TENNESSEE PUBLISHER TALKS TO I LOCAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Ponton nod from page om) Mr. WMMtll said that the pao ( pic of ??one and Watauga Coun ty arc *?atly to be congratulat ad upon the organization ^af the Southern AfftlifUn Historical aaaociation and thair plana to pnaant a historical drama. He ?aid that ana at the moat Import ant thing* in the world today It I the preservation at the Ameri can way at Ufa. The effort of the Aaaociation, he aaid, will be greater in bringing about an un darstanding of the American way of Ilia, as portrayed right her* in theaa great Appalachian Mountains Here, he aaid, there are sufficient natural resources to make it one of the moat im portant tours and beauty spots In the nation. Tbe state and other agendo, Mr. Waddell, aaid, will continue to help this section, but the big gaat part of the Job will fall to the local people, and rightly to. They stand to benefit by the development of these valuable raaourcea. It is no longer a ques tion aa to who will develop this area ? we must coordinate every effort to meet the challenge to our Chamber of Commerce, the newspaper, radio station, to show the people of this area what lies ahead in building hotels, motels, tourist courts, recreational facili ties. "Boone has the climate," he aaid, "and the attractions to bring tourists here. It is a great, worthwhile challenge, a chal lenge at modern times. 'Men and women of vision, build.' " Other guests at the meeting in cluded Mark Goforth of Lenoir, division highway commissioner. A large number of members and guests attended the luncheon. Orchestra Ginic To Attract 105 Continued from page one) of many orchestral compositions. He served as the founding con ductor of the Wichita Symphony Orchestra, and, as early as 1937, was listed among the top 10 in the profession by the Ward Sur vey. Currently, Mr. Painter is serving his second successive term as President of the Illinois Music Educators' Association. The program of Saturday night by the clinic orchestra is as fol lows: Overture to Titus, Mozart; Adagio for Strings, Corelli; Sym phony No. 2 in D Major, Haydn; Adoration, Borqwsky; Dance of the Rose MaiHcns, from the "Gayne Ballet," Khachaturian; Chop Sticks; arranged by Evans; and The Enchanted Castle, Over ture, by Hadley. In conjunction with the clinic will be a luncheon meeting of the North Carolina chapter of the American String Teachers Association, Mr. George Dickie son, of Woman's College of the University of North Carolina, president Mr. Painter will con duct a discussion concerning string problems with this group. There will also be a lecture on double reed instruments for the directors and students by Mr. Wm. G. Spencer of ASTC. In ad dition to these features, there will also be a business meeting of the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Music Educa tors Association, Mr. Julian Helms, of Charlotte, presiding. Representing Appalachian Higif School in the clinic orches tra will be Harry Farthing, vio lin; Jimmy Holshouser, clarinet; and Evelyn McCrackcn, Frcnth horn. ? Charlie Church Is In Air Force Lackland Air Force Base, Texas ? Pvt. Charlie Church, 19, ?on of Mr. Don Church of Vilas it completing his AF basic air men indoctrination course at Lackland Air Forcc Base, the "Gateway to the Air Forcc." Lackland, aituated near San Antonio, ia the world's largest air force ba*e, site of Air Forcc basic training, for men and wo men, headquarters of the Human Resource Research Canter, and home of AFs Officer Candidate School. His basic training is preparing him for entrance into Air Force technical training and for assign ment in specialized work. The courae includes a scientific evaluation of bis aptitude and in clination for following a particu lar vocation and career. SOIL CONSERVATION Three-fourths of the farms in the United States and M per cent of thoee in the Southeastern States are included in the soil conservation program, according to an official of the U. S. Soil ' Conservation Service. Know Your School; Boone Elementary 4 \ The weather for the first two month* usually permits the Phy sical Education program to be conducted on the playground which is divided Into small areas for the classes. Beginning with December, the activities are moved inside to the two roogps used for this purpose, a small gym on the basement floor and a play roam on the main floor. A mimeographed activity sche dule is planned each week which includes various phases of Phy sical Education. This program is by grades and covers activities ranging from creative rhythms to specific game skills such as throwing and catching. Boys and girls play together in the first three grades and are separated from the fourth up. The reason for this Is that the activities for the first three grades are the same for both 'boys and girls and this allows for social development. Begin ning with the fourth they have specific gsmes which sometimes involve bodily contact and are separated. ((There are activities such as folk games and volley ball which sometimes include both. Plans are being made to have more activities together to help them over this period when they are so conscious of each other. Time, facilities and equip ment will not permit planning a program according to size, age, or skill which would be ideal; therefore, the program is built to fill the needs of the average cniio. A typical daily program would be: First grade, creative rhythms; second grade, fundamental body ?kills, jumping, balance, hop ping, etc; third grade, relays with balls; fourth grade, volley ball; fifth grade, folk games; sixth grade, basketball techni ques; seventh grade, basketball rules. Physical Education is emphasi zed as a regular class, not a re cess, and the students arc ex pected to participate in It as they would a class. The children are becoming more aware of the values and benefits they receive from** planned and directed pro gram, and are very enthused about the regular and extra acti vities planned for them. The Physical Education pro gram which is under the full time direction of Miss Dorothy Floyd, has been hampered by lack of equipment and sufficient funds to purchase equipment, but a budget is to be set up for the coming year which is ex pected to enrich the program. Miss Floyd, who is also an authorized First Aid Instructor, is qualified to administer treat ment for accidents only, not ill ness. If the child has a contagi ous disease, symptons of a disease or any illness which medical attention, he should not be sent to school. The school is not equipped to handle sickness except in emergency. JUST AS DANGEROUS International Falls, Minn. ? Rcinhard Paget, 71, of St. Paul, the cook on a hunting trip was the only one to get hurt. While the others were off on a deer hunt, Pagel lost part of his left hand when a gun went off acci dentally in the cabin. Let Us Be YOUR VALET Here's a sure bet our cleaning services keep all of your clothes looking their best always! We know you'll like our prompt servicc! HI-LAND DRY CLEANING BOONE, N. C. WANT ADS WATAUGA DEMOCRAT WANT ADVERTISING RATE t cum A WORD ? Mc MUdMUM CHABOK Cash Must Accompany All Orders. FOR SALE? One good (arm horse, 5 yean old, and heavy set of harness Dock Watson, R. F. D. 2, Boone. N. C. lp 1 FOR SALE ? Rubber Tired (arm wagon u?*d two year*. Sec Julian McGuire, Swofford'i Tire Store, or Reeae, N. C. alter 8:30 p. m. lp TOR SALE ? ? acres 2 miles west o( Boone, good ft-room house, water, $2,100. 90 acres 2 miles west of Boone, (2,100. Time if wanted. See Jim Brown, Boone, N. C. lp Da GALE F. BARE Chiroprac tor. Office hours: <:30-12:00, 1:00 S:00. Closed Thursday Afternoon. Phone 520. Located over Edmls ten's Furniture Store. 2-7-tfc WANTED old Lazy Susan tables. Corner cupboards chests of draw er* and tbales of any kind if old. Write box 133 Salem Station, Winston-Salem, W. C. l^l-3p FOR RENT? 8 room house at Hodge* Gap. Water and shower bath. See C. J. Farthing at Pri son Camp. l-31-4p FOR SALE ? Baled hay and straw. Amett Brothers Store, Lovill, N. C. 2-7-2p NEVER BEFORE HAVE design ers gone all-out top roduce such a galaxy of upholstering mater ials. We cordially invite you to see our thousands of lovely pat terns. We guarantee you will be delighted with our workmanship. Call us for free estimates. Laws Upholstering Shop, phone 1941, Lenoftv N. C. 2-6-4c FOR RENT ? Two or three room furnished apartments with tele vision. Stoker heated. Close in. Xfcply at Western Auto Store. 1-24-tfe UPHOLSTERING ? Have your spring furniture upholstering done before the rush. Top quality workmanship with latest fabrics ta choose from. Free estimates at your convenience. Reproductions of antiques, modern etc. We pick up and deliver. All workman ship guaranteed. Laws Upholster ing Shop, 316 East Harper Ave., Phone 1861, Lenoir, N. C. l-24-4p BUILDERS &jt our concrete blocks. Made on our new precision machine. We have a supply of driveway stone and concrete stone. Priced at plant or delivered. GRAYSTONE BLOCK CO. J. C. McConncll, Manager Phone 309-J, Boone, N. C. 8-23-tfc rOR SALE AT COVE CREEK^ Good 5-room house and garage apartment large lot, located near school and church. Priced to sell. Small down payment will buy this property. Tri-County Realty Co. 11-18-tfc WANTED ? Tenant family to farm partly on share crop baiu, Including tobacco, cabbage. corn, probably hay, and work part time (or wa(e? on (arm. House has electricity with water, gar den and cow pasture. Anyone in ures ted please apply in person to H. Neal Blair, RFD 1, Boone, N. C. lc FOR SALE ? 1 good (arm horse. Will work anywhere. See Roy V. Brown at Rutherwood, N. C. 2p CANNON'S SERVICE STATION Best Bargains in Town MONTGOMERY WARD TIRES 829x20?10 ply 876.08 750x20?10 ply 62.00 700x15? 6 ply 32.58 850x16? 4 ply 19.00 600x16? 4 ply - 14.57 All prices include Federal and sales tax. BATTERIES\ Exchange Pricey 12 Mo. guarantee $11.45 24 Mo. guarantee 16.45 42 Mo. guarantee 21.95 CANNON'S TEXACO SERVICE C. W. Cannon, Mgr. 531 West Main BOONE, N. C. 2-14-eow-c WE ARE STILL PAYING the highest market prices (or good (at hens. Winkler's Feed Service. 2-7 -t(c FOR SALE or trade for any thing that I can use. Two male Walker (ox hounds. One three years old 23 inches tall, no pap ers. One 17 months old, 24 inches talL sired by the (amous show and Fox Hound, Citation. Pedi gree with this hound. See Greene Carroll at Rutherwood or write Boone R. F. D. 1. 2-7-2p FOR SALE ? Two-horse wagon and bed. Both in good condition. 8*t Greene Smith on highway 421, 4 miles east of BoSnc. 2-6-3p WOOD FOR SALE? $8.00 cord. Fred Baumann, Roby Greene Road, R. F. D. 1, Boone, N. C. l-31-3p MINING OFFICIALS leaving Akron, Ohio soon to inspect Mica and Manganese deposits in East Tennessee and Western North Carolina. Interested par ties please send samples ii< five pound lots, giving names and directions to the East Tennessee Mining Company, 634 Elk Ave., Elizabeihton, Tennessee. l-31-4p SAVE FUEL~WITH CHAMBER LIN weathers tripping, calking and storm windows. Also metal screens and porch enclosures. Call collect or write Lawrence Lane, Phone 208-W, Morgan ton, N. C. e-14-tfc FOR RENT ? 4-roora apartment, furnished or unfurnished, located near the College. See Jerry Coe, Telephone 297. 11-15-tfc WANTED? JO or 1& bushel* of rye. B R. Miller, Deep Gap, N. C. lp FOR RENT? Business building in Perkinaville. 14100 feet floor space. Will be built to suit renter. Two Harlay Davidson motorcy cles for sale, one for $200, one for *100. R. B. Shall, Boone. N. C. 7-14-Sp AUCTION sALE, FEBRUARY 23 at 10 a. m. at the farm. One ltyftl Chevrolet pickup, low mile age; two cows with calf at side; one registered bull 2 years old; on t cow due to freshen soon; one heifer; one mowing machine; one hay tedder, one corn plantar; one fertilizer distributor; one disc harrow; farm scales and other tools. MRS. W. H HAYES, R. F. D. 1, BOONE, N. C. 2-14-2c &INESE CHESTNUT. Blight resistant, early-bearing trees make beautiful shade and bear delicious nuts the secopd or third year after being transplanted. Successfully grown from Maine to Florida. Two 2 to 3 ft Trees ?Special Offer No. 1-1? *4.75, Postpaid. Write for Free Copy 96-page Planting Guide Catalog in color, offering complete line Fruit Trees, Nut Trees, Berry plants, Grape Vines and Orna mental Plant Material. Salespeo ple wanted. ? WAYIBSBORO NURSERIES ? WAYNESBORO, VIRGINIA. STORM WIN DOW S? >-H igh qual ity, weatherstripping. Reasonable puces. Term* if desired. Home Service Co., Box 403, Boone, N C., Phone 403. 2-7-tfc FARM SERVICE" TRACTOR CO., phone 804, Morganton, N. C., dealers in Ford Tractors, Dear born Equipment. Willys Jeeps, Cars, Station Wagons, Simplicity Garden Tractors,' McCulloch Chain Saws. Visit us for liberal trades. Terms. 1-24-tf FOR SALE ? Small saw mill, powered with Buick motor. Good belt and new saw box. Price ^50. Also large show case. Can see me after 6:30 p. m. at home. C. W. Church, Boone, Route 2. ? 2-14-2p WISCONSIN ENGINES? Sales, parts and repair service. For ex pert service call or bring your engine to us. Large stock parts. Engines becoming hard to get. F. L. German Motor Co., Granite Falls Phone 'l 08. l-31-3c DR. L. E. WELLMAN, Optonct* I rist, will be in his office at Moun tain City, Tenn., every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. i.y?s exam ined, glasses fitted. 1-A-tfc Clarence Parks At Bainbridge, Md. Undergoing recruit training at the U. S. Naval Training Center, Bainbridge, Md . is Clarence D. Parka, teaman recruit, U8N, son of till. Clarence Parka of Boone. Parka, who attended Boone Demonatration High School en ured the Naval aervice on Jan. 17, 1M2. Before entering the Navy, he was employed by Appalachian State Teacher* College. This initial training include* instruction in such fields as seamanship, fire-fighting, gun nery, signaling, and other cours es desi^hed to make the recruit well-versed in every"* phaae of Navy life. Upon completion Of their 11 week training period at the re cently n-aativated training cen ter, graduates are assigned to duty stations with the Fleet or at Navy shote stations, or are aent. to service schools for ad vanced technical training. ^SCHOOL LUNCHES The Government will help serve a record billion and a half cutrate but nourishing meals to 9,400,000 school children this year, according to the Agricul ture Department. The cost to the taxpayers will be about $83,000, 000 for the 1952-school lunch pro gram. WANTED ? To trade farm trac tors and equipment. Also trucks and power units for registered Herefords asd Black Angus, or good grade cows. Smith Cross roads, Inc., Lenoir, N. C. l-J4-4p NOTICE Or ADMIXISTaATION Having qualified as the administra tor of the estate of Susie Tadlock Teems, late of the eounty of Watauga, State of Norh Carolina, thia is to notify all those having Claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to me for payment within 12 months of th* date hereof, or thi? notice will be pleaded In bar o/ th?ir recovery. All those indebted to the estate are asked to make im mediate payment. This January 30. 193f? MRS S. M. AYERS. Ront, N. C. S'-7-6c EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as the executor of the will of E. B. Hagaman, late of the county of Watauga, State of North Carolina, this Is to nottly all thoee having claims, against the estate of the said deceased, to present them to m? for payment within 1J months of the date hereof or thia notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AU those Indebted to the estate are asked to make Immediate payment. This February 4. IBM? Henry Hagaman. Valle Cruets. N. C. ?-7-?p in*** y"*H ^ 1.? When you purchase protection 2. ? When you have a claim Jerry Coe, Agent ( COE INSURANCE AGENCY PHONE 2#4-W 21^ Main Street Boone, N. C t- ? bi' 1 THE THRILL OF THE NEW OLDSMOBILE HYDRA MATIC ? SUPER DRIVE I ?HvhwMmtir Sm*~ Drin ? i ' *HCK?T' timte/if OMemoliiU hita the hridliim ag?in ? with ? new, mw "Rotiui"' Thto'l 160 hmfiimi ? aurging, awrepinjc pftwrr ? in this p?t new OM^moUle rnfinet New high-lift tralveal New Qudri Jet Carburetor! SeBMtiuaal new featme throughout! Wbat'a now? Hydra-Malic Drieo* It new ? with ? new "S~ Range for m>?r ftjmrnmrr! 1W great new feature* ere in both the brilliant new Suprr "UK" and the new Onir Sitntr-hi/ful See your diliai iNle dealer am! Try (he IVSJ " Kadrt MidmT BLUE RIDGE MOTORS Phone 17&-W ' , Boone, N.C. uTi "r*:" ; -7 ftxiw'CE?flf^4. ft'dflfflfci 4T2# / a9l-' . ? 'IK', Ji -a' . -v i-vWI .-. ? "i i *i TTTAm mi i "* f Revenue official my* new tax has reduced gambling *0 per cent ?ones or MwnniT?AT?oa Having ?ullM u tbc limulslii tor of the MUlt of W H B arm. lata of the county of Watauga. IUU of North Carolina. Ihia u to notify all tfcoar having claim* again* t the a* tale of the aald daonsad to praiBt thtm to mt for payment within IS moatha of too dote hereof. or this notice will bo pleaded in bar of their recovery Tboae indebted to the estate are asked to make immediate pay ment. This January S3. IMS'? lira. W. H. Hayes, Administrator. 14141 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified aa executor of the will of E. Ford King. Sr.. late of the county of Watauga. State of North Carolina, this ia to notify all thoee having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to me for payment within IS months of the date hereof, or thia notice will be pleaded in bar dt their recovery. Those indebted to the estate are ask ed to make immediate payment. This January SI. IMS.? MRS. RUBY WHITE KING. Executor. Boone. N. C. 1-34-dp MM.IFWM KOTICr HaWnd qualified as the executor of the will ?< Mrs. 14a Farthin* MoreU. lata of the county of Watauga. Mata. of North Carolina, thu la to ?o?l#T all tbaaa havmj claim* a?M tha aatau of tha aatd decsas ad. to pi nil than to ma for payment ?Mbln twelve montha af tha data hereof. or thta notice will be >1? dad m bar of their recovery. Tlvoaa Indabtad to the aetata are aakad to make Immediate W mailt Thla January 11. M MORETZ. ?0? Oaytona Place, ttixabethton. Tenn. 1-17-dc ?REMEMBER? Rulan* Got Wk? la " ECONOMICAL! PROTECT YOUR FAMILY bjr becoming a member of REINS - STURDIVANT* BURIAL ASSOCIATION TELEPHONE 2*4 ? BOONE, N. C. A 25 cent fee u charged upon joining after which the follow ing dues are in effect: Quarterly Yearly Benefit One to Ten Vear? .10 .40 $50.00 Ten to Twenty-Nine Yean 20 .80 100.00 Thirty to Fifty Yean 40 1.60 100.00 Fifty to Sixty-five Yean .60 2.40 100.00 Local Realty Values BEAUTIFUL 6 ROOM STONE HOUSE? steam heat, two ? baths, hardwood floors, large spacious lot with three good building lots; located near college. Priced to sell- Easy terms. NEW FIVE ROOM HOUSE? with % acre land. Located 3 miles west of Boone. Small down payment, easy terms on balance. COMPLETE FARM with 122 acres of land, good nine room house and bath. Grade A dairy, good orchard (all kinds of fruit) 3-10 tobacco base, will graze 50 head of stock. Lo cated 6Vi miles east of Boone, near Blue Ridge Parkway and Highway No. 421. BRUSHY FORK? Thirty-seven acre farm VA cleared) with good four room house. 9-10 tobacco base. Price $3,000. GOOD 4-ROOM BRICK HOUSE ? bath, hardwood floors, large let, located near College. Priced to sell. Immediate possession. TOURIST COURT: Modern with all furnishings and fixtures. Other business buildings. Small down payment, balance on long terms. Don't phone. Confidential listing. GOOD SIXTY ACRE f ABM with seven room (tone houae, bath, twenty acres bottom land, good barn, tobacco base. Located on school, milk, and mail route. Good roads. Terms? one-half down. ' GOOD GOING BUSINESS for sale. Will net $5,000 yearly income. Confidential listing. Please do not phone for information. FARM FOR SALE ? Twenty-seven acres, located six miles east of Boone adjoining the Blue Ridge Parkway. Good eight room house, bath, two large barns, brick silo, gran ary, storehouse, chicken house. Electricity in all build ings. Good orchard and all land can be cultivated by machine. One mile from church and school. This prop erty can be bought as a whole or can be divided to suit the buyer. Terms can be arranged. A GOOD . SIX ROOM (tone house, bath, hardwood floor, completely furnished, including automatic washer and 1 refrigerator. Located in one of the best residential sec tions of Bbone. Priced to sell. Terms can be arranged. COVE CREEK ? Good, 5-room house and garage apartment, large lot Located near school and church. Priced to sell. Small down payment will buy this property. NEW SIX ROOM HOUSE, bath, hardwood floors, hot air furnace, full sized basement, large lot, city water, lo cated just out of city limits. PERKIN S VILLE, & C. ? Good 5-room house, bath, lot 150 front by 175. Good well. Priced to sell ? $6,500. ZIONSVILLE, N. C. ? 4 acres land ? 2 acres cleared ? 5-room house. Water. 3-10 tobacco base. ? Price $3,000. LOCATED 2 MILES EAST OF BOONE on Highway 421?46 acres of eleared land (8 acres river bottom). Good 7 -room house, bath, 2 barns, 2 milk cows, two heifers, calf, and all farm tools. Priced to sell. GOOD BUSINESS BUILDING: Located West Boone. Con crete block building 40" x 50'; lot 50" x 150*. Ideal for warehouse or manufacturing plant. Price is right ? 3 3-10 acres of land on Highway No. 421 about 2tt miles east of Boone. APARTMENT HOUSE? Grand Blvd. Large lot Priced to * sell LOCUST STREET? Boone, N. C.: Good 12 room house, 2 baths, up stairs apartment has private entrance, lot 85 ft frontage by 215 ft Very desirable for rooming or apartment house. This property Joins the College Cam- _ pus. This is a real investment Priced to sell. Terms 11 needed. . LARGE BUSINESS LOT with 100 ft frontage near Inter section of Highways 421 and 321 at east Boone. Very desirable for furniture, grocery store location or garage. Priced to sell. LOCATED 2 MILES WEST OF BOONE? 4 rooms, bath, dou- ' ble garage, plastered walls inside. Stucco walls outside. H acre land. GRILL AND SANDWICH SHOP? located near Collect. Do ing good business. This business consists of all stock and equipment, 7 room house, bath, with 3 room private apartment and bath. Conveniently located to College , and high school trade, This business will pay for itaelf within three years. Terms ? %? down, balance to be arranged. Don't overlook this investment Come to Boone and put your children in school and pay your way. $4,500. . FOUR ROOM HOUSE, bath, 14 lots, city water. Lo cated Vi mile from Boone. Loan can be arranged. MAIN ATREET? Good six room brick house, bath, new furn ace 77 ft frontage on Main Street Priced to selL APARTMENT HOUSE? located near college. Priced to sell Terms. ,?? ? , GOOD 9- ROOM HOUSE? bath, basement lot 110x200 feet Located in Moretz Addition. A good investment DESIRABLE LOTS for sate. Also the beat in business lota. Uat Year Property with Us far a Quick Sale Tri-Couniy Realty Company E. F. COE, Manager C. M. Critcher PHONim-ff BOONS, N. C. gf MAIN SIBBI