CHURCHAIHOUHCEMEHTS Mar >? iMr Last Week of Oar Lord's rnUy ?:4ft? Young and social hour. 7 Je ? Youth Fellowship (lines fun, Fellowship Hall. ?:4ft? -Church School. I 1 1 DO ? Morning worship. 1 ? JO? Youth Fellowship Weunesder M?r M ?:4ft? Adult Choir. 7:4# ? Junior Choir, i 7:4ft? Pray rr meeting. 8t\fdy: fThe Crucifixion and Resurrec tion of Our Lord." in color slide*. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1. K. Parkar. Jr. Pastor. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening visit and devotions from 8:00 to 0:00 p. m. tn the home o( Mrs E. M. Lut trell. f i 'ADVERT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. S. E. Gragg will hold the 'morning service at 11:00 o'clock at Advent Christian Church. Rev. Mr. Ranaom will be away. ' . ' ORACE LUTHERAN CHURCH "(The Church of the Open-Door) Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Goal 100. Dr. Herbert Wey As ulslent Supt. Worship at 11:00 a. m. Sermon Topic: The Power of the Scrip tures. Luther League at 8:30 p. m. under the leadership of Mrs. W. J. Kelaey. Topic- "Some Leading Bible Characters." . Come and worship. LUTHERAN SERVICES The Rev. C. Ro?s Rictchie, superintendent of Kotinarock Training School, and superinten dent of mountain minion work, * will preach at Old Mfrnnt Pleai _ant Church Sunday, May 37, at ? 11 a. m. and at Holy Trinity at Deep Gap at 3 p. m. ? THE METHODIST CHURCH WATAUGA CHARGE Ralph Milter, patter Mabel Sunday May 27 .10:00 a. m. Worship Service; 11:00 a. m. Church School: 7:00 p. m. Sun day Evening Fellowship Htnson'i Chapel Wednesday 7:00 p. m. prayer meeting: Mark IS Saturday May 26 2:00 p. m. WSCS visitation ? Valle CrucU at Henson's Chapel. Miss Una Edwards of Cllffside, guest speaker.: 2:30 p. m. Boy Scout's meet to go swimming Sunday May 27 10:00 a. m. Church School. -U:00-?. Wor ship service; 7:00 p. m. MYF Monday 7:00 p. m. Boy Scout's Pinay Grove Sunday May 27 2:00 p. m. Church School: 3:00 p. m. Wor ship service Valla CrucU Sunday May 27 10:00 a. m. Church School Liberty Sunday May 27 10:00 a. m. Church School BAPTIST CHURCH NEWS When 43 junior girls said "goodby" Saturday afternoon, the Asaociational camps for mem bers of girl auxiliaries and Roy al Ambasaodori came to a close. But the of them will live on in the lives of every girl and boy who was fortunate enough to attend as well as in (he Uvea of every counselor and worker who came with them. We can't be thankful enough to Mr. and Mrs. Odes Wilson for open iitc MP their, home to us for four wonderful week-end* "Mar the Lord bias* them" is the prayer of the W boyj and *irl? who were pneaent for thi* time of Bible ?tady, fellowship and fun. Vacation Bible School time ha* come again. Already en couraging report* have come in from three which were held the work of May 13th at Antioch, Willow Valley and Middle Pork. Other* will be held <*ch week during f>e coming month* August IS to II is a time that i* being lor lied forward to by the pa* tori and leader* in the churche*. These are the date* when there will be in our <-hurche* 15 missionaries and workers, representing our State. Home and Foreign M I ? * i o n Board*, who will bring to our people the need* and opportunl tie* of these field* of work. Don't you want them in your church? The Baptiit Paator* Confer ence will meet in Boone Baptiit Church Monday morning May Mth at 10 JO a m. Rev. Dwight Edmisten will bring the menage. The Baptist hour Sunday May 27th will be sponsored by Prof fitt's Grove Church. Tbe pastor, Rev Noah Johmon will bring the menage. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Dr. W. O. Bond. Pas let Sunday School 0:49 a. m. Morning Worship 10:53 a. m. Baptist Training Union 0:30 p. m. Evening Worship 7:30 p. m. Vacation Bible School start* Monday May 28th at 0:00 a. m. Mr* W. G. Bond will be princi pal. Mri Ray Lawrence will be in charge of the Intermediate* Mi** Martha Quails will be in charge of the Junior*. Mri. Pal mer Blair will have charge of the Primaries. Mrs. T. K. Peaae will have charge of the Beginners. Mri. Jamei Marsh will have charge of the Nursery. Pirst Baptist Church will be honored Sundny by the presence of an outstanding layman from Orlando, Florida. Mr. Spurgcon Gage. He will teach the men's class for Sunday School and speak at the evening worship service. A men's chorus will have special music for the ser vice. Service will be over by 10:99 a. m. Sunday morning. VET. NOW II. REJOINS Fort Denver. Mass. ? James J. Avi#, of Hartford, Conft., bor rowed his brother's birth certifi cate and, in IMS, although just 15, enlisted in the Army. His true age was not discovered un til he was wounded in Korea and flown back to the States. He was discharged last January. On April 10, however, he became 18 and immediately reenlisted. TOUCH LUCK .. Amtars wuLhsiug. nhaajo o t a girl taking off her clothe# at the edge of a river, before plunging into the water. In front of her ran a railway line, and just as the girl waa remov ing her laat garment a train came along, obscuring the view. When the train had paaaed, the girl whi awimming vigorous ly. At thia point a man mutter ed, "Damn." "I beg your pardon," said his neighbor, "did you say some thing?" said the other, "I've been to see this picture five times this week, and that darn ed train's on time every night." How to feed and manage beef cattle for greatest returns is the subject of a new folder recently issued by the State College Ex tension Service. The title is ."Profits with a Cow-and-Calf Program." Copies arc available free from the local farm agent. ATTENTION! FARMERS! Watauga and Adjoining Counties Shuttles are used in the weaving of various fabrics for our army ? such as parachutes, mosquito netting, blankets and uniforms, | Pete. These shuttles are manufactured from dogwood timber. , ? It is of vital importance to our National defense effort that we obtain this timber. For farther information specifications, Coatee* Mr. R. D. Hodges at Greene's Service Station at Perkinaville, N. C. EAST OF BOONE, ON WfiHWAY 421 " 1 1,1 Graduation Day1 It's an exciting moment not soon to be forgotten ? the strange feel of the cap and gown, the presence of family and friends with eyes on you, and finally, the receipt of the diploma and the hand shakes. Excitement, yes, a great deal ofit, but there is mixed with it a sort of melancholy for the graduate. He knows that a happy era < has just ended, and there is uncertainty ahead in the life that he / has not yet tried. But there are fewer doubts, fewer misgivings in the mind of a young person if he has had proper religious training. If he can enter mL his career equipped with strong moral and religious convictions, the road ahead will much more likely lead to success and happiness. This offers a challenge to every parent and patriotic citizen. For every child should have the opportunity to acquire the spiritual stamina so needed to meet the responsibilities of life. Let's make ? every child in the community a "child of the Church," and thus a better citizen. THE CHURCH FOR ALL . . . ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the building of character and good citizenship It is a storehouse of spiritual values. Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization can survive. There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services reaularly and support the Church.. They are: (1) For his own sake. (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation. (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and material support. Plan to go to chufch regu larly and read your Bible daily. Chapter Verses 5 13-16 ? l-o S Ml 12 14 119 97*104 20 1-17 4 1-9 Sunday . Monday . Tuesday W.dn..d.y Thursday. Friday Saturday. .[ Book Matthew '?afah Luke Jjfcdesiaetes PhIsii Exodus Proverbs W**. S Will i Mwi? ?.???. w*. v. This Series of Ads Is Being Published Weekly in the Watauga Democrat by the Following Patriotic Business Establishments: WATAUGA HARDWARE, INC. Philco, Maytag Appliances Building Materials, Myers Pumps COE INSURANCE AGENCY All Line* Insurance Dependable Real Estate Service NORTHWESTERN BANK FARMERS HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. Everything in Hardware and Associated Lines FARE'S DEPARTMENT STORE The Home of Jarman Shoes Complete Outfitters for the Family DObNE TIRE Mi BARGAIN STORE Furniture, Prigidaire Appliances Speed Queen Washers, Youngstown Cabinets SMITHEY'S STORE Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes. Groceries Modern Cafe in Connection GOODNIGHT BROTHERS Wholesale Fruits, fcfgs, and Vegetable! Daniel Boone Potatoes HUNTS DEPARTMENT STORE Clothing and Shoes for , ? Every Member of the Family TODD'S ESSO STATION Joe Todd, Owner t In the Healt of Boone' VANCE RECAPPING CO. North Depot Street Expert Recapping Service BARNETT MOTOR COMPANY Pontiac Automobiles East King Near Blowing Rock Road ? - NEW RIVER LIGHT AND POWER CO. COLVARD CHEVROLET CO., INC. Service, Body Shop, Parts. Accessories North Depot Street ' I WATAUGA BUILDING & LOAN ASSN. m Opposite Postoffice , Boone, N. C. ?MURRAY'S ESSO SERV1CENTER Your Happy Motoring Store Blowing Rock Road at Howard Si WINKLER MOTOR COMPANY FcW Sales and Service South Depot Street CRAVEN FURNITURE CO. Complete Home Furnishers Electrical Appliances , FASHION SHOP Woodrow Greene, Owner Ladies' and Misses' Apparel CAROLINA PHARMACY ? A Complete Drug Service Prescriptions a Specialty WALKER'S JEWELRY STORE Boon*'* Pioneer Jewelers ? , Opposite Postoffice BOONE FLOWER SHOP Flowers For All Occasions Phones: Day 2 14- J ? Night 321-W J.