Local Affairs Mrs. Harvey Owens of Gastonia spent last week with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Cook*. Miss Llla Cragg, of Ruther wood, is spending the week vith Mrs. L. L. Bingham. Miss Nancy Woodie of Winston Salem is visiting in the hame of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wilcox. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stevens of Crystal River, Florida are spend ing the summer with Mrs. Frank Estes. Mrs. B. A. Hodges, of Vilas, attended Farnt and Home Week in Raleigh last week, accompan ied by the home agent. Mrs. Mary Cushion, who has resided here for the past nine months, will leave Thursday to make her home in Harrisonburg, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Phillips of Detroit, Mich., are spending two weeks visiting Mrs. Phillips' father, Mr. D. C. Mast of Sugar Grove, and other relatives. Mrs. Mace Fletcher and child ren, Max and Mary, have been spending a week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whitaker, of Julian, N. C. Mrs. Bessie Underhill of Char lotte is visiting her son, Mr. Clint Brown and family at Valle Cru cis. Miss Maude Wilcox left Sun day to spend six weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Miller in Balti more, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Ray and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ray spent Sunday visiting relatives in Lenoir and Granite Falls. Miss Anita Winkler, a teacher in the Shelby city schools, is spending the summer at her home on Blowing Rock road. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilley an nounce the birth of a son, Gra ham Kirk, on June 8 at Watauga Hospital. Miss Betty Parks of Hunting don, Tennessee is spending a few weeks with her uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. Wiley F. Smith. Mr. and Mr*. Jimmy McConnell of Winston-Salem spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mc Connell. John Ralph Buchanan is spend ing the week with bis cousin, James Buchanan, in Hampton, Tennessee. Mrs. E. L. Ray and Miss Mary Helen Neil attended Farm and Home Week at State College in Raleigh last week. Mrs. R. W. Watkins and Miss Eugenia Luttrell attended Grand Chapter of Eastern Star in Dur ham the first of last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Eddv and sons, George and Ji^i, of French town, N. J., are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kimel of Winston-Salem were week end visitors with Mr. and Mn. Hugh Hagaman and Mackie. Mrs. S. D. Long of Burlington is spending two weeks with her sistar, Mrs. John F. Greene and family. Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Coffey spent last Sunday and Monday in Raleigh, where Mr. Coffey trans acted business on Monday. Misses Sallie Penick, Cansas Moretz, Flavel Moretz and Mrs. Lena Lewis were in Myrtle Beach Friday, Saturday and Sun day. Barbara Lee Caudle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Caudle, Jr., of Canton, N. C., la spending a few weeks with her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Caudle. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Clay daughter*, ZaAa Owen and Carol, of Hickory spent the week end with Mr. and Mr*. Jy V. Caudle and Mr. and Mrs. J. E Clay. A 1-c Willi* C. Robbins of Fair fax Field, Kansas City, Kansas, arrived last week to spend twen ty days with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robbins and Mr*. J. D. Councill. Mr. and Mi*. John Yancey of Newland and Miami. Florida and Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Gene Ray of Newland visited in Boon* Tues day of laat week Tommy Crowell returned home Sunday alter spending two weeks in Morgan ton with Eddy Miller and Mr. atfl Mrs. Charlie Miller. The Miller'* accompanied Tom my home. Dr. Mary B. H Michal spent the week end with her family in Wayneiville. She returned to Boon* Monday, accompanied by her daughter, Mary. Mias Ruth Farthing, who teaches school in Shelby, has re turned here to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mm. C. C. Farthing. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lawson of Roxboro spent the week end in Blowing Rotk with Mrs. Law son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bo lick. Mr. and Mrs. John Howell and sons, Clarke and Gene, have re turned home from a 12-day trip to Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, Canada. Mr. Lee Robbins of Blowing Rock, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rob bins and Mr. "Buck" Robbins vis ited Sunday with Mr. Ed Robbins, who is a patient at Veterans Hos pital at Mountain Home, Tennes see. Mrs. Claude Farthing and sons. Jimmy and Charles, III, have ar rived here to spend six weeks with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Farth ing. Mrs. Claude Farthing will attend summer school at Appa lachian College. Mrs. Peter Rnssetos and child ren of Lanham, Md. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Murray Greene. They came here for the funeral of Mrs. Rometos' brother, Mr. John Frank Greene. Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Richard son were at the University of North Carolina on Monday, June 8, for the graduation of Mrs. Richardson's nephew, Mr.Farrell Crouse, of Penns Grove, New Jer sey. Miss Ruth Robinson, superin tendent of Mecklenburg county schools, of Charlotte is spending the summer with Mr. and Mn. Paul A. Coffey, and she is teach ing at Appalachian College. Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Coffey, Sr., of Deep Gap; Mr. and Mrs. Er nest C. Lane of Portsmouth, Va.; Mrs. Allen Craig and daughter, Linda Soue, of Blowing Rock spent list Saturday visiting re latives in Happy Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Uottie Ulenn, or Vilas, left last Thursday for a two weeks' trip during which they will visit Mrs. Glenn's bro thers, T-Sgt. Clyde Rominger in Florida, and Charlie Rominger in Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. J. W. Hollifield and daughter, &lrs. Billie Clark, of Greenville, S.C. were week end visitors with Mrs. Hollifield's mother, Mrs. W. A. Greene, of Blowing Rock. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Robinson and children. Rusty and Jennie, spent the week end in Spruce Pine with Mr. Robinson's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Robin son. Miss Helen Underdown attend ed the annual conference of the North Carolina Registers of Deeds Association Sunday, Monday and Tuesday at Institute of Govern ment in Chapel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Wilcox of Glendale Springs, N. C., Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilcox of Deep Gap, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Payne of Mar ion, Va.t Mr. and Mrs Gwyn Kilby and Gwyn, Jr. of North Wilkesboro spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Wilcox. Miss Eugenia Ruth Luttrell left Sunday for Raleigh, where she will attend the Home Demon stration Agents school for two> weeks, after which she will be assistant Home Demonstration teacher in Wilkes' count)*. Mr. and Mn. Harold Lrvenson and Mr. Clyde Riteh of Greens boro were week end visitors with Mrs. Levenson's mother, Mrs. J. W. Jones. Mrs. Jake Caudill spent Tues day and Wednesday In North Wilkes boro with her mother, Mrs. H. C. Kilby, who remains critical ly ill. Miss Beckie Shoemake return ed home Saturday after spend ing two weeks with Miss Carol Wilson in West Palm Beach, Florida. Mis* Shoemake and Miss Wilson are roommates at Wo man's Collate in Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Everette and children, Oeni, John and Randy, have returned from ? visit with their parent*, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Everette in Philadelphia. Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. C. A- Huenger in Dalparalso, Indiana They also visited Mr. and Mr*. Bill Khitz In Wlnntbuif, Ohio, while away. Norris-Price Wedding Planned MISS MARY ALICE NORRIS Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cicero Norris of Boone, Route 2, an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Alice, of Greens boro to Aubrey Herman Price, also of Greensboro. Mr. Price is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Herman Price of Durham. The wedding will take place in Salisbury, Saturday, June 27, with only members of the immediate' families* attending. Miss Norris is a graduate of Elkland High School and is employed by West ern Electric Co. in Greensboro. Mr. Price is a veteran of World War n, and a graduate of Duke University. He is employed In the executive offices of Burling ton Mills Corporation. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Marsh and Annette, who have been in Ox ford since September, have re turned to their home at 213 Bris tol Road, for the summer. Mr. John B. Harris of Green ville, Tenn. is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ray on Locust street and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Harris of Sherwood. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Davis and ions, Bill and Jim, of Akron, Ohio arrived Monday to spend a week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rob Rivers and other relatives in the county. , Guests of Mrs. L. L. Bingham over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Strickland, of Ashe boro, and Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Williams and sons Gilbert and Donald, of Burlington. 1 Col. and Mrs. Clyde Miller of Dayton, Ohio and Miss Katherine Becker of Cleveland, Ohio ar rived Monday to spend two weeks with Col. Miller's sister, Mrs. Lillian Hopkins, and other relatives in the county. Mr. and Mrs. John Wellborn and children, Raleigh and Lucille, recently visited Mrs. Wellborn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wood and sister, Mrs. Charles Rogers in Hazelhurst, Ga. Mrs. Rogers is critically ill. Pfc. Gordon Harmon, recently at patient at Watauga Hospital, has been taken to the Naval Hos pital at Camp Lejuene, N. C. Any one desiring te write him may use this address: U. S. Naval Hospi tal, Ward 3, Camp Lejuene, N. C. Joseph L. Michal, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Michal of Waynesvllle, has just graduated from State College with honors, and has received his commission as a second lieutenant in the Air Force Reserve. Mrs. Michal is Dr. Mary B. H. Michal of the local health department. Music And Art Group To Meet The ngusic and art department of the Woman's Worthwhile Club will meet with Miss Floy Cannon Thursday evening at 7:15. with Mrs. H. W. Wilcox assistant hos tess. All members are Urgently re quested to attend. Woman's Club Holds Picnic The literature and education department of the Worthwhile Wosnaa's Club entertained their husbands with ? delightful picnic on the attractive grounds at the home of Mr. and Mr*. George C. Greene on June S. An abundance of good food and coffee was enjoyed by the gath ering, following which the group was invited for a stroll among the lovely flowers at Mrs. Qmu'i home. MRS. CECIL EDWIN YOUNT Miss Bettye Ellis, Mr. Yount Exchange Vows Sunday Afternoon Miss Bettye Ellis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ellis of Boone, was married Sunday af ternoon, June 14, at 3:00 p. m. to Mr. Cecil Edwin Yount, son of Mr. and Mri. L. C. Yount of Reidsville, N. C. in St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Boone. . The Rev. Thomas Seitz, rector of the church performed the double ring ceremony. A pro gram of wedding music was pre sented by Mrs. J. F. Cooke of Lewisburg, West Va., vocalist, and Miss Reba Smith of Boone, organist. The church was decorated with arrangements of white chrysan themums, white gladioli and na tive evergreen, with branched candelabra holding lighted cath edral tapers. The birde, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a waltz length gown of pure silk organza. She wore a pearl neck lace and earrings, gift of the bridegroom. Her white lace mitts extended in points over the hands. She wore a fingertip veil of illusion which was attachel to a Juliet cap of matching' lace trimmed with seed pearls, and carried a white prayer book topped with white baby orchids, with stream ers of wbite satin ribbon baby breath and stephanotls. Miss Patricia Ellis, sister of the bride was maid of honor. She wore a gown of pink nylon or ganza, fashioned with fitted bodice, sweetheart neckline and full skirt trimmed with sequins. She carried a bouquet fashioned like a wedding ring, of rosebuds, baby breath and net Miss Gypsy Yount, of Reids ville, niece of the bridegroom, Mrs. Roy Smith of Baden, and Miss Jean Scott of Winston, were bridesmaids. Their gowns were of blue nylon organaza, fashion ed like that of the maid of hon or, and carried bouquets of pink net, ribbon, rosebuds, baby breath, shaped like wedding rings. Mr. LeeKoy Stanley of Lyman, S. C. waa beat man. Ushers were, Mr. Edward Coppola of Charlotte, Mr. William Yount of Wilming ton, Mrs. Jamei Womack of Reidsville. The mother of the bride wore a dress of smoke blue silk with pink and navy accessories, and a purple orchid shoulder- corsage. The mother of the bridegroom wore a powder blue gown with white accessories and an orchid corsag^. The bride's parenta entertained with a reception at the home oi Mrs W. C. Greer immediately following the ceremony. Assisting in serving were Mrs. W. C. Greer, Mrs. G. K. Moose, Mrs. Ralph Winkler, Mrs. Connie Mae Phil lips, Mrs. Paul Coffey, Mrs. Roy Rufty and Mrs. Kenneth Lnney. Mr*. Yount attended Queens College in Charlotte and was graduated from Appalachian State Teachers College In Boone with ? B. S. Degree. She has been teaching In the Reidsvllla and ThomasrlUe schools since her graduation. Mr. Yount attended Oak Ridge Military Institute and North Carolina State College of En gineering. He waa a member ol Pi Kapp* Alpha fraternity Mr Yount baa been a safety engineer I with Iowa National Mutual In surance Company of Greensboro i for the past two years. After a wedding trip the couple will be at home at 19Cf!) Richard son Road in Reidiville. Out-of-tywn guests included Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Yount, Miss Sandra Yount and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yount of Reidsville, Mr. and Mrs. William Yount of Wil mington, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Blackburn, Miss Mildren Stan ley, Mr. Jess Moore, Mr. Johnnie McAdams, Mr. Wm. Claybrook, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hooper and Mr. D. C. Burton, all of Reids ville, Mr. Roy Perdue, Mrs. Bertha Perdue, Mrs. Wm. Payne and Wm. Payne, Jr., Mrs. Carl Huffman and Jimmie Huffman, of Portsmouth, Ohio, Mrs. J. F. Coot of Lewisburg, W. Va., Mrs. S. H. Purdue, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wade and Mn. Clayton Beckner of Roanoke, Va. On Friday the bride was hon ored with a breakfast shower by Mrs G. K. Moose. Saturday night a dinner was given at the Daniel Boone Hotel by Mrs. G. H. Phil lips. Following the rehearsal Mrs. Roy Smith and Mrs. Ralph Wink ler entertained with a party honoring the bride. Sunday morn ing at 11:00, Mrs. J. F. Cook of Litwisburg entertained with a I wedding bceakfast at the Gate way Cafe. Horn In West Picnic To Be Held Next Friday There'* ? *cene in "Horn . in the West" where pioneer* ol the 1770'* welcome new neighbors to the mountain* with a bounteous spread of home-cooked food and a "get-acquainted" gathering. The icene will be re-enacted in real life on Friday, June 19, with the caat and *taff of the out door drama as the new neighbor* and the people of Watauga Coun tain demonstrating the hospiyility which ha* been traditional in the mountains' since frontier days. Friday is the day for the sec ond annual cast picnic staged by the Southern Appalachian Histor ical Association, sponsors of "Horn in the West." All residents of the area are invited to "bring your family, guests, and a boun tiful picnic basket ? enough for your group and three or fou* other*.'* ' Mr*. B. W. Stalling*, member of the Associations' board of di rectors and one of the originator* of the idea for an outdoor drama at Boone, i* chairman of the pic nic committee. Assiiting her are Mr*. Virginia Holshoifser, Mr*. Lois Chester. Mr*. Grace Morett, and Mr*. Cleta Harmon, all of Boooe. Alben Berkley tell* youth of need for political leadership. Birth rate continues rise over 1852 record. Film^^35c Overnight Service WISTBBOOKjrBOTO MRS. RHEA RIVERS FARTHING Miss Florence Agnes Messick, Mr. Rhea Rivers Farthing Married June Sixth Miss Florence Acnes Messick, daughter of Mil. & D. Messick. 2605 South Main Street, and the late Mr. Mesiick, became the bride of Rhea Rivers Farthing of Boone and Winston-Salem, at 3 p. m., Saturday, June 6. at the Reynolds Presbyterian Church. Mr. Farthing is the son of Ed G. Farthing of Boone, and the late Mrs Farthing. The Rev. E F. Troutman of Boone officiated. Mrs. James C. McConnell, pianist, presented wedding music. Miss Norma Messick, the bride's sister, was maid of honor. She wore a ballerina-length dress of lime-colored linen lace over taffeta with sweetheart neckline with bead trim. She carried a cascade bouquet of yellow roses and white larkspur tied with a yellow satin ribbon. The bride was given in, mar riage by her uncle, E. E. Hood of teoonvllle. She wore a ballerina length dress with high round neckline, puffed sleeves, and bodice of silk. The skirt, sleeves and yoke were formed of nylon lace over silk and hef shoulder length veil of illusion was held in place by a Juliet cap of illusion decorated with seed pe*rli She carried a CM cade bouquet of white carnation* and gypaop hilia^entered with a white or chid* Cecil Farthing of Boone waa hi* brother's beat man. Uahera were Jame* C. McConnell of Winaton Saiem and William G. Winkler ' of Boone. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and Mr*. Ro bert Btmton gave a reception at the home of the formats. Mr*. Charle* Van Meter, Mr*. E. E. Hood of Boonville, Mr*. James McConnell, Mr* James Winkler, Mrs. Laura Holt. Mr* George Higgins and Mr*. Smith Haga man assisted' in serving and re ceiving. A white cutwork cloth over green satin covered the bride's table which held an arrangement of summer flower*. Later the couple left for a wed ding trip in the North. For travel the bride wore a luit of cobalt blue linen with white accessories. The bride is a graduate of Pfeiffer Junior College and Salem College. She has taught for the past two year* at Old Town School. Her husband was graduated from Appalachian State Teachers College and for the past two years has also taught at Old Town. The couple will spend the sum mer in Boone and will return to Winston-Salem in September to make their home at 1028 West Bank Street. Windy Gap News Notes Mr and Mr*. Ivan Trivett and daughter Iva Kay, and Mrs. Ver gie Trivett and Mary Lou. ipent the week end in Hiddentte visit ing relatives. Privates Fred and Ray Trivett, who are stationed at Fort Jack sop, S. C., and Miss Vada Tri vett, of Boone, visited their par ents, Mr. and Mr*. Clark Trivett, over the week end. A Happy Gift-Hunch For Father's Day, June 21?t Give Dad's casual wardrobe a welcome lift with one or more pairs of these handsome slacks to mix or match with his favorite sport shirts. $5.98 up n Gabardines, Flannels, Sheens Choice of Colors EVERY DAD LIKES TO ... ffis/ax '"S/acfa Sport Shirts/ $1.98 up By STRADIVARI - HOLBROOK - MANHATTAN HARRIS & WAGONER BOONE'S LEADING CLOTHIERS 127 t. MAIN ST. BOONE, N. C. ______