Oak Grove Holds Lead In Softball By JIM HOLSHOU8EK Oak Grove's defending champ ions moved into * tie for first place in Beene'a aoflbail leagua laat week *? they taok an easy 24 3 decision over the newly-form ed Recreatien Center team. (The latter club replaces the VFW in league competition.) Rain baited Tuesday night's opening games, aad action got under way on Thurs day night. Charles Taylor and George Kichardion hit home runs in th? first inning as the Oak Grave club took an early lead, but the Recrea tion club bounced back in the third with a pair of tallies. Leading by only one run in the sixth inning, Oak Grove broke up the cloae con test by exploding for 30 niaa. Eight home runs sparked the rally in the sixth frame as 29 men went to bat Jimmy Greene pitched the en tire game for the winners, while Bobby Watkias hurled for the Re creation team. Elsewhere in the league, the Presbyterians and the Baptists re mained in the three-way tie for the top spot as they took first round decisions from the Mountain Lion and IRC chibs. All other games were rained out and will be play ed at a later date. The Presbyterians defeated the Mountain Lions on Thursday even ing by a 13-5 count, with Rager Thomas and Bill Stanley supply ing the scoring power at the plate. The Presbyterians' new one-two punch found the range early, and when the smoke had cleared, Tho mat had hit two homers, and Stan ley had banged out two triples. Fast-hailing Frank KUar kept the lit. Lions hits well-scattered to gam his first decision of the new' SM?nB, Snow went the dis tance far the Mountain Lions and was the loser. hi Friday aighTs action, the Baptists loosed the IMC tmm, U-5, behind the pitefcln* af A. B. Crew. The Baptist* jumped Into a 2-0 lead in the first iltathg and were ntrmc bended as they took their first vktary against no de feats. Kelvin N orris pitched for the IRC and alaa hit a home run Ted Harnett and Stacy Eggers led the Baptist hitting attack with a homer and a triple respectively. V lie entire eosteot is a drizzling rain which washed out the other contest of the evening Resutts of the week (standings include gaaaaa through Fridhy) : Tuesday ? Baptists vs. P?Mn? ville, - rain; Methodists vs. IRC, rain. f Thursday ? Oak Grove 34, Re creation Center 3; Presbyterians 13, Mt. Lions 8. Friday? Perkinsville vs. Recrea tion Senter, rain; Baptists 11, IRC 3. Standings: W L Oak Grove I ? Presbyterians 1 0 Baptists I 0 Methodists 0 0 Perkinsville 0 0 IRC 0 1 Mt. Lions ? 1 Rec'n Center J 1 Reporters Move To Set County Burley Acreage In a few d JVs reporters will be in the field determining Burley tobacco acreages, it was announc ed today by Dwight Cable, County ASC Chairman. A slight delay has postponed measuring the crop due to the tact that photographs for' determining the cropland on the farm have not yet arrived. They are expected any day, and will be delivered to the reporters] as soon M they are indexed. Tobacco growers are asked to | ghre all assistance possible' to the reporters in order that a good per formance job may be accomplish ed. They are asked to show the reporter aH the fields on which tobacco is being grown, as well as other crops. It is their responsibi lity to assist in carrying the tape in measuring all necessary fields, and give whatever informafton necessary for complete perform ance. The reporter will make no com putation* in the field. Growers should not embarass him by ask ing him to do so. All, official com putations will be made in the coun ty office. Growers in excess of their allotment will be notified at once in order that they take the necessary steps to bring their acre age within the allotme*. I A letter coyering the perform ance work in detail is being Mail ed each grower. He is urged to fcQep this letter handy so that he may follow whatever instructions may apply to his farm. News From Willow Valley Section Mr. and Mrs. Drake Walsh of North Wilkesboro visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Leo nard Ward. Mr. and Mn G. C. Wilkinson ?( Knoxville, Tenn. were visitors in this community recently. Mrs. Adrain Yates and children of Baltimore, Md. are spending the week with relatives of this com munity and Matney section. Miss Carolyn Hagaman of Sugar Grove visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Osborne Harmon. Mr. and Mrs. Baker Ward of Bethel spent Saturday afternoon vfsiting with Mr. and Mrs. Custer Ward. Here's to Your Health! DAIRY MONTH, EVERY MONTH, DRINK TO YOUR HEALTH WITH MILK . . . FARM-FRESH, FLAVORFUL, GOOD FOR YOU. ? ? ? Now, during Dairy Month, it'? time I* pat mora milk and milk products on your table. BnJojr cool, refreshing, nutri tious milk . . , delivered, at your grocer's. ? ? ? Help Yourself To Health LLSIDi DAIRY - PRODUCTS, Inc. . YOU* HOME TOWN DART S. Depot St H. C. Silvers tone News Items i Sunday risrtori of Mr. *nd Mr*. Ivcy Wilson were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moretz and childna of Meat Camp. Mr. and Mn. Blain Wilson of Boope, and Mr- Delano Hien burger of Guilford. !H. Mr. and Mn. Frank Moody Waited Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Greer Aft 8nnhy f^rk Sunday ilUfnooQ. Mr*. Clay Fletcher and Mrs' Honda Greene visited Mrs. Roby Wilson Sunday afternoon. H Mr. and Mrs. Burl Wilson and children and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fletcher visited with Mrs. Baxter Wilson Sunday. ;" Aunt Faaay Davis aad Mrs. Rom Lawrence are very sick at their borne here. Mr. Grady Davis of Cleveland. Ohio is visiting with relatives here. Fmpry ipcat Sat ? ? ' t- ? -?-a - _ w_. _ unny uigni wioi nrr oisvcr mis. of Granite Fall*. Mr*. George Thomas, Kn. Char les Wilkinson, Mr and Mr* Ralph Greer and Mr. Cicerco Greer were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mitchell. Mr. Gnw iaaaea ?X Stoat Post fc.aMlMn.WiU Isaacs Ala* visiting them was Mr. Tom Perry. Those visiting Mrs. E. C Greene j Saturday night was Mr. and Mrs. Jack Colvard, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hollars, Mrs. Jim Hollars, all o( Vilas. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Fletcher, and Mr*. Rosa Isaac*. Mr. Bobby Greene spent last I week with Mrs. Jim Hollars of| DISA&MAl Harold E. Staasen, newly ap pointed Presidential Adviser on Diaarmamaot, recently warned against "one-sided disarmament," as he noted indications that the | "tense state of the <e*id war* is | drawing to an end." News Notes m VUttors the put week in the home of Mn. ? Alice Greer were Mr. and Mn. Aver; Roten of Bur bank. Calif., Dr. and Mn I. a. Greor, Chapel Hill, and Mr. and Mn. H. f. Greer, Morganton. Mr. and Mn. Orrill Pardue and family of Shouni. Tenn. viilted Mr. and Mra. Clay Ronae recently. Mr. and Mn. Harold Greer and family of Kinfaport. Tenn. are vialUi* Mr. and Mn. Howard Grew. >;] Mra. Gorton Nelaon of Lenoir ?pent the week with Mn. LllHe Thomas. Mia* Donna Wilaon apent the week end in WinatoiKSalem. Mr. Bobby Greor apent the week end with Mr. and Mn. G. C. Wil kinaon in KnoxviUe, Tenn. Mr. and Mn. Edward Wilson and Karon vMted Sandfly with Mrs. Floy* Proffitt M Meat Csmp Mu Charlie Lewis of BoeAe, Rt 2 will visit indefinitely with Mr. and Mrs. Van?n Castle Visitors last weak with Mr. awl Mrs. J. B. Triptett wore Mrs. R. L Wooten and four children, Mias Jo Ann Wootw of Furgeson, Miss Jeanette Mikeal of Millers Creek. Mr. and Mr*. 6. <X Triplett, Mrs. R D. Wellborn aad daughter, Jan. uf Deep Cap. Mr. and Mrs. C. M Miller, and Mr .and Mrs. Boice Triplett and family of Charlotte Mr and Mrs. J. B Triplet! visit, ed Monday wlft Mrs. Triplett'a mother, Mrs. I. 9. Welch In North Wilkesbcro. .. vy I. y? "EXPANSIONARY. MOVEMENT" Further ria* lit reUil trade, non-agricultural employment, in dustrial production and construct ion during April Jed the Depart ment of Comm*rM to preduct re cently a "continuation of the ex pansionary movement." ? ' ' ? 1 I 1 III ? II Traffic Managers Needed Npw by the Motor Trucking Industry VETERANS? USE YOUR G.I. RIGHTS TO SECURE YOUR FUTURE 1 ???? ami' ^ - i ?? iiu urruRivnni OF A LIFETIME . There is now. and always will be. ? Us demand for trained and quali fied young men aid women for traffic positions. Traffic position! start with food pay with unlimited possibilities for advancement in this wide-open field. Here is your chance. Veterans, to caah in en your educational eligibility time. Use your G. I. rights to learn a job that will make you independent for life. motor Lamer him ana Traffic Maoafement Count Prepares Yon far Such Job* aa: RATE CLERK ' . CLAIM AGENT ? CASHIER BILLING CLERK DISPATCHER MOTOR TERMINAL MANAGER TRAFFIC SALES MANAGER ? TRAFFIC MANAGER we will i tint you in getting a Job in Hickory industries while you are taking your Traffic Man agement course. , Your Job earnings plus G. 1. subsist ence allowance will make you a nice Income. Thus you can afford' to move to Hickory. Write today for full details Clevenaer College Of Business Administration ?> AH A J?, HJCKORV, N. C? ? f ? *? WILKEMKXO, M. C CAKO or THANKS . We wUh to ?stood our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the maay act* of kiadoaia, mwnnw of sympathy, and the beautiful floral offering received from our friend* and neighbor* during our recent bereavement in the low of our dear mother, Mr*. A. H. Duta.? THE CHILDREN. ! ? ' j Potato chip* are in for aome competition. USD A hai '? developed new vegetable chip* including car rot, beet, and parship chipi. as ; ? KM MTH.K-S DAT let Closer to His Heart WITH THi SHAVER THAT ?iEg Ci#*er to His Sklnf I /U. THI THRILLING NIW PONSON World's Gnalmsi Bhctrk Shavr i NEW LOW PRICK ? qSfpi' Stallings Jewelers ? ' ? Most ^(sxs]?GPQi]. Trucks on any job with the most advanced truck features the industry has ever seen! y CHEVROLET /i A Only ntw Ctiawolat Mhnr Trucks bring ' you Hm ihortnt atrok* Vt's in any loading truck and today's most advanced sixes ? . plus all these truly modern features! ? ? e.e?eeeeee They're tfio marks of a modern truck, and ????????? , * thoy out-date any make without them! And they're the moneymaklng, moneysaving advantages that ask this question: Cam you really afford not to make year next now truck a Chevrolet? Judge for yourself I Beginning wMv W?ffc-5tyHng, on entirely mw development In truck design. For the fir* time in aay line of track*. Chevrolet brings yoO two styling treatments -one for light- and medium-duty modal*, another (or heavy-duty jobs! Styling that's matched to the TM latest In touch ? softer ?c*t action that reducei driver fa tigue and more durable comtnic " ' ttm mm Bit* Ride Custom cab features the extra comfort o I a foam rubber cushion and harmonizing two-tone inside. Outside, bright metal moldings aod new two-tone color options. Both the De Luxe aod the Cuatoaa cabs set whole new standards for com fort and convenience. . I L I They're out of light with the doon cloted. That way, now, ice or mud can't collect to caute accidents. Safety Slept are lower, too, -for New panoramic windthletd. For a wider, virtually unobstructed view of the road! There'i more glau area all arouod. A new glass-guard mold ing completely ntrroundi the side wiadowi, reducing possibility of breakage. A wide-view rear window is available as an extra -cost option. Ffwll air in all kinds of weather. With Chevrolet's new High-Level ventilating system, air is drawn in through louvers at cowl level. That means air is constantly circulated through the cab, regard low of dis agreeable weather conditions. High-V?ltag? pewer - V? or *. The new lineup of Chevrolet truck en fine* include* the ibortett itrake vr? in any .leading truck, and mod advanced tixet. All have a modern 12- volt electrical syitem double the voltage for quicker, surer starting and more efficient (park plug firing. Tubeless tires standard on V? tan modal*." Pickups, panels, Sub urban Carry-alls? all models in the Vi-ton class now come with new tube lets tire*. Here's greater pro tection against blowouts. Ivory Power Holpot In tfio book. Power Brakes are standard equip ment on 2 -too models, an extra cost option on a/1 others. The new handling ease of Power Steering, ?Bother egtra-coet option, cut* turning effort up to SO*. There'* mm ?m saving Overdrive, a* an extra-cost option on Vi-ton models . . . and truck Hydra-Matic. The new Comae Corrler. Long and low, with wnooth, fleet lines, here's (he Custom pickup that may wall create a whole new class of truck owners! And Hi* feral touch. Cotort New color* and two-lone combinations add the final styling touch to these great new truck*. Your (election is wider than ever before. Choose the color or combination that best call* attention to your business. That way you'll be taking full ad vantage of the advertising value of your new Task-Force model. One final word. When the time cones to trade in '35 models, the man without a really modern truck stands to take a good -sized loss. Come in and see as soon. Ch?vrol?t Ytar after Year Ammku'* bm t ?ti*g kvdk / You get the most modern truck* money can buy in Chevrolet's New bT ?HM ^*5 kiSI ?;% N DREWS CHEVROLET. INC PHONE AM 4-0443

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