activity marked the ot Independent# Day Blowing Rock. Btffbinb ? but. ball gam* at 10:00 a^l ? day's festivities alto tea- 1 a pat show and a gym. whkfa included horseman vents for the children. Intermittent rainfall failed to hundred* of visitors, and sightseers aa traffic ilwg thf PU><* Ridge Harkway. J, fl Accommodations in the var {Bus hotels, inns, and tourist Amps In and around the town] ntcame scare as the annu ?throng of vacation-bound folks tOntinued to pour in. * , The program speeches of the day ended at IM p. m. aa crowds ^therad in the town park to take part in an old-fashioned ^mm unity sing. ? , The day's events culminated M a street dance as it does lt*ery year, with the added at traction of colorful Japanese ttntems and red, white and blue iireamers. The program for the 175th an niversary of the Declaration of Independence was planned and ?kecuted by the people of the town, showing a real interest and pride in their community. Mechant* AMociation To Hold Meeting Raleigh ? Frank L McCabe of Burlington, itecond vice presi dent of the N. C. Merchant! As Hociation and chairman of ita convention committee, report* that the 50th annual meeting of the merchant* organization will be held at the Sir Walter Hotel in Raleigh on Monday and Tues day, May 19-20, 1952. Holding their annual conven tion with the merchants will be the N. C. Association of Credit Women's Breakfast Clubs. Mrs. Mary James of Reidsville is president of this organization. ? W. S. Wolfe of Mt. Airy, new ly elected president of the N. C. Merchants Association, has nam ed the following to assist Chair man McCabe with plans for the convention: Oeorge W. Dowdy and W. W. Kale, Charlotte; Clyde R. Greene, Boone; Gra ham Lynch, Roanoke Rapids; Harry B. Stein, Fayettevllle; George Gold, Whiteville; Law rence Cooper, Clayton; and B. W. Haigh, Raleigh. ? - TRAFFIC TOLL This year's traffic fatility rate threatens to produce the highest death toll in ten years, accord ing to the National Safety Coun cil, which points out that if the present pace continues, 37,000 persons will lose their lives In 1951 traffic crashes. Up to June L the total was 134140 ? up 6 5r cent over the same period of SO. The annual State Tamworth swine sale will be held at Lexing ton on October 26. Ut r?lly j Hpptd 9 ptt+Klku with Ut hv MkOriM Tor high-apctd logging, ih a McCuUoch. Light weight, power, and easy handling arc the feature* that pay of if jm want to ?h raal ?oiwr cutting wood? whether it* I cordwood, ?oca, pulp, or big timber. TWi why it payt to buy a McColloch, the light weight Mr with tb# heary-weight feature*. Com* On t? Within the next few day*. Mop by our etore for a real detnoaatntioa of wood cutting. Or girt ut a call aid we'll try to arrange a show for you at your place. Tbere't bo obligation. We want y?u to m* what a McCulloch can do. rvg-tt mmmi . 'Hvw tm f WANT ADS WATAUGA DEMOCRAT WANT ADVERTISING RATE ? a com A WORD? JOc MINIMUM chaboe Cash Must Accompany All Orders. BEAN DUST? Botox 79 if sure death for Bean Beetle*. Save money at the Watauga Farmer* Coop, Rotox 78 coat only $10.00 per hundred pound*. Watauga Farmer* Coop. lc LOST ? Wwtc'ox wrUt watch, black leather band, no cry flat. Lost Saturday In front of dime (tore. If found return to Jimmy Byrd, Vila*. lp FOR SALE? One 1949 Studc baker Champion S pa**enger coupe, fully equlpted, radio and heater, good condition and tire*. See me at home after 3 p. m. Rev. S. S. Graybeal Cre*ton, N. C. 7-3-4p WANTED? A married man, age 29 to 48 with *ale* ability for a permanent, good-paying por tion. Must be able to manage his time without close supervision, also must have a car. In reply give references and past selling experiences. Write P. O. Box 328, Asheville, N. C. 7-5-3p FOR SALE ? 88 acre farm, *even room house with basement and outbuildings. 1 acre tobacco allotment. Immediate posseulon. J. E. Brookahire, Shulls Mills, N. C. 7-5-2p WANTED ? Names and addresses of former member* of Churches of Christ, "Christians," in or near Boone. Contact U. B. Miller at tent near court house or Box 103, Boone. 7-5-4p GALAX WANTED We will be buying galax as soon as you can gather them, and they should be ready for gathering the last week in June. These will be fresh and tender and must be handled carefully or they will bruise and ruin and be unusable. We suggest you bunch them as you gather them and pack them in boxes. We are also buying Mayapple and about 300 other different items. See us before selling. WILCOX DRUG COM PANY, BOONE, NORTH CARO LINA. 6-21-4c NOTICE ? I have sold my inter est in Fluorescent Sign Company to OU H. Phillips on June IS and I will not be responsible for debts incurred before or after the sale. I will continue the sign business. Call 206-J. Bill Klutz. 6-21-4C FOR SALE? Turner Hay Balei, 16"* 18", with Wisconsin 7 h.p. engine, blocks and wire. Will trade for good baled hay, live stock, or anything of equal va lue. Good condition. Ready to run. James B. Mast, Sherwood, N. C. 7-12-2p SALE ? High quality storm wln dowr ? rock wool insulation (blown) weatherstripping. \ All metal screens. Permanent awn ings, calking. All work expertly done, fully guaranteed to your satisfaction. Reasonable priced. Terms if desired. Home Service Co., Boone, N. C., Box 403, Phone 403. 7-12-tfc i FOR SALE? Five "PR" bred American brown and tan coon hound pups, nine weeks old. Cheap. One 8 MM repeating rifle in excellent condition. Richard Greer, Todd, N. C. 7-3-2p WANTED ? Assistant Herdsman ? Purebred Hereford breeder wants assistant herdsman for herd of forty brood cows and thirty head young cattle. House, garden, milk and other accom modations furnished with liber al salary. Contact John F. Long, Rt 1, Statesville or R. F. Shep herd, County Agents Office, Statesville, N. C. 6-28-3c WE HAVE ON HAND At all timet day-old and started fam ous Holly Mountain Chicks. Winkler's Feed Service, 114 North Depot Street. 4-M-tfc CHIROPRACTOR? Dr. Charles B. Rollins, 430ft W. Main St., above Edmisten Furniture Co. Hours 9-12; 1:30-0:30; Thursdays 0 to 11 11-9-tfc SHEETROCK1NG and taping contractors. All work guaran teed. Yates and Storie, Phone 31, Banner Elk, N. C. 5-31-8p FOR SALE ? Doors and windows, metal roofing, and other building* material. Cove Creek Store, Su gar Grove, N. C. 5-31-8p FOR SALE? 80 acre farm, grazing land, woven wire fence. Located on Fork Ridge. D. Archie Coffey, Lenoir, N. C. 4-30-tfc DR. L. E. WELLMAN, Optomet rist, will be in his office at Moun tain City, Tenn, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. Eyes exam ined. glasses fitted. l-#-tlc FOB SALE? People* Cafe, well itoctod. Looted on Main Street in Boone, N. C. lp FOR SALE? Hied REFRIGERA TORS $40.00 each. Uied Wash ing Machine* $20.00 each. WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE 1c SAVE FUEL WITH CHAMBER LIN '.vfeatheritripplng, calking and storm windows. Also metal' screens and porch enclosure*. Call collect or write Lawrence Lane, Phone 209-W, Morganton, N. C. 6-14-tfc FOR SALE? Used Easy Spindlier Washing Machine. Excellent con dition. Reasonable. Call 23-W, Mrs. Roy R. Blanton, Boone. 1c CABBAGE DUST ? 5% DDT Cabbage Dust cost only $8.00 per hundred pounds at the Wa tauga Farmers Co-op, Boone, N. C. Ic PRESSURE COOKERS ? Save money at the Watauga Farmers Coop. 16-qt. cooker, only $17.00. 4-qt. cooker, only $10.75. Watau ga Farmers Coop. lc 8-ROOM HOUSE ? 6 miles out of Boone. Lights, water and bath, with or without cow pasture. See Bill Burkett at Burkett's Cafe, Sugar Grove, N. C. 7-12-3p LOST ? On curb at Boone Meth odist Church, large suit case, off white color, containing clothing. Reward for information leading to recovery. Finder notify Demo crat office or call 106- J. lp FOR SALE ? Jersey cow. Fresh. Six years old. Heavy milker. Condittbns perfect. Ralph Flet cher, Mabel, N. C. lp NOTICE? We have leased our Deep Gap Service Station to Johnny Greene, and are not re sponsible for any indebtedness incurred by the new ownership. A. A. Greene, Deep Gap, N. C. 7-12-3p FOR SALE ? Beagle male pup, 8 months old. See Roscoe Perry, Zionville, N. C. lp FOR SALE ? 5 dozen quarts this year's sweet cherries, black and red. See Mrs. Oscar Hayes, R.F. D. 2, Box 70, Boone, N. C. lp FOR REftT ? 3-room apartment, heat and water furnished. Call 58-M. lp FOR SALE ? 1 good used power unit, about 70 h. p., priced cheap. Barr Lumber Company, West Jefferson, N. C. 3-12-2p NOTICE ? We have leased our Deep Gap Service Station to Johnny Greene and are not responsible for any indebtedness incurred by the new ownership. A A. Greene. 7-ll-2p THIS IS A Peace- of- Mind MACHINE A modern X-ray unit such as this anc can bring you priceless peace of mind. It can bring you the comfort and security of knowing that you are not a victim of tuberculoids. Or? if you are one of those who do have TP without knowing it? a cheat X-ray will detect it promptly. Either way, you'll have the precious peace of mind that comes from know in i; the truth. Why not act now? Remember? when TB is detected in. its early stages, the cure is com paratively easy. The longer it goes un detected, the greater the damage? and the longer and costlier the cure. Know the truth. Protect yourself and your family. Invest a few minutes in this kind of peace of mind by getting * chest X-ray today. ' [l Cieckyour Cits,. . . Get an X-RslY today! V Local X-R.y Survey July 7 through Auguit 8 SPACl FO* THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS CONTWMJTCO AS A PUM.IC SBtVICE IT FARMERS HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. Shower For Hospital 14th The Blowing Rock Hospital, founded to help the destitute and operating with virtually no outside help, is holding it* an nual hospital shower July 14. Mrs. Wade Klutz, secretary of the hospital auxiliary has an nounced that the shower will be at the Martin Cottage on Main Street from 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. Several items of equipment and supplies are urgently need ed by this institution which takes care of a great number of charity cases. These need not be new if they are in good condition. Cash contributions will be welcomed as well for the purchase of ur gently needed supplies which are not donated. The hospital was made pos sible by the generosity of Blow ing Rock natives, summer resi dents and friends who contribut ed funds for the erection of the building itself. In the past three years under the. direction of Dr. Charles Davant, Jr. and managed by Mrs. Carrie Johnson the institution has developed its capacities and widened its services to a great extent An excellent nursing staff is employed. The most modem medical' equipment has been purchased. Now when funds are not available for supplier and equipment, the auxiliary is is suing an appeal for donations to all residents of Blowing Rock and the county. The following items are badly needed by the hospital: Water pitchers and trays, Huck hand towels, salad bowls for kitchen, pi How ticking for 6 pillows, side railing for bed, bedside table lamps, bedside foot stools, small step ladder, baby blankets, bed jackets, tray covers WANTED ? Anyone having a boundary of hay for sale contact Harvey Trivette, Zionville, N. C. 7-12-2p ?food. 24" * W table cloths. , small bad tide table, sheets, pil low caaes. bad spreads, (own*, robes, pajamas, flash lights, bed packets, bath towels and wash cloths, Kleenex (or similar), In dian head cloth for table cloths, books for hospital library, and bath mats. ? No acreage allotments or mar keting quotas will be in effect on 195 J -crop wheat, the Secre tary of Agriculture has announc ed. RADIATOR SERVICE Genera] Automobile Repairing, Welding, Expertly Done by Competent Workme# Dale K. F. Motor Co. 2M Howard Street H. GRADY FAB THING, President STANLEY A. HARRIS, Sec. Treas. , WATT H. GRAGG Home Realty Co. Real Estate ? Property Management ? * Rentals Main Floor Rear Watauga Building & Loan Building TELEPHONE 200 BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH BOONE ? S room framed dwelling, good condition, 4 acres grass land. BLOWING ROCK ? Near Collins Store, 15 acres land facing Yonahlossee High way. A nice small farm ? $1500. OAK GROVE ? One acre lot facing highway on two sides ? $1800. NEAR BUS STATION ? 7 room block stucco- dwelling, V4 acre lot ? $4000. MIDDLE FORK ? 5 room dwelling well furnished and 13 acres land located on trout stream. Worth the money. PINE RUN ROAD ? 90 acre farm, 80 acres in grass and crops. Good horse and all farming tools and equipment. All going at sacrifice price. PERKINSVILLE ? 8 room dwelling and good lot. Water and bath. Cheap. BRISTOL ROAD ? 6 room dwelling and 4 acres land ? 288 feet on highway, good value ? $4500. ? EAST BOONE? city limits ? 8 vacant lots well located, good frontage on road ? $900. GREEN HEIGHTS ? 6 room asbestos shingle dwelling, heat, bath. A new and well finished dwelling ? $6000. GREENE HEIGHTS ? 7 room brick veneer dwelling, bath, basement and 4 acres good scenic building lots ? $10,000. NEAR BLOWING ROCK ? 4 room cabin, one acre lot on highway ? $1250. CREST STREET ? 5 room dwelling, bath, basement. Good lot ? $4750. CAROLINA AVE. ? 4 room dwelling, toilet, nice lot and garden ? $3900. HOWARD STREET ? 11 room apartment located on one of the best lots in town. Make us an offer. OAK STREET ? One acre vacant lot facing Oak Street ? $800. WEST BOONE ? 3 room cottage. Nice lot on highway ? $4,000. NEW RIVER ? 5 room dwelling. Water in house. 5 acres river bottom land, very fertile? $4500. RAY HILL? -8 room dwelling, rock veneer, front lot ? 75x100. QUEEN STREET ? 7 room dwelling, bath. Nice lot ? $7000. MEAT CAMP ? Beautiful country home. Brick, basement, bath, 100 acres fertile grass land on highway. Come in. ' JSKAT CAMP? 60 acres grazing land, fairly level ? $3500. 8 ACRES LAND ? Laurel Fork, with 4 rooih house. 500 feet frontage on Laurel Fork Road. $2,000. , ? WE CHARGE ONLY 5% FOR SELLING PROPERTY that's Quick on its feet ! YOU want a truck that has plenty ol heft for the pay load ? but the right kind of power is the clincher. That's why so many truckers turn to GMC for swift performers that can pack home the pay load. For in these broad-shouldered carriers chassis and engine are yoked together to form a perfect team for hauling, a team that's built for keeps! The result is a great line of trucks ? from nimble /i ? to 2-tonners with horsepower unsurpassed in their class, up to brawny Diesels with two-cycle efficiency that has made them first in sales in the nation. That's why? whether your cargo is compact or bulky, liquid or solic^ grain or cement? if you load it on a GMC, you deliver it faster at less cost per mile! As your GMC dealer, we can give you the long-time benefits of the right combination of axle, engine, transmission and frame for the loads you have to work ? skilfully engineered by the world's largest exclusive manufacturer of commercial vehicles. Get a tea/ tmck ! Watauga Sales and Service "? KIKO STREET 3 ??OWE, *. C You'll do botff on o vied truck with yovr CMC dwtor

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