BOONE 1M0 POPULATION 1X11 The educational center of Waetem North Caraluu. Horn* at Appalachian State Teacher* CoUeae. which attraota hundreds of student* annually from all parte of the nation. Modem busl ~?ee district. A good place to live. WATAUGA DEMOCRAT An Independent Weekly Newspaper ? Established in the Year 1 888 WATAUGA COUNTY 1M0 POPULATION 11.341 Uwllni agricultural and touriat area Uveatock. da try in# and truck farming ra mount importance. Blue Ridga traverses county, and touch#* Rock, one of the principal resorts of Eastern America. VOL. LXTV ? NO. 25. BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1*51. FIVE CENTS PER COPY KING STREET BY ROB RIVERS AND IT CAME TO PASS la M>om days, that there went out a dtcTH from Caeaar Augustus, thai all tha world should ba taxed. (And this taxing wa< first mad* whan Cyr*nius was gov arnor of Syria.) And all want to ba taxad. ov ary on* into his own city. And Josaph also want up from Galili? . out of tha city of Nasaraih. into Judaa. unto" tha city of David, which is called, B*thl*ham; (bacausa ha was of tha housa and lineage of David:) To ba taxad with Mary, his espoused wifa. baing graat with child. And. so it was. that whlla thay wara thara, tha days war* accomplishad that sha should ba delivered. And sha brought forth bar first born son. and wrappad him in swaddling clothas. and laid him in a mang*r; bacausa thara was no room for tham in tha inn. And thara w*r* in th* sama country sh?ph*rds abiding in tha field. kaaping watch orer thair flocks by night. And. lo. tha Ang*l of tha Lord came upon tham. and tha glory of tha Lord shona round about tham: and thay wara son afraid. And th*. angel said unto tham, Faar not: for. behold. I bring you good tidings of groat joy, which shall ba to all peo ple. For unto you is born this day in the city of Dirld, a Saviour, .which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you: Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multiiure of the heavenly host praising God. and saying. Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men. ? From the Gospel according to SL Luke. * ? ? THE DEMOCRAT down through the years has always re printed St. Luke's account of the birth of the Christ child . . . The priceless literature of an age long gone . . . The story which brought hope, and joy, and the beginning of a new concept of human behavior to the peoples of the world, with the promise of salvation for all . . . And Christ mas came about, and the giving of gifts, and the gay decorations, and the feasting and the festivi ties of the holy days . . . and Santa Claus, patron saint of childhood, and the embodiment of the kindliness and the genero sities which should characterize the followers of the Nazarene ... to whom all sorts of requests are directed by the youth of the land, and whose bottomless pack has spilled out goodies and stuff to* the boys and girls all down through the years . . . We never gave up Santa Claus easily . . . Fact is, we still stick by the old gent with the whiskers, and the round tummy and the reindeers and the sleigh, and often think of the crujle little penciled notes we would write at this time of the year to Saint Nick, the bene ficent . . . And thinking, we set ourselves to scrawling again: "DEAR SANTA CLAUS: We hin grown a heap tine* we uMd to partake of your candies and nuts, and fig* and raiains. and i eys . . . Wa are grateful for the many thing* you brought u*. and have long aince quit wanting the shaff you couldn't bring, but at thia time ef the year wa always think of you. and wonder bow you're getting along, and cant forage writing you another little mes sage. (Continued on page tour) Volume Christmas Mail Breaks All Records At City Postoffice 140,000 Cards Are Mailed; 15 Extra Clerks Being Used The volume of Christmas mail handled by the local postoffice this holiday season will probably break all previous records, ac cording to Postmaster J. Edgar Brown. As early as last Saturday post age sales had swelled to a mark that already surpassed last year's receipts, with ten days left to make the total even larger. Mr. Brown estimates that half a million pieces of mail will be handled by the postoffice this week alone, averaging 2 to 3 tons a day with the peak not yet here. This estimate includes the 140,000 cards which have already been sent. Fifteen extra clerks are being kept busy by the unprecedented flow of Christmas parcels and letters, and according to Mr. Brown, several more could be profitably used if it were not for the crowded quarters. In order to better serve the people of Boone, the postoffice will \>e open Saturday afternoon, December 22, and from 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. on Sunday, December 23. There is alao a possibility that a Suaday delivery will ba ?!ai