| General News | Brevities Merle cancel! U. S. industry fair. jjc3R'"fv H Hay fever victim* are better off became of drought. Atlantic ieti create a need for ?peclal, cheap fuel A seasonal improvement is em ployment has been reported by Secretary of Labor Mitchell The F. T. C. has ordered sellers granting advertising allowances to make such rebates available to all its customers and inform them of the terms. , Six out of every ten persons in the United States are enrolled in some recognized church, the Yearbook of American Churches reported. An efficient Soviet Navy, in creased in the next two years by thirty cruisers, 900 submarines and 4,000 planes at a cost at $30, 000,000 has been forecast by the British Admiralty. ? Complete assembly lines for va rious military items will be kept ready for instant use under a new plan to keep this country's wartime production plants in "stand-by" preparedness. This year, for the first time, more than 100,000,000 persons is this country will be old enough to vote, the Census Bureau re ported. This number is exclusive of 2,500,000 voters in the armed ?ervices. Washington Holts TEACHERS The Government plans to seek to help to alleviate the teacher shortage by working at local levels on accelerated teaching courses for married women with college degrees. Men teschers will also be sought under the program. PRESIDENTIAL SUPPORT President Eisenhower recently made it clear that Republicans who were against him or even not for him could not count on his support in the fall campaigns. This was a reversal of his stand last year that any Republican was preferable to a Democrat. TARIFF HIKES Other industries desiring pro tection, encouraged by President Eisenhower's recent order in creasing tariffs on imported watches and movements, have ap plied to the Tariff Commission lor a review of existing duties. 4,000 ATTEND REA MEET IN BOONE (Continue! from page one.) Boone Chamber of Commerce ex tended the welcome to the visitors and the Rev. E. F. Troutman gave the invocation. Choirs from churches in Watauga, Caldwell, Ashe and Alleghany sang. Directors named by counties included: Caldwell, Mr. Beach, Mr. Mast, D. R Moore, and C. C. Poovey; Ashe, Mr. Hurt, W. B. Austin, C. B. Graybeal and Todd Gentry; Alleghany, Dan Jones, D. M. Edwards and C. G. Col lins; and Watauga, A. W. Greene. Clyde Perry, Bert Mast and Clar ence Newton. The state's hay prospects de clined during July. Farm Questions And Answers QlftsTION: b there anything I can do to preaent prolapse m my chicken*? Other chickens pick at birds in this condition, killing them. ANSWER: No. Birds suffering from prolapse seldom make a re covery. If the prolapsed bird is located before the other chickens destroy it, the flash is entirely safe for table use. The condition arises when the oviduct becomes loose and protrudes from the vent of the bird. It ia not a disease but a physical condition. Some people think a high corn diet may be related to prolapse. You might as well expect the appearance of prolapse on a small scale in your NOTICE or TRUSTEE'S SALE Notice is hereby glvep, that de fault having occurred in the per formance of certain covenants of that deed of trust, dated the 19 day of February, 1990, recorded the same date in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County, North Carolina, in Book 93, Page 349, executed by Carson B. Smith and Ola M. Smith, his wife, to Vance E. Swift, Trustee, the beneficiary named in said deed of trust has declared the en tire debt and obligation secured thereby due and payable at once; that the said Carson B. Smith and Ola M. Smith, his wife, have failed to pay the said debt; and that pursuant to the power con tained in said deed of trust, upon request of the beneficiaiy, I, Vance B. Swift, Trustee, will sell the tract of land described in said deed of trust at public auction on the 14th day of September, 1094, at 12:00 noon, at the courthouse door, in Boone, Watauga County, North Carolina, to pay the debt secured by the said deed of trust with interest and the cos's of such sale; the land being situated in Shawneehaw Township, Wa tauga County, North Carolina, containing 47 acres, more or lesj, as shown oy a plat prepared by I. A. Bumgarner, December 9, 1043, bounded on the North by the lands of T. C. Baird and Darl Smith; on the East by the lands of T. C. Baird; on the South by the lands of Parthnea Baird and on the West by the lands of A. C. Miller, bounded and described as follows: BEGInning on a locust tree, corner to Parthnea Baird and runs North 64 degrees West 28 roles to a stake; thence North Vi West 40 poles to a stake; thence West 1 pole to a stake; thence North 3 degrees West 8 poles to an oak; thence South 87 degrees East 100 poles to a stake, corner to T. C. Baird; thence with T. C. Baird South 3 degrees West 82 poles to a stake in the creek; thence with the creek South 67 dafrees West 94 poles to a stake in said creek; thence continuing with the creek North 77 degrees West 20 poles to a stake; thence North 21Vj degrees West 38 poles to the BEGINNING, containing 47 acres, more or less: TERMS: Cash. Five per cent (9%) of the amount of the highest bid must be deposited with Trustee pending confirmation of the sale. Dated this 11th day of August, 1994. VANCE E. SWIFT, Trustee I-1B-4C BOONE DRUG CO. Your Prescription Store PROMPT SERVICE Three Regie! ered Pharmacist*! O. K. Moose, W. R. Richardson, O. K. RlchardiJn Store Hours: 8:30 A M. to 9:30 P. M. Sundays: StOO P. M, to 6P. M If Needed after Store Tt&ura, Dial AM 4-3819 or AM 4-3999 The REXALL Store Home Realty Co. H. GRADY FARTHING ? W. H. GRAGG LOCATED IK HEAR Or lUILDDIO * LOAM StflLDIMa PHONE AMherst 4-3691 BOONE. N. C. J? West Boone ? Beautiful letting, 4 room*, path. 4 aero fronting road, creek, cherry and apple tree*. All for $3ft00, financed. ?4 ? Ray HU1, Summer Cottage. 4 rooma. bath, beautiful view, large lot. ?3008 U ? Horn Road, Mice home, 4 bedrooma, bath, beautiful lot tto ft. front, 99000. 29 ? Yonahlossee Camp, Summer cotUfc. C ryoms, bath, fully furnished. 94000. 10 ? Bhulls Mills. 9 room rock houie. 99 acres meadow and woods, 97099. 00 ? Vilas. 9 acres woods and pasture land, good house site, 93509. 83? Gxeon Valley. 3ft acres improved meadow and pasture, ? room bouse, 18300 W? Mabel. ( room brick house. 4 acre* fertile land, barn, creak, $7tftO. (T? Soda H1IL Block houae unfinished, 15 acre, rolling land, deep wall. DOM. t? Deck Hill. Scenic property, 4 rooma, bath, large lot, financed, ? bargain. ? 11? Oak Street, t room brick house, storm window,, very modem, large let, l financed. 1? Council Hill ft rooma. bath, basement, hot water, heat, large lot HOW. ?? Pine St, 7 rooma. bath, hot water, heat, large lot. PHI down payment. S3 ? Hardin Park, new houae. ft rooma. bath, a rooma down, largo lot fMM TI ? Oak and Hdward Streets, vacant lot 14SXIM. a real bargain.' 1? Buckeye Hill Old log cabin and 1* acre,, good houae alte. creek. $1000 u-c..i<td Boulevard. ? rooma, bath, basement, heat, a real bargain. HMO B? 11 vacant lota oa Ray Hill, auitad far summer cabins. fTM. M? Reynolds Street vacant lot 7ft x IN. beautiful homo alte $1SM. M~CouncllI HU1 vacant tot II 1 M beautiful building site. $1000 ? Stale Road. 4 rooms, battl. basement, Mas, and refrigerator. 1 acre. $HM ?S-t-Blue Ridge Parkway. Old farm dwelling. ? ->cres fertile land. $S3M 4? Cattle, sliaes. barna. dwelling. IN acres, 10 acre, rich river bottom. A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT IS ALL THAT IT TAKES TO BUY A HOME Li (lock. QUESTION: It there any way I can conveniently figure out when U the beat time to market my steers? ' ANSWER: Yes. The price you receive (or beef cattle varies with the grade and the month when sold. Each grade has a seasonal price pattern. Price changes and patterns are Influenced by the supply and kind of cattle mar keted each month and by seasonal changes in consumer demand for different cuts of meat. Seasonal price changes for different grades are very close to those at Chicago, except for the "prime" grade. A new publication, "Seasonal Vari ations in Beef Prices," Extension Folder No. 110, can help you mar ket your cattle at the right time. You can get a free copy from your county agent or by writing to "Di vision of Agricultural Informa tion, N. C. State College, Raleigh.'' QUESTION: Will f have to work lime into the soil before feeding alfalfa? ANSWER: Yea. You ihould first lubmit a soil sample for a lime recommendation. Experi ments show that an adequate amount of lime may be spread on the land, but unless it is worked into the soil, it will not maintain the stand. As a general rule, soils that have not been rimed previously will require 1 '/i tons of finely ground dqlomitic limestone per acre. Uniform spreading ia necessary. Poor dis tribution gives too much lime on some spots and too littW on oth ers. QUESTION: What is the best method to control stored grain Insects? ANSWER: The most depend able method you can use to con trol insect itorage pests is by fumigation in a tight bin. A fumigant, properly used, kills all stages of any insect pest that may be present in or on the grain in the bin. You cannot do a good job, however, in poor trashy grain or in a loosely constructed RUPTURE-EASER BOONE DRUG CO. ereevv GKBZNB BUICkt. inc. 1953 BUICK SPECIAL RIVIERA, radio, heater, Dynaflow, gleam ing black with white top. $1895 1953 FORD? Ford-O-Matic Radio, heater, While wall tire*, clean. $1395 1951 BUICK SPECIAL ? 4-DOOR, radio, heater, new paint, Dyna flow. Clean. $1150 1951 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR, radio, heater, two-tone paint. $895 1951 CHEVROLET PICKUP HALF-TON, heater. Clean. $650 1950 FORD Half-Ton Pickup Heater? A real buy! $550 GREENE BUICK..I" If&oh. cii<tM*yiAS$tcL ^SuicJz. oumL CjtHC j&lodLtJr. ' ivit iiMSt AMherst 4-3778 400 W.KING ST. BOONG, N.C. bin. For general {arm use a steel bin appears to be the best type ol storage. Be sure to seal cracks around doors, loading ports, etc. before you apply the fumigant. Demand for flue-cured tobacco continues strong and this year's crop is expected to be up 5 per cent from 19S3, according to the Agricultural Marketing Service. If current yield proapecti are realized, the IBM crop of flue cured tobacco will amount to 913.8 million pounds, 10 per cent above the 19S3 crop. ? r^t/v \ CRISP FIRM LETTUCE, 2 for 29c LOCAL KENNEBEC IRISH POTATOES, 10 lbs. . . 32c SUNKIST * LEMONS, doz 35c SWEET POTATOES, 2 lbs. . . 25c Golden Ripe Bananas, 2 lbs. 25c ? Anniversary Asst. NABISCO, lib. box 53c SUGAR, 10-lb. bag 98c Del Monte No. 2 PEAR HALVES, 2 for . . . 52c Armour Vegetole SHORTENING, 3 lb. ctn. 79c Old Va. APPLE JELLY, 2-lb. jar . . 29c Frozen Sunnyland Orange JUICE, 6 oz., 2 for 31c F. F. V. Vanilla WAFERS, large box 29c Any Brand Reg. 27c TOOTH PASTE, 2 for . . . 41c Armour's, Swift's, Libbey's ROAST BEEF, 12-oz. 2 for 98c Sacramento TOMATO CATSUP, 2 for 39c Swift's Pard Dog Food/ 3 cans 41c BARGAIN BUY Fresh Pork Shoulder Roast, lb. 43c RIB OR LOIN PORK CHOPS, lb 63c PORK SAUSAGE, lb. . 35c SELECT OYSTERS, pt. 98c FRESH GROUND BEEF, lb. . 35c VALLEYDALE THIN SLICED BREAKFAST BACON . . . lb. 63t BOONE SUPER MARKET East Main Street Dial AMherst 4-3891 The sales standings of a generation have been changed? by Buick. For Buick today is outselling all other ears in America? regardless of price class ? except two of the so-called "low-prioe three." And each month's sales figures strengthen Buick's new position. Here's the 3-way Bonus you get in Buiek today . ? r :t ? J * Here's the price - that proves Buick's the Buy ? * cje\were? joca\*V _, rf G?f ? ? * *? C**_. Adit**** * ? ;^- -~~l* "^1. Advanced styling-styling you know is sure to show up on other cars in the years to come. So you know you have in Buick the car that's sure to stay fresh and new-looking long into the future. And that means you'll be way ahead at trade-in time WUftM RlTUt AUTOMOtlt 2. Better Buy? for just a few dollars more than you'd pay for one of the so-called "low-price three," you get in Buick a whale of a lot more power, room, comfort, ride steadiness and solid durability ? plus the new-day styling that includes the broad panoramic windshield. 3. Top Allowance ? with our great and growing sales volume, we can? and do? share our success with you in the form of a higher trade-in allow ance on your present car. Drop in, see and drive Buick the beautiful buy ?and Ae for yourself how our volume business means a far bigger allowance for you. .IS AH KUH1 tUICK WIU ?U*B G R E E N-E B U I C K, INC. 400 WEST KING STREET ? BOONE, N. C ' 1 1 i. i A

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