For Gifts Shop at NEWTON'S SAVE 33 1-3 % on One Lot LADIES* DRESSES . Ladies* Nylon Hose 79c to $1.94 Ladies' Nylon Slips $3.95 to $6.95 Men's Fine Hats Adam and Chesterfield An Ideal Gift Children's Dresses $1.98 to $3.95 BOY'S CORDUROY SHIRTS AND FLANNEL SHIRTS GREATLY REDUCED MEN'S WHITE DRESS SHIRTS ? BY MARLBORO Ideal Gifts $2.95 to $3.95 ON OUR 1st FLOOR A WIDE SELECTION OF READY WRAPPED GIFTS from 97c to $4.95 PETERS SHOES FOR THE FAMILY City Club for Men and Boys Weatherbird for Children ? Velvet Step for the Ladies NEWTON'S DEPT. STORE "Known for Values" BOONE, N. C. TOBACCO Is Selling Good in Boone, N. C. Bring Us Your Crop - We Guarantee Quick Sales At Top Market Prices No Block - Sell The Day You Come Hear the Actual Sales from the Warehouse Floors Tune in each day o n WJHL, Johnson City, I 1:45 to 12 noon ? Actual sales direct. 6:30 to 6:35 a. m. Boone Market reports. MOUNTAIN BURLEY WAREHOUSE CO. BOONE, N. C. R. C. Coleman, Sr. Harriett L. Sikes R. C. Coleman, Jr. Joe E. Coleman Dr. Yoder Gives Data on Farming Dr. Julian Yoder, member of the geography faculty at Appa lachian State Teachers college, haii just returned from a meet ing of the Southeastern District Association of American Geo graphers which was held on the University of Georgia camp 113 at Athens last week. The meeting theme was "Reg ions Within the South" and Dr. Yoder gave a paper entitled "Agricultural Adjustments in the Mountain Counties of North Carolina, 1900-1945." Dr. Yodels paper was one of some length, and he made a mimeographed abstract to hand to all members of the Association. The paper on the mountain counties revealed a number of interesting facts for the time studied. A few of these follow: In 1899 the seventeen counties firoduced 6,305 acres of potatoes, n 1945 the acreage had increas ed to 16,860. Burley tobacco, grown since about 1915, showed 2,280 acres in 1919, and 12,905 in 1945. Farm income from tobacco in 1945 was about $8,000,000. In 1919 there were only 1,185 acres of vegetables, excluding potatoes, grown for sale. In 1945 there were 16,046. Acreage plant ed in corn hai decreased since 1899 from 297,078 to 167,332 in 1945. Wheat has declined from 78,389 acres in 1899 to 8,579 inl 1945. In 1899 there were 136,239 cows, of which 48,521 were list ed as dairy cows and 87,718 as beef animals. In 1945 there was a total of 181,532 with 76,320 listed as dairy animals and 105, 212 recorded as beef. Thus, dairy cows have increased from 36 to 42 per cent of all cows produced. The Improvement in the quality of the livestock is considerably more inportant that the increase in numbers. Sheep have declined from 108, 176 to 22,196 in 1945; and ho$s have declined from 143,582 in 1899 to 53,274 in 1945. Permanent License Viewed by Scott Raleigh ? Governor Scott got a look at a new license plate the State will put on sale this year. The new tag is a permanent plate authorized by the 1949 legislature for use on public vehicles. It has black figures on a white background which glows at night to outline the figures. The new plate, which is made of aluminum, was shown to the Governor by Motor Vehicle Com missioner iJandon C. Rosser. WANT ADS Wanted ? Four-four poplar Lumber. (Orrin Sherill. Boone Woodworking Shop. Blowing H6ck Rd.. Boone. N. |C. lp SOME STRAY LAMBS are in my pasture, Owner may have xume by identifying and paying coats. W. M. Thomas, Mabel, N. C. 12-8-2C FOR SALE ? A boundary of mixed timber. Date of sale. December 17, at 11 o'clock at the old I. S. Greene place 12-8-2p WE HAVE A NICE line of readv-to wear. shoes, bedroom slippers, hosi ery. sox. hats and many other staple items which will make useful gifts. YOU ALWAYS GET A DISCOUNT AT OUR STORE TRADE WITH US AND SAVE QUALITY MERCHANDISE FOR LESS. Economy Shoe and Ready to Wear Store. lc FOR RENT? 1. Good 4 -room house, lights, water, bam, cheap rent. 2. Better 9-room house, all conveni ences. reasonable. James B. Mast. Sherwood. N. C. lp FOR SALE ? White and yellow corn. Good baled hay James B. Mast, Sherwood. N. C. lp FOR SALE ? 30 acre farm. 4 room house, small barn, good young ttmber. located within 1-4 mile of Bethel church and school. Price $3,000. Terms can be arranged Jerry Coe. 217 Main St.. Boone. N. C. lc JOHN B STETSON HATS? Another big shipment of these well known re conditioned hats. Get one for Chrlst Imas. Economy Shoe and Ready to Wear Store. lc FOR SALE ? 70 acre farm. 6 room) house, tobacco barn. 9-10 tobacco base, 35 acres of cleared land. Locat ed one mile south of Mabel. N. C. known as Kirby Branch Road. Price $4,000. Terms can be arranged. See Jerry Coe, 217 Main St. Boone. N. C. lc FOR SALE ? Soda Shop, good location, doing good business, complete stock land equipment. Priced to sell for a quick sale See Jerrv Coe. 217 Main St.. Boone. N. C. lc FOR RENT ? Two or three room apartment. Furnished or unfurnished. Mrs. J. G. Cook, east Black Bear Service Station. 12-8- tic WANTED ? Good milking cows that are fresh now or will freshen by early spring. Write M. Beeler. Gener al Delivery. Boone. N. C. lp FOR SALE ? A spotted pony seven | months old, weighing 190 lbs. A i?i:e IXmas present. Ivan Wilson, Ree?r N. C. lp FOR SALE ? United Water Pumps for deep well or springs. Reduced price. Klear Kleen floor furnaces installed and serviced. Estes Electric Shop, lc FOR SALE? 1938 l>a ton Ford truck. Good running shape. Price $350.00. Carl Presnell. Boone. N. C. lp FOR SALE ? 60 acre farm located on Elk River two miles from Banner Elk Eight room house, large barn Land almost level. 40 acres cleared, rest in timber. Lights and running water. Known as the T H West farm. Miss Alice West. Route. 1, Box 23. Banner Elk. N C 12-8-3c FOR SALE ? Seasoned firewood. Ken neth Gibson. Route 1. Box 99. Banner Elk. N. C. lp FOR SALE? 12 stacks timothy and clover hay. Price reasonable. B. H Gross. RFD 2. Boone. N. C. 12-8-3p FOR SALE ? 4 room house, with hall heating plant and bath. 100 foot front. 190 feet deep. Practically new house with no. 1 hardwood floors. Located 4 miles west of West Jefferson on Boone highway Phone 34F20. Conley Greer. West Jefferson. N. C. lc FOR RENT ? One three room apart ment at 825 East Main Street, furnish ed or unfurnished. Private entrance. Mrs Bessie W Hall. Phone 326-M. lp NOTICE ? I am no longer connected ' with the Farmers Hardware 6c Supply 1 Co.. in the radio department, and ef fective December 1. I will be with the Radio Electric Company, located at the bus terminal. Dean H. Hodges, lc FOR SALE ? New 8 room brick house, full sized basement, large lot. garage, small down payment. A very desirable location. See Jerry Coe. 217 Main St., Boone. N. C. lc BOONE BARGAIN CENTER? We are! closing out the entire stock at cost and below cost. Men's sport slacks, socks, dresses, coats and coat suits, shirts and everything at cost and below R. L. Honeycutt. lp DUPONT NYLONS, first quality. 54 15 and 51-15. $1.25 or 3 pairs for $3.50. Also 60 gauge. $1 75. Other nylons 75 and $1 00 100r4 nylon and wool sweaters. Economy Shoe and Ready To Wear Store. lc [DR. L. E. WELLMAN. Optometrist' will be In his office at Mountain City Tenn. every Tuesday. Wednesdoy and Thursday from 9 s. m. to 3 JO p. m. I Eyes examined, glasses fitted l-6-tfc[ FOR SALE ? 10 Hampshire ewes, 1 buck and six ewe lambs, all register ed. Charles L. I^ewis. Sherwood. N. C. 12-1 -2c GALAX WANTED ? Now paying 85 cents per thousand for green galax.j Also buying mixed color for 70 cents i per thousand. Remember when you' sell to us the world is your market, i Wilcox Drug Co. 12-l-tfc| [WILLYS JEEP sales-parts-service ? [New and used Jeeps, Jeep Trucks. See jthe new four wheel drive Jeep Stat ion Wagon. Your Dealer is the Lenoir Willys Co. N Main Street. Lenoir. N. fe ll-10-4k* RADIO BATTERIES, metal cohered A B packs guaranteed 1400 hours, ?fecial this week $6.95. Our customers find they last one third longer than ithe 1000 hour parks yet they sell lor Jess. WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE. 6-23-tfn lOR C G BAUGHMAN. eye. ear. nose and throat specialist of Elizabethton. Tenn.. will be at the Hagaman Clinic in Boone the first Monday of each month fbr the practice of his profe 'on. SPECIALS this month, 8',a cubic ft. REFRIGERATORS were $229 50 re I duced to $189 50. WASHING HMACHINES were $99 95 reduced to TP .95. WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE TORE 10-27-tfC | FOR RENT ? One 3 -room brick cot tage. reasonable rates Black Bear Tourist Court. li-17-tfc Bobby jj^ayne Cox To Give Recital! j Bobby Wavne Cox, member of the Appalachian State Teachers college music faculty, will pre sent a recital in the college audi torium on December 12, at eight o'clock in the evening. Mr. Co*'? program will in clude a varied selection, from the old masters to the modern composers. Included are such numbers as Sonata in C Major (Longo 3) by Scarlatti; Chroma tic Fantasy and Fugue by Bach von Bulow; Sonata in C Major (K. 545) by Mozart; Miaden with the Flaxen Hair and General Levine ? Eccentric by Debussy; Intermezzo, Op. 118, No. 1, and Rhapsody, Op. 79, No. 1, by Brahms; Sonata in F Sharp Ma jor, Op. 78 by Beethoven; Three Preludes by 1 George Gershwin; Polka, from Ballet "On Stage" by Norman Dello Joio; Gavotte, Op. 12, No. 2 by Sergei Proko fieff; Toccata by Aram Khatcha turian. Mr. Cox holds B. M. and M. M. degrees from North "Texas State college, where he was an assis tant in the music department from 1946 through 1948. He came to Appalachian the sum mer of 1949 as visiting professor of music and has remained as a member of the faculty. The public is invited to hear Mr. Cox on the night of Decem ber 12. Soviet Russia evacuating pri son camps in East Germany. Moscow seen adopting a new soft policy toward Iran. Christmas Music | The Westminster Fellowship of the James I. Vance Memorial Presbyterian Church will present a service of Christmas organ mu sic and candle-lighting at 7:00 p. m. Sunday. Wottord Huskey will be at the organ. The public is cordially invited. Schram urges tax revisions to: aid small business. Basketball Change The basketball game schedule for Saturday night, December 10, between Appalachian and East Tennessee has been chang ed to Friday night, December 9. There will be two games with the B team getting under way at 7:00 p. m Housewife urged to employ tactics of engineering in work. ?4t/&&wa*??ur?w 'Illfl i m m ? t The UBUdc Corp. has purchased a ??oU,<MW steel and concrete building with 35,004 square feet of floor space in Lafayette, La., and wiO remodel It at a cost of more than 150,000 for the nansMl headquarter* of Hadacol. fimoon B vitamin and mineral prepara tion uudiey J. Lcttiuu, tuuiulrr and freaident 01 tue LcBUac Corp., announced the purchase of the building. The small building which now houses the Hadacol factor; will be converted Into a Karate for the fleet of Hadacol trucks and for storage space. The office headquarters of Hadacol, which Bow occupies a building in downtown Lafayette, will he moved to the new building. The new Hadacol building was built In 1945 and Is of excellent construction. Remodeling work already has began and the LeBlane Corp. plans to mov into the new headquarters early next year. Mr. LeBlane and o..icials of his organization already have begnn making plans for a gala opening of the new headquarters. "The office and manufacturing facilities will be the most modern possible." said Mr LeBlane. "The building will be air conditioned and will have many other features. It Is just another forward step in the remarkable progress of Hadacol." J? -Nr WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE ^ STORE USE OUR LAY- AWAY AND EASY PAY PLANS! WIZARD AUTOMATIC IRON '-Tub# AM-FM True tone Guaranteed 5 year, onty KT.VM.SS: $7.65 ?v?j 3? *39-95 1000-watt. inn {ion mmo Precision Built, Durable SfWMG MACHINE Sew* an even ^ _ chain stitch Self $fi.9S feeding ij?j WESTERN "CLIPPER" SLEDS $4.98, sale $3.85 *?9 Heavy-gauge steel parts Seasoned ash top. 37" 10WI 5" ABC RUBBER BALL 72c, Sale 44c Gas filled ? a lively bouncer Cellophane wrapped, u'w Circus Decorations! 31-PC. TEA SET 98c Service for six. All metal. In large gift box. cum Special 17" LOVABLE BABY DOU. ... $4.00, $2.69 $2.29 Horn! Lights' AMY jw Latsx arms and Slop ing eyes. Vole* ton Lots of play value! T oy Portable TTPIW?IT(R to $3.98 Type* neat clean copy _ CUDDLY CM UON reg 2.95, sale 2.49 Golden plush 11". Adorable. Real whiskers, glass ?yes Mickey Moum WRIST WATCH $6.95 Ingersoll f .vo rite. Chrome. MfTAl CASH RfSISTOt $3.59 Bell rings . drawer pop? out! 13 keys futl Six* 16" ynoaHM W *12.35 Bail bearing front wheel. jri44t Galloping wrni coosi 97c Exciting new wind-up tov. WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE <41 ~ Horn* Owned ond Opro Hd J. C. CLINE Main St. - Phone 46-W UMtnc MOKing at Hs Best! Wizard ELECTRIC RANOE \ $189.50 ?? Oi*? her kitchen hntur/1 7 tp*?d "Crom?lox buriMri. Gloaming porcc laLn-enim*l flnlsn. Bt* hMvllj inaultUd evia and bvollar. All control* on back board! mim

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