on Wednesday i Professor Wal -? ?rr vices are well st teaded with the Rev A. W.' Up. pant chaplain at our Stat* Hoi :i&- In Morgantoo, bringing very CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Francis J. Murphy, put or Rev. Joaeph L. Hart, S.S.E., as aiatant. Sunday Masa 1st and 2nd Sunday*? 11:18 a.m. Other Sunday! ? 6 49 a. m. Confessions before Maaa. LUTHERAN PARISH George W. Shuford, paator Holy Communion ? Sunday School? 10:00; The Service? 11:00 with Lord'a Supper. Rethany ? Sunday Schol ? 10:00, The' Service? 7:30, Luther League -6:10. Holy Trinity? Sunday School? 10:00. CHURCH or THE EPIPHANY Mowing Rock. Sunday Maaa let Sunday of month? 8 a. m. Other Sundays ? Maw in Boone. FUST BAPTIST CHURCM Rev. G. Carl tea, Cos, Sunday? 10:00 a. m. Sunday 11:0 a. m. Morning Worship 7 JO prayer meeting ?:00 p. m. Choir rehearsal 8:00 p. m. Evening Worship ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH George A. Arthur, paator. 10 a. m. ? Sunday School. 11 a. as.? Morning worahlp. 6:18 p. m ? MiLows 6:48 p. m? Youth Pellowahip of Loyal Woricera 7:80 p. m. Evening Worahlp Wednaaday: Prayer matting at 7:80 p. m. mt. bethel church Evangelicisl and Eafonred (The Little White Church) 11-00 a. m. (Visiting minister eaeh Sunday during aummar aea aon.) r RUMPLE mnaORIAL nmrrmuAN church K?. L. r. XiM, ?. D, pester Worship services every Sunday morning at 11. Mldireek prayer nacting ovary Wednesday night at 7:80. Sunday School a vary Sunday morning at IS. Young People meet la the chapel arary Sunday Bight from 1+ OIHa Scout* meet in tha Sunday School room* Friday after noon at 4. Choir practice at 3:19 p. m oft Wednaaday. Tha woman of the church aMat the aecond and fourth Monday nights of each month at 7 30. Until tha flrat Sun day in /una all worship services are held In the chapel ill tha rear ni the main sanctuary. WATAUGA CHARQE METHODIST CHURCHES Rev. N. C. Bash, pastor Liberty: 1st and Srd Sundays, eorship 10:00 a. m. Valla Crucis: 1st and Srd Sua days, worship 11:00 a. m. Pinay Grove: lat and Srd Sua tsys, worship 8:00 p. m. Mahal: 2nd and 4th Sunday*, worship 10:00 a. m. Henson Chipel: 2nd tf?4 4th Sunday, worship 11:00 a. m. 4th fcinday 8:00 p. m> * ' ? ? ? PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I. K. Parker, Jr, pastor. Sunday aahool at S:48 a. m. Morning worship at 11:00 a. m. Chare Is a nursery kept for email children during thia eerriee. Westminster Fellowship at 8:46 p. m. Circlee of the women of tha church meet the first Monday of each month; general meeting ef tha women of tha church each third Monday. CHURCH or CHRIST Wart Main Street Bible Study, Lord's Day, 10 a. m., morning worship 11, evening worship at 7:30 p. m.; Bible study Thursday 7:30 p. m.; Radio pro gram every Lord's Day at S:18 a ?*. to 8:48 ?. m. p. Ernest Shoaf. Evangelist MEAT CAMP ASSEMBLY OF GOD C. A. Kelly, pastor. Pentecoetul Service Sunday ~ aoo! 10:00 a. m. Morning worship 11:00 a. m. Christ Ambassador's 8:30 p. m. (young people) Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m. Midweek service* Tuesday night prayer? 7:30 Friday night preaching? 7:30 OIAMON BOONE WORDS N * Watauga's Pioneer Polled Breeder SELLING One of .Our Beat POLLED BULLS ALSO ONE NICE POLLED HEIFER Saturday, Oct. 15 - 1955 WATAUGA HEREFORD BREEDERS SALE LAMKL SMUNC8 SAPTOTjP I BnM. Mw Sunday Bcfceol MM* ?- m. ] fj; Morning Worship 11:00 I. a. B T. U. 7:00 p. m. Kvenii it Worahlp 8 00 ?. m. Wednesday prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. Va* f* iiff ?? far ? Oc ?i<| Ml PwilBWiMI* II Zionville News Notes Mr. and Mr*. Fred Castle, ac companied by Mr. and Mr*. J. S. Snyder vUitrd lut week with rela tive* and friend* ,hi Canton, Pa. Mr. Ernest Egger* of Kingaport, Tenn. (pent the week end recent ly with the Rev. and Mr*. H. C. Egger*. Mr. and Mr*. W. A. Stephen* visited recently with llr. and Mr*. George Austin near Boone. Mr*. OIlie Jean Phipps left Saturday to Join her husband who is employed in Pennsylvania. . Mr. and Mrs. John Castle of Mountain City, Tenn. were dinner guests recently of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle. Mrs. Phil) is Wilson and Karon spent Friday with her mother, Mrs. Frank Proffitt on Meat Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Lee WU*on had a* guest* thi* week end, Mr. and Mr*. L. C. Simpton and grandton, Mikey, from Jacksonville. N. C. and Mr. and Mr*. Eugene Simpson of Mayiville, N. C. Sgt. acid Mr*. Charlie South viiited last week with Mr. and Mr*. Hobert South. Charlie ha* been In Panama the past year with the armed forces there and has thirty day* before returning. Mr. and Mr*. Lovell FUher and Mr. and Mrs. George Fuerrone and daughter, Pam, of Sanduiky, Ohio ?pent a week in the South home. Mr*. Fuerrone i* the former Mi** Betty South. / Mr. and Mr*. Boice Triplett and family of Charlotte ipent the week end with Mr. and Mr*. J. B. Trip let! Mr*. Clint Winebarger and Mr. and Mr*. Vance Vine* spent the week end in Radford, Weit Va. with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Winebar ger and Mr. and Mr*. Lewi* Turn er. Mr. and* Mr*. J. S. Miller and Sue viiited Sunday with Mr. and Mra. Helton Wilson at Trade, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Holman and Alfred vialted Mr. ?b4. Mr*. ?. N. Norri* at Bethel. Mr. and Mr*. Fred Goehrftjf and family of Evaniville, Indiana are visiting Mr. and Mr*.. Fred Ca*tle. Cemetery Work Being Planned There will be a meeting at the Meat Camp Baptiit Church at 2:30 p. m. Sunday, October 18, for the purpose of making final plans for (he completion of the beautifica tion of the church cemetery. All interested per*on* are urged to atttnd. CARD OF THANKS We wi*h to expres* our iincere thank* and appreciation for the kindnea* and lympathy shown u* during the illne** and death of our father. W. Lee Robbin*.? The Rob bins family. BUSINESS IN 1IM While the beat butineia year In hUtory wa* forecaat tor IPSO, the Chamber of Commerce of the Unit ed States expects a more moderate rise during the 1M6 year. Wilson Furniture Store LOCATED IN THE OLD DODGE-PLYMOUTH BUILDING A GENERAL LINE OF FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 12-ft. Linoleum ? Coal and Oil Heaters /_ Bedroom Suites ? Living Room Suites Dinette Suites ? Mattress and Springs ? Beds Roll Away Beds and Various Other Articles See V? for Exceptional Bargains WILSON ? W. K. WILSON ? EUGENE WILSON Telephone AM 4-0444 . LOSE UGLY FAT IN TEN DAYS-. OR MONEY BACK SL 7?" V* ??*rw? km to Um s? ir&frz. zsl r.jrsr.s itUr what DIATROW II can df . GUARAN ly an Sunday, October It. at the Oak Crave BapH.t Church *?* Each year Oak Grove abaanra* a special day o( praiaa and thanks giving to Gad far tha bountiful barvaata. At thia time thaaa iadl viduala ar group* who have bad part in Lord'* Acre or Lord** Hour project* brine to tha Lord's storehouse the fniita of their lab ara. Thia day ia alao being abaerved a* Homecoming, aad a special in vitation ia extended to all mem ber*, former member*, and friends of the Oak Grove church ta attend either part or all of the serviaes planned for thi* day. There will be both morning and afternoon services, with Mr. Smith Hagaman aa featured ipeakei in the after-, noon. Everyone will bring baaket lunches and eat together at the church. A cordial invitation ia ex tended to all to attend. > Scouters To Hold Annual Banquet The annual banquet for the scouters of the Watauga diatrict will be held Monday evening, Oc tober 17, at aeven o'clock at the banquet room of the Boone Trail Cafa. Dr. Lee Reynolds*- diatrict chairman, has issued the ihvition to all scout committeemen, insi tutional representatives, scoutmas ters, district officers, and other adults connected with scouting in the county. The wive* of the scout workers are also cordially invited and expected to attend. Dr. Reynolds will preside and introduce the new officera who will shortly take over for the com ing year. Rev. John S. McDuffie, rector of St. Mary's of the Hill* Church in Blowing Rock, wlll'be the ipeak ar at the banquet. Mr. McDuffie i* scoutmaster of the Blowing Rock troop. - ? % s SSSisa- ? ft, U ? The fruit* have fee en gathered from yO the ,fi*ldt. They Uy about her, rich and ripe, in the autumn tun that it atill warm. Never hat the tky been t6 blue, never have the dittant mountains been more enchahting with their play of purple thadatos. Yet' the concentrates on the work at hand, paaling an apple with ttill dextrous fingert a* the rock* on into tha long afternoon of life. She is a timple person. Her life ha* not been easy. There have been moment* of great happinett . . . and of great tad nets ; time* of drought and time* when the harve*t came in a kind of golden glory from the bounty of the efcrth. But through it all *he hat had a nour Ithment that hat nothing to do with crop* and weather, a kind of tuttenance that hat stood by her at all time* and in all *ea*ont . . . FAITH. Her* it a complete Faith in God and in her Church, a Faith that ha* made her life happy and useful ... a Faith that has furnished food for the *out. ' ^ Publlthed Weekly in the Interett of the Churahes of Boone and Watquga County by the Following! WATAUGA HARDWARE, INC. Fhilco, Maytag Appliance* Building Materials, My an Pump* COE INSURANCE AGENCY All Line* Insurance Dependable Real Estate Service FARMERS HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. Everything 1ft Hardware and Associated Lines SMITHEY'S STORE Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Groceries Modern Cafe in Connection BOONE TRAIL RESTAURANT "A Good Place To Eat" Baxter Hardy, Owner ? Aero** from Po*toffice 1 ? REINS-STURDI V ANT FUNERAL HOME Dial AM 4-?8e? ? Ambulance Service WATAUGA MOTOR MAKRET Those Good Gulf Products Corner Main Street and Blowing Rock Road NEW RIVER LIGHf & POWER CO. t ? ' ? / W q '????* "I a J'ilo -Ju. ? > i?\? MMAWAY laundry, inc. " nut feoone ? Dial AMherct 4-8413 TODD & HIGGINS ESSO SERVICE Joe Todd ? Bruce Higgin* Washing, Greasing, Tire* and Batteries THE NORTHWESTERN BANK . A Good Bank Serving a Good County CAROLINA PHARMACY A Complete Drug Service I J ? | I 1 | * sSif<| mm E I #1-? gee#> i r//f /VI 0 aioos % ? * ? ? ? ? ' H 56 ru " - I*