BafeJi Br JOE c. MINOR vv , mf; A fish pond "dedicated to the youth of Watauga County'"? that i\* is just what pie pond built on tlx Diamond "S" Ranch ia, according to the owner, B. W. Stalling* When Mr. Stalling! built thia pond back ia 1B00 he resolved that It mainly would be used by youth group* of the county, and i " that's the way it ia. HI; The efforts of Mr. Stalling have caused many young ooys and girls to enjoy fishing who might not ord inarily go fishing because of the lack of ffilly accessible placet to' fish Probably the largest group of youngsters to converge upon the pond, la the group which at tends the annual "Fiahihg Rodeo." j Laat week the fourth annual event [ waa staged. More than 12S children : ages up to 10 years ? the age limit ? were around the half -acre pond to try their luck at fiahing. While he waa not actually aeea belting a hook. Mr. 8 tailings said a young ster of aeven weeks waa among the young fiahermen. Mr. Stall Inge alao Invites groups such aa Scouta and Sunday fchool claaaes out to hla pond for good "old-fashioned" fishing, with pole and line. And, moat of the time the boys and glrla are not diaappointed, be cause Mr. S tailings had tried to follow good pond management to Inaure a good crop of flah, both in building the pond and in maintain inf it. When he decided to build the I odd. Mr. Stalllnga called on How ard i. Williams, conservation tech nician with the Watauga Soil Con servation fJu.trict, for advice on how the pond should bt built and where a suitable place to locate It would be. torn* o f the thing. Mr. WUliama and hi* department did were to check the site, the source of water and watorabed for the pond, typo of toll, aad ? lope of land draining into pond. Mr. Williams explained that these thing* are necessary because some *oils are not suitable for Im pounding water; also if the water shed la too great, the dam might not hold in heavy rains In Mr. S tailings caae, it was established there waa a 10-acre water shed. The pond waa planned with plenty of good (tending room for the young fiahermen, with con cern for their safety a main factor. After the pond waa completed, Mr. Stalling* said, it filled in a tow weeks Then came the stocking. In the fall of 1M0 blue gill, at the rate of 1,000 per acre? 000 for this pond? were placed in the pond. In the spring of 1M1, bass, at the rate of 100 per acre, were releaaed In the water*. This combination of fish ia rec ommended by the U. 8. Depart ment of Agriculture became It ha* been proven that with proper fert ilization and management of the pond, a good balance of flab, pan ?tie, may be expected. The baaa eat the young blue gill fingerling* and keep them from overstocking the pond, while the blue gill eat the egg* of the baas to keep their number down. Both fish are con sidered good game fiah and will afford plenty of fun for the flab There's More Fun At The Movies SUNDAY AT 3 and ? o'clock MORROW I l3^aptain Lightfoot TtCHWICOlO* /J>PAUCHj^ "Everybody Likes loeno, N. C" SATURDAY NkGHT ? 7 and 9 "SHANE" with . ALAN LADD Alio Color Cartoon THURSDAY EDWARD G ROBINSON "Black Tuesday" Also 'Color Cartoon FRIDAY? Bargain Day 10c - 20c Hi "Ma IMm* ?MnhaiMn .*** ^aKasrassyxm SATURDAY? 11 O'CLOCK Two Big Feature* "Passage West" with JOHN PAYNE "Wild"0 Cat" with RICHARD ARLEN Plus Color Cartoon MONDAY and TUESDAY Tu>o Big Days Admission: This Attraction Only: Children 10c ? Adult* 50c 0 ?' Ri You'll Get A Wonderful Feeling When ? * You Meet "AMai Called peter" CinemascopE WEDNESDAY JAMES STEWART ? ? in ___ ? - RUTH ROMAN THE FAR COUNTRY in Technicolor j's More Fun At The Movies ernun in lamtiitf them The fish are supplied to pood own?r> by the Department of In terior of the, United States Many of the pond* are uied for ntock watering aa well aa for fish ing, and Mr. 8tulling'? cattle have irrass to his pond. Mr. Williams, whose department hss aided in building about SO farm ponda In the county since 1950, adds that after a pond has become establiabed with the blue (ill bass combination, that about 80 percent of the total weight of the fiah in the pond are of usable size. Mr. 8 tailings doesn't worry about too many fish being caught by the youngsters, because he is carrying out management recommendations of conaervation authorities, who say that up to 400 or mora pounde of fiat) may ba taken annually from aa acre pond. AMI that'a ? lot of flah. | Rocky Creek Items Col. Dave Williams of McDill Field, Tampa, Florida, who flies one of the moat powerful U. A. Air Force B-47 fighter planes, la hare to atart building his retire ment home oa Rocky Creek Ha is accom pained by Mrs. Williams. Mr. George Hoots of Statesville la building a modern summer cot tage here. Mr. Johnny Corey ia occupying his new home on Rocky Creak. Mr. BUI Ebaary will be at his Rocky Creek home until after July 4th. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Black are spending their vacation at their cottage on Rocky Creek. Ma re ia no la willing to give re turn bout to Cockell. Zionville 1 News Notes c Mrt Carolyn Harriaon and ton. Sonny, and Michael, of Whit* villa, N. C. have returned home after a viiit with Mlaa Hettie Greer. Mr*. N. J. Greer Sr? also of Whiteville will remain here tor an indefiniate time. y. Mr. Gleen Greer and Mr*. Pau line Chapman have returned to Ohio and Indiana after a via it with their mother, Mr*. Emma Greer. Mr*. Bonnie laaaea of Cineinatti, Ohio will be with Mr*. Greer for *ome time. Mn. Greer remain* ill.. Mr. and Mr*. Junior Potter vi*it ed Mr. and Mrt. Burl Miller last week. Mr. Potter wa* called here due to the illneaa of hi* mother, Mrt. Frank Potter at Trade, Tenn. 1 Mine* Anna Mae, Mary June, and Nancy Stephen* ipent Friday and Saturday in Lenoir with Mr. and Mr*. Call Ragan and Mr. and Mn Q. C. Wineberfer. Anna Mm and Mary June returned to Biwa Tn*?day after a three week* vaea tion with their parent*. Mn. Fred Castle and Stove, ac companied by Mr. John Castle of Mountain City, Terns., are viaitinc relative! in Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Graff. and children of Boone visited Sunday with Mr. and Mr*. Edward Wilson. Mr. and Mn. Lee Wilson and Dona visited last week with Mr. Si BOONE DRUG CO. Your Prescription Store nOMFT SEBVICB Three Jtoflatored Pharmacista: 0. K. Moose. W. E Richardson, V. O. K. Richardson STOKE HOURS: 8:30 A. M to 9:30 P. M. BVSSMLVk The REXALL Store . Traffic Managers Needed Now by the Motor Trucking Industry VETERANS? -USE YOUR G.I. RIGHTS TO SECURE YOUR FUTURE! THE OPPORTUNITY OP A LIFETIME There U now, and always will be, a big demand for trained and quali fied young men and women for traffic positiona. Traffic positions start with good pay with unlimited possilklities for advancement in this wide-open field. Here la your chance, Veteram, to cash in on your educational eligibility time. Uae your G. 1. rights to learn a job that will make you Independent for life. Motor Carrier Bate* and Traffic Management Course Prepares You for Such Jobs as: BATE CLERK CLAIM AGENT ? CASHIEB BILLING CLEBK DISPATCHES MOTOB TEBMINAL * MANAGES TRAFFIC SALES MANAGER TRAFFIC MANAGER We will assist you in getting a Job in Hickory industries while you are taking your Traffic Man agement course. Your job earnings plus G. I. subsist ence allowance will make you a nice income. Thus you can afford to move to Hickory. Write today for full details Clevenger College Of Business Administration 212 Ard Avenue N. W., HICKORY, N. C. P. O. Box 157, WILKESBORO, N. C Vacation time to here. lilt the open road. Hit t but don't hit anything alaa. Dont I be a "Hurry Bu f ia the heavy sitmmer traffic. Slow ' live! v .. tor Shakes, Shingles, Wood hiding A PAINT, not a ?tai?. ? Flat finish, oxcollont hiding. ? Easy to apply ov?r V now or wcathorod, painted or unpaintod ^ shakos, shinglos or siding. beautifbl colors \P1US WHITI VL MORE TZ &SON AM* ft 4-9ttl i DEEP GAP - NORTH CAROLINA i "Watauga's Oldest Lumber Yard" All Chevrolet's competitors and most of the high-priced cars tried it recently in official NASCAR* trials? and took a licking! Mitl tha chomp! The new Chevrolet Turbo-Fire V8"? the most modern V8 on the road today.* You want facts, don't you? And not ours. Facta instead from an independent, outside source where the only things that count are who came in first, second, and so on. Here they are? Doytona Beach. NASCAR Acceleration Tests Over Measured Mile From Standing Start. Chevrolet captured the 4 top positions in its class! ? of the first 1 II On a time basis it beat every high-priced car, too-but one! Doyteno l??ch. NASCAR Straightaway Running. Open to can delivered in Florida for $2,500 or less. Chevrolet captured the first two places. 7 out of the first 11 places) Doytono Itadi. NASCAR 2-Wiy Straight away Running Over Measured Mile. Open to cars from 230 to 299 cu. in. displacement Chevrolet captured 3 of the first 5 places! None of its major competition (what compe tition?) even finished "in the money"! Columbia, S. C NASCAR 100-MDe Race on half-mile track. Very tight turns. Chevrolet finished first! Way, way ahead-aa ia sales! With a new car, aad 110 pit stop*! Foyvttcvilla, N. C NASCAR Late Model Event. Alter naming the fastest qualifying round (with a mew car) Chevrolet again fin ished first Because of even tighter turns the driver chose to run the entire ISO laptjn sec ond gear! Yet no overheating or pit stops! These facts you cant laugh off. Sales leader. Road leader. A crowning achievement of Chev rolet and General Motors. Try a Chevrolet . . . and live in a land of going-* way where you win all the arguments! Soon, maybe? Way, way ahead! Sales leader for 19 straight years I ; i *?'! ?? . vi :'' North Depot Street N DREWS CHEVROLET/ WS PHONE AM 4-8443 .