Seek To Regulate FederTil Levies New York. ? There'* a growing poaaibility that a conatitutionaJ convention will be failed to limit Use* the federal gevinoient m ay collect in peacetime. Twenty six legislatures have HiM peaolutiona favoring amendment of the federal us law. Six later voted to rescind the resolution, At a question baa been raised whither they ?aa be withdrawn. If not, the action of only six more legislatures la needed for the two-thirds requir ed tor Congress to call a conven tion.. The Constitution has never been amended in this fashion, all chances having been initiated by Congress. The amendment most generally proposed calls for repealing the l#th amendment ? passed ' in ltll and giving Congress the power to Ux income* ? and sub-1 ?tituting one putting a U per cent ceiling on Use* on incomes, gifta and inheriUnces. But some resolutions have tak en another form and aeek to force the federal government to return some of IU Ux money to the sUtea. The limiUtions would not be in effect during wartime. Resolutions were passed by seven sUto legislatures in 1981. Seven more that had not acted are meeting in 1M2. Oeorgia last month became the 26th state to press for Ux re form. Another resolution was ap proved by the Virginia House t>f Delegates on February 8, but still needs Senate passage. The Ux amendment Is being sought through Article 5 of the Constitution, which provides that Congreat "on application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the sUtes, shall call a convention for proposing amendment*." Amendment* thu* proposed would require, ratification by 30 of the sUte*. The campaign to change the Ux law began back in 1030 with a resolution adopUd by' the Wy oming legislature. Queen Elizabeth Vital Statistics . ? London? The new Queen: Full name? Elizabeth Alexan dra Mary. Title ? Elizabeth, by the Gra?e of Ood, of Oreat Britain, Ireland and the Britiih dominlona, Be yond the Seat, Queen, Defender of the Faith. Born? April 21, 1S2S, at 17 Bruton Street London. Married ? November 20, 1M7, to Lt. Phillip Mountbatten, for merly Prince Philip of Greece who was created Duke of Edin burgh, Earl of Merioneth and Baron Greenwich on the aame day. Offspring ? Prince Charlei Philip ArtMfc George. Bori# Nov. 14, IMS; Princess Anne Eliza beth Alice Louise, born August 15, 1990. First British queen since Vic toria. Third queen since the start of the 18th Century. Angola, a new blueberry re cently released by the North Carolina Experiment Station, ripens earlier than any commer cial 'variety now grown. Hifh Honors fpr 4 No. Carolina 44fors . fflOH HONORS har. Wwa hmM 4H'*r* t- ha*w? Om Wet " rrcorda in lha 1H1 National 4-H Drtu Kavua, ha completed 68 projecta. Glendora's. total of 2,106 quart* of food which ?ha canned alone and 2,421 quart! canned with a (alliance, i? an anvikble one. Alonit with har hometnaklnr project! which include gardening, clothing and food preparation ahe excels In ?dairy and. baby beef projeeta. Laat year ahe and her brother won in Dairy Production Demonstration during State 4-H Club Week. Olendora aenraa a? Junior Leader and president of her local dab. Kerr Glaat fur nisnoo lunas lor unwi > irf la Chicago. IbiUr methods of doing e*ery dajr ho/neinakiog skills proved to bo ? challenge to Martha Caahion. IB, of Cornelius. Her solectiesi mj ?to to winner in too ( II Girls' Record program (turn tbat thin versatile young miss u a 8rit 1 1 1 cn ?re cunaucieu unuer inc aireciion 01 in? c*xwn (Ion Service of the 8t?te Agricultural College and USDA cooperating Students Start* Essay Contest ilaleigh. ? Rural high school students in the Carolina* have begun working on their entries for the 1992 Cooperative Essay Contest Any girl or boy attending a rura^hU^i school and not over zl^Hflo? age is eligible to sub mit entries. The subject for this year's contest is "Research ? the Answer to Farm Problems." Grand prize winner will get a one-year tuition scholarship to North Carolina State College, Clemson College, or an equiva lent institution in North or South Carolina. The winner also will get 1100 cash. The contest is sponsored by the Farmers Cooperative Exchange, the North Carolina Cotton Grow ers Cooperative Association, and the Carolina Co-Operator Pub lishing Company. Second prize is' ISO and third prize is $25. There are numerous other prizes on local levels. Each school winner gets an engraved medal, each county winner $10. There are three district prizes, $23, $19, and $10. North Carolina is divided into four dfk'icts. South Carolina composes the fifth district. Dis trict winners will compete for rthe grand prize. The contest, one of the oldest of iU kind in the Carolina*, was begun in 1028 by M. G. Mann, general manager of the PCX. Director of this year's contest it Robert A. Ponton. More than 10,000 students are expected to participate this year, Ponton said. Essays must not contain more than 2,000 word* and should- be written only on one tide of Ihe paper. They may be typewMfrn. Finals will be held at North Carolina State College after the district eliminations. ? FARM PRODUCTS Farm products pricet dipped 1.6 per cent between mid-Decem ber and mid-January, ending a three-month advance according to the Agriculture Department. Declines In pricet of eggs, tur keys, cotton, cottonseed, most meat animals and citrus fruits cauted the down turn. SAVES OWN CHILD Seattle, Wash. ? Called from a shower to give aid to a 22-month old girl, who had been pulled un conscious from a fish pond, Dr. Louts Salazar, Alaska physician who was visiting here, went to work on the limp body. He ap plied artificial respiration des perately and was rewarded by a cry. The child, who was revived, was hit own daughter, Mary Mar garet. H. GRADY FARTHING, President STANLEY A HARRIS, S?. Treas. % ATT H. GRAGG Home Realty Co. Real Estate ? Property Management ? Rentals Main Floor Rear Watauga Building A Loan Building TELEPHONE 200 BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA 1 ? Two acres of land on Highways 321 and 221, 'all level and In high state of cul tivation: 6-room house, Bath, grade A dairy barn, brooder house, garage and barn, in fine condition in every way. Priced to sell. ( 2 ? 7 -room stone and frame house, one block from college. Three bedrooms, two baths, two kitchens, living room, dining room, large basement. Paved street. |S, 000.00. terms. * 3 ? Rock veneer ft- room house, just outside city limits, west of Boone on Highway 421. Lot 100x150. garage, two baths, four bedrooms. Stoker steam heat. Ex cellent mountain view. New steel furnace. Five large closets. Fireplace. Two car garage. Private watar system. All for $11,000 on easy terms. ? tim " 4 ? 76-aere farm, with dwelling, barn, 9-10 tobacco base, all for 23,000. 5 ? 7 -room new dwelling; three bedrooms; concealed steam heat; lot 100x178. on Woodland Drive. Modern in every way. ? ? B-room frame dwelling; 4 acres good land; orchard; barn, woodhouse and ga rage, near Zeb Farthing's. $0,000. 7 ? 8-room dwelling; 8 acres good land, near L. Greer at Kionville. A bargain at 2?,800. 8 ? Perklnsville ? Just off Highway 421, 7 -room rock house, with steam heat; two baths; basement apartment; large lot; beautiful shrnbbery. $10,500. Easy terms. ft? liarce lot 80 x 120, three four-room apartments; modem in every way. Close to. $14,000. ? 10 ? 4-room house, bath; wired for electric stove: closet space; level lot 80x150, located near Karl Cooke's In last Boone. *4*00.00. 11? 7 -room frame dwelling, barn, woodshed. About 78 acres rolling land. M acres cut over woodland. Good trout stream. V? mile road frontage. Graveled read. 4 miles east of Boone. $10,800. Easy terms. It is impossible to list all the properties we have for sale to thl? ad. If you don't see what you want, contact us, and we will try to locate it We have a num ber of fine vacant lots. ^*" ? - ^ ? ? ? ? Aureomycin Beneficial In Dairy Calves' Diet One of the antibiotic drugs which tit known to be highly ri fective u ? growth atimulant in pigs an d poultry, is proving Just as valuabU%i the f<w that you're in command. And? out on the straightaway? we believe that a part of the joy you ge^from owning ? Buick is the sensation of having something alive and eagerly willing beneath your hands. So we're glad to announoe that Buick engineers didn't spoil this thrill. They've kept the fun of driving, and simply eased the eftort. When you're rolling along smooth and straight, it takes almost no eftort to keep any Buick on course. It almost steers itself, as every Buick owner knows. But? when you want to grt away from ? curb ?back into ? parking spot? make a turn? Buick'i Power Steering come* into action, saves four-fifths oi the eftort required with ordinary steering. Power Steering doet the extra work. ? And? in case you wonder what happen* if Power Steering get* out of kilter, the answer is in thing. Your Buick steers juit as it always ha*. That'%why we've been aaying, "Thh is Power Stcerin^a* it ought to be." Come in. Try it out. We think youH agree. 1'Oiirlii, trim mmd mmd*U mm ? rtiopi wltktni wMtm. $trtk1rue 1br'52_ IV?en better automobiles are built BUICK will build them Iiw4f WATAUGA SALES AND SERVICE m m. ma rmr boohk m. c. - - ? - - ?