?Virus Ailment Not To End With Warm Weather The now common ailment re ferred to ai virus infection has probably been an unwelcome guest in your home during the winter. Don't make the mistake of thinking that just because warm weather is here, the virus is done for. It is possible to have this infection during the Summer. If you are unlucky enough to contract the virus, don't loo)t to your doctor for some miracle cure. They cant cure you with any known remedy. They can't even shorten the length of your illness. Unless you have severe symp toms or high temperature, your infection probably isn't very dangerous. If the fever is persis tent, it may indicate pneumonia or some serious infection in the making. One thing you should never do is to try to cure ' yourself with elixirs, patent nostrums or drugs. These quite often slow up the body's curative process. If you have the sniffles, a stomach ache, muscle pains, a cough and a slight sore throat, you should rest, keep warm, eat a balanced diet. Forget that old one ? "Stuff a cold and starve a fever." If you have slight diarrhea for a day or two, don't try to stop it. You' probably couldrit and this is one way the body elimi nates the virus. In case you loose too much liq uid, try drinking water with a little salt and baking soda in it If your symptoms become severe call your doctor. In short, if ' your temperature rises above one-hundred-and -one degrees, your cough becomes distressing, your sore throat lasts more than a day or two, the pain in your stomach becomes quite sharp ? call your doctor! Number Polio Cases Above 1952 Raleigh ? The number of polio cases in North Carolina this year.v is running ahead of last year, and Caldwell County has accounted for much of the in crease. Dr.? fiyfl T, Foard, epidemiolo gist for the State Board of Health, reported last week that through May, 52 cases of polio had been reported in the state as com pared with 29 in the same period of last year. Twenty of this year's cases have been reported from Caldwell County. Dr. Foard observed that the number of cases in Caldwell rap resented "a high prevalence" considering the county's popula tion but that he did not consider it an epidemic. He pointed out that the cases have been widely scattered in the county with only one case reported from Lenoir, the county seat. He said there had been one death in Caldwell, back in April, and only one case of "residual paralysis." During May a total of 7 cases of polio were reported is the state, and 12 of these were from' Caldwell. So far, he said, only one case of June onset has been reported. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Russell N. Hod ges announce the birth of a son in the U. S. Naval Hospital at Hutchinson, Kansas. Mr. Hodges entered the service in March, 1952, and is stationed at the Naval Air Station at Hutchinson. INEVITABLE ROLE "What did Jack say when you asked him . if he could support you in the style to which you were accustomed?" "He aaid no, but that I ought to remember that the styles are always changing." Olva them ? practical (III . . . (c 0 A uJM I A LJ J .... - Drown 16 nm6jf6 flash Outfit Only *13.50 Imw Nm. 9 m*. Tm* At Our Ntw Location PALMER'S PHOTO SHOP ?' Oqly Li cm ted Dealer 125 Main St Phrae 259 Household Hints For Homemakers J READ GARMENT LABELS? | Look for ?n informative label stating that the fabric has passed washing tests. Look tor these labels or "tags when you shop Check for washing test and color fast statements. Did you know that while most fibers are washable, washability in a finished fabric or garment depends on other factors? It de pends on how the fabric has been constructed, dyed, and finished, and on the construction of the garment. Poorly made garments with skimpy seams will not stand up in washing. Heavily-trimmed garments will be difficult to handle in washing and ironing, regardless of how well the fabric might wash. SUMMERTIME WASHING HINTS ? Perspiration tends to weaken all lingerie fabrics. Wash undergarments in very mild soap. Garments with lace or embroid ery trimmings, dainty buttons, etc. should always be handled carefully. Squeeze carefully, roll garments in Turkish towel, and hang to dry. Wash foundation garments of-" ten. Never soak them. Use a small handbrush on soiled parts. Lay the garment flat on a drain board or table and brush. Don't wring it. To remove excess mois ture, roll lengthwise in a Turk ish towel so that hose supporters and metal fastenings cannot cut the fabric. Dry flat on a towel, or hang over a clothesline. Press only the fabric or lace sections of a girdle or firassiere. Never dry in direct heat or sunlight ? both , tend to cause rubber de terioration and will shorten the life of your foundation garment.^ General News Brevities Yugoslavia offers to cooperate in NATO defense plans. Men in the Guard are declared to be facing draft until age of 35. Big gain forecast this year in home air conditioning. Brazil is reported striving to step up production. General Lucius D. Clay told 500 graduates at West Point that hopes for peace were stronger today than in 1947. 'CanaaiaA 'scientists report the discovery of records left by Ad miral Peary in 1906 in a cairn 400 miles south of the North Pole. Summepr Sunshine May Be Captured In Jellies Let's capture summer sunshine in making jellies, jams, and pre serves. Get wonderful flavor in a sparkling, quivering yet firm jelly and homemade jams and preserves. S e t c h your dollars with good home management practic es, saving energy and time for reading, visiting your friends, and sharing citizenship duties -in your community. To separate utensils and keep them in plact, a removable parti tion can be made to fit cabinet drawers. .Use them for your kitchen and table silver, too. This makes for more efficient work a*d ease in doing the job. Comb and brush should al ways be kept scrupulously clean. Wash daily if possible, and al ways after your hair hat been shampooed. The cleanect hair is hair that is groomed daily with clean comb and brush. The^ is no point m washing your hair if it is to be brushed with yester day's d|.ist and oil left on your comb and brush. A warm, friendly smile is a great personal asset. Every person, young or old, needs friends. The quality of friendship must be genuine. A smile reflects our emotions and philosophy of life. NO CEILING EITHER "But don't they have a cover charge here?" inquired the timid chap. "How could they?" gushed the girl. "This is a roof garden." loast to the Bride Every bride wants her reception to be an occasion that not only she and the groom remember through the years, but one that makes a last ing impression on the guests. Wedding Ring Punch, with its flower bedecked floating ice ring, is a delicious combination of juices made toy with ginger ale. This good tasting punch is a favorite for receptions, and other occasions, becaus* there is no muss or fuss in preparing it. With a tiered cake at one end of tne table, the pretty punch bowl at the other, party sandwiches, nuts and mints, your reception is sure to be long remembered. Wedding Ring Punch 3 46-02. cans orange- , 3 12-o?. cans apricot nectar grapefruit juice 3 qts. ginger ale ? 4f?-oz. cans pineapple juice Ice Ring Thoroughly chill juices and ginger ale. Empty one can of each juice and one quart of ginger ale in punch bowl. Put ice ring in punch and arrange flowers on it. Serve. When supply runs low repeat the process adding another unit of each ingredient. Makes approximately 3 gallons. Reception Sandwich Suggestions: Party Sandwiches ? Put cheese mixtures on tiny triangles of bread, chicken mixture on strips of bread or on crackers and decorate with bits of pimiento, green pepper, of sliced ripe olives. A small ready cooked canned ham win fill dozens of tiny biscuits. Tuna Roll* ? Mix flaifced tuna, the oil from the tuna, finely chopped onion and hard-cooked egg, vinegar and mayonnaise. Spread on tresh thinly sliced bread and roil. Chill. Garnish with sprigs of watercress, or parsley, in the ends of each sandwich. Opening Fri., June 26 1 HORN IN^ THE WEST \ Nightly except Mondays through Sept. 7, 1953 Make your ticket reservations now and be among the first to see Watauga County's great outdoor drama during its second big season Box Office Now Open i ' % . 9 a. m. until 5 p. m. Daily DANIEL BOONE THEATRE BOONE, N. C. ? ' To arrange for tickets to any performance of the drama, come by the box office at the Daniel Boone Theatre, or Telephone Boone 540 or 541 Tickets: *1 .50, $1.80, $2.40, $3.00 (The purchase of any priced ticket entitles you to a reserved scat) More Milk Is Needed In Dfet Getting more milk Into your diet! does not necmstirily mean drinking more fluid milk, says Virginia Wilson State College Extension Nutritionist Of course it it important that every adult drink at least one pint of milk a day and every growing boy and girl at least four tall glasses a day. But there are mjny other ways of getting more milk into your diets. Milk products like cheese, but ter, and ice cream are also rich in vitamins and minerals. Plan ta use cheese in sauces lor vege tables and meats and as a basic ingredient for salads. Here's a recipe for a cool, congealed salad that is made with cottage cheese. JJ Try this ' tempting .?irlad out your family some warm sprint evening. Lime-Pecan Salad 1 pki. lime gelatin and 1 pkg. lemon gelatin 3 cups boiling water 1-3 'cup pineapple Juice 1-3 cup lemon juice 1 cup heavy cream or evapor ated milk 1 ? 1 cup cottage cheese 1 cup diced pineapple 1 cup broken pecan meats 1 teaspoon salt . Dissolve gelatin in hot water; add pineapple and lemon juice. When nearly set whip until light; beat in whipped cream or eva porated millfc cottage cheese, and salt; .add chopped nuts and diced pineapple. Pour into individual molds and chill. Makes about 12 servings It really is a pleasure! Now that I'm sending all my cleaning to TRAIL WAY CLEANERS ... the folks at TRAILWAY cer tainly know hotf a custo mer likes to be treated and they know just how clothcs should' be treated too. Do like I do . . . treat yourself and your clothes to some satisfying dry cleaning service at . . . TRAILWAY CLEANERS, INC. BOONE, N. C. PHONE 79 PERSONAL INCOME While farm income declined slightly in April, nonfarm income increased, giving ? slight rise to total personal income during the month, according to the Com merce Department. Persona W in come In Aptil was at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $S83,1M, 000,000, up $300,000,000 from March and $SO.MO.OOO.OOO above tjw rate for April, 1062. Any class of livestock kept on the farm should perform some useful function. Soviet iron ore, coll drterlmtt inf, Pravda %-lic!e aji BOONE DRUG CO. Your Prescription lltn PROMPT SSftVICa O. K. Moon. W. B. llflHifrM, a K. Bkhwfcia Store Hour: III A. It k #10 P. M. Sunday*: *00 P. M. to ? P. It If Needed after Store tfour* Call 114-M or 101 The HEXALL Store Pure as sunlight # Hmve m Cokm t 5c tOTTlFD UHDft AUTHOfllTY Of TH? COCA COM COMPANY ?? COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., Hickory, N. C, "Cok." h a r??hl??d harf.-mork Q Itii. Tut COCA-COIA COHfuri A SAFETY VALUE Dial cam it be matched ! The Only Blowout Prevention! ?with exclusive new U.S. Nylon LIFE WALL Double Tire Strength! ? twice the protective power again it Imped yflfH 20% GREATER MILEAGE Now proctiMi and glvo Hill gr?ot aid vane* In U. S. Royal Air RMt milaaga VASTLY SMARTER APPEARANCE ? naw if y to... now ? llip, trim whltowalt or blackwaBt THE WORLD'S MOST COMFORTABLE RIDI i ?absorbing tho road In sllonco at any tpood Get LIFEWALLS and ride in SAFETY I /;?' . ? y> ? ' :T y ?? ... ' , rE '/ ? * "J'-? ? Andrews Chevrolet, Inc. * TSLEmomai x? jjvd n Mount depot snnrr