New* Match of VhnM Ml a U*ucMaa Ik the Boane >nstratio? aahoot The Mr*. B (Shear's second turned In the .fUM^t with Mr*. Coltrall's fir ft i close eatond. All u* the did exceptionally well. wan offered as it was 'fHft evrrv penny col lected should be twed for the good cause. This did not keep the children from working and they ar* to be commended for their unselfish efforts. Mrs. Cottrell's first grade and Mr*. Crawford's third grade are very, proud of their new table tops They encourage better work Just as favorable surround ing* always do. Birthday parties at school are happy times. Two were given this week. Robert Gragg's moth er gave a party in Mrs. Broom's third grade on Wednesday. It was Robert's ninth birthday. Delicious refreshments were served and Robert presented the claas a view master. Everyone enjoyed the occasion and the many views will continue to give pleasure. It waa also Patsy Ashley's birthday, but she was not at school because of Illness. We are glad that Patsy is better and hope she will soon be with us. Mrs. Buckland gave Tad a surprise birthday party in Miss Goodman's room Friday after noon. Everyone had fun. Hats off to the boys and girls in Miss Gibb's room. Rufu* Ed mlsten, Billy Farthing, Paul Lewis, Jerry McCrscken, Na dine Bolick and Evelyn Wilson have been in school for the first five months without missing s day. Mr. Lashure's six grade hai a new pupil. Jerry Kerns come* to ui from Cove Creek. Mr. Lash urc'a line-up for the baiketball game with Mr. Green'i room will be arf follows: Bobby Wilcox, Ed Taylor, Jerry Kerni, Claude Shores and Dan Coffey. Spring has come early to Mr. Green's sixth grade. New blue curtains, and a flower box made and painted green by the boys filled with flowers are sure ligns. The girls are busy making pot holders and dish towels. Many other Interests are evi dent in Mr. Green's room. Pic tares of Indians and an unfinish ed map of the Cherokee Indian Reservation, with original stor ies and poems about Indians shave catch eye along with bookleta about Penguins, and booklet* about the defender* of freedom. Ming Sung talked to them about China. Her talk about China and some of the thing* she had brought from China made her rlilt very enjoyable. JlWi> arc til vary p??i>d (4 the attendance at the P. T. A. nw*t log. Please com* bock and re member yeu are al*'ajr? wel come at school. It is our actiooL Help us make it the beet by your continued mtereit in us. Watauga Hospital Pati?nt.s admitted to 'Watauga hospital from January 29 to February S: Mr*. Blankenship, Mm. Genevieve Winkler, Geneva Jo Aime Oakes, Mrs. Tat? Vaanoy, Mrs. Vim Tester. Mm. Lester Triplet!, Madeline McCain. Mrs. Jean Wey, Mrs. Allie Hodgin, Billy Wilson. Phyllis Harmon. James West, Burl Snyder, G. C. Lookabill. Donna Rose Hicks, Mrs. Minnie Massey, Mrs. Rut* Phillips. Mrs. Blanche Wilkin son, Tommy Sea'*, John Scoot Stansberry, Mrs. Pauline Hod ge*, Mrs. Sophia Comette, Helen Burch. Births Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Enock Church, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kerley, boy; Mr. and Mrs. John Lookabill, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cornette, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Nat Jones, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sweet, girl; Mr. and Mrs. Roas Beeves, boy. V. 8. copper order seen halting home-building May 1. DON'T COUGH Your Head Off! Ask for Mentho-Mulsion If it fails to stop your cough due to cold*, ask for your money back. BOONE DRUG CO. The REXALL Store Have your WATCH REPAIRED PROMPTLY Thousands of repsir part? are jn*tantly availuble to our et perls. Often saves days of wait* ing when watches need more than cleaning and oiling. Serv ice is our watchword. for ELGIN ownwi DuroPowtr Maintpring* Guaranteed nmr to break la Mrrieel ArallabU tar met Elfin wdek WALKER'S JEWELRY STORE LOCAL REALTY VALUES GOOD GOING BUSINESS, which includes stock and prop erty. Located on highwhy 421, Sugar Grove, N. C. Terms can be arranged. EIGHT MILES FROM BOONE ? located on highway 221?140 acres. 1 six room house and bath, 1 five room house, 1 bom 26 bv 30 with water. 1 barn 30 bv 40. 12,500 feet of timber. Spar and Mica minerals, FHA Loan can be asrumed. Priced to sell. LOCATED OUTSIDE OF CITY LIMITS on Blowing Rock hii?hwav ? 9 room hou?e. full size basement bath and city water, lot 100 by 175 feat. Terms could be arranged. GOOD GOING BUSINESS ? Vary desirable location. Will sell at inventory. Owner leaving for service. DRIVE-IN SODA BAR ? Located near high school. Doing good business. Priced to cell. Terms can be arranged. ONE-HALF MILE WEST OF BOONE: 6 room house, bath, 5-room garage apartment, bath, 3 room cottage, bath, 1 acre of land. -Very desirable property for Investment TWO-APARTMENT HOUSE located on Appalachian Street, near high school and college. Priced to sell. Terms can be arranged. A good investment WOODWORKING SHOP-doing good business, located In Perkinsville, N. C. Large lot. new machinery, new block building 51 feet x 80 feet. Very desirable for any type of manufacturing plant. Priced to sell. Terms can be arranged. INVESTMENT PROPERTY: apartment building. Forced hot water heat. Conveniently located to college. Large lot A good investment A real buy. Long term loan can be arranged. EXCELLENT GOING CAFE, doing good business, Industrial trade. Good location near College. Priced to selL Can be financed. Owner selling due to bad health. GOOD 9-ROOM HOUSE? bath, basement lot 110 x 200 feet 4- room apartment located In Moreti Addition. Priced to sell SUMMITT STREET? Good six room house, bath, basement lot 50 x 150. Loan can be iutsumed. PINE STRRET? New six room houae, bath, full size base ment, hardwood floors, lot 100 ft by 140 ft Convlentty located to college. Priced to sell. GRADE A DAIRY FARM located near Deep Gap, N. C? on highway 421, 7 milei east of Boone. 7 room house, grade A dairy bam, large feeding barn, silo, 5 head of dairy cattle, all farm machinery, 2 horses, 150 acres of land. G. I. loan can be assumed. Priced $12,000. PERKINSVILLE, N. C. ? < room stone house, steam heat, bath, 3 room apartment, hardwood floors, V4 acre of < land. Priced to selL DESIRABLE LOTS for sate. Also the best In business lota. List Tour Property with Us (or ? Quick Sole 'ssnsnd far Small Bwslsiasa. Also fas only Really Company K. r. COS, Manager m-w boons, n. c. m main I 1 no harm m norma Chief ? You had yesterday off to go yow moM>?**ia-l?W? funeral, and notr I heat that ?he It not dead. , M Cleric? Pardon me. I did not tar (he wan dead. I merely Mid I would like to go tq her funeral. ? ? vwv ? ? " ffl ml CIVIL DEFcWRE ?' * ' ^ ^5^ 36 ? ? MUlnrd Caldwell, former Oov ?tncr at florid*, and now Na tional Civil Defense chief, his ?sked the state* and territories Of the nation to have their civil (Uf^niif p)tM romptitid not )at- ' tr than March lVTire auu police force* should have "Xully inte grated' their civil defense euxil ifcrtes by April 1 and recruiting of *11 dwH at civil defenae vol* UnUert should l>c in full swing by than. Church leiden feel that war ia better than Red threat. A tremendous increase in tw* planting! by' private landown ers during fiscal year 1950 brought the total acreaf# of re forested land in the tT. S. to 7, 200,000 acres, according to the Fofett Serviee of tto V. S. De partment of AfricuUvre. 11 1 ? ' 'I ' HI I nil FUEL OIL KEROSENE ?SSO PRODUCTS R. D. HODGES. JR.. WhoUulo D?k> Boom. N. C. D.y Phoo. J, Nlghl Phono M J DEMOCRAT ADS PAY! TRADE AT HO?flE? SAVt! ' i _ ? _i i - * S. - For AikEnergetie Day SERVE PINKY PIG SAUSAGE! Make this quick eaay, test! Bra^k a Dixie>Home egg into a frying pan alongside of one of tha egg* you ara now using. For pork aauaaga with that real, fraah, country fla vor, come in and pick up a package of Pinky Pig Pure Pork Sausage! Notice how the yolk of the Dixie-Home egg is higher and fuller, with ? rich, clear color ? the sign of a strictly fresh egg! Now taste them . . . yid you'll discover ? as thousands have ? that Dixie Home eggs taste better and fresher than any other eggs it any price! Fresh Shipped DIXIE-HOME GRADE "A" EGGS Only the finest pork with just the right proportion of lean and fat meat ? perfectly seasoned according to Dixie Home's exclusive, old-fash ioned recipe ? goes into Pinky Pig Pure Pork Sau age. If you like good, coun try style pork sausage, comf in today arid pick up a pack age ? you'll like it! Dixie-Homes Perfectly Seasoned PINKY PIG PURE PORK/ SAUSAGE Doz. Wake Up To Perfect Paricakee ? Plllabury'e c Pancake Mix.. T 18' Real Maple Sugar Flavor Syrup Keep Several Ctna an Hand? Sanelnena SI m. S1.!J 12-Oa, 07B Roast Beef 43c Verffl0Bt Maid ? - 27 , Rich In Flavor and Vitamin*? Llbby*s Kraft 'a New Lighter-Bodied Salad Oil . . ^ 41 c Tomato Juice . <- 28? Economical, Nutrltloua Dlxle-Home'e Vlgoroua Full-Bodled Coffee Pinto Beans Z 27c Gold Cup ? 81 c Dixie-Home's Mild Mellow Silver Cup . COFFEE ~77c wro m ureases and Drawn Tandar Young JB t Hen Turkeys * 59? pLkbg. AQC Pinky PIS Juley Plum* ??!!*&? Pa . . _tt a . . pay. Broiling Size Spanlah Frankfurters . . 57? Mackerel 23c Cudahy'a Economical Smoked P*y t0^rep*r* Dreaeed Bacon Squares . . - 33c ?.!!LT""L^ ' ' " Z8e M ??_, Margarine * 35c For6a?ttwleh or Cooking ? Savory Boston Butt ... * 55? Cheese Food . *-?- 89c Lay's Cloverleaf Smoked HAMS 57c Great Bio Tander Put Green Giant . . 20c TtUI SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY IS OU* IUU KM COUKTESY Vacuum-Packed Freeh Flavor Niblets Corn . . .? 17c Colorful Niblete Brand Mexicorn 2.? 19c Fine Flavor Tondor Nlblata Asparagus . . . Nc.r 45c Dixie Serve Vitamin Rich Greene Rogularly In Winter ? Ebberwlne Collard Greens 2~: 25 c Juat Heat and Seaaon ? Georgia Gold Flavorful Field Peas.. 2 "r 29c For Economical, Nutrltloue and Taaty Meala ? Sklnner'a Macaroni .7s 11c Buy the Economical Family Size ? Gordon's Crisp Fresh Potato Chips . . & 29 c Pictaweet Cut Frozen Freah Green Beans ^ 25 c Pictaweet Froien Freah Strawberries 43? Old South Froien Freah Orange Juice 2 6d', 35 c Birds Eye Fordhook Lima Beans 35c leedorltee and Cleani ? 20 Mule Taam Borax . . . . 'Z 13c 'or Extra Quality? Solid Pack Tuna Refreshing "Breakfast-Bracer" ? Juicy Florida Lb. Grapefruit 8 Mesh lag Medium Size Waxed Nonfat Dry Milk Bollds Cloverleaf . '? 17' Efficient Houaohold Cleanser Old Dutch 2 ?=- 25' Sweet Taaty Tender Buah'a Hominy . . . Fine Complexion Soap Sweetheart The Soap That Agrees With Your Skin ? . _ # m owcci i any i enaer Busns Rutabagas .... - 5' < Hominy . . . "L' 1 1e Golden Heart Crunchy Tender \ Fln. c?mpie?lon Soap ? Crisp Celery . ... 11c /Sweetheart 2 ?19' Add Zeat to Salada? Bright Red Tengy \ ? , _ e a a ? Ml* \ Th* So"P Th,rt With Your Skin Radishes 2-19' ) Sweetheart ? 14' ..... Sutra Large Freah Honduras Star-Kist .T 39'/ Grapes . ... 2 - 29' Cocoanuts -19' wableco Crlap FrMh I All-Purpoaa U. S. No. 1 Irlah Eaey to Peel Sweet Juicy Florida Tempi# I High Quality Baby Food Ritz Crackers ?32'} Potatoes . . 19 ?- 37' Oranges , ... 3 - 29' (Berber's 3 - 29' Dixie-Home's Everyday Low Prices Mean - Yju Can Shop Any Day And Save Anyway! 0 i-or i nai ivory look IVORY SOAP IMilHlir "J QC Pure Mild IVORY SOAP 2 s? 33c Fine Shortening For Baking or Frying BAKE-RITE J-U Cm .03 Outdoes Them All ouz i- ^ 32? It's Digestible! CRISCO J-U.G. $^.07 For Lovelier Skin IVORY SOAP 3 ste? ui 20c Health Soap LIFEBUOY 2 *?e 19C Get* Skin Cleaner LIFEBUOY Miltehr 14^ Contains Solium RINSO 32? Hollywood's Favorite f'K0 ffr : ' * LUX 2 ***???? j gc For Tub or 8howe< LUX 14*