Watauga Democrat 'M WANT ADVERTISING RATE l CKNTS A WOOD? Mc MINIMUM CBAEGE l " - jjfW Cash Mutt Accompany AU Orders NOTICE ? Change of shop hours. For your convenience we will be open from 12 noon to 10 at night. Dacus Radio Shop, 210 South De pot Street, aeroM from Fort place. Dial AM 4-3841. lp RECORDS, NEW AND USED? Several packages of used popular records. 20 for $1.00. Dacus Radio Shop. lp BOYS' BICYCLE FOR SALE? 24 'inch, good' condition $19. Call AM 4-3849 or see Bobby Yoder, Highland Avenue. lc HOUSE FOR SALE? 8 rooms with bath. Robert Davis. Call AM 4 3381. 7-14-2p FOR SALE ? 49. Plymouth coupe, good shape. $429. Washing mach ine cheap. L. J. Mast, Foscoe, N. C. lp DOBBS HATS ? While 83 last, $9 99 and $8.99. CHURCH'S Store. W. King St., Boone. lc 1 MILE WEST OF BOONE? Good 8 room house, bath, 6 acres land. Excellent condition. Priced for quick sale. ? See Jerry Co e at Tri County Realty Co., Boone, N. C. le BARGAIN BUY ? 117 men's sport shirts. Medium and large in white only, small in assorted colors. 3 for $2.79. CHURCH'S 'Store, W. King St., Boone. - lc Wanted Experienced truck driver. Call or write L. L. Town send, Mountain City, Tenn., tele phone 199-W. lp LOST, STRAYED, OR STOLEN? Brown and white Collie dog, male, about 18 months old. Name "Jazz bo" and H. B. Hagaman on collar. Reward. Hugh Hagaman, Trailway Cleaners, Inc., E. King St., Boom, telephone AH 4-8419. lc 13 ACRES LAND at WUlowdale Church, good 9 room house, run ning water, barn, chicken house, 9-10 tobacco base, rich land, at a bargain price. Terms. Home Realty Co. AM 4-3691. 7-7-2C 9 ROOM HOUSE just off highways 321-221, 13 acres land, S miles south of Boone on good road. House completely furnished. All for $4600 for a short time to aettla an estate. Home Realty Co. Am 4 3691. 7-7-2C FOR SALE ? 6 room house, 2 baths, large lot. Rivers Street. See Carl Day or call AM 44698. 7-7-4p WANTED? Galax leaves. Keep in touch with us about prices and buying changes. Green Catnip herb, 3 cents lb. Wilcox Drug C?. 7-7-4C FREE ESTIMATES ? Insulaire Rock Wool Insulation Type "A"; rustproof zinc interlocking weather stripping, Wiaeo Storm Window* and Doors. Quality workmanship Norman Lackey, 829 Faculty Street Phone AM 4-8907, or Woodrow Singleton, Morganton, N. C. Rhone 1970-W. 9-27-tfe FOR SALE ? 3-bedroora houie on Faculty Street, garden space. Max Balnea, phone AMherst 4-8638, Boone, N. C. 4-31-tfc WIZARD REFRIGERATORS, 8tt cubic ft aize with full width freezer and shelve* in door. Guar anteed 9 year*. Special this week only $16995. WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE. 8-17-tfc FOR SALE? New 9-rpom brick house, full basement, hardwood floors, lot 79 x 180 on Carolina Avenue. GI or FHA loan avail able. Jerry Coe, Tri -County Realty Co., phone Ajs 4-8286, Boone, N. C. M-tte DR. GALE F. BARE, CHIROPRAC TOR ? Office boars: 8:M to 13; 1 to S. Tuesday and Friday nights by appointment* only., X-ray service 417 E. King St., Boone, N. C. Phone AM 4-3871. M7-tfc WEATHER STRIPPING? Free ee timates ? Insula ire Bock Wool In sulation Type "A": rustproof line interlocking weather stripping, Wisco Storm Window* and Doors. Quality workmanship. Norman Lackey. 829 Faculty Street Phone AM 44007, or Woodrow Sinrieton. Morganton, N. C. Phone 1570-W M7-tfe FOR RENT-TELEVISION SETS Call AMberst 49088. WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE, Boone, N. C. frMfc DR. L E WELLMAN will be in his office over Fanners State Bank. Mountain Citv. Tenn., Tueadav. Wednesday, Thursday of each week, from 0 a . m to 0-08 p. ?. Eye* examined. O lease* fitted. BICYCLE FOR SAIX-MWneh wheels $19. Call Phil Minor at AM 4-8400, or see biU_*t_i30 Oak Street I BARGAIN BUY ? Men's and boys' reversible jacket*, seasonal colon, $2 98 to KM. CHURCH'S Store, W King St., Boooe le WANTED? To employ woman to stay regularly with two ladies, good salary. Mia* Sally Ray, Boom, Route 2, telephone AMherst 4 2930 }e FREt SHOE 'SHINE KIT? With every purchase of men's or boys' dress, shoes, while supply lasts. CHURCH'S Store, W. King St., Boone. lc CHECK CHURCH'S REGULARLY ?Keep posted on our constantly changing stock of clothing and shoes for men and boys. We can save you money. CHURCH'S Store, W. King St., Boone. lc FOR SALE? Two-ton truck (1980 Ford). Good tiros, tagged, in ex cellent condition. Also one Boo power mower ? like new. Apply Yonahlossee Motel, Blowing Rock. BiD Williams, Phone 3721. 7-14-2C HORN FAMILY wanta two-bei room house or apartment for July 21st through September i. Contact Martha Nell Hardy, Care Horn in the West, or leave message at Horn Business office. lp STOLEN? 'White Spits pup two months old. $20 reward for infor mation on who stole it. Jim Byrd. Valle Crucis, N. C. lp FOR SALE? One grade bull, 1 year old, or will exchange for ewe. Jim Sherwood, Sugar Grove, N. C. j. . >??/.*? MRS. GRANVILLE SARAH PHIL LIPS is a Grade A midwife and has been for 28 years and hai had great success in her work. All who want her at their home should call or write Mrs. Gran Phillips, Boone, N. C. Route 1, Box 180. Her price is $10 and her new grade A permit is signed by Dr. Mary B. H. Michal. IP FOR SALE? 2 buck sheep. Ber nard Cook, Route 1, Boone, N, C. 7-14-1* FOR SAbB*-l(o?iM let at Sugar Crofbrprked to sill. See or call Bill Burkett, AMherst 4-3230. ip FARM LAND WANTED ? Few, teres, unimproved, for setting in timber. Write J. L. Bass, P. O. Box 282, Boone, N. C. State price and location. * ' tp FOR SALE? 00 acres, 3 miles from Boone on Bowing Rock High way, 321-221. Plenty of water. Joins New River Power Co. dam. E. F. Shore, Box 0, Boose, N. C. 7-14-tfc FOR KENT? Unfurnished apart ment, new, nice; 2 large bedrooms, hall, den, kitchen, bath, private en trance. Call AM 43281. 7-14-2P FOR SALE ? 5-room house, acre of land, electric water pump, wired for electric stove, on maia road. Located on Howard's Creek. See Earl Jones at Cook's Sinclair Ser vice Station. ft-9-4c PIGS FOR SALE ? Spotted Poland China. See Jim Hollar*, Vilas, N. C. lg FOR SALE? Standing hay on ten acres of land. See L. T. Tatum or dial AM 4-8647. 7-14-Sc MM. LENA GEES You are invited to have dinner with us Sunday, July 17. Present this ad and enjoy our $140 Sunday special. Dla-AMite Restaurant, 8 miles East of Boone on 421. 7-14-c FOR BALE? Nice 4-room summer cottage on large beautiful lot, close in. Phone AH 44606. , lc FOR SALE? 30 acres, 7-room house, 3 room house, large barn, other outbuildings. Pljnty of wa itr. All under fence. Half cleared, other in poplar timber. Fruit trees. 3 miles from Blowing Rock. Glenn A. Teague, Bta 31, Blowing Rock, N. C. IP miKgrmmaaL OPPORTUNlfY FOB GOOD MAN Distributing GULF GASOLINE .fa 5 WATAUGA 4 ASHE 8e* C. D. COFFKY^R. North WUkeaboro, N. C Legal Notices trice* of the will of Nn Etta G. Norvell, late of the county of Wa tauga, State of North Carolina, thi? it to notify those having claim? against the estate of the aaid de ceased to present them to us with in 12 month* of the date hereof or this notice will Im pleaded in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to the estate are naked to maka immediate oayment. This July 7, .955. Miss Ethel Norvell and Mrs. Louise Norvell Brenizer, Blowing Rock, N. C. ??? 7-7 -6p NOTICE or ADMINISTKA.TION Having qualified as administra trix of the eatate of 0. W. Stone, deceased, late of Watauga County, notice is hereby given to all per sons having claims against said eatate to present certified State ments thereof to the undersigned on or before July 10, 1956 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery All persons indebt ed to said estate- are requested to make prompt settlement. This June 28. IMS. Martha B. Stone, ad minlstratrix of the estate of O. W. Stone. W. T. Carpenter, Jr., At torney, Lenoir, N. C. 7-7-?c NOTICE OF RE-8ALE NORTH CAROLINA WATAUGA COUNTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of an order of the Superior Court of Watauga County in the special pro ceeding entitled "Paul J. Fox ar.d wife, Wilma Harmon Fox, Petit ioner, VS. Halie Tuwnaend Har mon (deceased) hein; Lydia Har rell (deceased) heirs; Jason Town send and wife, Essie Townsend; Cora Townsend (single); Jos Townsend and wife; George Town send and wife; John Townsend (de ceased) heirs: Mary Rich (deceas ed) heirs): Mary Calloway (de ceased) heirs; S. E. Hodges (de ceased); A. M. Townsend 16-4c-bl * HOME-OWNEB8 I The number of youcig married couplet, living with their parent* or other relatives,, has been de clining. In 1M7, about '3,000,000 marrlad couplet did not bave their own household. Now only about 1 500,000 couple* are living with relatives? moat of the otlier* have homes of their own, which they have bought or an buying. NOTICE NORTH CAB PUMUANT 'to the power and au thority contained in that certain deed of trust dated September 16, 1MB executed by W. T Ellison and Kite, tola Ellison to the und ersigned trustee and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County, N C., in Book No. M at Page No. 40 and given to secure a certain note pay able to Watauga Building and Loan Association and default having been made in the payment of said note aa provided u said deed of trust ana demand of foreclosure having been made by the said Watauga Building and Loan Asso ciation the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door of Watauga " ? 12:00 ? JMMk day w J illy, IMS the following described County in Boone, _N. C., at o'clock noon on the 25th JUly, INS the fol real estate, to-wit Lying and being in Meat Camp Township, Watauga County, North Carolina ?pd BEGINNING on a maple, corner to Ezra Stone Cy pher 100 acre grant, running south 3 deg. east 2 0 poles to a stake, corner to M H. Cornell; thence north 87 deg. west 34 poles with the line of M. H. Cornell to a stake, ?r to H. H. Cornell and S. C. :rs; thence on same course said Eggere' line 24 poles to . stake on east bank of the road: thence north 3 deg. east with road IS poles to a*. stake in road at branch; thence north 46 deg. east 5 poles with road to stake in road; thence north 64 dpg. east B poles to a stake in road: thence 46 deg. east 6 poles to stake in road: thence north 35 deg. "east 12 poles to a hickory oh east bank on said road; thence south 68 deg. east 26 poles to ? twin white bircn; thence south 30 deg. east 20 poles to BEGIN NING, containing 11 acres, more or less. The said property will be sold subject to any past due and unpaid taxes. This the 25th day of June, 1955. J. E. HOLSHOUSER Trustee 6-304cbf > THE WIAKSK *EX? Men ire the wefketf ie> in that they are hospitalised more than women, according to an American Medfcal Association survey. De spite the fact that one-sixth of all persona admitted to haapitala are for childbirth, in ages between 16 to 44, men exceeded women in hospitals by This was shoton by a one-day check of 4.SM NQTIC1 W W*T*?SSALE or NOHTH ^AROLINA fm fifB&Ur.*., thority contained la that certain deed of trust dated January 10th, Taylor, Trustee, and recorded li the Office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County. N. C., in Book Na Ho at Page No. W3 and given to secure certain notes pay able to V. L. Moretz and Son, and default having been made in the payment of aaid notes ai provided in said deed of trust and demand of foreclosure l)?viM bw .made by the said V. I?. Moretz and Son, And tht nnrif algntri tnnttt. hiv ing been substituted as trustee for the said Jim Taylor, said substitu tion being reeoffled In the Office of the Register of Deeds for Wa tauga County, N. C , in Book 72* at Page 518, wjjl offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash at the Courthouse Door of Watauga County in Boone, N. C. at 12:00 o'clock noon on the 29th day of July, ISM, the follow ing described real estate, to- wit: Lying and being in Blowing Rock Township, Watauga County, North Carolina and being Lot No. S of the division of the D. E. Bolick lands according to the map or plat of the same made by G. Sam Rowe, C. E., in August, 1946, which plat or map is duly recorded in Book of Haps No. 1 at Page 112 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County, N. C. The said property will be sold subject to the first deed of trust executed by Jay W. Castle and wife, Lucy W. Castle to Wade E. Brown and Stanly B. Harkel, Trus tees, and American Fidelity Casu alty Company of Richmond, Vir ginia which said first deed of trust is dated December Bth, 1950 and recorded in the Office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Watauga Coun ty, N. C. in Book No. 51 at Page 508, and also subject to any past due and unpaid town and county taxes. This the 23rd day of June, 1M5. J. E. MOLSHOUfeER Substituted Trustee 6 30-4c-h I ? of the nation's ?M 0 registered I hospitals. TV total. for the 4v chocked .ere B4f,158 me* and 404.432 ?om?i or 71" 1 M WHOLESALE few c,u^ and ?**! T-D-A BOONE BAKERY ?nSwl?wS titled aetioa. 1 will on the ?th day ?I August. IMS. at twelve o'clock, noon, at the door of the Watauga Count) courthouse in Boone, North Carolina, offer for tale to the high est bidder for cash, to satisfy aaid execution, all right, title, and in terest which the defendant, Max Miller now h*s or at any time at or after tke docketing of the judg ment In laid action had in and to 'iownshuip, Watauga County, North Carolina. FIRST TRACT: Beginning on a Chestnut oak Wagners corner, runs South 48 degs. W. 34 poles to a birch in branch Ihence South 46 degj E. 8 poles to a white oak stump, Wagners corner, then Southwest course with wtgners line craasint the Cart Way at the crook of the road, running up small ridge to a .Mackgum W. U By lands line, tnenee a west course with his line to a chestnut oak corner: thence up the main top of the ridge 28 poles to a chestnut Bytaads corner, thence north 27 degs. W. with top of the rfdge so aa to leave R. P. Miller a road on west side of the old fence 11 Doles to a small hickory, then nprth 69 degs. W. with the same 10 poles to a chestnut, then North 40 degs. W. with same 17 poles to a chest nut; thence North 26 degs. West with the same 18 poles to a chest nut, then North 70 degs. W. with the same 9 poles to a chestnut, thencp 57 degs. W. 2 1-2 poles to a chestnut oak corner of Nichell and Martin Wilcox land, thence about East to a ' small sugar tree on agreed corner between Julia Miller and T. J McGuire, thence a same course with an agreed line on top of a ridge, thence a Southeast course with Miller line with top of ridge to the beginning, containing 70 acres more or less. SECOND TRACT: Beginning on a small tame cherry on top of a ridge R. P.. Miller's and T. J. Mc x .. . . You can sit this pretty for only *2336??^ W?1. mince no words. ~~ "You can buy a Bujck Special like the one shown here if you can buy any new car. Y&u can boM this' big and brawny Buiek Sedan for just about the price of the smaller can? even for leu than some models of the three most widely known smaller ears. The price we show here provfcs that But you can't get anywhere else for the money what you get in this or any other new Buick ? and that's some thing you really ought to look into. ? ? ? ' ' ?? For Buick Mies are soaring to all time best-seller high* this year fust ; because more and more people are discovering how much more automobile their dollars buy in a Buick than the same dollars buy elsewhere. They find Buick a bigger package of , automobile for the money? bigger in power thrill, in comfort, in ride steadi ness, in structural solidity. * They find Buick size and tiyling an added prestige-Buick readability and handling ease an added pleasure? Buick brawn and precision an added reassurance. V < *' 1 And they find Buick performance a thrill without peer ? for where else can you get the whip-quick response and bettered gas mileage of Variable Pitch Dynaflowf? M aybe you'd better drop in for a visit and *ee how much real automobile and fun and deep-down satisfaction your money buys in Buick. , ?2-door, 6-possenger Buick Special Sedan, Model 48, illustrated. Optional equipment, accessories, any state and local taxes, addi tional. Prices may vary slightly in adjoining communities. Even factory-installed option* ore bargains. Whether you want the low-prictd Special, the high-powered Century, the extra-roomy Super, or the cuatonv built Roadmastbr -you'll find the ? price more than right and the trade-in deal terrific. Can you make it today? \VmiMt Pitch Dynsfow it lit oml, Djnttew tmck bmUt kmU>. It it ttsmtUU on ROADMASTER, optivui tt motif X mm cot! am othtr Smut. ? iL. ?..! J. CfErill U ? * * *- -* - iffOi iiiw vUiim ?rtv?iAi la priCwQ o?>vV ' . cor mi IM Iwnepwm and IM-lndi ofceeMwteT ^ ?- that Mte l^k^SwciAl Is priced Mew mmt "y? ? tfcttho BukHWClM f>??? ?ee wew peeeA e> etrfoeobii? than eey other cor ot Its low pricot Thrill of tho y&ar is Butc/c Ml Vi v. - m GREENE BOOMS, N. C. . V . . ?'3 ? . ? BUICK, INC ?:? ||