Church Notices Jr. at It a. m. at 11 a. m. Youth IWlowrtUp mMti at 1*0 p. m. Westminster Fellowship, t:4l Choir rchcanal Wednesday at ?30 p. m. Wednesday evening prayer meeting at T:M p. m. BOOMT METHODIST CHURCH Joseph T. Shackford, past: ' Wad. ? <15 ? Choir rehearsal; 7:30 ? Week of Dedication con tinued with talk by Earl Petrey. and filmatrip. Saturday ? (JO ? Wesley Fel lowahip Canteen, Fellowship Hall. Sunday ? <10 ? WF Breakfast Hour; 1:45 ? Church School, Dr. J. &. Barden, Superintendent. 10:S&? Morning worship, contin uing Week of Dedication, sermon by pastor, and loot offering and specially designated offering go ing to Week of Dedication work; ?J0 Youth and Wesley Fellow ships; 7:30 Talk by Ray Derrick and filmstrip on Life of Christ. t:15 each week day and Sat urday morning ? Pastor conduct] devotional* over WATA. Monday, February 23, ,Youn| Adults Covered Dish Supper at ?:1S. . BAPTIST CHURCH NEWS This is the last reminder of our Associations! Mission study class es to be held February 19-21. The W. M. S. will meet at Three Forks February 10 at 5:30 o'clock and again February 20 at Blow ing hock at 10:00 o'clock and the young peoples' organization will meet at Boone February 21 at 1:00 o'clock. For more definite in formation contact your W. M. S. president or young peoples' di rector. March is enlargement month in the Training Union. There ii a great need for training in church membership and for leaden in all our churchef. The Training Union helps to fill both these needs. Enlarge your Training Un ion, or begin one in your church in March. March 1-7 is the Week of Pray er and Annie Armstrong offering for Home Missions in our W. M. U. organizations. Let's make it a week of prayer for the needs are great and make your gifts worth while. Some time during the week give every member of your church an opportunity to give an offering for Home Missions. The State Vacation Bible School Clinic at Fruitland Feb ruary 11-14 was attended by five persons from our Association and because of the intensive study put on Vacation Bible School work while there our schools this year will be bigger and better than ever, we are sure. Probably the most inspiration al and helpful meeting held by North Carolina Baptists is the Evangelistic confcrcnce held cach year in February. The meeting at High Point February 9-11 was attended by Rev. and Mrs. Rex West and Mrs. Victor Trivette, Rev. and Mrs. Cecil Glenn, Rev. C. O. Vance, Rev. L. H. Hollings worth, Mr. and Mrs. Wood row Greene, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Triplttt and maybe others that we have not heard of. They re port that it was the best confer ence ever held. Blowing Rock Churches FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rtr. E. P. Carter. Pastor Wed. ? 3:15 p. m. Primary and Carol Choir rehearsal 7:00 p. m. Sunday School of ficers and teachers meeting 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting 8:15 p. m. Senior Choir rehear sal. Friday ? 10:00 a. m -2:30 p. m. Association-wide W. M. S. meet ing at church 7:30 p. m. Cottage prayer meet ing, home Mr. Horace Cooke Boone road Sunday ? 10:00 a. m. Sunday School 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship 7:30 p. m. Evening Wortihip RUMPLE MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Wed. ? 7:30 p. m. Prayer meet in? 1:30 p. m. Choir rehear mJ Friday ? 3:15 p. m. Junior Choil rehearsal, home Mrs. Charlei 7:30 p. ?n. Observance of World Day of Prayer Sunday? 10:00 a. in. Sundaj School 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship ITS OF THE HILLS >AL CHURCH Rev. fhoma* C. Seitz, Vicar. Sunday? <: 00 a. m. Holy Com munion if 10:00 a. m. Sunday School 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sera on ft CATHOLIC Each Sunday, #:S0 a. m., Maaa. U|m Hut, Boom. aovsht christian cmubcm C. A. fiMt Jfw Paalee Sunday School 10X10 a. m. ' Morning Wotahip 11:00 a. m. Youth Fellowship ?:00 p. m. Evening Wonhip 7:00 p. m. Mid-Week prayer meeting Wed neaday 7:00 p. m. ? _____ ? PERKINSVILLE BAPTIST IUt. Cocll Olenn. Pastor Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Morning Wonhip 11:00 a. m. B. T. U. 7:00 p. m. Evening Wonhip 8:00 p. m. Wedneaday prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. .a CHURCH or CHB1BT Meeting in Court Houae Wonhip 10:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. 1 m. Lord'i Day; Bible itudy Thun day 7:30 p. m. Radio program every Sunday at 1:30 p. m. H. Erneat Shoaf, Evangelist. ?T. LUKE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. Thomaa C. Seiti, vicar. Morning Prayer and Sermon 10:00 a. m. : | Wednesday morning ? Holy | Communion 0:00 a. m. WATAUOA LUTHERAN PARISH Rev. Hubert C. Linn, pastor . Ml. Zlon Church 10:00 a. m. ? Sunday School. Old Ml. Plaaaani Church 9:30 a. m. The Service 10:30 a. m. Sunday School , Ml. Plaaaani Church 10:00 a. m. ? Sunday School. 6:49 p. m.? Luther League. Holy Trinity Church 10:00 a. m.? Sunday School. 11:00 a. m. The Communion Service. GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH R?t. E. T. Troutnan. F11M Sunday school at 10 a. m. Prof. H. C. Tripp and Mrs. D. , G. Moretz, Supts. Worship at 11:00 a. m. Sermon topic: "Not by Bread Alone." Luther League at 0:30 p. m. Lutheran Student Association at 7:00 p. m. Evening Worship at 7:30. Ser mon topic: "My Evening Sacra fice." Especially In the Vesper services during the Lenten Sea son shall there much be said about Sacraflce in Chrlstain' Worship and living. Choir rehearsal Wednesday evening at 7:00 with Giles Salvo directing. Come and worship. Grace Luthem Church shall be gin Evening Services at 7:30, , starting February 22nd and con- / tinuing each Sunday evening at i 7:30 Much shall be preached con- ' cerning our part in Sacraficc in Chrlstain Worship and daily liv ing, especially during the Lenten Season which begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18th, and continues until Easter. Paul Said To Mr. Ed: John was in court for u?ing hone meat in hia rabbit sausage. "What percentage of horse meat do you use." asked the judge? "O, I use about 50-50." "What do you mean, 50-50?" John replied, "One horse and one rabbit." * IF YOU ARE ABOUT 60-50? I MEAN 50% COVERED WITH INSURANCE AND 50% WITH KIRE HAZARDS. CLEAN UP THE HAZARDS AND WE WILL WRITE YOU 100% INSURANCE 1151 Fire Box Scott To Dai* 1 Homes Destroyed and I dam Your friendly agent, PAUL ?WATAUGA INSURANCE AGENCY E. A. GaultMT * J. Paul Wiaklat (Areata) Northwestern hak BuOdta* Phones 34* - )?M BOONE. NORTH CAROLINA THE CHURCH AlUlj) THE COMMMMTY The Church on the corner or at the crossroads stands for three of the most important phases of community life ? the social, in tellectual and spiritual development of its people. Within its hallowed precincts the rich and the poor, the high and the low meet on common ground and learn to share each other's joys and sorrows. It is the social center of the commun ity, where people leafrn to mingle and cooperate and be friendly. The accumulated knowledge of past ages was preserved and transmitted to us by the Church and its religious institutions. The Church pioneered in modern education, built great colleges and universities, and works in full harmony* with the schools in every community. But the Church performs its highest and holiest mission in the realm of the spirit. All its other services are contributory to this supreme end, that it may teach men to know God and love and serve Him. It opens up a vast new world of faith and hope and joy. THE CHURCH FOR ALL . . ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the building of character and good citizenship. It is a storehouse of spiritual values. Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization can survive. There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and support the Church. They are: (1) For his own sake. (2) For his children's sake (3) For the sake of his community an KIRK'S BAR-B-Q Sandwiches and Short Orders Blowing Rock Road WATAUGA MOTOR MARKET Thoae Good Gulf Products Corner Main Street and Blowing Rock Road SINCLAIR SERVICE STATION Expert Sinclair Lubrication ? Tires ? Batteries WATAUGA SALES * SERVICE Buick Cars ? GMC Tracks 400 W. King Street ? Phone 124- J