darnedst to like . . . Lid finally decide it just isnt worth the effort . . . threatening cloud passes by for annual May dav fete down at the college. ? ? ? this whisker-ghowihg business, which is so distaste ful to moat of the participants. lh*tr wbH tad cmMrtn ? ? . to alter all. helping out with the promotion of the centennial as visitors to the community Inquire as to the why* and wherefores of the mustaches, side burns, full 1- chin whiskers, etc . . ? Mrs. Len Cooke hands us ^a clipping from the Sentinel column "Strolling, written by Bert Vincent, which says . . . *? ***** drove into Boone. K. C- and for a bit thoughthehad run a House of David colony. The flBtag station man who filled hi* gas tankwo?? * ton# black beard . . . The Chap that waited on him in a had a long beard . reltows walking along the T?** lone beards . , . I"?1. questions', up ***? L*k*; lsamed these fellows are try l^took like the lMters who founded Boone. The town aad Watauga county are celebrat ing the centenial July S-i. . . That's a few months off. and if their beards" k^