Parade of Quar ogram appearing night, 10 p. m for rive Quartet mHlll. Grayaon 7. baritone for thf quartet, reared hi the Bamboo section !?? Blowing Rock, and has nsanr relatives in Watauga County. Singleton, ban for the group, is better known around Watauga eeunty for his Installa tion of weather-strips snd storm window* for tbs past ten yew*. Other members of the group are L C. Harrfl, employee of Kester Stone Furniture, Morganton, and Ray LoacsrMAl^NMxi fore man of Drexel Furniture, of Drel eL Their accompanist, Kelvin An derson. only sixteen, is still I* school. The Quartet Is not a profession al group, but they attend home comings, singing conventions, and various civic affairs. The group plans to leave for New York the 2Kb of September for a stay of about five days. Family Reunion The "Uncle Jo?" Cook family and the Edmisten family held " - Sunday, Sept SOCIAL SECURITY Tito national security program Social Security Administration's has paid out S9.000.000.000 to 7, 000,000 men, women and children since Its organization In the mid dle Thirties, according to a report by Commissioner Schottlsnd of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Another "first" has been added to Western North Csrolinas list of superlatives. It's the "Big Eli," the world* highest Ferris wheel. Turning at an altitude ol over 4,000 feat above aaa la*el on edge of a ?teep mountains Ida at Blowing Rock, the wheel give* thrill-seeking riders ? spectacular view of St. John's Elver Gorge and Grandfather mountain. ti Mr iW' - MM J0TE1DE Jacksonville, Fla? Wayne Dena beer recently took an automobile rid* which coat MOO. The 4-year old hoy managed to atart the on line on hla mother'a parked car and put the automatic drive lever in forward a peed The car eaaed into another parked ear. Then Wayne tried revtrae and atepped on the gaa. The car loomed Into a utility pole, aaapping the pole off Ita baae M.1M LEFT ON COUNTEB Lancaster, Pa. ? A briefcase, which held IS, 100 in negotiable se curitiei, matured savings bandi and signed traveler! checks; lay on a snack-bar counter (or about an hour before a waitress picked it up and gave it to her employers, who notified police. The owner, Frank C. Querry, of St. Peters burg, Fla., was contacted and re turned the next day to pick up the briefcase. Priced To Sell ? Compare Our Prices ? Anywhere CARS m 1952 Ford 2 door Victoria 2 tone green, clean ? 1953 Chevrolet Sport Coupe 2 tone tan, clean 19S2 Ford 2 door Cuatomline V-8 2 door, gray, radio, heater, clean 1953 Chevrolet 2 door Light green, hebter, radio, seat covers, extra clean. 1952 Chevrolet 2 door Gray, radio, heater, clean ' 1952 Plymouth 2 door Belvedere Brown and tan, white sidewall tire*, radio, heater, clean 195^ Plymouth Coupe Blue, one owner, heater, radio, extra clean 1952 Ford 2 door Green, 2 tone, overdrive, radio, heater, clean .1951 Chevrolet 2 door Gray, powerglide, aeat coven, radio, heater, clean 1952 Plymouth Coupe Gray 1950 Oldamobile Super "88'W 4 door, radio, heater x 1953 Chevrolet Convertible Red, Bel-Air, new top, radio, heater, ex tra clean 1946 Pontlac 4 door Green, loaded with extras 1951 Chevrolet 2 door Blue, clean 1951 Plymouth 4 door Cranbrook Black, heater, one owner, clean 1949 Chevrolet 2 door Green, 2 tone, radio, heater 1951 Ford 2 door plue, heater, radio, clean TRUCKS 1953 Chevrolet Pickup Vi ton Green, deluxe eab 1951 Fort! Pickup Vi ton Blue 1952 Chevrolet Truck 2 ton Blue, priced to Mil, license and rood tires 1949 Dodge Pickup !/j ton BUck WE WILL TRADE FOR CARS, LIVESTOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS - Xi NOW IN OUR NEW BUILDING lip and Acre? Street from Former Location T~ 1 . 01 4 Yotu DODCE and PLYMOUTH Dealer ' ' tor Co. >NE, N. C Letters To The Editoi Liken Editorial I deeply appreciate your editor ial which appears is your paper today, in which you congratulate me for getting around to see the people and loaning at their pro blems 1 am working hard and trying to get over to the people of our District that my main mission aa their Congress mad is to be helpful to them in all matters in which my aervices can be utilized. Sincerely, ffljf!, Hugh Alexander Whfetlin' or Whin In' ; I did enjoy your editorial on the whistler. It deserved the reprint it received. Just for the heck of it, I am attaching to it a copy of a little piece 1 did in April, 1M4. Cordially your, W. Amos Abrams Editor N. C. Education Spring comes early in Raleigh. At times it sends its harbingers in mid-February. The temperature riaes to a shirt-sleeve level; forsy thia bells peek out their little yel low faces; and Capitol Square couples stroll around holding hands ungloved. On one such day recently I was huatling down Salisbury Street whistling some lilting tune which had caught my fancy on an early radio program. A business ac quaintance was opening his store as I passed and he greeted me with this query: "Are you as happy as you sound this morning, Doc?" I didn't even know I was whist ling. "1 hope so," I replied, a bit wary of committing myself too definitely to early in the day. "Coma In." be said, "I want to tall you about 'Unela Whittling David"" He told me tki* atory: "Uncle David" was an old tun who al ways whistled as be poafttd his cleao-up cart aad cleared the streeta of trash and paper. "I flopped him one morning," my friend explained, "and asked why he whittled a" the tia&e. He gave me an answer I have never forgotten. Here it It: 'Might at well whittle as whine. Do the aame good. I been whittling 'lqng this street for many a day, and I done seen the whinert depart thit world'." Dairy Show To Be Held Oct. 8th Chicago ? Young people will play a prominent part In activities of the third International Dairy Show and World's Championship Rodeo. The big expoaitiaa, featuring dairy cattle judging and dairy pro ducts and dairy farm machinery displays, it slated for Oct. 8 through li in the Amphitheatre of the Chicago Stock Yards. 4-H Club mcmbert aad vocation al agricultural students frota 10 states will show over 300 pure bred cattle in the junior cattle competition. Breeds include Ayr thires, Brown Swits, Guernseys? Holsteins, Jerseys tnd Milking Shorthorns. Youngsters will tett their ability in judging dairy cattle quality in the 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging Con test 50 SSI ? ______ (Continued from page | *i MM. tin Mae C. i . I K. Martin, 125 J ? 1 1 11 ' ' "?" C. R Watson, Jr.. speeding. $3 and costs. M MX Atkins, driving drunk, $10 and coats. 1 Ralph Martin, Jr., tto chauffeur' e. W. Wtoeman. Jr., drunk. $100 and costs. J B Newell, driving drunk, $10| and coats. JL | f. A. VaiMojr, speeding, $90 am JH ta of the Royal Ail rum are being equipped Witt small portable radar transmitter! t-a pa Me of signaling Ike jMcttiot of a downed plane to rescue craft iSb Mi/0 High Swimgiaf Bridge GRANDFATHER MOUNTAIN , > ' - /?Sr ?" rMf iGiuto. ?? ,?,i r i , So pick np volnme No. 1, and start building your set right away ... on yonr very next shopping trip to any DIXIE HOME Saper Market. And remember this wonderful FUNK A WAGNALLS set la on sale EXCLUSIVELY at DIXIE HOME Snper Markets. This is oar greatest GOOD-WILL offer and we nope all of oar cuitonscis will ' 1 - ? take advantage of HI GUARANTEED *100.00 VALUE K after comparing your f?rs* vol umr with a timilor volume of sets sel'nb fc MOO GO or more vo? do not tool convinced tba* it com nor -', favorably ? n ev?"'y w a s pl> ose return your book and your money will b?? refunded without qi'i-Stiof 11 . , ? Ho'T ? Suor' M a r It v ?