Association- Wide W.M.S. Meet Scheduled In Bldwing Rock By MRS. LUCILE LETT On Friday, February 20, from (0:00 a. m. to 2:30 p. m., an As sociation-wide W. M. S. meeting will be held at First Baptist church. A study in Home Mis i iions, "The West Is Big," by Al ! bert McClellan, will be taught by Mrs. Phillip Greer of Bristol, Va. A covercd dish luncheon will be yerved. All members of both circles of ' the W. M. S. are urged to attend, "and interested persons are cordi -ally invited to attend. Also on Friday at 7:30 p. m. cottage prayer meeting will be held at the home of Mr. Horace Cooke on the Boone road. The public is invited. Women Of Presbyterian Church Meet The women of the Rumple Memorial Presbyterian church held their last meeting on Mon day evening of last week at the home of Mrs. Lewis Lentz. Mrs. Paul Kluttz was leader of the program which had the topic, "Stewardship." Assisting with the program was Mrs. Sarah Payne. A special-offering was taken for Dutch relief. Plans were made for observing the World Day of Prayer on Friday evening, Feb ruary 20, the place to be announc ed. . After the program a social hour was held with refreshments served by the hostess. Legion Auxiliary Meets The Blowing |to^k American Legion Auxiliary met last Tues day evening, February 10 at the home of the president, Mrs. Gene Bolick, at her home on the Boone road, with a good attendance. Each member present wrote a ?card to Mrs. Lila Foster who is ill in Western N. C. Sanitorium at Black Mountain. It was voted by the organiza tion to have a covered dish sup per with members of the Legion to discuss further plans and work now being done on the new Hut being built by' the Legion and Auxiliary. The date for this sup per will be announced. It is hop ed the basement portion of the Hut will be finished in time for use during the coming summer. 1 Plans were also discussed for the county-wide talent contest to be held in the near future. Mrs. Polly Martin will be in charge. Also discussed was the Bazaar, which tentatively is scheduled for May. ? The March meeting will be held on the 10th of the month at 7: JO p. m. at the home o*Mr?. Anne Brown Just below the bus at* lion Bridal Shower Oiv?? Member* of the night circle, W M. S. of the First Baptist church were hostesses It a mis cellaneous bridal shower In the church basement on Friday even ing honormg Mrs. June Herring Greene, bride Of February 7. Games were enjoyed and many lovely gifts were received by the bride. Decorations were in pastel col ors and punch and cake were Served to some 30 guests Linda Oar Ralaar Has Birthday Little Mis* Linda Gay Rainey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rainey, celebrated her fifth birthday on Wednesday of last week With a party at her home on Abernethy Hill. Pink and green colors and the Valentine motif was carried out in decorations and refreshments. ?The birthday cake was heart shaped and iced in green and pink and was served with heart-shap ed ice cream with decorations of cupids on top. Baskets of candy were given as favors. Enjoying Linda's party were her little brother, Johnny, Tom my Kluttz, Olivia and Dickey Knight, Jimmie Williams, Neal Hartley, Patricia Pitts, Kathy Berryman, Donna Stone, Sandra Castle, Mary Ann Coffey, Judy Robinson, Jo Ann and Mike Lentz, and Alice Robbins. Moth ers present were Mrs. Carter Lentz, Mrs. Lewis Lentz, Mrs. Norman Pitts, and Mrs. Thomas Kluttz. Many lovely gifts were receiv ed by Linda, with more coming that evening when the following had dinner with the Raineys: Mr. Lee and Ed Robbins, Mrs. Paul Kluttz, and Mrs. Mary Herring. Parmonals Word has been received here of the illness of Mr. G. C. Rob bins, Sr., who underwent surgery last w ek at Mercy Hospital In Miami, Florida. The Robbins and daughter Peggy were visiting a son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Robbins, when the ill ness occured. Mr. Robbins will be in the hoapital about ten days and w>H remain in Florida about a'nftntih before returning home. Latent reports are that Mr. Rob bins is doing nicely. Mr. Rathmel Wilson of Wilson Construction Company has been out of town the past few days on business. Mrs. Frank Bentley of Shulls I Local Realty Values CHERRY PARK ? Good 7-room house, bath, furnace, basement, gass cooking range, hot water heater ? Lot 83 x200' with all kinds of fruit. Priced to sell. Small down payment Immediate possession. GOING BUSINESS ? All equipment and stock. Quick Self. GOOD 38 ACRE FARM.? 7-room house, bath, furnace, bam, garage, chicken house. Frontage on Highway 421. Can be financed. 20 ACRES LAND located on Highway 421, Sugar Grove, N. C. Priced to sell SMALL FARM 7 ACRES ? 6 room house, located about one mile west of Boone. Price is right NEW 5-ROOM BRICK HOUSE? Garage. Very modem. Can be financed. NEW 6 ROOM HOUSE ? 1 acre land, located on hard surface road S miles east of Boone near Rutherwood. Small down payment good terms on balance. Plenty of farm land available to rent. FIVE MINUTES DRIVE FROM BOONE. Good 60 acre fa mi. good 6-room house, bath. 20 acres of river bottom land. Other good outbuildings. Terms if needed. DUPLEX APARTMENT HOUSE 8 rooms, 2 baths, central heating system. This property will pay for itself. Located near college and business district. I#, 800. GENERAL STORE and service station located on Highway 421 near Rutherwood. This property Includes stock and buildings, meed to tell. , GOOD 6-ROOM HOUSE, batik, steam heat conveniently lo cated to college and business section. Priced to sell. GOOD 4-ROOM HOUSE? bath, large lot 180x1 N. fruit tree*, located Just out of cKy limits, nice ?4,900 00. Immediate possession. 2 MILES SOUTH OF BOONE on Highway No. 121? A-room house, bath, basement good bam and outbuilding, 2 acres of land. Priced to tall GOOD 6-ROOM HOUSE ? hot air heat large lot located near business district Price $8,800. GOOD 4-ROOM HOUSE? furnace, bath, large lot located near eollege. APARTMENT HOUSE located near collage. 11 rooms (3 apart ments with 3 baths). Terms If needed. GOOD 6-ROOM STONE HOUSE, bath, basement new furnace, one acre land, located 4 miles from Boone on Highway No. 221. Priced to selL ? NEW I APARTMENT HOUSE, very modern, private bathe. . automatic heat located near College campus A real in vestment. Terms if desired. DESIRABLE LOTS FOE SALE. Abo the best In business lota. List Your Property with Us for a Quick Sale Bar* Demand far Small Wiirfneas ? - Ala* (or Hi|i Tri-County Realty Co. E. F. Coe, manager C. M. Critcher MKUCK m ? Boaoa, N. C. ? *17 MAIN STOUT I Mills Is at this writing slowly improving at the Blowing Rock hospital after being very ill. She is the mother of Joe Bentley, who was given the surprise birthday party at school lait Week. Dr. and Mrs. Davant and child ren, Charles III, and Dianne, and Mrs. Leslie Coffey have returned home after some time in Key West, Florida, where Dr. Davant served with the U. S. Navy for some weeks. Everyone is so hap py to have Dr. Davant back and would like to say "thank you" so gratefully to the Dr.'s in Boone who so faithfullly filled in here. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Forbes of Coral Gables, Florida, are in town for two weeks and are guests of the Lamey Hollars. Mrs. Paul Kluttz and the Cecil Crltchers have returned from several weeks visit to different points of interest in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. William Cessna of Watauga Inn left on Sunday for an extended visit to the state of Arizona. Guests of Mrs. Spence Greene the past week end were hei; daughter. Dottle, of Furman Uni versity, Miss Mary Stewart, also of Furman, and Mr. Bob Riddle of Waynesville, and Mr. Royce McNeil of Marion, N. C. Fire Controlman 2nd Class Johnny Keller of the U. S. Navy spent the week end with his wife and son, Mike. Arthur Mayne Coffey, of the U. S. Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Omer Coffey, spent the last week at his home here. While here he visited his sister, Janice, a stud ent of Mitchell College in States ville. He was accompanied by Carolyn Greene and Jean Morri son. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hardin of Hardin's Hardware Store are spending some time in Florida. They will be accompanied home by Mrs. Hardin's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hayes, who have been gone several weeks. Airman 3rd class and Mrs. Plumer Greene left Sunday after spending the week here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Berlin Oreene, Mrs. Mary Herring, and Mrs. Greene's grandmother, Mrs. Fronie Robbins. Airman Greene returned to Bowling Field, Wash ington, D. C-and Mrs. Greene will resume her position with Chesa peake and Patomac Telephone company in Petersburg, Va. The Greenes were married in Colon ial Heights, Va. on February 7. Mrs. Clarence Berryman and children, Kathy and Chip, return ed to Kingsport, Tenn., last Sun day after spending a week here with their daughter, Pat, and Mrs. Berryman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lyon. Mrs. Lyon re cently visited with the Berrymant in Kingsport. DRAFT CALL VP The Army issued a draft call for 53,000 men in April, the same number called for March. These drafts represents larger man power requirements, though the Army is the only one of the three services still using the draft as a manpower source. HAY FOR SALE Good Quality Alfalfa or Mixed Hay For Sale, In Any Quantity Mount Brothers Shouns, Tenn. PHONE 144-R - REMEMBER - Rultne Gas Service Is ECONOMICAL! BOONE DRUG CO. Your rmwtnlloii Urn PROMPT SERVICE Stan Am MHO A. It to woFit Sundays: * 00 P. 1L to ? P. It If Naed?l attar Stan Stein, Call 114-11 ?r 101 Tim UMU Mm Valentine Parties Held By Grade School Classes 0 A festive spirit has prevaded the school and has t-?n felt in every classroom for the past week, with Valentine parties and colorful decorations the order of the day. It has been a big week in the lives of the children, parti cularly the little ones, with love and human kindness receiving " perhaps a little more emphasis than at other times of the year. Most of the children were on their best behavior all of Friday morning, giving special attention to completing their work prompt ly and well. At 1:30 for some classes and 2 o'clock for others, however, the long-awaited mom ent arrived ? the sharing of fun, refreshments and Valentines. The menu at lunchtime was al so fitting for the occasion. Mrs. Buchanan and her corps of work ers served turkey, rice and gravy, English peas, biscuits, butter, jelly and milk. Although a festive board, this lunch is really typical of the excellent meals received daily by the children at school. Miss Lanier's First Grade Miss Lanier's first grade was entertained by Chuck Blanton Friday afternoon at a birthday party. He served ice cream, cup cakes, orange- juice and Valen tine candy. Miss Bm hears' Second Orade The Valentine party was a big success. There were many surpris es in the box of each child. Those bringing refreshments were Bar bara Yoder, John Harrison, Gay Underwood, Walter Ray Welch and Jimmy Cannon. The class or joyed the visit of Nancy Cox last week. Miss GUsbs' Fourth Grade Miss Gibbs' class had a Valen tine party Friday. They had a good time together playing games, eating refreshments and sharing cards. The refreshments included potato candy, oranges, .coola id and cookies. Wanda Cooke was chosen to give out the Valentines. Alice Mast has been absent since January 28, when she had her tonsils removed. Mr. Cutts' Fifth Grade The class enjoyed a series of parties last week, the first being given on Wednesday by Margaret Rose Brown. She treated the class to soda pop, cookies and candy mints. On Thursday, the pupils found cups of cool aid, cup cakes, and candy on their desks when they returned from the play per iod. Co-hostesses on this occasion were Barbara Edwards and Len nis Coffey. On Friday afternoon, while Miss Shefleton distributed the Valentines, Mack Dyer and Ray Greene assisted Mr. Cutts In serving ice cream to the class. The class has been using a new tape recorder for the past week, and many of the pupils have be come quite interested in improv- , ing their public speaking and oral reading ability. Each person is able to hear just how he sounds 1 to others and to correct many faulty speech patterns. Thee lass also has been doing much crea tive writing, starting with only a picture or a title from which a story is developed. Some of the best work has been done by Mar garet Roie Brown, Patsy Gaulden and Carl Benson. MiM Walker's Sixth Grade The class had its Valentine party Friday afternoon at 1:45. Sharon Collins, the student teach ers (Misses Holland and Kivette). and Miss Walker served refresh ments: candy, cookies and ice cream. Thursday afternoon Miss Wal ker showed colored slides which she had made in Ireland, England, Scotland and Holland while she was overseas last year. Some of the pictures were of areas which were covered by the recent floods. Zionville News Items Those visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greer re cently, were Mr. and Mrs. Char les Edwards from Boise, Idaho. Mrs. Edwards is a niece of Mr. Greer. Also Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bumgardner from Mountain City, Tenn., Mr. and Mrs. Don Camp bell, Freda, David, Darin and Keith of Thomasville, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Greer are recovering from the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Potter 'and daughter, Sherry, of Greensboro, N. C. and Mr. and Mrs. Quip Turner of Alma, Ga., spent the week end with Mrs Potter's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson. Mr. Jim Lewis of Brandonville, West Virginia visited with friends and relatives in this and other communities Tuesday and Wed nesday. Mrs. Maggie Norris of Bethel visited her mother Mrs. Alice , Miller Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Rud Greene and family have moved to Lenoir where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stephen and family visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ragan at Len oir, N. C. Mrs. Albert Dotson of Mountain City, Tennessee spent last week , with Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Critcher. Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas , had at dinner guests Sunday Messrs Earl Miller, Clayton and ? Bruce South, Mrv Hattie Wilson < and Donna and Ollie Jeane Mil- i ler, Mrs. Blanche Wilkinson and Bobby Greer, all of Zionville, Misses Hilda and Peggy Church 1 it Mabel and Lewis A. McKin ley of Bainbridfe, Md. New Columbian Constitution units popular voting. * Plant* such a* African violate, phellcxrendron, ivy, and ofelr foli age ptanta can ba frnn?lnl and raiaed under fluoreacant lifht satisfactorily. ? ? Hgars Of Happiness At The Appalachian Theatre TUESDAY, FEB. 24, ONE DAY ONLY "SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION" . . . Human, down-to-earth, and simple!! If you liked "Country Parson," "Stars in My Crown," One Foot in Heaven," then don't miss . . . mtm nciMK fmtm ?*?* Kent TAYLOR ? Gww LOCKHART Glorio HOLDEN ? David BRUCE with Ann* O'NKAl ? Imm.t VOCAN 'I JOHN 11.2} /mm Mil I *m the resurrection, and i Ikt tilt: ht that MUvath h ma, ' though ht wtrt dead, yet ikott ht thj EXTRA? ADDED ATTRACTION! GUARANTEED ENTERTAINMENT! To Our Patrons: So confident are we of the inspiration of "SEEDS OF DE STRUCTION," that we will guarantee your approval!!! Any one that leaves the theatre who can tell us honestly that he did not enjoy it, money will cheerfully be refunded!! A PICTURE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMIJ-Y! "The Guest" A 30-MINUTE FILM Adventure You'll Never Forget! ImMv LjIcm Boom. M. C" Tuesday February 24 One Day Only! Thursday The Happy Tine with Charles Boyer Friday Wagons West hi color Rod Cameron Peggy Cattle Saturday? II o'clock Night Stage To Galveston with Gene Autry Saturday Night Anne Of The Indies Technicolor with Jean Peter* Louis Jourdan Monday WALT DISNEY'S The Story Of Robin Hood in Technicolor Richard Todd Joan Rice Wednesday The Green Glove with Glenn Ford Geraldine Brooks - Hours Of Happiness At The Appalachian Theatre - Em the MUFFLER mis mm to m POWER WorWi MW.fl V8 Fck in the old days, any man who wanted real performance used a "cutout" on his car. It was a device that by-passed the muffler? because mufflers have always cut down on usable power. But it made a lot of noise. ' , Muffling that noise ? and still getting rid of okhaust gases as fast as they come from the cylinders ? has ?tumped the automobile people for years. ? Wow, Buick engineers have racked up another "first." They have cothe up with a muffler of supreme quiet and sero power lojp first time in history. il. fc I li/-r S?iar*liC UTMIB I- -. .I, - It is called a dynamic flow muffler. And it is one of many advances that make the great 1953 Buick Ro adm aster even .greater. For this automobile ? the greatest ' Buick in fifty great years? has a bril liant new V8 Engine that can turn up 188 hp. And every one of its horse powers can be delivered as usable power ? since none is restricted in muffler passage. As you would expect, there is more to this magnificent motorcar than power, 'great though it is. There's a finer ride, better maneu verability, easier handling? now with Power Steering as standard equip KOAUMASM , CMMIIUTirl"" ment, and Power Brakes optional at extra coat. And there's the amazing new TWin Turbine Dynaflow bringing quieter, jet-fast getaway to complete and utter smoothness. Why not oome in and see for yourself just how^reat the greatest Buick in half a cegtury really is? tutor OfNIMl A40T0U 11*4400 Htm HIGHWAYS com nr. I? Tm Mt ? -WHIN UTTIt AUTOMOMIU AM MMT MUCK WIU BUILD THIM" WATAUGA SALES AND SERVKE 4M H. Kara VnUBCT iBOOmb K. c

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