I Early Democrat Fties SIXTY, YEARS AGO Itai From The Damucial Of February It 1M The Ashe Reporter aft a nit spring hM been discovered near Jefferson. Boone will have a weathet station established very toon. So we can announce the weather piognosticatiohs for the benefit of the agricultural community. The town comiuiaetoners of Boone want to employ an expert dog killer at the beginning of hot weather. There are 3T dog* that un on the streets. Ed S. Coffey has returned from the Supreme Court at Ral eigh, where he obtained court license to practice law in this State. We have not heard him{ say whether he would locate in "Boone or elsewhere. W? wish him much succeas, as he is an excellent young man. The asbestos mine on Rich Mountain bids fair to become an important one. Preparations are , be in#- made to work a number of hands in the near future. Wata uga county will. In a few years, become an extensive mining sec tion for iron, mica, gold, silver, asbestos, etc. AH It needs is development Richmond, Va., Feb. 3 ? The historic old Appomatox court house building was destroyed by fire yesterday. All of the county records and the court houst furn ishings were entirely consumed . . . The McLayne house, in which General Lee signed the terms of surrender to General Grant was at one time threaten ed with destruction. THIRTY -NINE YEARS AGO Items From The Democrat Of Fe biliary 13. 1*13 Boone just now, and real estate is changing hands rapidly. Rev. W. R. Savage of Blowing Rock will preach in the Episcop al Church in Boone at 11 a. m. Sunday. Our venerable friend, Mr. Azor Hartley, is very feeble, but is no worse than he has been for several days. Within the past few weeks we have had some right severe freezes, but not enough to make ice fit to harvest, and the ice houses in the village remain empty. James W. McGhee, who since its beginning, has direst^!. .tt(e work on the Avery county court house, is at home for a couple of week* to giv; the carpenters time to catch up with some work. The building is practically com pleted. ? Messrs John H. Bingham and John E. Brown, both of Sugar Grove, this county, were granted license to practice law by the Supreme Court of North Caro ]ina_ Mr^tf . M. May has soM his tty town property to Mr. J. Johnston, a prominent citizen oi Ashe cdunty, the purchase price being $2,000. Mr. May will give possession Oct. 1, and move to his farm at Tracy. Lindsay Greene, of Stony Fork, who was so fearfully mutilated by the explosion of dynamite in a tunnel on the Wataugd Rail way week before last, is still living, and is reported as im The eyes of the people are on proving. He is conscious, but is not aware ithot his eyes wate literally 'blown from his head, and is labotinf under the kn p region that hit tight will to turn. Larkin Hodges, whose serious illness we noted iMt week, died at his home west ox town early Thursday morning, and was buried the following afternoon in the Hines graveyard, the funeral being conducted by the Rev. J. M. Payne. Says Truman May Not Run Again By JACK BELL Washington ? President Tru man's announcement that he is going to let the political river take |ts course, with a little steering now and then, was in terpreted in tome administration circlet at indicating he does not plan to run again. It has been learned authorita tively by thit reporter that some of Truman's clotest friends now do not belive he will seek re nomination ? barring unfore seen developments. One of these friends, who can not be named, told me that al though the President apparently hasn't confided his decision to anyone, the inner circle of his as sociates looks for him to step aside at the proper time and name his choice for the nomina tion. Believing at he does that Sen. Robert Taft is the likely GOP choice, Truman was reported U| feel that the Democrats have a good chance to win next Novem ber's election. If that looks rea sonably certain, friends said Truman will be happy to retire from the scene. The President was depicted as realizing that some other North ern Democratic candidate would be likely to command more sup port in the South than he could because of the antagonist!) over his civil rights program. Prince Charles Heir To Throne London ? Prince Charles be thsone l??t week. After him, the line of suc cession is: Princess Anne, daughter of <t Elizabeth. Princess Margaret, sister of Elizabeth. Duke of Gloucester, brother of the late King. Prince William, son of the , Duke of Gloucester. Prince Richard, son of the ? Duke of Gloucester. Duke of Kent, son of the late Duke of Kent who was the King's brother. Princess Alexandra, sister of the Duke of Kent. Princp Michael, brother of the Duke of Kent. The Princess Royal, sister of the late King. The Earl of Harewood, son of the Princess Royal. Gerald David Lascelles, son of the Princess^Royal. "We've saved a lot of money I with DODGE 'Job-Rated' TRUCKS" aoyt fn# poctar FRANCIS HSID RICH 4 " ' f - OjIiiuItl FLn.rlAj-1 fMnRvR *? ? wvnl, vjrionowi ?fO? roo * twllv sold on Dodge for ill-'round economy ?ad dependability. Every one of our truck* haa been replaced fay * Dodge and the whola fleet is standing ap i> a way thai aim aavaa ua money. "Dodge trucks certainly At our Job and keep coata down." Lgfett StiCta In WwH tot ? Brifiig Painter* working lit feet above the keel of the new superllner United States looked dwarfed by one of the two giant (tacks which are M feet long and 55 feet high. The "sampan" tap whleh serves to deflect exhaust np and away from the son and -sports decks li a distinctive feature of both the United States and the America, present flagship of the United States Lines. The stacks are made entirely oi aluminum and sections are held together by IS,m aluminum rivets. The nt foot liner, the largest ever built In America and the snost modern passenger ship in the world, will compete In speed with the fastest foreign flagships now In service. More than <5% complete, the United States, being Milt at the Newport News (Va.) Shipbuild ing and Dry Dock Company yard, will make her maiden voyage from New York to Havre and Southampton July S In the United States Lines' transatlantic service. HEALTH and BEAUTY Br dr. soPHrx brunson HOW TO KEEP FIT The conscientious 'physician is the only professional man who is always laboring to train people to dispense with his services. By painstakingly educating the pub lic in the principles of hygiene and healthful living he renders humanity an inestimable service, but at the same time he is busily engaged in reducing his own in come, for the knowledge which he so generously imparts enables many people to keep well and to dispense with the services of a doctor. The- rood to -health', though pleasant, i? not- always easy. It requires willpower in order to live hygientcally and biologically as nature intended. Neglect your exercise and you invite disease, which promptly accepts the invi tation. Begin your health train ing when you awaken in the mtflhing. Drink a glass of water on rising. Wash your face in cold water, then stand before an open win dow and take deep breaths. Rise on your toes, raise the arms ov er your head and breathe in, in flating the lungs to the utmost capacity. Slowly descend at the same time lowering the arms and breathing out. * Repeat five or six times. Rest and relax a moment. Repeat as before, only hold the breath for a moment or two, while you per cuss the chest and abdomen. Breath out with resistance. This is done by trying to hold the breath back, letting it out very slowly while you are breathing oy|. This is good exercise, though a little difficult at first, it becomes easy with practice. This exercise brings the body erect, and the chest forward. The deep breathing invigorates the ehtire body. The writer's car was parked on Main street recently. While she waited she saw people marching by. Men with humps on their* backs and curved-in ?> FUEL OIL ? KEROSENE B. D. HODGES, JR. Wholesale Dealer Boone, N. C. Day Phone 1 Night PhoUe 285-J How you, too, can reduce hauling costs on your job Here'f a sure way to cut hauling costs on your job. Get a truck that gives you more mileage on gas and oil . . . thafcosts leas for upkeep . . . that carries more pay load. A truck like that will really save you money! Owners of Dodge "Job-Raitd" trucks enjoy the outstanding economy of trucks that are Job Aatstf'? engineered at the Dodge factory to fit a specific job. Because they're "Job-Rated," these trucks stand up better, save money. Come in today for the complete economy story. Let us show you how a Dodge "Job-Ratea" truck will cut your hauling costs. Reduce com with economical power ? Dodge truck engine* have four rings per piston, light weight aluminum pistons, compression ratios as high as 7.0 to 1, and other economy values. Reduce casta wMi lew upkeep? You get sqch money-saving advantages aa chrome-plated top piston rings, exhaust valve seat inserts, positive praesure lubrication, and many others. RsAtce costs wMi bigger poyloodt? Because a Dodge "Job-Rabid" track has better weight dis tribution, it cantos more load on the front axis. . Aa a result, you can haul bigger payloads. #*/ i J SeA *s today for M* 6*st 6uy At /oncost fro nsporftrffort... DODGEwMTRUOtS Brown & Graham Motor Co., Inc. SIS K. MAIN STREET BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA strmachs were slouching aloof. lo>tet as ij they war* only half alive. Som^girls ?h? taw walk inn. or rather hobbling on thom with high heels. There were only a few men or woman who swung along with straight spines and lifted chests. Very few wi n went by looked well sesthetica.ly or physically. Their attitudes and manner of locomotion bespoke habits of mental and physical laziness or dejection. The purpose of these articles is to persuade people to cultivate their bodies alohg with their minds, and at the same time to show them how?ven the Cast Indians and Chinese practiced deep breathing. The teachers be longed to the priestly Orders.' They taught that the retention cf the air in respiration produced much the same effect upoh the body as fire does upon metals, namely, It purifies them. We know that oxygen cleanses the blood and that through deep breathing we obtain the greatest at of it. other exercise that is espec ially beneficial Is produced by tensing the muscles Standing erect, extending the arms hori zontally upon the shoulders, tense the whole body and turn from side to side, at the same time keeping the muscles tensed. The tensing begins with the legs below the knee and gradually entends until it embraces the entire person. Rest and relax when tired. Drink ahother glass of water. Home From Korea T-Sgt. John T. Coffey, who has served for fourteen months with the third infantry division in Korea, has arrived at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Coffey, Boone, N. C., R. F. D. 1, where he will^pend thirty days. He will return to Fort Jackson, S. C. for further assignment. Barbara Ann Potter Rite* Held Monday Barbara Ann Potter, 2 years old, died at the Haagman Clinic Saturday, and funeral services were held Monday at 2 o'clock at the Meat Camp Baptist Church, burial being in the church ceme tery. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Potter .survive, with two brothers and six sisters. In the eastern half of the Uni ted States there are approximate ly 230,000,000 acres of grassland. OHt WAT TO DO IT Bell. C alii.? Taking ? look at her untidy houia, Mrs Kathleen Tasaey told police ehe concluded it would be easier to set fir* to the place than ^?an it? which ahe proceeded to 4a. She went up into the attic, taaaed a box of burning matchea into a pile of paper, went down stairs and re laxed by engaging in a telephone conversation She was taken to Jail in lieu of WtO^u bond on a charge of arson. * card or thanks We wish to express our sin cere appreciation to our many friends for the kindness shown us during the sickness and death of our dear mother and wife. ? Mrs. Orady Hodges. C. W. Hicks. CARD or THANKS We wish to express our thanks to our friends and neighbors for their kindness and Mp in our bereavement, due to the death of our little granddaughter. Jane Williams. ? Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hodges. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their kindnesses, ex pression^ of sympathy and beau tiful flowers tendered us during the illness and burial of our mother, Mrs. Joaephine Hicks. ? Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hicks, Mr. and Mrs Albert Hicks, Mrs. Cora Harmon. ? ? ?? I lil I I'll Am?ric>nj were able U con sume per person U per cent more food than they did in 1A39-39, even though the number of per ?on* engaged in agriculture is considerably less than in the pre war period. DEFENSE SPENDING Since (he itart of the Korean w?r, the Defense Department has ordered a total of $93,100,000^00 worth of weapon*, other equip ment, food, clothing, and military construction. SKYVU Dm UK inumu\ NOW SHOWING ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ONLY , \ On* -Hall Mil* from City Limit* on th* Old Blowing Rock Ro?d 2 SHOWS SATURDAY BEGINNING AT 7: IS P. M. ? I SHOW SUNDAY AT 8:30 P. M. FIGHTING CARAVAN starring GARY COOPER ?Our Ad on Page 4 this paper. An extra room, finished attic, added bath or slight alter ation in your present home may make Extra Dollars come Summer and the new Boone Added Attraction for Tourist 'HORN IN THE WEST" Will Make Added Demand for Family Accomodations ' HOME SERVICE CO, Read BELK'S BIG DISH SALE IN OUR BASEMENT STORE Starts Thursday Morning, Feb. 14 We have just received a large assortment of all size dishes. These are odds and ends of Genuine Stetson China. AU first quality. Gold line and gold stamped. . ? Included in the assortment are Large and Small Dinrter Plates, Fruit Dishes, Oatmeal Dishes, Cups, Saucers, Flatters, Tea Pots, Casseroles, Gravy Dishes, Mixing Bowls, Sugar Bowls, Cream Pitchers, and Pickle Dishes and Other Pieces. * ? # * . THIS IS BY FAR THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF DISHES WE HAVE EVER OFFERED These Go On Sale Thursday Morning At 8:30 In Our Basement Store ' ? % > ? Prices Range from |Qc t0 25( eac'1 Be on hand when we open Thursday and t?t your share of these dish bargains! WE CLOSE ON WEDNESDAYS AT 12t30 P. M.

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