Your watch, mood ring, your | jewelry . products of fine craft* When repain an needed, "* ~ ' >?ktt ji equal to the artiaaw who made them ? repairmen such m yon will find In our shop. WALKER'S JEWELRY STORE Aaron from the Fostoffice Boone, N. C. WATCH FOR US- I &IVB US A BRAKE / I should ba astn caraAd naar schools, far kids, ikm down, tfi tha human, and bo thine to do! CMldraa should wait far tha fifht, cfon at cornea, kaap oat of tha ? ? See Me for your insurance needs. We specialize in Automobile Insurance .... you can't get more protection and service than this agency gives you. WATAUGA INSURANCE AGENCY JERRY COE, Manager 217 Main Street Boone, N. C. DAY PHONE 2M-W NIGHT PHONE ?1-J cheese ffr'T"* Meld 3 cup* cottage cheese 1 cup crushed pineapple, drain ed 5 tablespoons mayonnaise 1 teaspoon salt Dash cayenne 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1-4 teaspoon mustard 1 1-3 tablespoons unflavored gelatin 1 cup pineapple Juice Mix cheese, pineapple and mayonnaise. Mix salt, mustard, and cayenne with lemon Juice. Add to cheese and mix lightly. Soften gelatin in pineapple Juice and dissolve over hot water. Stir carefully into cheese ' mixture. Turn into greased mold and chill until ljjm. ' Banana Lima Dessert 1 package lime gelatin 2 cups boiling water Sliced ripe banana* Strawberries Sweetened whipped cream Dissolve in hot water. Cool. Place a slice of banana in center of each individual mold. Add a tablespoon of gelatin and d)UL When firm fill molds with gela tin and chilL When it begin to thicken add other slice of bana na. Chill until firm. Unmold and garnish with slices of bananas and strawberrie*. Serve with whipped cream; JalUed Cream . 1 cup sweet cream ? 1-4 cup sugar 1 tablespoon gelatin 1-1 cup cold water 1 cup sour cream, sHgfcttjr bea ten 1-4 teaspoon salt 1-2 teaspbOA vanilla Raspberries Heat sweet cream with sugar in double boiler. Soften gelatin IKSSSi -"MM* "****. f? j 2= What a satisfaction t* khtft that Dodge value in marineae mean* extra comfort tUnry Me yoo drira? that Dodge viuii fa niggedaeaa meana wH ieaa on upkeep over the jean. Aad what aatiafactiay today 'a Yob aee. GYRO-MATIC IOWIIT-HICII I. . AUTOMATIC ? > TRANSMISSION AUTOMATIC tANSMIS] rounoM faaaCW at bo* Cm* l Drive, atarta aad atopa are Velvet Mpooth. Wojwcknn or jarUag Sm tfaW jW'i Mcuh raum Dodge at joor dealer '? ??*. Drive the new car that givea moat