Fat her V Night Held At Blowing Rock School Faculty Meets; Not* Of Thanks Given; Basket ball News; Other News ot Grades. By MRS. LUCILE LETT Father's night was observed at the regular P. T. A. meeting an Tuesday night of last week held in the school's newly re-decorat ed auditorium. Rev. Thomas Seitz of the Episcopal church asked the invocation to open the meeting. Minutes of the l^M feting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Susan Triplett after which com mittee re^irts were heard. Special attention was made ot the Valentihe supper, sponsored by the P. T. A., to be held thie Thursday night from ? to ? o'clock in the school cafeteria. Mrs. James Storie gave the menu and made announcements concerning the donations fordhis supper, and gave other informa tion regarding this event; It is hoped a great number will at the supper as the P. T. A. has many important projects in view for the benefit and betterment of the school. * Mrs. Charles Martin, chairman of the membership and hospital ity opmmittees, announced that Mrs. Beach's fourth grade had for the second consective month won the attendance prize. Mr. Koone's 6th and 7th grades came next in attendance of fathers and grandfathers. Following these announce ments, Mr. Storie, principal, gave a brief address of welcome to new members and visitors and brought the attention of all present to the beautiful new in terior of the school auditorium. Mr. Storie also announced that the new stove for the kitchen had been ordered. List of new Grade mothers for the remainder of the year was read and will be in this news column next week. Mrs. ?eona Coffey, program chairman, an nounced programs for the re maining school months. a* iLi. i?. * - -- - - ni litis puuii, ini. oaiuca uuu ?bolt, District Ranger for the Na tional Park Service in thb area gave a short talH as an introduc tion to a scries of colored slides of the Blue Ridge Parkway shown by Mr. Godbolt. These slides were very beautiful and were skillfully narrated by Mr. Godbolt as they were shown. Following the showing of the slides everyone was Invited to the cafeteria where the "proud papas" showed their skill in the art of "K. P. duty" by serving hot dogs with all'the trimmin's and coffee. They did themselves proud and those wive* who do not remember that night and what their husbands are capable of doing are just missing out at home. After the "dog?" and cof fee were consumed, sleeves were rolled up, aprons donned, and the "papas" still further showed their skill in washing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen in gen eral. Faculty Meet* Mrs. Edmisten, county super visor, was again guest at the re gular weekly faculty meeting on Monday afternoon of last week. She gave another lecture in the series on "The Teaching of Read ing." The teachers had earlier in the year voted to have Mrs. Ed misten conduct a unit of study on this topic. Following other bjj^fness of the afternoon, Mrs. Charles Brown, music director of the school served delicious and beau tifully decorated refreshments to all present. These consisted of heart-shaped' sandwiches with red filling, a white tiered calft with red decorations depicting ^ Valentine's Day, and hot cof fee. Bulletin Board The bufletin board in the low er hall of the school building is typical of the month of February in regards to the great men who were born in this month ? Tho ? mas A. Edison, George Washing ton, and Abraham Lincoln. Small sketches of. each of men were made and artistically ar ranged by lira. Greene'* 7th and ?th grade atudenta. Mete Of Thanks The school la indeed grateful to lir. Don Hatten, Mr. Carlie Hattnn, and Mr. Bill Foster (or the donation of their time and effort for installing a hot water heater and tank to the furnace for the cafeteria kitchen. lira Mar fa Tournament Announcement is made that the boys' basketball team will play that of Claremont school at the Valdese Tournament on Sat urday February 16 at 2:00 p. m lehadtdad Games The following basketball games are listed through Febru ary 19: February 13, Blowing Rock and Bethel at Blowing Rock; * February 18, Blowing Rock boys and Claremont boys at Valdese; February 10, Blowing Rock and Mountain City at Blowing Rock. All home games are at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Beach's 4th Grade We have a Dixie Home Store set-up in our room presented to us by Mr. Storie. We have lots of fun playing store. We have a variety of games in our room now. We have puzzle map*. Arthur cards, a store, read ing and arthimetic games. Pat Berry man brought a Poly anna board that we enjoy so much. JVe were again the winner of the P. T. A. attAdance prize money. We had nine fathers and two grandfathers attending. We want to thank our parents and grandparents for their interest and cooperation in attending these meetings. We plan to buy supplementary readers with the money we have won and the money we made selling seeds. We nfeed these books very bad iy Our room was full of excite ment on Tuesday morning of last week when Mr. Coffey came to our room and told Burns that he had a new baby brother weighing 8 pounds. Burris is very proud of this little brother. He named him Douglas Bruce. We had two little visitors on Thursday afternoon ? Carolyn filler and Doris Coffey. Mrs. YedMr's 1st Gnd* Last Tuesday afternoon we gave our assembly program. Many ot us had never appeared before such a large audience be fore. Ina Luttrell acted as Master of Cermonies. After a poem of welcome by Linda Dula, the class repeated the 23rd Psalm and a short prayer. Our program -consisted of songs, poems, and dances that we had learned during our unit of winter and weather. Those having individual parts were Billie Foster, who was dressed as a snowman, David Cannon, Richard Coffey, Linda Hollifield, Diann Hodges, Jessie Coffey, Bill Teague, Barbara Parker, and Diann Greene. The program ended with a puppet show "Hansel and Grat al." We have decorated the large bulletift board ?1 our room with Valentines, and pictures of George Washington, and Abra ham Lincoln. Mrs. Whltaner's 1st Grade Mr. Greer of the Dixie Home store in Boone sent us a Dixie Home play store and we have such a good time playing store and learning to maks change. We take turns being the mana ger. One day we wrote letters thanking Mr. Greer for our gift. Edith Story wrote the nicest letter so it was mailed to him. Last week we had an orange party. The oranges were given to us bv one of our grade moth ers. Aror our party we asked Donna Stone to thank her moVi er for being so kind to us. This week is Valentine and we can haMly wait ta see and get' all the valentines in our pretty box. The Bureau of Plant Industry, USDA, reports that more than 6,000 plant introductions were made during 1991. WHEN TOMORROW IS TODAY . . . "How is this for your bost buy of tho week: Ono Pound of Pinky Pig Franks, ono No. 2} Can of Kraut, and an S-Oz. Cup of Our Homemade^ Chili-all for only 88c! Imagino serving 4 porsons for 88c!" m ? Sunshine Krlspy CRACKERS ?.??: 29c Dixie-Home Self-Rising FLOUR 10 ? 96c Caetleberry'a Brunswick STEW No. 2 Can 48^. TRUE SOUTHERN HOSm^TY IS OUR RULE FOR COURTESY Dixie HE!1!! Nabisco Old Fashioned ?-Ox. Can Ginger Snaps Our Mother's Cocoa . . . Del Monte Cream G Corn . . . Do I Monte Brand 'Prunes.. Tender Cut * Okra ... t Northern DM Rutabagas "*< Lb. Pkl 35? 24? Vatmmtimmm Day Vm Immw! CHOCOLATES Orchid Brand Box 59c Del Monte Cream Golden No 303 Cen (T7.., He. 303 Jar . For Color And Flavor ? Georgia 19 Pimientos . . 20? Keltogg's Nourishing Cereal 25? Corn Flakes 16? Rami Apple-Blackberry * 14? Jelly T 18? It's Homogenised ? Swift's Jswsl 14c Shortening, ? 71 c 303 Can It's hanf to boat hone?t-to goodnaaa homemade chili for fla vor ? and at thia low prlco, It's a TOP VALUE! Serve with Pinky Franks and B?nt Mountain Chopped Kraut! Chili.. - 29c FREE! Llfsllks Play Store With Purchase of 12 Pkge. Anvni00 Vat Immml Jell-0 tr 12 Keep A Supply On Hand ? Coonomlcal Standard Pack Tomatoes., r 15? A Money Saverl Van Camp's Tender Hominy 14c Easy Te Prepare, Eesy On The Budget! Standard Pack * Turnip GREENS 2 ^ 25c A Coed Standby For Quick Meata ? White House Apple Sauce ^ 1 1 c Just Open The Can And Heat ? Torsch All Oreen Lima Beans 2 ^ 3 7? Family Favorite! Llbby er Del Mente Pineapple ?*?",?: 31 e Freeh Apple Taste? Apple Keg Apple Juice 2 29c Rleh In Vltam|ps? Evsrssdy * Carrot Juice "? 14c Dixie-Home Quality Orangeade . 21 c Witmmm'm Vanned Mvaiml Wilson's Certified Corned Beef Hash "? 38c Wilson's Certified Tender Tripe... "