' Washington lfotes ' UNEMPLOYMENT The hoped-for Spring upturn in employment hu not yet made ? itself felt in most sections of the country- It may be delayed un til Pali. Only on the Pacific Coast in some parts of the South were there reports of a reduction in the number of Jobless work ers. 1 ? . ? HANDICAPPED The Federal Government has hired 98,753 handicapped persons in the last six , years, 33,800 of them disabled veterans, accord ing to the Civil Service Commis-I sion BANKING Net current operating earnings of the nation's 13-418 Federally Insured commercial banks reach ed $1140,000,000. a new record high, in 1MB. This was 11.2 per cent greater than those for the 1M7 period. NO BANK FAILURES ? Chairman Maple T. Hart, of the Federal Deposit Insurance Cor poration, reports that the nation M in the sixth year in which there has not been a receiver, ship of, or a dollar's loss to a sin ge depositor, bl an insured bank, e described ' this record as an "outstanding example of bank solvency, stability and safety." DP*S In the first year during which the Displaced Persons Commis sion operated, more than 21,000 displaced persons have been set tled in this country, as doctors, horse-trainers, store clerks, farm er and domestic servants, as weavers and winders in the tex tile industry, as saddle-makers, stone-cutters and in a variety of other jobs. "COLO RUBBER" Further improvement in a new synthetic known at "cold rubber" will make motor car tire* good for 75,000 miles, according to Dr. Charles Fry Ling of the Phillips Petroleum Company. He assert ed that a production capacity of 200,000 tons of cold rubber would be available by the end of this year, enabling synthetic rubber to compete on favorable terms with the natural product U. 8. ECONOMIC CONDITION The United States is in an "ex ceptionally strong" economic con dition, according to John W. Sny der, Secretary of the Treasury. Natural resource experts, how ever, warn that the "nation is already in jeopardy" because of large-scale despoliation up to the present time. U. S. 8. SALEM The U. S. S. Salem, 17,000-ton heavy cruiser and sister ship of the U. S. S. Des Moines and U. S. S. Newport News, has joined the U. S. Fleet. The Salem, sec cond cruiser to be named for Salem, Mass.. was launched pn May 23, 1947. It is armed with a main battery of nine automatic 8-inch 53-caliber rifles, triple mounted in three turrets .plus a secondary battery of twelve dual purpose, twin-mounted 5-inch guns. It has an anti-aircraft bat tery of twenty dual-purpose, twin-mounted 3-inch guns ana twelve 20-mm. automatic guns. The cruiser is 716 feet long and can attain a speed higher than thirty knots. It is air-condifion ed. NATIONAL GUARD The National Guard reached an all-time peacetime strength on April 30, with 350,630 officers and men in the forty-eight states, the District of Columbia, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. RESIDENTIAL BUILDING The construction of new homes showed a seasonal increase in April, but was off $110,000,000 lor the same period in IMS. The number of houses built lor own er-occupancy is rising. ?. PERSONAL INCOMES The total income of individuals in March, of this year, was at an estimated $214,000,000,000 annual rate, compared with $205,700,000, 000 for March, IMS. WHEAT While the government estimate for the Winter-wheat crop is around 1,000,000,000 bushels, a bumper crop, recent dry weather has caused some officials to pre dict that the crop will be ma terially less than the estimate. With Spring-wheat estimated at around 300,000,000 bushels, a def inite surplus is expected. Acre age controls and wheat-market ing restrictions for the 1950 crop are predicted. INDUSTRIAL GROWTH Results of a census of manufac tiirt?r?, tnkon hy the Censua_ Bu reau in 1947, reveal that factories in the United States increased from 174,000 in 1939 to 241,000 in 1947. Employment of produc tion workers rose from 7,800,000 to 11,900,000 and wages paid pro duction workers increased from $9,000,000,000 to $30,000,000,000 in the same period. Factory output jumped from $24,000,000,000 in 1 1939 to $74,000,000,000 in 1947. ELEPHANT INJURES TRAINER Logansport, Ind. ? An angry elephant tossed her trainer high into the'air and stepped on him when he fell to the ground, ser iously Injuring him. The trainer, Singh Arumia, 22, c&me from India 12 years ago with Hank, a female elephant, the property of the Dailey Brothers Circus. si/ ?in FQr the Mountains For the Sea Shore For the Big City Sights 10.50 15.50 6.85 6.60 10.90 8.30 2.30 6.70 Natural Atlantic City, N. J. Miami, Fla. a Wilmington, N. C. Myrtle Beach, S. C. New York City Washington, D. C. Asheville, N. C Charleston, S. C. ... Depot Street Phone 50 Time again far tturt bast vacation ? and GREYHOUND is ready to take you to America's gayest, pleasure-packed vacatioo lsnds . . . Ready with modern supercoachae for more relaxation and comfort . . . . frequent, convenient, day and night schedules . . And all these travel EXTRA8 at surprisingly low fares. Pleasure starts tha moment you get aboard ? let's Go Grey hound. Sec your agent . . . NOW! Keep Your Crowd Together ? Charier a Greyhound But GREYHOUND BUS TERMINAL Small Fruits Offer Golden Opportunity Growing of small fruits offers North Carolina farm families a "golden opportunity" to improve their diets and obtain extra in come from their land, says H. R. Niswonger, in charge of horticul ture extension at State College. Niswonger says only a small proportion of farm families are now growing such crops as straw berries, dewberries, blueberries, and raspberries. All of these except raspberries, which do best in the mountains, can be grown in almost every section of the State. Muscadine grapes, best adapted to non-mountainous areas, and bunch grapes, which can be grown in all sections, also offer good possiblities. Small fruits will enable fami lies to enjoy jams, jellies, and juices for everyday use and will aid greatly in balancing the diet, the horticulturist asserts. If labor is available, suitably located families may sell their fruits through a roadside market and thus develop a new source of farm income, Niswonger^ points out. Or the fruits, along with vegetables, flowers, poultry and dairy products, may be sold through curb markets which are located in many towns and cities. Families growing all of the fruits, including grapes, will have pro duce to market in succession from early summer to early autumn. Another possiblity is offered by freezer locker plants located all over North Carolina, asserts Nis wonger. These plants enable farm families to freeze their sur plus production for use during periods when fresh fruit is not available. Managers of locker plants are anxious to buy good locally grown strawberries, dew berries, and raspberries in order to freeze them for their city pa trons. Many city housewives, however, like to do their own pre paring or use the berries for fresh consumption. OLD-AGE CLIENT INHEKIT3 $16,200 Reed City, Mich. ? An 84-year old rescipient of old-age assis tances, Alex Dahlbery, is the only known heir of Charles Dahlberg, who recently died, at the age of 87, in his junk-litter ed home. There are two oil wells on the farm of the dead recluse and these are believed to have been the source of the money, $16,200, discovered in his two room, frame dwelling. KEPT TRAGIC SECRET Los Angeles ? Just an hour be fore John Lamer, 24, went to the altar to wed Constance Cronk, 20, his mother suffered ? heart attack and died in their home. John, his father and the officia ting minister kept their secret until after the ceremony, not tell ing his brother. Louis, jr., an usher, or his sister, Spzanne, a bridesmaid, until after the rece ption that their mother was dead. NOTICE or ADimiSTIATlOB Having qualified as the admini stratrix of the estate of A. W. Hodg son. late of the State of North Caro line. county of Watauga, this la to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceas ed. to present them to me for payment within twelve months of the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All those In debted to tho estate are asked to make Immediate payment. This May 11, 1MB. MKS. A. W. HODGSON. Admx. fr-l?-6p ABOUT ATHLETES TOOT XI 27 Prominent Druggists Can't Be Wrong. Here's what Stout of Parkersburg. W. Va., says. "The sale of TB-OL has been very pleasing. Que customer said ft is the first thing m six years thaT lave relief." . ZM ONE HOUR If not completely pleased. Your 35c back at any drug store. Locally at Boone .Drug Co. lc AUCTION 120 AYRSHIRES ? PINEHURST FARM DISPERSAL PINEHURST, N. C. WED.. ONE 1st at 10:00 A M. 70 Cowi. IS Bred Heifers. 10 ? Yearlings. 17 Heifer Calves. 5 Bulls The largest Ayrshire herd ever sold in the mid -south. It is one of the breed's best pedigreed herds, too. Herd Bang's Accredi ted and blood tested within 30 days prior to sale. An excellent opportunity to buy top Ayrshires. Tom Whltttaker. Auctioneer Brandon, Vi. WANT ADS PRICES SLASHED . . . From now until and including June 4th we will igive ten cents off on each dollar pur chased Everything In store except ballcrinos. casuals, summer footwear. Women's, girls' and children's dresses, wash and other kinds, reduced $1.00, each and some as low as half price Come in and take advantage of these reduced prices and remember all shoes and other merchandise includ ed. except summer shoes. Economy Shoe Sc Ready to Wear Store. lc FOR SALE ? One used cabinet oil stove, white enamel. A-l condition. C & E Home and Auto Supply Co. lc FOR RfcNT ? New Block building, 32 x 50. Can be used for residence or business On hard surface road 2 miles Boone. Harold Henson, RFD 2. Boone, N. C. lpj [WATAUGA SEWING GUILD. with (headquarters at Hillard's Market, is an organization of local rural wo men, with a membership of 45. who sew to earn extra money. We have Just the patterns you want for cen tennial costumes, which will be in keeping with the sun-bonnets now1 being worn. Buy your own material and bring to us for making and we will see you are nicely fitted for the occasion. Prices reasonable. Lena Hil lard. lc FOR SALE ? 37 acre farm, with good 8-room house, bath, furnace, near Boone. Priced to sell. See Tri-County Realty Co.. Box 12. Boone. N. C. lc FOR SALE? Two-slice electric Toast master. Rebuilt and good as new. Fine for restaurant or hotel. $41.75. L. A Murphy, Box 97, Blowing Rock, N. C. lc WANTED ? 1.000 small mixed flower (plants for re-setting. Sidewalk border flowers. Green Park Hotel. Blowing | Rock, N. C lc FOR SALE ? Stock of Meat Camp| 'Service Station. Building can be! leased. 5 miles north of Boone, West Jefferson highway. Jack Wellborn, RFD 2, Boone. N. C. 5-28-2p FOR RENT ? 1 downstairs apartment, 2 rooms. Lights, hot and cold water furnished. Private entrance, also one apartment upstairs two rooms ad joining bath room with hot and cold water. also one large bed-room downstairs. Mrs. T. Len Cooke, 218 Hardin Street. Boone. N. C. 5-5-4c FOR SALE ? Willys trucks. Jeeps, station wagons, panel trucks. new and used. W. H. Coffey Motor Co., Newton. N. C., or see Carl Hayes, Boone. N. C. 5-l2-4p FOR SALE? Four lota, 100 feet front. 200 feet deep, Hardin tract. North Wilkesboro Road, Ralph Moretx, Jr , Phone 230. Boone. N. C. 5-19-2p WANTED? Refined girl for waitress and grill work. Room and board and good salary. See Bill Williams, Blow ing Rock. ?. C. B-l?-2c FOR SALE ? One practically new Ser vel gas refrigerator, sire 6 cubic feet. See H. W. Mast, Jr., Valle Cruel*. N. C. 5-10-#p GOOD 1941 Chevrolet 5 passenger convertable. Good condition. Four new tires Clint Baird. Valle Cruds. N C. S-lKSe JEEPS: Parts, service, sales. Discounts to garagemen. Mall orders accepted. Several clean used Jeeps on hand. Sale or trade. Easy terms. Lenoir Willys Co.. 315 North Main Street, Lenoir. N. C. 5-19-4c FOR SALE ? Two registered horned Hereford bulla, about 16 months old. G. P. Fowler. Hickory, N. C. 5-10-Ip FOR SALE OR RENT? ?- room house with bath and wired for electric stove. A large lot with the place. See Brady Campbell. Vilas. N. C. 5-19-2p (WANTED TO RENT a house un furnished. reasonably priced in or near Boone. Would like garden and cow pasture. Write Granite Falls, N. C. Route I. Box 31, glvtng price and details. ft-lt-ap / WORK WANTED by students for the next three weeks. Odd jobs, painting, jgarden or lawn work, anything you have. Phones ? day 207* after 6 p. m. 280 -J lp FOR RENT? 2 ^bedrooms with bath. Can accommodate four. Prefer men. Private entrance. Garage. Mrs. Wal ter H. Greene. RFD 2, Boone. N. C. 5-26-2p ANYONE INTERESTED In leasing service station with three living rooms in rear see Will Miller. Zlonville. N. C. 5-28-2p AVON COSMETICS has splendid op portunity for women who want to earn in sparetlme Write Mrs. Sarah Sorrel). 28 Broad Street, Asheville, N. C_ lp 4-ROOM unfurnished apartment for rent Electric stove if desired. A. E. Hamby. Jr., Phone 193-J. lc FOR SALE ? 5-room house, bath and basement Lot 150 x 109. A good bar gain. Call at Boone Body Shop. 5-26-4p FOR SALE: ? GE old model refrigera tor. 6 foot capacity. $40. Call 275-J lc [LOST 15 jewel Elgin pocket watch. Igold case, no ring or chain. Lost In or around Baptist Church, Boone. H. C. Austin. City Hall, Boone, N. C. lp WANTED ? Competent woman to do cooking and general housework. See Mrs. Rob Rivers. lp FOR SALE? MILK OOAT. Toggen burg breed Fresh. Heavy milker. Ed misten Furniture Co. lc rOR SALE ? Majestic Ranee. 60 gallon galvanized tank, also coal water hea ter. J. H Winkler. Blowing Rock. N. C. IP FOR SALE ? Lawn furniture and fences, also have window and door ?creens for sale. General Woodwork ing Shop. Phone 137-J, Boone. N. C. ( 5-26 -4p WESCOTE SUPREME PAINT, guaran teed the highest quality possible to manufacture $3.38 gal. We also have a large selection of wall paper as low as 39 cents per double roll. Western Auto Associate Store. 3-10-tfc WANTED ? Ten or twelve coons for stocking. Prefer young coons. Let me know what you have. J. A. Gardner. RED 3. Salisbury. N. C, 4-7-1 Op NORTH WTLKESBORO BEAUTY SCHOOL O. X. approved. Now open to both boys and girls 1-30- tit REPAIR SERVICE? typewriters, add ing machines, duplicators and all of fice equipment. Reasonable price*, prompt attention and guaranteed satisfaction Also equipped to handle repairs to sewing machine*, scale* and all small appliance*. H. H Nobles with Radio Electric Co.. Bus Terminal. Phone 29#-W. 3-3-tfe FOR RENT ? Floor under. eager and polisher. Call C ?c E Home and Auto Supply Co, Boone. N C. 7-3?-tfc DR. C. G. BAUGHUAN. eye, ear, nose and throat specialist of Elizabeth ton, Tenn., will be at the Hagaman Clinic In Boone the first Monday of rtvb month for the practice of his prof cs 'on. DR. L. E. WELLRAN, Optometrist, will be In his office at Mountain City, Tenn. every Tuesday. Wadnesdoy and Thursday from 9 a. m. to 1:30 p. m. Eyes examined, glasses fitted l-#-tfc LAWN MOWER SHARPENING ? On newest precision machine. Circular taws, hand saws, band saw, sharpen ed on new machine. Vano# Calloway, basement Watauga Sale* and Servlo*. 4-7-tfe Fun-One years supply of Oxydol or Dux this week with *ach Washing Machine. Also reduced price on WASHING MACHINE at only *89 99 WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE 4-Il-tfc SULPHUR BEANS reduced to 38 cents per pound. We make keys 28 cents each. We also have Floor Sanding Machines for rent WESTKRN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORK. 4-21-tfc HOT "KIDDIKG" THAT TIME Nashville, Tenn. ? Wenh By ron Eugene Earheart, 17, scream ed for help and dropped out of sight in a lake, his swimming companions paid him no heed because, they said, he 'Vas al ways kidding that way." Ha wasn't "kidding" that time, though. His body was recovered an hour later. D I A A4 0 RINGS Ttoa? Mark v R*gi;t?r?d STALLINGS JEWELER We Are Moving To Our New Location at 201 North Depot Street ? (Opposite Colvard Chevrolet Co.) AND WILL BE OPEN Saturday Morning, May 28 Electrical Contracting, Repairing, Full Line of Universal Appliances i. S. Ayers For Bargains VISIT Newton's Basement l?t Quality NYLONS 7#c CHILDREN'S DRESSES? Infant's Sizes, only 50c Ladies' Cloth of Gold COTTON DRESSES, only $2.98 Children's SEERSUCKER PAJAMAS, only 88c TEEN-AGE GIRLS SKIRTS 88c CHILDREN'S PANTIES, only 25c WINDOW SHADES ...... 48c Men's Blue Bell Work Clothes at Popular " Prices Hickory Stripe and Solid Color COVERALLS, only $4.85 Coupons given with each purchase. Each $15.00 worth of Coupons, one dish free of a 48 piece set. NEWTON'S DEPARTMENT STORE IN BOONE ill Mill; NOW i s a good time to build! Top quality material* arc again available. And you can build a fine, beautiful home at a price within the meant of the aver age family. We can tell you how to get plana for the home pictured above, or for one of the many other designs of moderately priced house* in our collodion. We can grve you information on costs, financing, and construction. Get started on the rand to home-ownership today ! Well be happy to help you, just aa we hare helped many others in this community. FARMERS HARDWARE AND SUPPLY CO. CeloteX iB U U DIN C M AT E R I A I S

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