News Of The Weelt At Blowing Rock School Mr. Ernest Hum w*? elected to the presidency o t the Blowing Rock Parent-Teachers' Association at the regular meeting last week. He (ucceeU Mr. Ward Coe, who due to a promotion in his firm has moved to Pennsylvania. Mr. James Storie. school princi pal, presided, presenting the devo tional and introduced Dr. Richard Shafer, ASTC proiesser, who spoke to those present. All com mittee reports were heard and the Halloween Carnival committees were named These will appear in this column next work Following the meeting s social hour was held. Visitors are cordi ally invited to attend all meetings. -C*A?^ct?on in the listing last week of room mothers for the first half of the school year is made at this time. Mrs. Hardy's tenth grsde ? should read Mrs. Doss Keller and Urs. Jesse Burns. Tftiird Grade News 7 We have a new boy In our room, he came from Parkway school. (Tlis name is Duie Coffey. | . These boys sod girls have birth ' days in October: Carolene Ford, I Sandra Gargis. Gloria Walsh, Rich ard Ritche, Karen Carlton, Mary Ann Bentley, Evelyn Greene, and Emma Coffey. Mrs. Beach's Fenrth Grage The fourth grade has really been excited over our trip to Charlotte. We plan to visit the airpoft on Tuesday, October 11th. We plan to leave school at 8:45 and return to Blowing Rock at 8:30. Several of our boys have drawn a big Jet plane on our bulletin board. We have seen three movies on planes. Two have been on jet planes and the other one was Crash Fire Landings. Mondays we tell interesting things we have done over the week end. Jimmy Williams told us about his trip to Bluefield, West Virginia. He went to a wed ding. Pam Storie told us sbout the many things she saw in the Sci ence Building in Boone Saturday. To'mmie Triplett went hunting Saturday and killed two squirrels. Darrell Young and Albert Coffey told of hike and picnic they at tended Saturday. "D^ra-mles" Meet On Oct 7 the 8th grade "Do-ro mies" held their regular, weekly meeting, Sarah Jane Keller, pre siding. The minutes were read and spproved. Then the treasurer gave his report. The meeting was then turned over to the program chairman. The program consisted of devotional by Lewis Coffey, Elaine Bolick, and Alice Robbins. The theme, song, "Are We Down hearted," "was sung by the class. The hymn pf the day, "Bread of Life", was sung by the song lead ers, Ann Buxton and Jim Bob Cof fey. A poem, "The Village Black smith", was read by our teacher, Mrs Larenso. Then a song Little Fisherman", was sung by the class. Two rounds of "Are Lou Sleep ing?" and "White Carol Bells , were sung by the class. Ann Bux ton and Jane Brown gave us an exhibition of dancing, and v,olet Greene brought a record, Lord, I Can't Come Now", which was play ed. We were then adjourned to meet Oct. H Grade motheri for our room this first half year are: Mrs. Daward Coffey and Mrs. Clyde Dula. Windy Cap News Harvey Presnell of Norfolk, Va., spent several, days in the commun ity last week. J. 0. Harmon is a patient at Watauca hospital. He is improving at this time. Sergeant Fred Trivett visited home folks over the week end. ' He is stationed in Alabama. Messrs. Ira Trivett, Auburn Triv ett and Clifford Harmon have re turned home from New York, where they have been employed for some tine. Mrs. Dells Mae Shook of Boone visited Mr father, "Uncle" Joe Trivett, last Sunday.' Mrs. Shook's husband, Lieut-Col. Carmel M. Shook, ia now with the 114 Air Diviaion in Korea. A revival meeting is now in pro gress at Zion Hill Baptist Church. Elder Vilas Minton is the visiting evangelist L. H. Hagaman ia the pastor. CAKD OF TBANU We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown us during the death of oar dear wife and mother, and for the food and floral offerings. ? R J. COOK and FAMILY. Leo Durocher signs year contract as video executive. Farm prices, up 1 per cent, end four-month dadina. il, . . Fox Hunters Hold Annual Field Trials The Watauga County Fas Hunt er's Association held its third an nual Bench Show and Field Trials September 29-Oet. 1. This was the most successful hunt that has been held her* with 78 hounds beinf east. The running ' was excellent with Stewart Cornell of Vilas and R. D. Horten of Boone winning the Allage and Derby Stake, respect ively. The club wishes to thank all those who helped in his hunt and particularly those who helped in any way on our club house. N Following is a list of winners: All age ? 1, Rock, Stewart Corn ell. Vi)as; 2, Shirley Ann Tucker, J. H. Jenkins, Lenoir; 3 Sail, Rom Cooke, Blowing Rock; 4, Dixie, Millard Stevens, Lenoir; 8, Hub ert, Dr. Jack Lawrence, Boone; 0, Mert, Millard Stevens; 7, Trail, Millard Stevens; 8, Tiger Lil, J. H. Jenkins; 9, Kate, R. L. Ragen, Zionville; 10, Judy, Richard Min ton. North Wilkes boro. Derby ? 1, Singer, R. D. Horton, Boone; 2, Lee, Dayton Cooke, Boone; 3, Rainer, Rom Cooke, Blowing Rock; 4, Taylor, Frank Beashears, Stoney Fork; 8, Jerry, V. C. Shore, Boone; 6, Maggie Lee, Dr. Jack Lawrence, Boone; 7, Tuck er Lee, Hayden Cooke, Boone; 8, Mike. Jim McNeil, Zienville; 9, Dolly, Stanley Criteher, Blowing Rock; lB, John, C. C. Criteher, Blowing Rock. ARMY MANPOWER The Army has requested a 3,000 increase in monthly draft calls and a 16,000-man rise - in overall strength to help train youthful vol unteers under the new six-months Reserve plan, like proposed in crease in manpower would give the Army 1,043,000 men on June 30, 1980, compared with the pres ent goal of 1,027,000 set under the cutback manpower program. AIR STRENGTH EXPANSION The 137-wing goal of the Air Fqtm might have to be expanded to QUiMfT the growing air power of the Soviet Union in the opinion of General Thomas D. White, Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force. The oficer explained the Russians had 20,000 combat planes while this country had "thousands less." U. S. planes are, however, of higher quality, he said. Henry Ford 2d declared his com pany's $800,000,000,000 expansion program was his reply to the out cries of "nervous Nellies." The form Corner Push open the doors Hook up that plow , The time to um it It here right now Your planting it next j, And you're aH set You hope the weather Won't be too wet. \ Turn on the sprinkler And soak the ground Irrigation make* money The practice it sound Founders Day At Mars Hill Man Hill ? Man Hill Callage will observe Founders' Day with an elaborate day-long program of activitie* on Saturday, October IS. Since the Baptist Junior college i? now celebrating it* centennial anniverwry. the Founders' Day program thia year will be more extensive than in the put. The schedule of events for the day include* a morning program with Dr. Gordon Palmer, evangel ist from Lo* Angeles, as the speak er and afternoon service* at which the new Memorial Library and Myers Dormitory for Mea will be officially dedicated About 908 special guests hive been invited to participate in the morning program, which will be held in the auditorium of the Man Hill Baptist Church beginning ah 10 o'clock. Representative! from aU South ern Baptist colleges and. universi ties and from all colleges and uni versities* in North and South Car olina, Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee, and Florida have been invited. Returns To Divinity School Gambier, Ohio.? Welch K. Test er, son of Duke Tester of Valle Crucis, has returned to Bexley Hall, the divinity school of Ken yon College, % for his senior year. Mr. Teeter holds a B. S. from Appalachian State Teachers Col lege and is a veteran of three yean In the Navy. During this past summer he took part in the clinical training prognm at To ledo, Ohio, state Hospital. He ha* been active at Bexley Hall with the 'choir and as president of the Bexley Society. Ht is attached to the Diocese of Western North Car olina. Kenyon began its 132nd year this autumn. The college was founded in 1824 by the Rt. Rev. Philander Chase, first Episcopal Bishop of the Northwest Terri tory. . GERMAN REUNIFICATION The reunification of Germany "within the framework of a plan for European security" has been assigned top priority at the forth coming Big Four meeting in Ge neva, by the foreign ministers of the United States, Great Britain and France. See Me for Remarkably Low Rates on Auto Insurance With State Farm Mutual ! Fred Kirchner wUL'SSSSm I ?t Male aH the furrow* Long and straight This is the season Whan you feel great Then comes the time To fertilize You use a lot 'Cause it's profit-wise The com'i laid by ? You start your vacation Planned work meant time for some recreation DIAL SUNSHINE? Americus, Ga? tanner George L. Mathews (1) make* the historic first call over a telephone using power from Bell Labora tories' amaiing new sunshine battery. One of the new units, which con verts light into electric current, is shown receiving final adjustments by Southern Bell cable repairman B. W. Kennon. Washington Report By BOX WHITLEY GIMMICK.1 The Republican Par ty has come up with a gimmick that could stand some close watch ing by the Democrats. In fact, it's the sort of device that the Democrats might be able to use to advantage for themselves. It works like this: A team of so-called interviewer* ? usually two women ? conducts ? poll in a givfen neighborhood. The interviewers call on housewives ? as a rule during the day while the husband is at work and the chil dren at school ? and begin their pitch by saying they are taking a poll. Since most Americans have the strange desire of being included in polls, this is an effective means of breaking the ice. The interview ers ask the housewife if she thinks the ,U. S. A. has made real pro gress toward lasting peace in the three yean. The obvious answer is yes. Then comes a series of other questions. Do you think you and your family are better off now than three years ago? Do you think the U. 8. A is following a wise course in dealing with Communists? THE 'POINT. On t&e surface, the point of all these questions might seem vague, but that isn't the case at all. All the questions are phras ed so they will get affirmative an swers, and put President Eisen hower and the Republican Admin istration in the best possible light. The final questions are these. Did you vote for Eisenhower of Stev enson? And then: Would you vote the same way next year? If not, why? ANSWERS. With the answers to these queitioni, the so-called pollsters are armed with valuable Information. It is a clever way to search out the gripes and com plaints against the present Admin istration. But more important, with questions properly phniml it ia a vary effective way to help voter* think the EUenhonhower Administration la doing ? terrific Job. ' I TURNABOUT. The fame device could ha uaed J tut aa affectively by the Democrat*. Their pollatera could aak: Do you think our gov ernment is dominated too much by big bu*ine**T la ia viae to let our farm economy slump while industry ia enjoying the biggest profit* ever? Is your family fur ther in debt now than it waa three yeara agoT Do you think taxea on working people are too high? At any rate, it givea the Demo crat* something to think about. And it'a a sure sign that the Re publicans mean buaineaa about next year'a elections and are go ing to the graaa root* to atart their campaign. United Statea exports of lard, tallows and greaaea, cattle hides, calfakina, and edible offal pro ducts continue at relatively high levela and are expected to con tinue large. ANN PAGE CREAMY SALAD DRESSING Quart Jar... 43c Special Price! P.L. Sour Pitted Pie CHERRIES, 2 16-oz. cans 35c Special Price! lona Brand CUT BEETS, 16-oz can 10c Special Price! A&P Brand Fancy ? APPLE SAUCE, 3 16-oz cans ___ 35c Special Price! Great Northern DRIED BEANS, 2-lb. pkg. 25c Special Price! Jane Parker ? Orange CHIFFON CAKE, each 49c COME SEE . . . COME SAVE ... AT A & P! Witn* ,'fH/ I >s> eS? <7 I f ?/' ^ Ql V g? JUST LIKE A FURNACE ... BUT WITHOUT ALL THE V COSTLY DIRT COLLECTING PIPES AND REGISTERS SIEGLER ME ATM A KIR N*.J PUIS HIATMAKM No. 2^ Ife pomnd-air, innar feat tubas. Room tk to forctd thioufh tba feart of tba hot taat fin. ..and pound ow I and do not |tva YH I hi ovary ro?a bliaoia Ntay < fcoal op lha cbimaoy and an ta I huptv com noon Skjf k m m ipm Uatar ffet ? feat foretop ymi to Uva to aaa go^or fc adi caatrW ferthp ptoto wtl mfmtm fefetoltoaW C1C/1I KB 2o |La ?aualiaiiAHMMi mculck is nit r?vMunonory nathod ?( MMff* fiOOt HIATIHC la crarjr r?$ml MIT WTNOUT m AND MM 111 I sitom Mvs ro* itsm AGAIN AMD AOAIN WITH THI FUtL IT MVff. AND lOOK-tel III eru yw! Tb?n la BTU INPUT.., tfera to BTU OUTPUT, but what feapa your family want to BITJ U8EPUT r . ? tha working BTUa that baat vow homa! Ia BTU U8KPUT 8to|Wr OUTHEAT8 "EM AIXt A 60,000 BTU Softor fivaa mon UHABLRHEAT than uracb hifh* raiad ordinary baaton. A 76,000 BTU Stogtor ftiraaaa wlm. haatar eaa ocly ba I tea 1Mb NE TIRE & BARGAIN STORE BOONE ANb NJEWLAND, NORTH CAROLINA " L;;v . , BUDGR BALANCING Secretary o t Drf? i Charlee K. Wilson baa ruled out the possibility of enough rata in military spend ioc to balance the budget in the next fiscal year. He declared that $34,000,000,000 would be a rock bottom figure en military spend ing. Both he and Secretary of the Treaaury Humphrey agreed that higher Federal tax receipt* still might bring the budget into bal ance. , Jrc* r Cngpol III ifili Mf| WATA Boon*, N. C^ Each Lortf.DayatS:!* AMX WfJUt Mt Airy, N. C, ] Lord's Day at fclA I -rrji. - lc r H. Ernest Shoal -1 Local Realty Values G.I. and F.H.A. Loam Now Available ltt ACRES LAND, 3-room cottage, located on Winkler"! Creek, price $2,200. 17% ACRES LAND? Well watered. Price *1,800. Located Bif Hill lection. 87 ACRES LAND ? all under new fence. 38 acres cleared. Lo cated on Gap Creek Highway. 27 ACRE FARM? Good 7 room house and barn, other outbuild ings, nearly all land cleared; small down payment Price 88,000. ? ? *:? GOOD 8 ROOM HOUSE? Bath, large lot located Carolina Am Price 87,000. 1 MILE WEST OF BOONE? Good 8 room boose, bath, 8 acres alnd. Excellent condition. Priced for quick sale. SPECIAL? 4bed room house, bath, hot air furnace, basement, 84 acre land on hard surfaced road, loacted Valle Cruris, N. C. Priced to sell closing of estate. ' CHOICE BUILDING LOTS? New development-Highland Av enue Just out of city limits. One of the better sections to build. Terms. LAKE SIDE LOTS ? Also lots with high elevation ?overlooking lake. Priced 8200 and up. LOCATED JUST OUT OF CITY LIMITS? B-room house base ment, 8-room apartment, large lot' Price $7,000. $1,900 down with small monthly payments. GOOD 8-Room STONE HOUSE, two baths, large lot Located Grandview Heights. $7,800. BUSINESS PROPERTY? Store building leased to chain groeary, five apartments. Located in main buainees section. Will gross better than 10%. Terms if needed. f A REAL INVESTMENT? 10 room brick bouse, 8 baths, 3 three room brick apartment house with frontage on Main street ? over $3,000 Income from rentals. Priced ft leas than actual cost" Idieal for tourist or apartments. Investigate this bargain today. GRAND BLVD.? Good nine room houae (two apartments) bath, large lot Hot air heat Will sell or trade for smaller house. Priced for quick sale. APARTMENT HOUSE? Located near college. Four apartments including refrigerators and stoves, three baths, large lot located on Blowing Rock Highway. Long term loan avail able. This property win pay for itself. GOOD BUSINESS LOT located on Main Street Desirable for any type a t business. I : ^ i SELECT RESIDENTIAL LOTS FOR SALE. DIAL AM 4-S25C ? BOONE, N. C ? 217 MAIN STBEET List Your Property with Us for a Quick So lo Have Demand for SnaaQ Business ? Also fee ] E. F. COE, Manager C. M. Require Small Down Payment FOR SALE? P. A Hunter property located 8 miles esst of Boooa on Hlghwsy 421, near Parkway School. New Restaurant ideal for truck stop. Good 7-room house, bsth, heat 88 acres land. This property can be bought ss a whole or will be divided to suit the buyer. Good terms. OAK STREET? 2 bedroom brick bouse, plastered walls, attached garage. Lot 80 z 179. Priced to (ell. PINE STREET? Stone house, 2 baths, full basement, steam heat, very desirable location. Priced to sell OAK STREET ? 3-bedroom brick house, two bsths, full basement with recreation room, located near college, FJLA. approved. GOOD 3 BED ROOM HOUSE, bath, 9 to 8 acres of the best bcrt torn lsnd, good outbuildings, located on hsrdsurfsce road, Sherwood section. Ideal property for some one wanting nice home for retirement Price ia right GOOD GOING GROCERY AND SERVICE STATION for sale. Located on Highway 421, known aa Lynn Springs Service Station. Sale includes lsnd, building, stock and equipment ONE ACRE LAND with water rights. Small houae and barn overlooking Boone. Ideal for summer home. Price $1,800. FOSCOE ? 7 room house, water in bouse, 2H acres land, new highway in front Price $3,800. BUCKEYE HILL ? 4-room house, water in house, 7^4 acres 1?1 Telephone and electric service. Price $4,800. BEAUTIFUL RESIDENTIAL Hardin Subdiviaion. City front of lot Nice homea BUILDING LOT 230'*200" located water, paved street, small lake on surrounding properties. RESIDENTIAL LOTS 100 I 200 located Hardin Subdivision. City water. \ ; '*? NEW 2-BEDROOM COTTAGE, built-in beds, bsth, kitchen, largo living room. Located on lake front Price indudea water and aewerage. One-third down, terms on balance. Liveable year around. Ideal for home or investment for summer rental. 100 ACRES young timber land, Mabel, N. C., $2,000.

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