VOLUME LXVIIL? NO. Z. Flower Show Plans Includes Division For Men Of County The annual Boone Flower Show feature* a Men'i Division. Since rosea, dahlias, gladiolus and del phiniums grown by the men of this county have always been fav orites, special claases have been arranged for the exhibition of theae flowers. However, the men are urged to enter any other speci mens of ?nmi?i? or perennials in addition to those listed. In recent years excellent displays of annuals and perennials have at tracted much favorable comment in this division and the flower ahow committee invites all men who are interested in horticulture and in artistic displays as well to enter the coming show, to be held Au gust 11 and 12 in the Baptist church. In the past, rivalry and ingen uity combined have led to aston ishing results in the annual show as the men of Watauga County have exhibited the reaults of their horticultural and artistic skills. Already these gentlemen have been busy with the iateat introduc tions in the plant world, to say nothing of the finest sprays guar anteed to banish thrip, prevent delphinium crown ? rot and black spot on roaes. The dahlias and rosea insure the finest specimens for the show. The artistic classes include: 1. How Dry I Am (accessories permitted. 2. Folk Songs (compositions) ti tle to accompany arrangement. 3. Garden of Melodies ? an ar rangement of garden flowers in a pottery container. { Foliage of flow ers used is permitted.) 4. South of the Bordet ? using wym colors (accessories permit ted.) 3. Rose Bowl ? an arrangement using three or more roses of one or more varieties. Note: An arrangement is defined as cut plant material in a con tainer without accessories. Bases permitted. A composition is defined as an arrangement with one or more ac cessories. Bases are permitted. The Horticulture schedule is as follows: GERM WARFARE Speaking before a Texas audi ence, Maj. Gen. William Creasy, chief Army chemical officer, de clared that, in an all-out war, the potential threat from germ and chemical warfare is as great a* the danger from atomic weapons. He believes an enemy would want to save the productive facilities of this nation, and, therefore, might concentrate his assaults on people rather than on machines. Post-war Japa^is becoming more Westernised. 8sS5f* S jw?s:.?k bin: 1. One bloom. Peace. 2. One bloom any other variety. S. Three blooms of one variety. 4. Display. Dahlias: * 5. Single specimen, giant. 9. Display of Giants, one or more varieties. 7. Display of Cactus, one or more varieties. 8. Display of Ball, one or more varieties. ?.Display of any other kind. Gladiolus: 10.. One spike. 11. Three spikes of one variety. 12. One spike of each of five va rieties. 13. Display of one or more va rieties. Annual*: 14. Marigolds, display of giants. 18. Marigolds, display of dwarfs. 16. Zinniasr display of giants. 17. Petunias, display of single variety. 18. Petunias, display of ruffled. 19. Display of any other annual. 20. Speclman of any annual not li*te11,900. TRIPP APARTMENTS ? 9 apartments completely furnished, a large lot, located close to college, brick, oil heat. A real buy. , BOONE? Business lot >8x90. 4 ROOM HOUSE? 4 miles east of Boone on US 421, 4 acres land, barn and a good spring. $4,000. ' BAMBOO ? 41 acres land, 8 room house, barn, fish pond. VILAS?' 7 room house, 23 acres' land, barn, double garage, fruit trees, new fencing, all crops except tobacco, some farm tools. A real bargain. MEAT CAMP ? 5 room house with bath, full size basement, spring, hardwood floors, hot water heater, floor furnace. BOONE ? 3 acres land located just outside city limits. Can buy all or part of it. GENERAL STORE ? 28x90 building, stock, water, % acre land, a good business, will trade for a good farm. LYNN SPRINGS SERVICE STATION? fully equipped, a good stock, 3 acres land, an excellent truck stop, Phillip* 08 Gas oline, facilities for making short orders. BOONE? 2 story rock house, 7 rooms, 2 baths, lot 94x170, terms if needed. t BOONE ? 5-room brick hoipe, full size basement, hardwood floors, has never been lived In, bath. $7,900. BOONE ? 8 rooms and bath, hardwood floors, lot 88 x 218, can buy an additional lot x 218 located ia good residential section. f ZIONVILLE ? 8 rooms and bath, barn, garage and cellar, fruit trees, plenty of water, 8 acres land, very close to church, stores fad post office. A real buy. See us for any of your jn?u ranee needs. We represent the Occidental Life Insurance Company in this area. A policy that gives full benefits from the fin* day of disability. EUGENE WILSON ? W. K. WILSON OFFICE HOURS: I4i ? 8:88 OFFICE TELEPHONE AMherst 4-8444 HOME TELEPHONE AMhefSt 4-8688 308 East King Street, Old Boone Flower Shop Building 7 News From Willow Valley Section Mr and Mrs. Blake Deckard of Bristol, Tenn., has been visiting for the put week with relatives of this community and Rush Branch sectioft. Mrs. Elba Daniels and small daughter left this past week for Cleveland, Ohio where her hus band is employed at present. She has made her home for the past few months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Cable of this community. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Ward of Lenoir visited in this community Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ward spent part of the week end visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Glenn at Sugar Grove. ? Missionary says the Koreans dread U. S. troop departure. Polio Vaccine Quota Expected Soon Raleijh ? The State Board of Health expects to reeeive it* quota of aecoad shot Salk polio vaccine before the end of this week. Aa loon a* the leeond (hot ship ment is received, it will be distri buted to local health departments for first and second grade child ren, the governor's advisory com mittee on poliomyelitis vaccine h?i agreed. Dr. i. W. R'. Norton, state health officer and chairman of the com mittee, announced, following a lengthy weekend meeting, that the shipment was expected during this week, "and certainly not later" than next week. ttl,m Get Sluts Approximately 200,000 children received their first shots before the end of the school term, and about 27,000 received the second shots. The committee unanimously re affirmed it* belief that the Salk vaccine "la effective in the pre vention of 00 to (0 per cent of the caaea of poliorayelitia." The third and final ahot for the flrat group inoculated will not be due for several months. By then, said Dr. Norton, the committee will have bad time to formulate its recommendation on the next age group to be given priority for the vaccine. CONSUMES CREDIT Consumers, who already owe $190,689,000,000, are continuing to buy on credit in record volume. Home-owners alone owe 178,900, 000,000. Secretary of the Treasury George Humphrey, with these facta in mind, haa advised all Americana to be cautions in borrowing. YOU CAN BUILD this attractive OUTDOOR FIREPLACE CompUt* MoMob including the ^G^u?&lcU?^ C/ OUTDOOR FIREPLACE Yot wo will supply you with everything you need, Including ? dotoilod, ?tep-by*?tep bl^piiot, to buMd tfcU ottroctivo outdoor Hr? ploco. Wbcthor you prof or brick, ttono or cinder block w? hovo a complete pockago plan to fit your bud got and your cHoko of doiign. Stop in ot Farmers Hardware & Supply Co., Inc. and Ml** *? ?vtdoor ?r*p low ymi w?M f? r~? wMw wrtlm phiiim. 102 King St. Boone, N. G SLAUGHTERING DECREASES The production of red meat in commercial (laughter plants of the United States during April totall ed 1,938 mllion pounds? It per cent leu than in March but six per cent above April last year. CARD OF THANKS j|'. We wish to express our sincere thanks to everyone who in so many ways extended their help and sym pathy to us in the recent loss of our wife and mother, Mrs. Julia Hodges. ? J P. Hodges, Mamie Smith, Pearl Greene, Alonso Hod ges.. Japanese yards get $29,000,000 in ship orders, b Britain overcoming U. S. lead Business Opportunity DISTRIBUTING THAT GOOD GULF GASOLINE ?|J AND COMPLETE UNE OF GULF PRODUCTS IN WATAUGA AND ASHE WANT MAN OF HIGH QUALITY See? Write or Phone C. D. Coffey, Jr. ? North Wilkesboro, N. C. . fc V ll* i We Take Pleasure In Announcing That MR. SID WILSON Hilt Joined Our Organiiuttion in the capacity of ASSISTANT MANAGER and SALESMAN Mr. Wilson iti a local man, well known to the people of Watauga County. He has been serv ing the public, at another location in Boorie (or the past fifteen years and is well qualified to take care of all your furniture and appliance needs. Mr. Wilson and Craven's extend a cordial in* vitation to all his friends to drop in a'nd see him at his new location. Craven Furniture Co. King St., Downtown Boone, N. C. NEW LOW PRICES! Yes, you can let famous Dodge dependability at new low prices! Many popular Dodge Truck models are the lowest priced of any leading make. EASY ON OAS ! You save in operat ing costs, too. Efficient Power-Dome V-8 enginee with 1 M to 202 hp., are the most powerful of any leading make. They save you time, tripe, fuel. Thrifty fl's available, too I All Dodge trucks are famoue for long life, low maintenance. SEE YOUR DEALER I In addition, you get a bonus In styling, safety, and handling ease with the biggest wrsp-around windehield in the in dustry. See or phone your dependable Dodge truck dealer today! id buy-: D0D8E Vob-Msf TRUCKS ~S> with The Forward Look H i COMPAN Boone, North Carolina