Of Week RoclraVreaj Paul Khittz of with 'the title | of the Year" at a rvcitai of Ruth Do Lucm'i ?t tiM Women'! Club to Florida, la preatntinx Mrs. Cook* with an orchid, Mr*. Do Luca stated that tho real star* of tho evening wore the mothers At tho end of tho mimical pro- 1 to the reeont Federated Club's Festival wore presented. I Maria Do Luca, district winner. tors to piano concerto events ai h total of U superior ratings to various divisions of piano and vio lin. Penny Cooke, daughter of the konoroo, received the gold nation al honor certificate for three con aecutive superiors to piano koto. Iho Good News Club of Blowing the summer meetings on Tuesday, June 14, at 10:90 a. aa. to the Sunday School building of the Presbyterian This dub has been run fOr many yoars, being insti tuted by Mra. Joe Cannon, a sum mer resident of Blowing Bock. It is entirety non-denominational and embraces all children, local and visiting, of school age. Mrs. Can no* brings the Bible message each meeting, giving a bird's eye view of tho Bible, and those stories are Illustrated on the Sceno-O-Felt Board and are to color. Adults are most cordially invited to attend and learn more of the Bible through these lessons. Assisting Mrs. Cannon will be Mrs. Wade KlutU, Mrs. Kenneth Forbes, and pianist Miss Barbara Coffey. A song session begins at ten I o'clock and everyone is urged to Mas Bobbins of Boone and Us Country Gentlemen have begun a series of square dances on the open ?far pavilion on City Park and will continue each Friday night throughout the summer months. Any type music the public de sires is played by this group hillbilly, popular, classical, ballads, spirituals, waltz, fox trot. Jitter Mr. and Mrs. Gene Unix enter tained at dinner on Sunday at thtrtr home in boner of their ton, Lewis, who waa celebrating ? birthday. Among those attending ware other ehiidrcn of thd Lentz' and Mra. Paul Kluttx, Mr*. Lewis Lentz and their little son, Charlea. ? ?* Mr. and Mra. Lloyd P. Tate an nounce the birth of a daughter, Nella CannoN, on Juno t, at Blow lug Rock hospital. Mies Mary Hohhouser. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. a P. Hoishouser, Sr., has arrived at her home from Now York City where she has been employed. Mlas Hoishouser will bo married to Tad Johnson, Jr. on Saturday, /una IS, at 4 o'clock in the Rumple Memorial Presbyterian church bar*. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Johnson, Sr. and ion Ronald, par ants and brother of the groopv- to be, will arrive on Friday from Los Angeles, Calif, for the wadding. Mr. and Mrs. Bynum Crisp of Eliza bethton, Tenn., formerly na tivaa of Blowing Rock, visited with friends hero on Sunday. Mrs. Crisp is the former Misa Ada Banner of Cave Crook. Winily Gap Nev^s Pvt. Frank Ward of Ft. Knox, Ky. is visiting home folks here. Misses Jessie Ward and Ida May Praanail graduated at the N. C. School for the Blind at Raleigh hurt week. Those attending the exercises from this community were Mr. and Mrs. Roby Presnell, Mr. and Mrs. Gold' Presnell, Mra. Arnold Presnell, Mr. Ray Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. Troy Cannon and Mr. Dewey Ward. Mrs. Henry Hagaman spent last week in South Hadley, Mass. visit ing her son A 1-c Hugh Hagaman and Mrs. Hagaman. She was accom panied by her daughter Mary Anne. \ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reese spent last Sunday night camping at Wiseman's View. Mr. Joe Ward spent the week end at home here. He ia employed at Blaco, N. C. DOGWOOD WANTED Convert your dogwood to Dollars. For#specifications or cash on delivery, contact your local buyer' DEWEY HODGES Route 3, Box 27 . Boone, N. C Protect Your Family BY BECOMING A MEMBER OF REINS - STURDIVANT MUTUAL BURIAL ASSOCIATION, Inc. TELEPHONE DIAL AMhent 4-8SM A 25-Cent Fee Ii Charge Upon Joining, After Which the Following Due* Are in. Effect: * DOUBLE BENEFIT quarterly yeaily benefit One to ten years. $ .20 $ .80 $100.00 Ten to thirty years .40 1.60 200.00 Thirty to fifty yeari .80 3.20 200.00 Fifty to ?ixty-five yearg 1.20 4.80 200.00 Women Ponder || Market Plans Curb market pfcaa have been oc cupy in* the time of Watauga Coun ty homo d? o? tration woven lately. W T'r 1 taw HI wood Bryan, State Col lege extension apeclalist in marfc etinc, waa In the county recently to diecvas the plana (or opening the market. Club women who participated in thia apodal curb market ses alon were Mrs. Stewart Baraea o f Howards Creek market seeretar r. Mrs. ?Elbert N orris of Fairview; Mrs. B. A Hodges, Mrs. Howard Carlson. Mrs. Don Hodges and Mrs. A. E. V annoy of Hodges Gap; and Mrs. Gardner Matheaon of Sugar Grove. Revised Sellers Rules , The group diaeuaaed and revis ed rules for all market sellers. They also made out an opera ting budget for the market season and voted to buy special stamped begs for market produce. Miaa Bryan emphasized to the market sellers the importance of good packaging. New market vice chairman ia Mrs. B. A. Hodges. Mrs. A. E. Moreti will stay ia office as chair man Jor another year. Workshop Planned These curb market aellers know that there la a lot to be done in getting themselves? and their mar ket?ready for the summer sea son and so they've planned a aeries of workshops for cleaning up and getting things In order. Mrs. Howard Cartaon and Mrs. Don Hodges are now working on a county label for all csnned pro ducts sold on the market Aa yet the sellers haven't decid Our Motto . , . "It may be pouible to (at lower priced work elsewhere but it is im pouible to (et finer work eiiewbere at any pricel" A Graduate from the V. 8. Government Radio School, and Over 32 Tom* of Continuous Study and Experience ? Wo Challenge Any Competitor in Know-How, Fast and Fine Workmanship OUR PRICES All REASON ABLE AND STANDARD, BASED ON CONSUMERS GUIDE NATIONAL SURVEY We Specialize in: RADIO & TELEVISION . Motion Picture Projector Sound Systems Intercommunication and Public Address Systems REPAIRS KERMIT A WILMA DACUS Owners and Operators DACUS RADIO SHOP BOONE, N. C. ELECTRONIC RET AIR SERVICE OF EVERY RIND NORTHWEST NORTH CAROLINA'S OLDE8T A REST DIAL AM 4-3S41 Residence Hint AM 4-StSS Ml 8. DEFOT STREET Home Realty Company Telephone AM 4-M91 Main Floor Rear Watauga Bldg. * Lou BIdg. H. GRADY FARTHING ? WATT 1L GRAGG BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA ????? ? mm talk Mmrn. iwM lnnliil, wtm W aa rim. MM. ?d OS the exact the exact selling the market will be (toy and Friday at in previous year*. The Watauga market, like other ?MMtain curb markets, to a eum mer so*. Some of the beet cuatom ers are summer residents yho find that the (reeh, home-grown food* of the eiub women are the beet they can find around. The curb market women have made a real name for themselves, and that to quality. Many Accidents In Daytime Hours &.H waa brood, open daylight when 416 of North Carolina'* fatal mo tor rrashae occurred last year. And, oddly enough, reports the Motor Vehicle* Department, after-dark fatal aeeidenta totaled exactly the same-r-416. Twenty-six occurred at dustr and 20 at dawn. Light or dark was not stated on two of the fatal wreck reports. In all there were 880 death dealing crackup* In the state which contributed to the year's fatality toll of 801. In the past five years, use of corncobs In industry has increased 60 per cent DON'T COUGH YOU* HEAD OFT ASK FOB Mentho-Mulsion If it fails to stop your cough due , to colds, ask for your money back. BOONE DRUG CO. The KKXALL Store FORMAL AND INFORMAL WEDDING PORTRAITS 125 Easl Main St., Boone, 'I. C. Phone AM 4 8425 Driver, donl be ? "Hurry Bag."! Summer la playtime. Behind a ball railing lata the read may be an mgm youngster. How down and live! And 1st live. Driver, uW your weaving in m4 Ml to r aquare dancing thia lumnier ... not f or traffic. Mate aafety your partner on the road. Slow down and live! Senator George of Georgia tm4 his high personal prestige to have Federal regulation of highway ad vertising itruek from tha road construction bill before the Senate ' ? Sunday, June 19, is wMMz&W , ir-ilt Z^vXW. ?*:"4. . J5S' ? n??wv ' . 4*.? Get His Gift At His Store Wings Shirts Sport and Preii Long and Short Sleeve* $1.98 to $4.95 LEE HATS Panamas ? Straws 4.95 Felt ...... $7.50 Other Hats 91.98 to $4.95 Ties ? Socks Underwear Belts ? Pajamas Luggage / Work Clothes Work Shoes Jackets LIGHT WEIGHT Summer Suits 119.95 to $34.95 Year 'Round Suite $2495 to $49.95 STAB BRAND Dress Shoes $5.95 to $9;95 FREEMAN * Dress Shoes $7.95 to $14.95 Dress Trousers $4.95 to $14.95 Everything Dad Wears, Hunt's Has? You Don't . Have To Hunt at Hunt s HUNT'S Department Store KING STREET * J. , . BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA High time , the ? ? ? ? N?w Dodgo Custom loyal Lanctr 4- Door Sodoq? moil boowtify! Mil rood tcdcy. ?? ? 1 I Next time you're driving around town, just notice the number of gleaming new Dodge cart you mo m the street! 1 Then ask yourself: "What ta it thee* people have found out about the new Dodge that's causing this landslide of popular favor!" Part of It, of course, is the new Dodge ctyling. You can aee at a glance how much bigger and more luxurious this car is? up to 9 inches longer than its competitors. But the real story behind the rush to Dodge is this: People art discovering tit difference in Ike wan Dodge eart are engineered and built/ They diacover it in the tglid, substantial (eel of the car ? the way it handlea and ridea. They learn to appreciate it in the deep-down (ood neaa of every part and feature: Doon that don't rattle. Body joint! that don't aqueak. Window* that work amoothly. There ia really no mibatitute for the, depend ability that ia built into Dodge. Isn't it time you maorered thia difference for yourself ? /? 41M.V V> M I s \A / DODGE Flmthing Ahead in 'SS Tm Drift M? trk|s pi Dm NATIONAL SPIN flOlF TOMtUMEHT M IMikln (NIC-TV) Satartoy tmhft Iim ti Cunlt BROWN & GRAHAM MOTO. 815 East Main Street Boone, North Carolina

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