WANT ADS Watauga Democrat WANT ADVERTISING RATE l CENTS A WORD? Me MINIMUM CHARGE Cash Mutt Accompany All Orders WANTED TO RENT? Small house or unfurnished apartment in or near Boone, from June 1, 1955 to June 1, 1056. Paul Jolley, Route 8, Lexington, N. C. l-13-3c WHOEVER BORROWED our Re frigerator trucks, please return them. Farmers Hardware & Sup ply Co. 1-13 2c MY OFFICE~ WILL BE OPEN each night for the next few weeks from 7 to 9 p. m. for the vaccina tion of dogs. J. G. Matjin, DVM l-13-2p FOR SALE ? 1200 pound farm horse. See Forest Greene, RFD 2, Boone, N. C. 1-13 2p FOR SALE ? Purebred Collie pups, for itock or pets. Cut price. $3 and $4 Robert Greer, Vilas, N. C. IP GOOD GOING BUSINESS, service station, cafe, and store, located 1 mile we*t of Boone on 421. Will trad* for house in town or sell Loan cm be arranged. AM 4-8256, Jerry Co?. 8-5-tfc FOR RENT ? 4-room house. $18.00 per month. Apply at Western Auto Associate Store. 11-25-tfc FOR SALE ? Extra good yellow ear corn. See Charles Howard, Wilkes boro, N. C., 1 mile from Coble Dairy up river road. Brick house on right. Phone 3553-R. 12-304c 17" TRUTONE TELEVISION lets. Brings clear, bright, sharp picture' to life. Guaranteed one year. Special this week only $139.99. WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE. 1118-tfc FOR SALE ? Seven room house with bath, out building and SO acres of land on the Blowing Rock highway 321 and 221, three miles out of Boone. Plenty of good wat er. Joins the New River Power dam, good place to fish and a good place for a fish pond. See or write E. F. Shore, Box 6, Boone, N. C. 12-9-tfc DR. GALE F. BAReTcHIROPRAC TOR ? Office hours: 8:30 to 12; 1 to 8. Tuesday and Friday nights by appointments only. X-ray service 420 V4 W. Mmaln St., Boone, N. C. Phone AM 4-3871. 5-27-tfc DR. L. E. WELLMAN will be in his office over Farmers State Bank. Mountain . City, Tenn., Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday of each week, from ? a. m. to 3:30 p. m. Eyes examined. Glasses fitted. 4-23-tfc SERVICE STATION FOR 5 ALE^ Located Main St., Boone. N. C.J doing good business. Priced to (ell. See Jerry Coe, 217 Main, or Dial AM 4-8230. 7-2-tfc . .. " ?'??? i BOONE DRUG CO. Your Prescription Store PROMPT SERVICE Three Registered Pharmacists: G. K. Moose. W. R. Richardson, O. K. Richardson STORE HOURS: 8:30 A. M to 9:30 P M. Sundays: 2:00 P. M. to I P M. Ir Needed after Store Ho'ir*. Dial AM 4-3819 or AM 4-J959 The REXALL Store (Jluuk'i jERPy COE Our target is your complete fi nancial protection. Whether you need fire ? burglary ? auto mobile ? liability insurance, stop in (or the right policy. Do it this week. ' )\ IV \ RA \ K A'.I.N' Y FOR SALE, HORN CAFE ? Entire equipment and stock, reasonable rent, priced for a quick sale. See or call Jerry Coe, Tri-County Realty Co., dieal AM 4-8256. lc BROOMS ? Anyone wanting brooms made, we are now ready. M. H. Edmisten, Sufar Grove, N. C. lp OUR NEW MILL will be in opera tion January 17. Watauga FCX Service. lc FOR SALE ? Baled hay and straw. F. E. Robinson, Mountain City, Tenn. l-13-3p FOR SALE on Grand Boulevard six-room brick house, stoker heat. Also nice apartment with private entrance. Call AM 4-3151. 1-13-tfc WATCH FOR GRAND OPENING soon in our new building on South Water Street. Watauga FCX Ser vice. lc COON DOGS? Will sell my two coon dogs reasonably. Guaranteed. Jim Brown, Rt. 2, Boone, N. C. lp | FOR SALE ? 200 bales of good hay. J. W. Norwood, Shulls Mills, N. C. lp FOR SALE OR RENT? The Watt Beach house and lot, two-acre gar den, cow pasture, outbuilding, on Blowing Rock Road, one mile from city cimiU. M. J. Williams, Vilas, N. C. lp FREE ESTIMATES ? Insulaire Rock Wool Insulation Type "A"; rustproof zinc interlocking weather stripping, Wisco Storm Windows and Doors. Quality workmanship. Norman Lackey, 828 Faculty Street. Phone AM 4-8997, or Woodrow Singleton, Morganton, N. C. Phone 1570-W, 5-27-tfc NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as the admini stratrix of the estate of J. Russell Hampton, late of the County of Watauga. State of North Carolina, this is to notify all those having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to me within twelve months of the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail indebted to the estate arggwked to make immediate pay ment This 12th day of January, 1955. MRS. J. RUSSELL HAMPTON, Administratrix l-13-2p i > FHA HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS AVAILABLE MONTHS TO REPAY ?Painting -Asbestos Shingles ?Additional Rooms ?Porches ?Bathrooms ?Store Fronts ?Entrances ?New Flooring ?Roofing ?Plumbing Fixtures ?Electrical Systems -Walks ?Driveways ?Insulating, including installation of storm windows Coe Insurance 217 MAIN Boone, North Carolina lojm "Garden Time By ROBERT SCHMIDT During the dormant season we should examine our shrubs and fruit trees closely to see if they are infested with scale insects. If you do not know what scale insects look like, call in your county agent or some horticultural friend who is familiar with them. If your trees are infested with scale it is important that yoi do something about it. Scale insects are very small sucking insects that attach them selves to the twigs, leaves, and branches of shrubs and trees and proceed to suck the life out of them. As soon as they are attach ed to the twig they construct a tough scale covering over them selves for protection. That is why they are called scale insects. The scales areu sually white or gray in color. In order to kill the insects it is necessary to use a spray material that will penetrate the scale cov ering. Such a spray would be too strong to use during the growing season because it would also dam age the plahts. Therefore, we must spray (or scale insects during the dormant season when the plants are not growing and deciduous trees are free of leaves. The mis crible oils, such as Volck and Scalecide, and lime-sulphur solut ions. are effective in controlling scale insects when used according to the manufacturers' directions. Oil sprays should not be used in freezing weather. Because qf its fungicidal action, especially on peach trees, its is preferred to use lime-sulphur spray late in the dor mant season. Also, at this time of the year we may find a number spindle shaped cocoons or "bags" hanging on the twigs of our narrowleaved evergreens. Many of these "bags" contain eggs of the bagworm which will hatch out into cater pillars in early summer. These caterpillars will eat the foliage of the evergreens and will protect themselves by spinning new bags in which they live while they feed. Ijter in the summer they will change to adults and the females will lay eggs in their eoAons. For control of bagworms ail cocoons on the trees or shrub* during the winter season should be picked off and destroyed. During the summer' the caterpillars may be killed with a DDT spray or an ar senical spray. Three Boone Men Enlist In Navy It was announced today that three young men from the Booae area are now in the Navy and are taking training in the Great Lakes Naval Training Center, in Illinois. ?The new recruits are David Maston Warren, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren of Sugar Grove, John Clyde Ragan. son of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Ragan, of Route 2, Boone and Jerry Lewis Trivette, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Trivette of Rominger. These young men will train for nine weeks and then will take their places in the Navy either on a ship or shore station it was [Minted out by Steelman, the local Navy Recruiter. It was also anounced today by the Recruiter that the Navy Re cruiters would be in the postoffice three days a week starting as of now. The days will be each Wed nesday, Thursday and Friday. The new days were made possible by another recruiter being assigned to the area. The new recruiter is Joseph Hahn, Quarter Master, First Class, USN, and is a veteran of, twelve year; in the navy. Men interested in a career in the navy are requested to Contact Hahn or Steelman at the Postoffice in Boone on the days mentioned above. SILVER FINING Wife (at desk) ? I've been ask ed for a reference for our last maid. I've said she's lazy, unpunc tual and impertinent. Now, can I add anything in her favor?" Husband ? "You might say that she's got a good appetite and sleeps well." Local Realty Values ,G.I. ami J.HLA. Loans Now Available n PaVhfeHT ' - NEW 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, hardwood floors, electric dishwasher, metal cabinets, - full basement, oil-fired furnace, large lot, located Faculty Street. CI or FHA loan available. Priced for quick sale. GOOD 5- ROOM HOUSE, bath, attached garage, large lot, one acre, located 1 mile from city limits. Very desirable property. Price $9,500. GI or FHA loan available. ? 3-ROOM HOUSE, bath, located just outside of city limits on Blowing Rock Road. Price $3,700. Terms. APARTMENT HOUSE ? Located near college. Four apartments including refrigerators and stoves, three baths, large lot located on Blowing Rock Highway. Long term loan avail able. This property will pay for itself. NEW 6-ROOM GARAGE APARTMENT HOUs?. Located near schools. In good section. Price $6,500. NEW 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, hardwood floors, forced hot air heat, fully insulated, located just out of city limits. City water and sewer. $1,200 down payment. Monthly payments $45.00. F. H. A. loan GOOD 40-ACRE FARM, 7-room house, 25 acres cleared land, good timber on remainder, good orchard, plenty of water, food fencing, barn, workshop, chicken house, good view and good location for a lake. Price $8,500. Can be financed. GOOD 8-ROOM HOUSE, large lot. Located on Pine Street near college and stores. Price $7,500. Long term loan available if needed. GOOD 90-ACRE FARM. Stone storehouse, excellent outbuild ings. Owner will trade for property in or near Boone. GOOD 3-BEDROOM HOUSE? bath, hardwood floors, lot 75x150. Located Faculty Street. Price $7,800. NEW 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, bath, hardwood floors, insulated, full basement, furnace, refrigerator, stove, washing machine, dinette set, all for $10,000. Located in Daniel Boone Colony just out of city limits. City water. NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE, water in house, 8 acres of land located on good gravel road. Ideal site for lake in front of house. Typical for a summer cottage, trees, natural shrubbery. Priced for quick sale. Owner must move into town. GOOD 5-ROOM HOUSE, basement, forced hot air heat, tar gp lot located on Oak Street near college. FHA approved. Small down payment. NEW BRICK HOUSE, bath, plastered walls, hardwood floors, ho? , , air furnace. Large lot. Located on Oak Street. GOOD 2-BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE, bath, furnace, large lot. . located nehr schools and stores. Price $6,400. Terms if needed. GOOD 5-ROOM HOUSE, bath, furnace, and 5-room garage apart ment with bath. lMt-acre lot on Highway 421. Just V4 mile west of Boone. Priced to sell. Terms If needed. GOOD 6-ROOM HOUSE, bath, basement, hot air heat. Located Grand Boulevard. Requires small down payment. BAMBOO SECTION ? Five rooms, water, two acres, $3,000 FOUR ACRES LAND NEAR BOONE. Good 4 room house with bath. $1,200 down, balance $25 per month. GI loan. GOOD S-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, furnace, large lot. Located Main Street. Will sell or trade for good farm. GOOD BUSINESS LOT located on Main Street. Desirable for any ' ' I type of business. SELEC^ RESIDENTIAL LOTS FOR SALE. DIAL AM 4-82SC ? BOONE, N. C. ? 217 MAIN STREET List Your Property with U? for a Quick Sale Have Demand (or Small Business ? Abo for Farms Tri-County Realty Co. E. F. COE, Manager C M. CRITCHER Questions And Answers On Farm Problems QUESTION la there any way that I can estimate how 'much milk ? young cow will give at maturity? ANSWER: Yes Stalled "age conversion factors" not only can help a farmer decide whether a young milk cow ia worth keeping but also her aire's desirability as a breeding animal. Rimers can obtain a table giving the conversion factors from U. S. D. A. QUESTION: Why do eggs packed with large end up grade higher? ANSWER: Because when eggs are packed with small end up, the yolk has a tendency to rise, caus ing the egg to grade, lower when candled. To grade "A" or better, an egg must have a well-centered yolk. QUESTION: How does North Carolina rank among other states as far as agriculture is concerned? ANSWER: In cash income from agriculture, North Carolina ranked fourth amohg the states in 1953. However, this state has the largest farm population in the nation and ranks second only to Texas in the number of farms. QUESTION: Are the organized feeder calf sales a good place to buy beef calves in North Caro lina? ANSWER: Yes. For one thing the animals sold in these sales are uniform in quality and type. They have been selected by ex perts who know their business and each animal will have been dehorned, vaccinated and cas trated. QUESTION: What happens to the money set aside for soil con servation if farmers fait to use it? ? ANSWER: The money i#turned back to the general fund of the IT. S. Department of Agriculture. On July 31 this year North Caro lina farmers had nearly $S mil lion of federal funds approved for conservation practices; recent check showed that less than $1 million has been used, or reported on. QUESTION : Some insect is cutting twigs off my pecan trees. I What is it and what can I do? ANSWER: The insect is known as the twig girdler. The only practical control is to pick up and burn the twigs as they fall. These twigs contain eggs, so by burning the t,wigs you can destroy eggs that would hatch more beetles for next year. You will also need to burn twigs from hickory and persimmon trees as the same in sect attacks these two trees as well. COMPROMISE A girl dismissed her sweetheart with the statement that she eould not think of marrying him until he had a few thousand dollars. A few months later she met him and asked him how much he had saved up. "Thirty-five dollars," was the reply. "Well," she said with a blush, "I guess that's near enough." Secretary of Agriculture Benson has disclosed the Eisenhower Ad ministration is considering permit ting the sale of surplus butter and other farm products to the Soviet Union. lr IL - . General News BrtrJlies U. S. uses airlift to aid ailing Indians in Alaska. * The U ait ad States makes fir* rubber plant aalea pacta. General Klectric plant to build its 11th factory in the South. Durooher ia named the manager, of the year in A. P. p?M. Nicaragua boy* fighter plane* from a Swedish syndicate. A recent White House .executive order will make it easier for for eign concerns to compete for the business of the Federal Govern ment . The North Atlantic Council re cently adopted a irport that in effect empowered the use of ato mic and otfcafe n?w weapaea to meet aggreaaion in Europe. Th* Navy has announced that the flight deck of tlx suporrarrier Forrestal, launched reeetitfy. wiU be enlarged to accommodate Ni ger and faster plane*. Leadera of the Air Force and the aviation industry, meeting on air logistics at Washington, urged that giant long-range transput t planet be used to supply air coo bat forces. To Water Users In consideration of the iacreaoed rout of all labor and materials during the pant 10 yearn, the Town Board has decided it it* advisable to slightly raise the water rates to all cou?u liters of city water. The uew rates*: t Minimum up to 2,500 gallons monthly $1.25 2,500 Gallons (outside) no sewer $1.50 2,500 Gallons (outside) with sewer ....$1.75 Town of Boone GORDON H. WINKLER, Mayor List Your Taxes Now GIVE IN YOUR POLL List Your Automobiles, Trucks-Tax List Takers, Listing Locations and Dates and Watauga County Townships, January 1955 BALD MOUNTAIN Mrs. RuHHell Vannoy, Lifter Jan. 15 ? Cooks Store * BEAVER DAM Linville B. Norris, Litter Jan. 12 ? Dean Reese Jan. 13 ? Don Hagaman's Jan. 14 ? Vann Farthing Jan. 17 ? Clyde Perry Jan. 18 ? Charlie Cornet Jan. 20 ? Clyde Perry BLOING ROCK Daniel Klutz, Lister | Jen. 10, 12, 17 and 19 ? Town Hall Jan. 13 ? Elmer Woods Service J Station Jan. 14 ? Doe Coffey BOONE TOWNSHIP Tax Supervisor's Office Month of January except Satur day afternoons from Jan. 3 to 31 BRUSHY FORK Martin Herman, Litter Jan. 12? Filer's Store Jan. 13 ? Stuart Hayes Store Jan. 14 ? Hilltop Service Station Jan. 17 and 18 ? Courthouse, Boone COVE CREEK Hattie S. Lewis, Litter Jan. 12 ? Junior Proffitt's Ser vice Station f Jan. 13 ? James B. Mast Store 1 Jan. 14 ? Owen Little's Store ; ELK I' H. C. Hodges, Litter Jan. 12 and 13 ? Stewart Sim mons Store Jan. 14? N. G. Wheeler's Store i LAUREL CREEK D wight Cable, Litter Jan. 12 ? Charlie Oaks Store Jan. 13 ? V. D. Wards Store ' MABEL Blanch Wilkinson, Litter Jan. 12 ? Bert Mast Store Jan. 13 ? Max Miller's Store MEAT CAMP Willard D. Norris, Litter Jan. 12 ? Meat Camp Service Station Jan. 13 ? Erreit Moretz Store Jan. 14 ? J. O. Winebarger Store NEW RIVER J. Bynum Clawson, Litter Jan. 12 ? Stop and Shop Store Jan. 13-14 ? Triplett's Grocery Store Jan. 15-18? Tax Supervisors Of fice, Courthouse, Boone NORTH FORK W. C. South, Litter Jan. 12 ? Dave Main Store SHAWNEEHAW Vance Norwood, Litter Jan. 12 ? Cart Rupards Jan. 13 ? Eugene Eggers Jan. 14? Lee Woods STONY FORK Civile Moretz. Litter Jan. 12? A. G. Miller's Store Jan. 13 ? Parkway School Jan. 14 ? Cook & Hodges Store WATAUGA Artie Hodges, Litter Jan. 12 ? R. L. Shulls Store ? Shulls Mills Jan. 13 ? Shore's Store? Shulls Mills Jan. 14 ? Masfs Store? Valle C rue is Jan. 17 ? Farthing's Store ? Valle Crucis Jan. 18 ? Mrs. Collings Store ? Blue Ridge FARM CENSUS NOTE FARM CENSUS. Each (arm owner shall prepare a list of the acreage of each crop grown, including tenth* of acre* of trade. The lift should show the total acre* cultivated by the owner, also the acres cultivated by all tenants on each separtely recognized farm, the acres in improved pasture, woodland, idle and other lands. He shall be prepared to report the number* of bearing fruit tree*, the numbers of livestock of breeding age. number of hog* sold or slaughtered during peat 12 month* and torn, of ferti lizers to be used during this crop year. Thi* information 1* kept confidential and ha* no relation to taxes. It* purpose Si tor agricultural education, economic analysis and safer guidance of county tfeots and farmer* grneraity DECEMBER 27. 1954. EDGAR BROWN, Tax Supervisor