WANT ADS WATAUGA DEMOCRAT WANT ADVERTISING RATE I CENTS A WORD ? 50c MINIMUM (AjUtOZ Cash Must Accompany All Orders. INSECTICIDES ? Control cab bage worms, flea beetles, and blight with our insecticide and fungicide. Watauga FCX Service. IF YOU ARE looking for bar gains in groceries, feeds, etc., stop in at Hendrlx Grocery and get our prices, such as: 24% Dairy Feed. 100 lbs. . $3.65 l?% Dairy Feed. 100 lbs. $3.10 Cotton Seed Meal, 100 lbs. .. $3.75 Mixed Feed, 100 lbs $3.60 Scratch Feed, 100 lbs. $4.35 Laying Mash. 100 lbs $5.10 Starter and Grower. 100 lbs. $5.10 You save money when you trade at HENDRIX GROCERY, Depot St., Boone, N. C. lc APARTMENT FOR RENT. Ed misten Furniture Co., Boone. lc FARM FREEZERS ? W* are giving a special 10% discount on freezers and refrigerators. Get yours now and save. Watauga FCX Service. lc REFRIGERATION SERVICE ? Expert service on all household and commercial refrigeration and appliances. EDMISTEN FURNI TURE CO., W. King St., phone 242-J. For emergency night ser vice, phone 147-J. 6-18-tfc FOR SALE ? Studio couch ? prac tically new. Call 127, Boone, N C. 6-18-2p FOR SALE ? Cocker Spaniels. Owner leaving state and must sell entire stock. Three young proven bitches ? one stud. Sacri fice prices. Registered Champion ship stock. Herbert Wey, Blowing Rock Road, Boone. North Caro lina. ? lc LIQUID FERTILIZER? Set your tobacco with liquid fertilizer and watch them grow. Watauga FCX Service. lc LADIES ? Sell dresses in your spare time. House to house, or party plan. For samples write Maisonette, %Mattie Odum, Rt. 3, Abingdon, Va. 6-18-3p CATNIP WANTED? We arc in the market for catnip herb in clean, well dry stage. Contact us for prices. We will be .buying galax July 1. See us for contract. Wilcox Drug Company, Boone, N. C. 6-18-3c FOR RENT? Large Airy nicely furnished room*. Centrally lo cated. No phone. 204 Hardin St., Boone. 8-ll-2p FURNACES Scientifically clean ed, pipe filteri installed. Let us put your furnace in good condi tion for the winter. DAVIS FUR NACE CLEANING SERVICE, Phone 90-R, Boone, N. C. 8-11-tfc | FOR SALE ? One good four-eye electric range. In excellent con dition. Will sell at bargain price. Grady Farthing, phone 98, Boone, N. C. 6-18-tf? AUCTION SALE ? Anything you want to sell bring to Smithey's at 1 1 Saturday. All kinds of furni ture and clothing. Jim Brown, Auctioneer. lp FOR SALE ? Thirty gallon hot water tank with connections. Practically new. Richard Hodges at Boone Body Shop. 6-18-tfc FOR SALE ? 2 litters tree hound puppies, 1 litter thoroughbred red bones. Others blue ticks. Clayton Hicks, Blowing Rock, N. C. 6-18-2p FOR SALE ? Sewing machines; three-quarter beds and springs, $5 00; dressers, $5.00; new cross cut saws, $5.00; miscellaneous items, bargain prices. L. J. Mast, formerly Little Grill, Vilas, N. C. IP WE GUARANTEE to sharpen your lawnmowers to cut better than new. Bring them to us. Located in the Winkler Feed Store Building, North Depot Street. Rodger's Radiator Shop and Garage, Boone, N. C. 6-ll-2p WANTED ? All who need dishes to take advantage of this sale ? 32 pc. sets all white dishes, $2.99 32 pc. lets Multi-color (square in shape) $3.99; 32 pc. sets Blue Ridge (hand painted) dinner ware, $6.99; Open Stock ? Large assortment of Blue Ridge hand painted dinnerware and many lo^^jlunds ? Super values! Co. 6- 11 -2c SERVICE STATION FOR SALE ? Located Main St., Boone, N. C., doing good busihess. Priced to sell. See Jerry Coe, 217 Main, or call 297. 7-3-tlc. FOR SALE ? Good piano, will take $100. R O. Burkett, Route 2, Boone, N.?C. lp FOR SALE ? About W acre farm, fertile, well located, good road and creek through place, mail and bus by door, ideal lake Rite, good house, electricity, other buildings, orchard, apples, cher ries Fine fur, sub-dividing, if desired. Priced to sell. Immediate possession. Call ' 589-J. or write R2 Bo* 8-B, Boone, N. C. 5-M-tfc WATER WELLS drilled, pumps installed, reasonable rates. If in terested, contact Townsend Broth ers, Valle C rue is. N. C. 5-HMp FOR SALE ? Used furniture, beds, box springs, dressers and other household pieces. ? miles west of Blowing Rock. Mrs. Clar ence Newton, Route 1, Blowing Rock. N C. ?-ll-2p LOST ? Female black and tan dog with white feet and white tip on tail, wearing collar with name plate. Walter Trivett, Todd. N. C. Reward. 6-4-Sp FOR SALE? One to 500 acres of land; farms with houses, barns, and other buildings, with or without cattle, and all kinds machinery. Springs, streams, elec tricity, telephone, all kinds of fruit trees. Farm land, pasture land, timber, meadow, tobacco base, camp cabin and summer home sites, beautiful streams, best fishing in western North Carolina. Scenery unexcelled. Finley P. Hodges, Route 2, Boone, N. C. 5-7-tfc FOR RENT ? CaroUna Apart ments ? Furnished or unfurnish ed, three and four rooms, center of town, heat and water furnish ed, Boone's newest and most con venient. See Stanley A. Harris, Home Realty Co., Telephone 200. 5-21-tfc FOR SALE OR TRADE for .sum mer home, 40 acres on 421 and present parkway. Ideal for tourist court. 7 room house, bath, heat, garage, barn, chicken house, 10 head stock. See Hunter at Hun ter's Parkway Lunch, Deep Gap. N. C. 5-28-4p VENETIAN BLINDS ? Alum inum VenetH . Blinds custom built, any color desired. Save money by writing or call R. W. Watkins 252. Free Estimate. 6-4-tfc -IT COSTS LB88 AT SOUTHS** SALES COMPANY? Dish pans 3#c, Cookers, etc. 15c each. Spred Satin Paint $3.98 gal. Wallpaper one-half price. Complete line of PAINT at money saving prices. SOUTHERN SALES CO. 4-16-tfu Take It Easy During Sumner, Writer Advises Do you worry about feeling loiy in the summertime? If *o, don't let your conscience bother you. More leisurely activity, both at work and at play, means not only less physical discomfort, but makes you far less vulnerable to accidents and injuries. According to _ studies of hot weather accidents by the Insti tute for Safer Living of the American Mutual Liability In surance Company, over-exertion often plays an important part in drownings, sunstroke, heat ex haustion and many accidental in juries around the home or while on vacation. Heavy physical activity in the. hot sun can be really dangerous uhlcas you are conditioned for by an outdoor occupation. Those | who work or play outdoors only occasionally should approach these pursuits with a certaia de? gree of laziness. Gardening and lawn work are among the most common activi ties leading to over-exertion, which in turn, may lead to sun stroke or perhaps an injury caus ed by thoughtless use of a garden tool. Take auch work in small doses on hot sunny days and pre ferably save your heaviest work for cloudy days or cool evenings. Always wear a head covering when gardening or when doing lawn work in the sun. Adults especially, have little business indulging in such strenu ous sports as baseball or tennis when the mercury is soaring, un less, of course, they are profes sionals. Wise golfers will take short breathers after 'completing each hole.. Children and teen agers should be encouraged not to over-indulge in the more ac tive sports and games. A factor causing many swim ming accidents is staying in the water too long when you are un accustomed to it. This leads to exhaustion. Many fall to reach shore. Rest frequently, especially when swimming in deep water. Danger always lurks in the woods for tired hikers. Fatigue induces thoughtless actions which ?RU, WELLMA N ?4U-I?4a his office over Farmers State Bank, Mountain City, Tenn., Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday of each week, from 9 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. Eyes examined. Glass es fitted. 4-23-tfc with a "Rocket 8*! DRIVE IT YOURSELF I You want a car you'll both t l?f happy with ? one that -? per/ormt for a man, hmdles nintv , fur a woman. % e believe (Mdsmobile's the aiwwrr. That's why we're launching thin special "Double ?Date** campaign ? inviting you to coma in and drive th<? Super "88" or (]lanic Ninety -Eight tofikrr. See for youriMilf how the "Rocket" Kngine rule* the ? traighta way, how Flydra-Matlc's Super Range level* the hill*, how Che Power-Hide (Jha??b icenu to iron out the rougheat roads. Then . ? , LET HER DRIVE IT TOO! You'll learn that Okie mo bile haa a double appeal ? to men and women alike. She'd probably told you already how she lovea Otdsmobile's long, sweep ing line* and luxurious Custom -Lounge interiors. But at the wheel she'd discover thst this big, powerful car is as obedient to her light touch as to yoars ? with Power Steering ? and Power Brakes ? taking the work out of driving. Come in soon. Discover the double I appeml of Oldtmobile . , . together! Pmmnr Fftmrrt mnd *?? Autr+nie-Eyt mr? opiirnmml mi wxtrm cm I. OlDSMOBILE NINtTT-f IGHT H0LIB1T COirf 4 M V? H J | BLUE RIDGE MOTORS Phone 179-W , Boone, N.C. . YOU* (HJMMpBILB DKALK* ALSO FEATUKEB TOT VALVK ffi SAFETY-TESTED USED CASS may prcyiuce such mishaps as sprained anklet, contacts with poison ivy, encounter with a poisonous snake, a had fall, heat exhaustion or evan getting lost. Plan your hike so you will reach a food stopping place before you are wars out. Fatigue while driving on lone auto trips, aocvunls ft* many fatal highway accidents, ao here's another occasion where taking It easy pays dividends in family safety. Frequent coffee or rest stops are a must for vacationing auto travelers. However, being relaxed behind the wheel does not mean that you shouldn't stay alert at all times. These are only a few of num erous activities where being a bit on the lazy side may save your live, after the thermometer hits SO or 90. So don't hurry. Chances are you'll accomplish quite as much by mixing rest with elbow grease. Rev. Mr. Blaylock Now In County ? Dear Friends, We are now temporarily locat ed near Boone and will be avail able for appointments for the next ten Sundays. One of the main reasons for coming here was because of the hrfat and I was not well in States ville. We expect to remain here until the last week in August. During the time we are here we want to visit as many church es in this section as possible. We will appreciate anything that friends may do to help us to get out these appointments and would like instructions as to how to reach places where appointments are arranged. Wherever we go, we carry a supply of my own composition; one being my life story of exper iences as a missionary to China and ? more recent one on the second coming of Christ. YOurs in Christ, T. L. BLAYLOCK c-o Ellis Coffey Rt. 1 ? Boone, N. C. FIREMAN SETS 7 FIRES Alliance, Ohio ? A volunteer fireman, Harold R. Haas, 24, ad mitted that he started seven small fires so he could drive the department's new fire engine. Six of the blazes were grass fires and the other caused $500 dam ages to a barn. 9 Watauga Hospital Mrs. Mary Triplet*, Mr. BUI May, Mrs. Ann Teague, Mr. Avohn Davii, Mrs. Myrtle Wil liams, Miss Anna Mae Houck Mrs. Dorthy Aldridge. Miss Gib Fogg, Mrs. Doris Anderson, Mrs Fay* Atkins, Mrs. RAh Church Little Miss Shirley Donnley, Mx> Blanche Miller, Master Floyc Steve Town-send, Mrs. Marit Aldridge, Mr. Tommy Rozzutw. Births: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Greene Stony Fork, boy, June 8. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilley Boone, boy, June ?. Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Reece, Valle Cruets, boy, June 8. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cole Zionville, girl, June 12. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Pen ley Ararat, boy, June 14. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Graham Boone Rt. 1, girl, June 13. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hodges Vilas, girl, June 14. Mr. and Mrs. Grady May Trade, Tenn., girl, June 15. Since 1943 U. S. wheat crop: have exceeded a billion bushel: every year except one. Anothei billion bushel crop is expectec this year. B,(; fifft AT VALUES Ml Aft t Aim Page AiioHmNwM ? Sparkle PUDDINGS, 3 4?z. pkgs. ... 17e Mild and Mellow Coffee COFFEE, 1-lb. bag 77c; 34kfcag $UtS Armour's Star or Libby't Vienna SAIISAGE, 2 4-oz. cans .... &e Comstock Pie APPLES, 2#-oz. can .... . ,,21t Armour's Star or Libby's Corned BEEF HASH, Kho. can . 27e Our Own ? Packed in Freez-tainer TEA BAGS, 4#-et. pkg 4$e 1952 COUNTY TAXES All unpaid 1 952 county taxes will be advertised during July 1953. The list of such taxes is now being prepared by townships. Please pay your 1952 taxes at one* and save the cost of advertising. LESLIE E. NORRIS, Watauga County Tax Collector Announcing CHANGE OF LOCATION MILLER BROTHERS ARMY SURPLUS STORE Formerly located on Wilkeiboro Road, is moving to Main Street this week, and will be Open For Business Saturday, June 20 ? In Basement Next To Jerry Wilson's Barber Shop OPENING DAY GIFTS To Every Man Who VuiU Our New Store Saturday We W31 Give, Abso lutely FREE, One Can of ARMY SHOE GREASE (ONLY ONE TO A CUSTOMED Miller Brothers ARMY SURPLUS STORE DArnioNBm-w ? NIGHT PHONfcS M-J-l} ?7-W f i at i itm ixcmriu ? ?A I .

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