1 Affairs Robert Grug g. son of Mr. and Mrs Jack Gragg, is confined to ^ home on ?count of illness. Mrs. Sarah Gaither of Lenoir was the week end guest of Mrs. J W Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ray and Mrs. E. L. Ray spent Sunday in Newland the guests of Mr. R'f? mother, Mrs. Candace Ray. Mr. W. B. York, Jr, of the Un iveraity of North Carolina, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. York. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cook of Lenoir spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl D. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crawford visited Sunday in North Wilkes boro with Mr. CrauA>rd's father, Mr. J. C. Crawford, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Hood and daughter, Cai^yn, of Maricdt N. C., visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Farthing Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Caudill vis ited Mrs. Caudill's mother, Mrs. H. C. Kilby, in North Wilkesboro, N. C., during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Smith of Kington spent Monday and Tues day visiting with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Tuckwiller. Miss Pat Ellis of (fteidsville, N. C. spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. El lis. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hallman and .son, Mike, of Shelby were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dixon. Mrs. John G. Barden, who has ^ been a patient at Watauga Hos pital for the past week, returned to her home Tuesday. Mrs. Herman Eggers is spend ing the week in Sweet Water, Tennessee with her mother, Mrs. C. E. Pennington. * if., x? ? i n ** xviis. ?<di iccii vj, riiKiicii, axia. Hope Tester and Mr. R. T. Lewis q| Minneapolis, N. attended the Jefferson-Jackson Day din ner in Raleigh Saturday. Miss Laura Judy, who is a senior at the University of North Carolina, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George D. Judy. Mr. H. Grady Farthing and Mr. Clyde R. Greene returned here Monday from Raleigh, where they attended the Farm Bureau meetinf on Saturday. Mrs. J. D. Councill, who has been seriously ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. H. De Vault in Brutol, Tennessee, is slowly improving. Mr. George Wlnebarger and Mr. Clint Lewis, who are em ployed in Cleveland, Ohio, spent the week end with their families on Route 2, Boone. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cannon have returned home after spend ing two weeks in Vero Beach, Florida, and other cities in Flor ida. Mr. L. C. Miller and son, Joe, and Mr .and Mrs. Clihg Miller, all of Boone, spent Sunday visiting with Mr .and Mrs. Fred White in Bristol, Tennessee. Corporal James Earl Lawrence, of Trade, Tenn., who has been in service for four years, left California on the seventh having volunteered for Asiatic service. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wilson and sons, Bobby and Michael, spent Sunday in Lenoir, "where they Cisited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wlnebarger and other relative*. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Hayes and daughter, Jimmie Karen, of North Wilkesboro, spent the week end with Mrs. Hayes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ragan. tf. __ .1 n_... An try . biiu mil. vjrui y vua ui n.u gusta, Georgia, and Jimmy and Jerry Young, font of Mr. and Mrf. Milt Young of Spruce Pine, N. C., were week end visitor* with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keplar. Mrs. O. M. Phillips has return ed from Baltimore where she spent part of last week visiting her son and daughter who live there. Her son, Jimmy Cook, re turned home with her for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Anderson of Marshall, N. C, spent the 'week end #ith Mrs. Marshall's mother and grandmother, Mrs. M. P. Critcher and Mrs. M. B Black burn. Mrs. A. R. Smith, Mr. and Mrs W. R. Winkler. Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Brown, Jr., who have been visiting Mrs. W. R. Winkler in ? Miami. Florida, returned to their homes last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fare and children of Wlmtton-Balem, IV. C. spent Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Miller, and Mrs, Fare's mother, Mrs. W. S. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weston plan to attend the Southeastern Photographer's convention to be held at the BUtmore Hotel In 90 flfrttfsr VU Mr. Albert Watson entered the Veteran* Hospital in Mountain Home, Tennessee last Thursday tor obaertatioh ami treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Uonel Watson visited with him Monday. Mr .and Mrs. Earl Ward of Asheville and Mr. and Mrs Al len Gragg of Boone spent Sun day in Lenmr visit ins Mr. and Mrs. ClarAce Lamkin and daughters. Mrs. r. A White. Mrs. D. P. White and Mrs. Wade Howard and son, Danny, of nea^States ville spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graft and family at their home on Hodges Gap Road. Miss Gladys Johnson of the State Library Commission in Raleigh ar>d Miss Elizabeth Eng land, librarian of King -College in Bristol, visited With Dr. and Mrs. C. Ray Lawrence during the week end. Mrs. Burl Bowles and small son, William Burl of Lexington, N. C. spent last week with her sister, Mrs. John Lookabill of Blowing Rocl^ and with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wine barger of Boone, Route 2. Pvt. R. M. Trlvett, who has been spending ten days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Tri vett ofcValle Cruris, left Monday for Fort Lawton, Seattle, Wash., and expect* to sail for the Orieht during the month. Mrs. Don McCracken, who is employed in the PMA office in Rutherfordton, N. C., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. McCracken. Pvt. Don Mc Cracken is with the 101st Air borne Division in Camp Breck inridge, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. John Z. Kirk of Lexington, N. C. were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Z. Kirk, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Shaw, parents of Mrs. Kirk, Jr., who are also from Lexington, visited with them Sunday after noon. Mr. Blaine Miller of Charlotte and Mr. Baxter Miller of Rock Hill, S. C. spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Miller. Mrs. Miller's brother, Mr. Quincy Davis, of West Jef ferson, N. C. also spent the week end with them. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hayes of Blowing Rock left Saturday for a vacation in Daytona Beach, Florida. They were accompanied by Mr. Bob Hardin, who joined Mrs. Hardin in Miami, Florida. They plan to return to Blowing Rock in three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Siphers of Winston-Salem announce the birth of a daughter, Susan Leslie, on February 3, kt the Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Harr^ Hamilton, Jr., and son, S(eve, and Mrs. W. F. Miller, Sr., spent Sunday with Mr. add Mrs. Siphers. Miss Catherine Smith, assisted by Mr. Jack Wagstaff, art student at Appalachian State Teachers College, presented a lecture and workship program on modern art to the Women's Club of Sparta at Community House Thursday afternoon. About 30 members at tended and participated. Among those attending the Jefferson-Jackson Dflr dinner in Raleigh Saturday were Mr. W. R. Winkler, Mr. H. Grady Farthirtg, Dr. H. B. Perry, Mr. Roby Greer, Mr. Tom Greer, Mr. Wade I. Brown, Dr. D. J. Whitener and Mr. Wiley G. HarUog. Mr. Palmer Blair will leave Sunday to attend the Southeast ern Photographer's convention at Biltmore Hotel in Atlanta, 0?. next Mohday, Tuesday and Wed nesday. Mr. Blair will acconwany Mrs. Blair and their son, P wrier, Jr. to Sanford, N. C. where they will spend two weeks with her mother, Mrs. A R. Rieves. Mr. 8tanley South Will join Mr. Blair in Charlotte Sunday after noon and will go to Atlanta for the convention. Mrs. South ahd ton, David, plan to visit her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. -Henry Bern hardt, in Churchland, N. C.%hile Mr. South is away. Mrs. W. B. Elliott, of Potlach, Idaho, is visiting with relatives in the county. Mr*. Elliott, who has lived if) Idaho Mr 34 years, came here on account of the death of her mother, Mrs. Jofle phlne Hicks. Marriage Licenses A marriage license wu iaaued by Mia Helen Underdowo, Regirter of Deed*. Saturday. Feb.' I to Batter Fibrwre Prte nell of Blowing Rock and franMa Elizabeth Miller Bagbj-of Oar field. CkL In 1M0, American! ate SO pound* more meat per person incmjf oi zu per wm. MAJOR KENNETH JACKSON, Mrs. Jackson, and 8-months old son, Kenneth Jackson Jr., who was born in Japan, shown after their return to the States. The family resided in Japan for thrM years, and now live in Dayton( Ohio, where Major Jackson is on duty with the Army Air Force. They recently visited In Boone with Mr. and Mrs. Eugel? Hollar, Mrs. Jack son't parents. ? (Photo by Paul Weston.) Boone Junior Woman's Club Meets At The Home of MrS. Charlie Wilfong The Boone Junior Woman's Club met Thursday evening, February 7, at the home of Mrs. Charlie Willong. Assisting Mrs. Wilfong as hostesses were Mft. Bernard Davis and Mrs. Andy Dickerson. The president, Mrs. Palmer Blair, took charge of the business meeting. She commended the members for their part in the March of Dimes canvass on the evening of January 30, and re ported successful results. Mrs. Blair then submitted to the club the recommendation of the Ex ecutive Board that Mrs. John Davis be appointed to work as our represeritative with the local cancer committee. The recommendation was immediate ly and unanimously aecepfed. The president recognized the visitors for the evening and in vited them to become members of the organisation. They includ ed Mrs. Bill Dickson, Mrs. 0" B. Hagaman, Jr? and Mrs. William Smith. After the report of the Ways and Means Committee, the mo tion was made and carried that the club attempt no new projects until the end of the club year in June, but concentrate on the sale of the remaining copies of the cook bpok. The club heard a report from Mrs. Max Raines, chairman of a ?pecial committee Appointed to investigate the possibility of establishing a kindergarteH in Boone for pre-school age child Miss Henson Weds John P. Milam The wedding vows of Miss Joyce Benson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Henson of Vilas, and John Paul Milam, son of Mr. and Mrt. Ray Milam of C res ton, were solemnized in Creston on Saturday evening, January 5, with Rev. R. P. Jones officiating. The bride was attired in a white wool suit with navy blue accessories. Her shoulder cor sage wM of re<V rosebud*. , Mrs. Milam is a member of the senior class at Radford College, Woman's Division of Virginia Polytochmic Institute, Radford, Virginia. She will resume her studies there in March. Mr. Milam has previously been etnployed at Dayton Steel in Dayton, Ohio. The couple plan to make their home in Crotton after the bride's graduation. Literature, Ed Group Holds Meet The Literature and Education department of the Worthwhile Woman'* Club held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday evening, February 7th at the home of M rs. L. L. Bingham. Mrs Oordon Taylor had the program and gave arfhntereating discussion on African violets. It being the time far the regular election of officers, the following officers Were duly elected: Chairman, Mrs. L. L. Bingham; vise-chairman, Mrs. Connie Mae ralllips; aetretary-treasurer, Mr*. Carloe DeLima; reporter, Mr*. E. L. Ray Mb* Elizabeth Bridge was an invited guest The hostess served lovely fefrMhlhMIU 111 tH* Valentine motif, aasisted by the co-hostess, Mrs, t Carlo* DeLima. A light year, in astronomy, is distance tltot light. traVMing at 188.000 miles a second .travels in >? rasa'* Usn*. ren of four and five. Mrs. Raines reported th^ a committee for the Methodut Church has tenta tively agreed to the use of the church basement for the kinder garten; that Mrs. Ray Triplett, a highly- r|pommended February graduate o'f the Home Economics Department at Appalachian, has agreed to teach; and that a monthly fee of twelve dollars per student will be sufficient to pay the salary of the teacher and al low a small sum for heating ?nd other operating costs. Club discussion raised two main points of contention. First, an estimated sum of fifty dollars will be required to purchase materials necessary for starting the kindergarten. Second, Mrs. Triplett will be able to take on ly fifteen student, and there arises the problem of selecting those fifteen in ? case a larger affmber of parents should be' in fei^Sted in sending their children to the kindergarten. After much discussion, the club voted to postpone its final deci sion until the March meeting, but to vote the sum of fifteen dollars from ^s own treasury toward the purchasing of the basic equip ment for the kindergarten. Mrs. Florence Robinson, parlia mentarian for the club, presented % program on parliamentary pro cedure. A d&sert course was served, and a social hour ended the meet ing. Bethel Home Club Meejs At School The Bethel Home Demons tra tion Club met at the school lunch room January 30. The meeting was called to order by the presi dent, Mri. Ivan farthing. The collect was repeated by the group and Mrs. J. H Crisp led in prayer. The year books for 1952 were received and filled out. Five dollar* was received for the March of Dimes. The secretary was instructed to order greeting cards which wc will sell for a small profit. The group voted that each member shall bring a smal' amount of money each meeting to add to the treasury. ? After the business session th? meeting was4urned over to Mrs Betty Edwards, who gave a help ful demonstration on "Quick anc Easy Meals." She prepared port Chops with rice and tomaloef which was delicious and also nutritioua. Mrs. J. M. and Mrs. Ralph Sherwood served delicious filler cookies and coffee to all pre tent. There were thirteen member present. Alao, two visitors, Mr* Vivian Davia and Mrs. Nannie Swift. ?MAMWWVWWWWVWSA 2-DAY SERVICE on everything! Palm*'* Photo Shop IM Depot SL ? Booa* II. C mom Bt-n ?WIWIIWIWWW???WW Notice TW iUmlM.1 ef imMIM tor* to the DMMMfl M*t ?at advertising nolaams is illliMi contributions ? Tuesday, it making U IMMI ingly difficult to Iwu th? Dem ttkcral which i? mad* up Tim day mtiiat. and printed first E?w routine organisation matters. soma of tham days oUL ara held until tha last minute. The publisher la anxious la handle all this material, but can't aontlnue to publish the newspaper in one day. Tha wonderful cooperation of tha people, which hat resulted in the continued growth oi four county newspaper, it highly ap praciatad. and your further help 1A assisting ut with our deed lihe will be of great value in further improving tha Demo crat. t , Windy Gap News Notes Mr. Ira Trivett is at home on a 10-day furlough. He is station ed at Huston, Texas. Mr. Charley Hicks has moved to his new hohie on Laurel Creek. Mr. Hicks has been living In Beaver Dam township for several years. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harnftm of Lexington were visiting relatives here last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Harmon have returned to their home here. Mr. Harmon has been working at the Coble Dairies in Lexington for several months.^ ' Mr. and Mrs. Vance Ward of North Wilkesboro were week end visitors here. Mrs. V. C. Harmon has return ed home after spending several days in Watauga Hospital. Mr. Leonard Cannon, who is working in the lumber business in Virginia, spent the week end at his home here. Mr. Sheridan Presnell and Mr. Richard Presnell have moved to Beaver Dam township. They have purchased the Chas. Hicks farm. Mrs. Jnhn Rominger of Sugar Grove was visiting her brother, Ml. V.*C. Harmon, here last week. Mr. Jack Taylor spent last week at home. Mr. Taylor is do ing road work in the Cherokee Indian reservation. ? Miss Georgie Trivett is on the sick list this week. She is at the Hagaman Clinic for a few days' treatment. * Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hagaman last Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. Max Hagaman of Mabel, Misges Laura and Vera Hagaman of Vilas, Mf. and Mr*. Walter John son of Boone, Mr. Carl Ednysten of Beech Creek, and Mr. ahd Mrs. Clyde Tester of Reece. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Roming er and daughter, Sandra, of New York were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Dishman and son, Billie, of Reece were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ward. i Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Rominger of Rominger spent last Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Har mon. r Record expansion by industry | is forecast for this year. ^ cation* dtp into throat and large bronchial tttbM. It medlcatai irritated mtm branp?, hflp* restore normal breathinu. For eovtpM or. upper bronchial connciilifm there'* nothing Ilk* ualnf Tick* TapoRab In $ttam. Por continued rflUf U* w*y? rub it _ S^VJSSf Home And Garden Club To Meet ?foie Home and Garden Depart- ' ment at ihe Women's Worthwhile Club will meet Thursday at T:M p. In. at the Baptist Chute fi. Church Group To Go To Raleigh Ten students from the Wesley Fellowship of the Appalachian State Teachers College campus, the Fellowship director, Mi^rlar vin C^breth, and the pastor, Rev. Joeepfl T. Shackford, will Ware Boone at one o'clock Friday for , the annual North Carolina Meth odist Student Confer* nve meet ing at Edenton Street Methodist Church in Raleigh. The meeting will last through Sunday MM. Students from mote than a doc en colleges over the State will attend the conference at which Dr. Samuel Stumpf of Nashville, Tenn., will be the principal speaker. Election of officers for the coming year will be one of the features of the conference. Dur ing the past yen*, Miss Marjorie D wiggins of ASTC. and Wihsioh Salem, ha^served as state treas urer. The local Wesley Fellowship nominee for I state office during t4e coming year is Bob Nelson, campus and fellowship leader. The delegation Will return here Sunday night. Baptist Student Leaders Visit City Three prominent leaders of the Baptist Student movement were in Boone over the week end to assist the lteligloiis Council irr< making plans for the Religious Emphasis week next fall. The leaders. Rev. James (Jim mie) Ray, student secretary of the Baptist State Convention, Rev. J. C. Herring, chaplain to Baptist students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel* Hill ahd Rev. Robert Lasiter, chaplain to Baptist students at North .Caro lina State College, were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Egger# during their stay in Boone. Their visit was secured through the efforts of Rev. John Davis. Baptist students director at First baptist Church. Methodist Youth Group Goes To Todd Tfie February meeting at the Methodist Youth fellowship sub district wfts held at the Black burn Chapel Methodist Church, Todd, on Sunday evening. Five charges were represented and approximately 129 were pres ent. The attendance banner was awarded to Blackburn's Chapel. A very Interesting program on service was presented by the Blackburn Chapel MYF.? Several informative talks were given and special music was provided by a youth choir. Miss Katherine Clay was in charge of the business meeting. It was agreed that the next meet ing of the sub district would be held at Boone, so the group will be able to hear Bishop Harrell, who will be at the Boone Church at that time. After the business meeting, the MYF benediction was spoken and the group enjoyed delicious re freshments prepared by the la dies of the church. New arms schedule to release 12tt per cent of Aluminum for defense. cnriL war rrrt > four of the Union Armv ClvU War v<tenn? arr still atiVe, re ceiving an ahnual pertsloh of 11,444. They are: Deugla* T. Btory, ldT We?t lot Angel, s Ml.; Israel A. Broadsword 1M. Samuel*, Idaho. j Albert Woolaon, tM. buluth. Minn.; and Jame* A. Hard. ill). Rochester. Ne* Yiark. tllADK At fitOitt fcWMrch deta ?hu* that 0* ture and K?y provided, in ItMl-M more than 61 iter Mht jof the nutrient* c?n?umel by *B (Wm of livestock in the United State*. Film?sfe|5c Overnight Sendee Wfe'sf ftftOOK Fftofo TODD. it. C. ajf ' NEWTON'S . . :m \ ' ' ' ? 1 ? : V Strut's Mtst mmativi Fashions tMa/m Ulcmm COATS in i SUITS "i" '" * l ^ Quality YaArt NATIONALLY AOVIRTISID CHILDREN'S SPRING Straw Hats In Infants' and Misses' Sizes, j Variety of New Spring Styles. ^ 1.98 - /Z.98 Bags To Match . $1.98 Ladies* Spring Hats All in New, Flattering Spring Colors. Trynmed In gay flowers, feathers, and ribbons. 2.98 to 6.95 BAGS TO MATCH . . . *1.98 to *6.98 1', Y J ' '???/? IN OUR BASEMENT Nevv Spring Dresses 2.95 to 3.95 NEWTON'S . Department Store . i . ? Notice Of Stockholders < Meeting The stockholders of the Watauga Building and Loan Association will mett in the offices of tht Association Friday, February 22, at 2:80 o'clock, for the purpose of electing a board of%irectors, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly a come before the meeting. Those finding it impossible to attend, should sign the proxy blanks being sent them, so that their Stack msy be represented in the meeting. # Watauga Building and Loan sociatioi^Mil^ . li OtAOG. Secretary -?in ?

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