Scout Finance Plans Discussed Final figure* (or the Boy Scout finance drive to begin on Octo ber S have been received by Wa tauga Scout official*, according to an announcement by Rev. Joseph T# Shackford, Watauga District chairman. The quota* for each district are set by the Old Hickory Council headquarters in Winston-Salen. "Watauga'* quota is only slight- 1 ly higher than last year's amount," Mr. Shackford raid, "despite the fact that scouting has made tremendous itrides in both Watauga diitrict and the whole council area thi* year. Wa tauga has 200% more tcouting units than it had a year ago, with a corresponding increase in the actual number of scouts and adult leaders. Our four troop* of a year ago have now grown to twelve. Alio, the council ha* purcha*ed ? ? magnificent new lummer camp ?ite at Raven'* Knob an03 Cant 15!i-Oi. Can 43c 22c ARMOUR'S MEATS For a Quick M?al TREET "cf.- 43c Quick, Easy Dinner Roast Beef "4