ersona ention JEAN L. RIVERS, Editor ? itome Telephone 154 ? Office Telephone 12 :?3ma ? ? . MRS. CHARLES EUGENE FETTER Beroth-Fetter Vows at Local Presbyterian Church Are Announced by Parents Winston-Salem. ? Mr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Beroth have an nounced the marriage of their daughter, Annie Lee, and Charles Eugene Fetter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Fetter. The mar riage took place Wednesday, Jan uary 17, in Vance Memorial Pres byterian Church in Boone, Rev. J. K. Parker, Jr., pastor, offici ating. Mrs. Fetter is a student at Ap palachian State Teacher's College in Boone. Mr. Fetter, who until recently was also a student at Appalachian, is awaiting Navy orders. Literature, Education i Department Meets The Literature and Education Department of the Worthwhile Woman's Club met Feb. 1 at the home of Mrs. George Greene. The chairman, Mrs. Carlos Delima presided during the business session. The officers for next year were elected as fol lows: ChatrnrHUv Mm. Nora Warman; vice-chairman, Mrs. Ed Quails; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Dee Shoemake. Mrs. B. W. Stallings, State chairman, department of litera ture, N. C. Federation of Wo men's Clubs was the gueit speaker. / After a brief discussion of Club programs, Mrs. Stalling* review ed the very humorous book, "Blandying's Way," by Eric Hod gins which was laughingly en joyed by all members. Mrs. Greene, the hostess, served an attractive delicious salad plate and coffee. After re freshments she presented to members and guests the follow ing: Club Woman's Sandwich Take 42 club women, well seasoned by the experience of living. These should be firm yet tender. Mix well with equal parts of faith and hope. Sprinkle in the spirit of service and add a dash of pep. Stir in also a heaping cup of tolerance and let stand until all arguments have dissolved and the mixture has cooled. Spread between two slices of courage with all the crust removed and wrap in a cloth dampened with the milk of human kindness. This recipe will serve the entire community. From the Club Woman's Re cipe book of North Wilkesboro. Music and Arts Division Gather The Music and Art* division of the Woman's Club met in Janu ary at the home of Mrs. H. B. Perry, Jr. Mrs. Bert Ellis was associate hostess. The meeting was called to or der by the president Mrs. F. E. Warman. The club woman's hymn wu sung, and the collect repeated. A number of items of business were discussed and dis posed of. Mrs.' A. E. South gave a most interesting program on Negro Spirituals. She brought out the fact that the peoples whole emo tional life could be traced by their songs? their )oy?, sorrows, and religious activities are spon taneously expressed In their music. The types of music were given by Mrs. R. C. Winebargtor singing a number of spirituals. An interesting and beautifully illustrsted edition of "Were you there" was shown to the group. During the social hour the ten members present enjoyed a pleasant session of group singing of old-fashioned songs of differ ent types. The hostesses served a delightful desert cawst. i Mrs. Sinnamon Is Honored Friday Miss Sue Ann Marion and Miss Ann Smith entertained at a dinner party honoring Mrs. John Franklin Sinnamon, the former Miss Mary Lee Stout, at the Gateway Cafe Friday night, February 2. Mrg-Stnndinon ' was presented and a lovely gift by th<niogteses upon her arrival. The table was beautifully de corated with a center piece of white carnations and snap dra gons. After a delicious meal, the party retired to the theatre. Covers were laid for the fol lowing guests: Misses Martha Quails, Barbara Jones, Annie Mae Carroll, Pat Ellis, Reba Smith, Mary Frances Klutz, Martha Greene, Nell Norris, Mary Austin, Martha Austin, Suzanne Coffey, Sallie Penick, Mary Jo Gross and Mrs. Frances Greene. Mrs. Yates Recent Bride, Honored Mrs. Joe Yates, a recent bride, was honored Tuesday afternoon, January 30, by the teachers and lunchroom workers of the Valle Crucis school in the school cafe teria. The bride's table was decorat ed with a centerpiece of yellow jonquils and fern. The bride was presented with a white corsage and many lovely and useful gifts. Ice cream and cake were serv ed to Mrs. Yates, the honoree, Mrs. Hazel Macauley, Mrs. Coy Love, Miss .Doris Love, Mrs. Claud Edmisten, Mrs. Henry Campbell, Mrs. Mary Burkett, Mrs. Custer Wallace. Mrs. John Horton, Mrs. Ruby Michael. Mrs. Lee Ward, Miss Margaret Welch and Miss Reba Herman. Home and Garden Group Meets ment of the Woman's Worth while club will meet at the Sky line Restaurant Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Mr. T. K. Pease, landscape architect tor the Blue Ridge Parkway, will talk on improving home grounds Order Eastern Star Meeting Scheduled Miss Helen Underdown, secre tary, announces ? regular meet ing of the Order of the Eastern Star, Snow Chapter. No. 320, on Monday night. February 12, at 7:30 o'clock. Members are urged to attend. A home remedy for sharpening scissors: If you have an emery wheel or a grindstone to sharpen aciaaors you are in luck. But if you haven't, don't weep ? but try cutting ? piece of sandpaper ? few times with your dull ?d? mK!V LOCAL AFFAIRS Mrs. Herbert We/ is a patient at Watauga hospital. Miss Madeleine McCain is ill at Watauga hospital. ' Betty Brendan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray BrendaU, is ill with influenza at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Ford spent the week-end with relatives in Thomasville, N. C. On Februuary 5th, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clin ard Wilson of Sherwood at the Hagaman Clinic. Mr. and Mrs. Jack KerleV of Boone announce the birth of a son on February 1 at Watauga (hospital. Dr. and Mrs. Lcn D. Hagaman spent the week-end in Atlanta, Ga., where Dr. Hagaman attend ed a medical conference. Mr. and Mrs. Hooper Triplett of Independence, Va. spent the week-end With ^r. and, Mrs. Donald Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Krider of Madison, Va. announce the birth of a son on February 4 at the Hagaman Clinic. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Linney Walker at Watauga hospital on January 27, a son, who has been named Charles Robert. Mr. John Councill and Mr. Fred Councill, of the University of North Carolina, ? spent the week-end at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Siphers and Mr. W. C. Ramsey of Win ston-Salem spent the week-end with Mrs. W. F. Miller, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Broftrn of Sugar Grove announce the birth of a daughter at Watauga hos pital on January 28. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Klutz and children of Blowing Rock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stew art Cooke. Miss Mazie 'Jean Jones of Greensboro spent the week-end with' her mother, Mrs. J. W. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ward of West Jefferson announce the birth of a daughter at the Hag aman Clinic on February 4. Mrs. Blanche Wilkinson of Zionville "underwent major sub gery at Watauga hospital f&jB Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Iv?n Tnvette of Beech Creek were dinner guests of Mr. and Mr*. Ray Harmon. Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cooke of Blowing Rock announce the birth of a daughter, Mary, on January 29, at Watauga hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dameron and children, Bill and Linda, of Warrenton, N. C., spent the week end in the city. Mrs. Ivan TVivette and daugh ter, Iva Kay, of Beech Creek spent Sunday with Mrs. Earl Norris in Boone. Mri. J. E. Joines underwent a tonsillectomy at the Mountain City Clinic i*i Mountain City, Tenn. Monday. Pfc. Lewis Hodges and Cpl. Farthing Hayes of Savannah, Ga., spent the week-end with homefolks here. Miss Shirley Maltba returned to Washington, D. C. after visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Mal tba. Mr. and Mrs. Olin Goodnight and daughter, Deborrah, of Gas tonia spent the week end with Mr. Good night's mother, Mrs. J. L. Goodnight. Mr. and Mrs. Von Hagfman, Mrs. Floyd Hagaman and Mr. W. E. Roark recently visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roark in Lub bock, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Harmon of Beech Creek spent Sunday with Mrs. Harmon's brother, Mr. John Rominger, ?nd Mrs. Ro minger at Reece. Mr. George Winebarger of Meat Oamp left Saturday for Cleveland, Ohio, where he has accepted a position with the Chevrolet company. Miss Gertrude Perry returned to Greensboro Sunday after spending a few days with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Per ry. Miss Patricia Anderson of Wo man's college in Greenaboro spent the week end with her un cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eggers and daughters, Misses Isabel and Beth Eggers, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lyons in Eli za betbton, Tenn. Mr. Jim Greene, whp is a stu dent at Appalachian college, spent the week-end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Greene ia Bristol. Miss Ruth Farthing, who teaches school in Shtdby, is a patient at Hagaman Clinic. Mlas Eunice Westbrook and Miss Ruth Martin of Shelby spent Sunday with Miss Farthing. Mrs. Rob ret William Currie before her marriage February 4th at the Plaza Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, was Miss Ruby Arlene Clawson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Clawson of Blowing Rock. After a wedding trip through Florida the couple will make their home in Red Springs, North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wilson and children, Judy and Danny, spent Sunday with Mrs. Wilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Sparks, in Spruce Pine. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace May of Concord, N. C. attended the fun eral of their aunt, Mrs. Ben Farthing at Valle Crucls, Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood and children, Margaret, Cecil, Mar Jorie and Ellen, of North Wil kesboro spent the week-end with Mrs. John Ford in Blow ing Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Paul DuPre and son, John, of North Wilkesboro and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ander son of Marshall were week end *lltors with Mrs. M. P. Critch '? A "* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sweet of Greensboro announce the birth of a daughter, Sherry Kathleen, at Watauga hospital on February 3. Mrs. Sweet and Coach Francis Hoover are brother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Winkler returned home Tuesday from Newport News, Va., after spend ing several days with their son, Mr. Tom Winkler, and Mrs. Winkler. Mrs. Kathleen Baker of Char lotte, Mrs. James Carter and Mr. W. B. Hodges were in Fayette ville last week, where they at tended the funeral of Mr. T. Mercer Covington. Mr. and Mrs. Don Thompson and son, Joe, of Vilas and Mr. and Mrs. Olan Grogan and children, Jean and Jerry, of Sugar Grove spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Norris at Sugar Grove. a Recent Bride Entertained Mrs. John Franklin Sinnambn, a recent bride, was honored with a surprise shower by the mem bers of the James I. Vance Pres byterian Church at the home of her mother, Mrs. Lee Stout, Monday night, February 5. A social hour followed the conclusion of the meeting, at which time Mrs. Sinnamon was presented with a host of dainjy handerchiefs. Delicious refresh ments were served by Mrs. R. W. Watkins. Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Matheson and children, Bill, Barbara and Robert, spent Sunday with Dr. Matheson's mother, Mrs. Wil liam M. Matheson, in Greens boro. Mr. Curtis Glenn of Detroit, Mich, spent last Thursday night with Mrs. Orrin Harmon at Sugar Grove. Mrs. Tina H. Greer returned home with him for an indefinite visit. Mrs. Glenn and Mrs. Greer are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jones and children, Kyle, Taru, and their twins, Paul and Paulette, of Whaley, N. C. were week-end visitors with Mrs. Virgie Trivette ?t Valle Crucis. Mr. Dennis Fi ler of Elk Park is spending the week at the Trivette home. Mrs. Ralph Whatley returned Monday from Atlanta, where she had been with Mr. Whatley for the past week. He is recovering from an operation performed in that city a few days ago, and expecti to return to his home here in three or four weeks. LIKE ? WALKING ON AIR . . Styl* 4025 The fotm rubber heel cushion of this ?mart casual fives yon cloud -walker comfort. A sling pump strapped and buckled by twin bands. Cai^el glove leather. Only 4.95 Othar Styles from .. $2.M NEWTON'S 1,": ' 'vlil -t.: ' 1 Parent's Place in School Is Discussed The question "What Is the P?r euto' Place In the School" wtl answered by tbe students of both the Boon i- Elementary and High Schools recently in a contest sponsored by the Boono Parent' Teacher Club and conducted by the schools' English department*. Prizes were awarded to Mlas Jo anne Aldridge and Gary Mast tor the bMt themes written on the subjerf; each received a three months pass to the Appalachian Theatre. These two students will be presented on Radio Station WATA Monday night, February] 12. at 6:49 o'clock and Friday morning at 10:43 o'clock, and will read their answers to the question "What Is the Parents' Place in the Scheol." Household Hints To clean a hot water bottle or Ice pack: Wash the hot water bottle or ice pack thoroughly and rinse well. Dry It complete ly away from direct heat which may make the rubber sticky or crack it. Before storing, dust with talcum powder or corn starch. Wrap for storing in heavy paper or store in a box. To iron linens and other gar ments that have appliques, em broideries, and monograms, face down on a thick bath towel and iron on the wrong side. Ironing directly on the monogram may flatten the design, rather than make it stand out which is the effect you desire. The host is happy when the guest has gone. ? Chinese Pro Verb. There is a remedy for every thing except a broken neck. ? Ita lian Proverb. Sunday School Group In Social Meeting The Yauttf Adults Sunday School d?M at th* Boone M* tho dist Church bsld Its first monthly social In Ptl??Wshlp Hall last Fri day night. Quotum wars played and refresh) aenta were sarvad the (roup by members of Circle One of the WSCS. The social will be a monthly affair.,. , Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. John Kirk, Mrs. Mack filler, Mrs. Jessie Warman, Mr. Ellis Love, Mr. Thad Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Calbreth, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shacfcford, Mrs. p. B. per ry. Jr.. Miss Cyathia Stife. Mr. and Mrs. Jim tferlot, Mr and Mr*. T. L. Kewrly, Mr and Mr*. Jo# C. Minor, and Mr. and Mm. John Bingham $*,-? The clans waa recently organiz ed and ia composed of adulu in the general ago group 04 2443. More than 15 mertb<i*i attend ad the social. The class if Uught by Jim Tay lor, local attorney. A nominating committee was appointed Friday night to select a slate of officers. Their recommendations are ex pected to be voted on soon. Being myself no air anger to suffering- I have learned to re lieve the sufferings of other*. ? Virgil. MOM! MY COLD NEEDS DEEP-ACTION relief from coughs, chokey stuffiness wifh every breath! ? Mother, here'i ? special way to give your little one wonderful comfort with the very game Vicks _ VapoRub that al ways brines luch grand result* when you rub it on ! Easy . . . fffectiv*: Put 2 good spoonfuls ofVapoRub In a vapor izer or bowl of boiling water as directed in 0bckage. Then ... let your younfltcr breathe in the I soothing, medicated vapors. Every breath carrie?VapoRub'? famous combination ol time proved medication* deep into large bronchial tubes. Comfort ing relief from distress of colds comes in a hurry ! Then ... to keep ?p relief lor hours, rub Vicks VapoKub on throat, chest and back, too. ? ? v II LIKE IT! ] MOM.UKES / T/TOOl V> I HOME-PROVtD FOR YOU ?Y MILLIONS OF MOTHERS I V> NEWTON'S THURS., FRI., SAT., AND HON. " FIRST FLOOR Men's Winter Jackets 100% Wool Plaid, Water Repel lent, Wind Resistant? Values to $12.95 Only $8.88 VISIT OUR New Boy's Department ON 1ST FLOOR Wa have boy*' gabardine suits, topcoats, gabardine slacks, sport shirts, shoes and everything for the boys Boys' Winter jackets 100% Wool Plaids, Water Repl iant, Wind Resistant, Values to *10.95 $7.88 SEW AND SAVE! Dan River Dress Lengths 79c yd. Avondale Dress Lengths 69c yd. SEE OUR NEW SPRING DISPLAY OF MEN'S SLACKS 9 When in Boone, * Res! in Our Newly Furnished Lounge on Our Mezzanine Floor SECOND FLOOR Rack Ladies' Dresses Assorted Sizes and Colors. Values to $8.95 How $5.00 One Table Ladies' Hats Values $5.95 $1.00 ALL ONE PRICE Ladies' -Skirts Assorted Styles and Colon 25% off Children's Coats $12.95 Values Now $10.08 BASEMENT MEN'S 1ST QUALITY Fur Felt Hats . Only $2.08 DEPENDABLE WORK CLOTHES ,/ Boys' and Men's by BLUE BELL AT POPULAR PRICES Rack Ladies* Dresses Assorted Sixes and Colors. Values to $8.MlfV'J?| m. I $5.00 mm , ..

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