M%>in Again Drives Rattle Steam Engine ? M By MRS. LUCILI LETT Sherman Pippin, the "Casey Jonoi" of yester-year added an other first* to Blowing Rock'* Attractions when he engineered Tweets ie Jr" on her initial run to brtag Blowing Rock ita first railroad. Linking the last rail in the track, the Golden Spike was driven into the ground by Ted Baker, president of National Air Line*, aided by other dignitaries including T. A. Broyhill. owner of two hotels in Blowing Rock and also owner of the lake around irhich the railroad runs, Mayor Robert Hardin, and Chamber of Commerce President, Grover C. Robbins. Mr. Pippin, attired In the tradi tional 'railroading' clothing, his twinkling blue eyas belying his 75 years, retired off "Tweetsie Sr," a narrow-gauge railroad run ning between Boone and Johnson City. Tenn., some years ago and Is now residing in Rban Moun tain. Tennessee. Pippin's railroad career began at the age of IS when he left home to make a railroad man of himself? he did just that. STALLINGS JEWELERS mSm UhmUmmB tUAMAurm mncr I Hf wsi born In Ellzabethflh. Tenn. during the days of the "War of the Roue*" between two brother*, Alf Taylor and Bob Tay lor, who were running for gover nor on the Democrat and Repub lican aeparate tickets. At that time the average life of a RR engineer wai 11 year* and 7 day*. Pippin *p?nt 80 year* in the cub of a locomotive, 40 of tho*e yean with passenger trains, and he terms railrooding the safest means of transportation. His ex periences with "Tweets ie Sr." be gan in 1903 operating then out of Cranberry to the Cranberry mine*. A* the years went by the line* extended bit by bit and in 1918 the run extended into Boone and the complete run was from Boone into Johnson City, Tenn. which continued until the road was washed out by a flash flood in 1940. Incidentally, it happened on Friday the 13th. Pippin speaks fondly of "TweeUie Sr" saying it was "the prettiest and fastest passenger train in America"; paying the best dividends of any road in the United States until better high way* began being built. Pippin holds the Highway and Transpor tation Act of 1920 responsible for destroying 'our road.' In one years time dividends dropped from $11,000 a, month to $900 a month. "Tweetsle Sr's" line had IS locomotives and up to the pre sent time all have been scrapped but 3. Two engines are with White Pas* and Yukon in Alaska running from Skaway, Alaska to While Horse, Canada. The third, was bought by a group of Harri - NEXT YEAR - Let Nature Dehorn Your Calves ? Use a POLLED BULL from Diamond S Ranch jfSdlfc 1k. A*. il Watauga Hospital Mr*. IdAfiUer. Mn. Ollle Mor ris, Mr*. Blanch* Hahn, Grant Miller. Mr*. Lyda Coffey, Mr*. Bina Osliorn, Mias Ruth Farthing, Mn. Leola Maat, Mr*. Peggy Summerlin, Mr*. Sue Ann Beach, Maiter Reeves Howell, Thoma* Fairehild, Bobby Wilson, Mr*. Ada M. Howell, Mr*. Margaret Yancey, Mr*. Ruth Thoma*, Mr*. Jane Robinson, Mi** Annie Ra gan, John K. Brown, Mr* Don* Michael, Mr'. Texie Hodge*, Ed ward Robinson, Little Mis* Leta Kaye Tester. Mrs. Bonnie Cassh ion, Alvin Cole, Miss Betty Belle Mitchell, R. W. McGuire, Mrs. Ruth Taylor, Mrs. Myrtle Hollar, Little Miss Brenda Storie, Allen Townsend, Miss Becky Edmisten, Mrs. Louise Greene, Ham Tho mas, Mrs. Ida Miller, Mr*. Mo zella Egger*, Mrs. Peggy Welch, Little Miss Anne Marie McMaster. Births: Mr. and Mrs. Claude Calloway, Banner Elk, boy, August 28. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Moretz, Fleetwood, boy, August 31. -Mr. and Mrs. Junior Holman, Deep Gap, boy, August 31. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Barr, Rt. 3, Boone, girl, September 1. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Woodring, Rt. 2, Boone, girl, September 2. Hospital Staff Is Given Picnic On August 28th the administra tion of Watauga Hospital gave a picnic for the staff and their families at the Horn in the West picnic grounds. Dinner was serv ed buffet ityle to approximately 75 people. Following the picnic the group was given tickets to the drama and attended in a group. During the intermission, they were re cognized by the management of the Horn. The outing is an annual affair sponsored by the hospital and is looked forward to with eager anticipation each year by all the staff. sonburg, Va. men and is now be ing used in demonstration work on a farm in Penlaird, Va. Pippin invited to Blowing Rock for this grand opening for "Tweetsie Jr" by Rathmel Wil son, who in conjunction with Grover Robbing, Jr. are respon sible for the little train being here. ' * Zionville . News Items Recent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mri. Olen Stephen were Mr. and Mrs. Isaacs Lewis and children, Charles and Kathy, Mrs. MildreA Comett and children of Refse, Mr. Lonnie Greer and son M. L. of Willoghby, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Castle and family and -Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Greer spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Don Campbell at Thomasville, N. C. and visited the Mills Horpe Orphanage there. Mrs. Carolyn Harrison of Whiteville, N. C. spent the week end recently with Mias Hettie Greer. Mrs. N. J. Greer and grandsons, Sonny and Michael Harrison returned home with Mrs. Harrison after spending the summer with Miss Greer. ' Mrs. Etta Astels returned to her home in Kentucky after visiting some time with Miss Greer and her sister, Mrs. N. J. Greer. Vfiss Artruda Stephen is visit ing in Willoughby, Ohio with Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Greer. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Norris of Bethel visited last Saturday with Mrs. Alice Miller. Misses Anna Mae and Mary June Stephens spent Friday night with Mr. and Mri. Alex South at Boone, Route 2. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilson, Becky and Karron and Mrs. Floyd Proffitt and Jewel of Meat Camp spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Proffitt at Greensboro, N. C. Mrs. Mary Holman entertained a group of ladies Saturday after noon, honoring her son Joe and Mrs. Holman. Joe recently receiv ed his discharge from the Army. Each lady presented a useful gift. Refershments were served to Mesdames Mertie Wallace, Pearl Wallace, Deliah Winebar ger, Hattie Wilson, Geraldine Wallace, Maggie" Norris, Edna May, Mamie Stephens, Mable Miller, Barbare Ann Wilson, Pauline Rominger, Georgia Mil ler, and Misses Annetta Law rence, Donna Wilson, OUie Jean Miller, Dare Holman, and the hostess,' Mrs. Holman. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis on Route 2, Boone. There were 192 associations en gaged in marketing fruits and vagctables in the South last year. TEACHERS Welcome Back! ' . We've missed you greatly during the summer and once again return our young* sters to your capable hands. If there is any service we can perform during the coming term that will make your work easier, don't hesitate to stop in. Sooner the better. Our officers and employees extend a most cordial welcome to all teachers and students to use our banking facilities cluriAg this school year. We offer a complete banking service ? available to eaelk of you either by mail or a friendly visit to our bank. The Northwestern Bank* BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA BSU Retreat At Camp Joy A joint retreat was held thii week at Camp Joy tgr the Bap tist Student Union and the Wes ley Foundation of the Boone Methodist Church. Plans for the year were made by the college students for their churth activi ties. The Revs. John B. Davis and ? ? Joseph T. Shackford were the adult leaden. Eight Methodist students and 14 Baptist attended the three day meeting which was held Moday, Tuesday and Wed nesday. CROP ESAIMATZ July crop estimates were revis ed to reflect the effect of last month's drought. Forecasts for all crops i were cut five per cent ?hile for corn, the hardest hit, >vas reduced by fifteen per cent. THE RIGHT WAY 'There is one body, and ope Spirit, even as ye jre called in fone hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." (Eph. 4: 4, 5). This is the way the Bible reads. One certainly is not speaking as the oracles of God when he asserts that we are all going to heaven regardless of the way we believe or practice religiously, Jude exorts that we "earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered to the saints." (Jude 3). This is Christianity; it is the faith of the gospel; it is the New Testament way of sal vation from sin; and service and worship to God through Jesus Christ. -It is the new and living way (Heb. 10:19). It is the per fect law of liberty (James 1: 25). ALL MUST BE BORN OF WATER AND THE SPIRIT. This Jesus declares in John 3: 5. But after His resurrection, He gave the conditions and terms of how to be born of water and the Spirit. He said unto them, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; (>ut he that believeth not shall be damned." (Mk. 18: 15, 16). In the Book of Acts there are ten examples of how people were bom again. Those on Pentecost heard the gospel, believed it, and were commanded to repent and be baptized <n the name of Christ for the remission of sins. (Acts 2: 22-41). Not only must sinners believe and repent, but all must also be bap tized: 1 ? "Into Christ" CBom. 6: 3; Gal. 3: 27). 2 ? "Into His death" and consequently into the benefits of His blood (Rom. 6:3). In Christ we have redemption through His blood. (Eph. 1:7). If a person can be saved without baptism, he can be saved without the blood of Christ ? for we are baptized into His blood. 3 ? "Into His name" (Matt. 28: 18-20; Acts 19: 5). 4 ? "Into one body" (1 Cor. 12: 13). Not into many bodies, but one. This one body is the Church of the New Testament, the church that Jesus built (Eph. 1: 22, 23; Col. 1: 18). In baptism the body is buried, washed, and raised (Rom. 6: 4; Heb. 10: 22; Acts 8: 35-40). DIVISION IS SINFUL 1 ? Jesus prayed that all believers be one. (Jno. 17> 2 ? Paul condemned division and pled for unity. (I Cor. 1: 10 1S). 3 ? Division is classed and condemned as a work of the flesh. (Gal. 5: 10-21). 4 ? God hates those who sow discord. (Proverbs 6: 19). In view of these scriptures and facts, how can a person hold and argue the theory that it does not make .any difference as to which road one travels ? he will get to heaven just the same? What does God think about the person who argues against the truth of the Bible? If you have any questions, let us hear from you. H. ERNEST SHOAF ? BOONE, N. C. HOSPITAL GIFT International Resistance Co. made a useful contribution to Watauga Hospital recently, when they painted a room therev The Hospital appreciates the act of generosity. CARD OF_ THANKS ~ We wish to thank our host of friends for their help and kind expressions of sympathy in the lias of our dear husband and fa ther? MRS. FRANK TEAGUE AND DAUGHTERS. DON'T COUGH , Your Head Off Ask for Mentho-Mukion If it fails to stop your cough due to colds, ask for your money back. BOONE DRUG CO. The REXALL Store TH ? MOST AMAZINO THING ABOUT THIS AMAZINO CAR? j THE PRICE! ; 7 MM ?? >v?f?d locafyj y ^ Stat* ond local /^r , i??-" ' FOR A "ROCKET" OLDSMOBILE l U pOA cfcoko of modal and body ityto, optional oquipmonf and occoMorfo*. Price* may vary rightly In adjoining comownM* kNOvta of Stopping diarflM. A* pricos tvbjoct to chonfO %vitHowt node a. Compare the value! Chock the price! And you'll go Over to Olds! Mali* a data lo drive a thrilling "Racket It's the car that'i out ahead in every way ? style, power, panoramic vision, va/uef Come in today? ride the Kocket" and get our generous dealt t ? SIB YOUt OLDSMOBILE DIALER ? BLUE RIDGE MOTORS Dial AMherst 4-3776 Boone, N. C. GLEAN, QUIET POWER! PHIUIPS SB \ FEWER DEPOSITS I fi-TO FufL dot not require on onli-fouling additive. H burnt c/eon because of itt high purity components . . . give* lively knock-free power. / FOR YOUR CAR? the only gasoline to which is added the super avia tion fuel component Di-isopropyl. A Phillips exclusive. Phillip* was the first to make Di-isopropyl and HF Alkylate. These two fuel components are so valuable to smooth motor performance that until recently they were restricted by government order for use exclusively in high performance aircraft gasoline. But now authorities have removed re strictions and they can be blended in Phillips 66 Fute-Fuel for your car. Fute-Fubl brings you more power, higher anti-knock, longer mileage, plus the important . advantages of Phillips 66 controlled volatility. You also benefit from the clean burning qualities for which Phillips 66 Gasoline is famous. Get Fute-Fuel at stations where you see the orange and black Phillips 66 Shield. A NEW MOTOR Oil THAT CAN DOUBLE ENGINE UFEI The toughest standard ever set up for automobile motor oil is the Mil-0-2104 Supplement 1 test And the ftru all weather motor oil to meet the severe nquimneeu of this test is new Phillips 66 Taor-Aanc. Compared to ordinary motor oils, new Taor-Aanc reduces wear even to the extent that it can doable the life of an engine. It cuts oil consumption 15* to 45%. It keeps piston* cleaner. And it extends gasoline mileage, too, twine it reduces friction. Get T*or-A*nc Motor Oil for year around engine protection. It's the perfect companion to Philips 66 Pun-FML. nmjjn rrntouuu company SEE YOUR PHILLIPS 66 DEALER , \ PHILLIPS 66 PRODUCTS are distributed in BOONE and vicinity by COLVAR D, INC. ? , -

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