ersona mi a ention j . ocia JEAN L. RIVERS, Editor ? Home Telephone AMherst 4-3889 ? Office Telephone AMherst 4-3812 ctivities Local Affairs Mrs. E. L. McDade of Mountain City, Tennessee recently visited with Mr. and Mrs John T. Howell Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gragg and Mr. Ragsn spent last week deer hunt ing in Canton, Pennsylvania. Miss Geraldiae Surratt spent Thanksgiving with relative* at Southmont. Mr. George Richardson has gone to Asheboro where he has secured employment with a hardware firm. Mr. W. G. Hartzog left Monday for Greensboro where he will be building contractor on several pro jects during the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace May and "Paatela of Concord spent the week end with Mrs. May's mother, Mrs. Clyde Tester at Matney. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMillan and family of McDonald spent the Thaksgiving holidays with Mrs. Mc Millan's mother, Mrs. Clyde Tester. Miss Peggy Lou Watson of Char lotte spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wat son, of Deep Cap. Mr. K. Ameen and Moody Ameen, of Iaeger, W. Va., spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. W B. York. Sr. Mrs. Earleen G. Pritchett, who is en a month's vacation,, Is visit ing her sister-in-law, Mrs. Dave Nichols, in Tucson. Arizona. Mr. Aaroa Brown of Eliiabeth ton, Tennessee arrived Monday for a visit with his sister, Mrs. A. L. Cooke, and Mr. Cooke. Miss Gertrude Perry left today (Wednesday) for a visit with Miss Naacy Moore in Hollywood, Flor ida. Mrs. R. H. Harmon returned home Saturday from Watauga Hos pital, where she underwent sur gery on Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. J. H Sowder, Lynn and John, of North Wilkeshoro spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. E. T. Glenn. Mrs. R. H. Hardin was called to Greensboro last Thursday because of the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Roger Mafflfafct, 'Who fs ' a patient at Cone Memorial Hospital. Miss Cora Pearl Jeffcoat and Mr. and Mrs. Bob McSwain of Dur ham visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Arliss Town send in Greens bora. Mr. Robert Brame and Mr. Ro bert Brame, Jr. ot North Wilkes bor# were dinner guests of Mrs. M. P. Critcher Monday. Robert, Jr. is attending Appalachian College. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Coleman and children, Joey, Sherry and Ricky, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Coleman, Jr. in Greensboro. Mrs. Henry Gaither, who is em ployed at Grace Hospital in Mor ganton, spent the Week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keplar. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wyke vis ited Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ray on Sunday. Mrs. Wyke was formerly Mis* Betty Evans of Rocky Mount. They will reside in Raleigh. Bob Greer of Rupert, Idaho, a grandson of the late Arns Greer, has been visiting relatives in the county for two weeks. It is his first trip here. Mr. T. S. McKinney, has return-' ed to Lake View, Oregon, after a two wetks visit with his nleoe, Mrs. Eugene Batea of Boone Mr. McKinney last visited Boone 39 yean ago. Miss Sarah Francis Davis, a stu dent at Appalachian State Teach ers College spent the Thanksgiv ing holidays In Elkridge, Md. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Sale awl children, Charles and Gerald, of Cycle, N. C., and Mr. and Mrs Waynouth Ealls of Statesville wert the gueats of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Winkler Sunday. Mr Paul Neal, professor of Eng lish at Lees-McRae College. Ban ner Elk, gave a Christmas reading. "The Man Who Owned the Stable", at the Methodist Church Sunday evening. Homer Perry, wl? has been with the Army in Korea for several months, returned home Saturday for it 30-day furlough with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs Roacoe Perry of 9ilver*t?*e. Mr. Cneina Hartaof of State College spent the week end with Mrs. Hartxog and Ma parents. Mr. and Mr*. W. G. Hartzog Mr Hart wf has completed his practiae teaching at Needam B rough ton Senior High School in Ralei^i. j Mr. and Mr*. Roger Parker and daughter Pam of Newton were week end visitor* with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Moore in Shulls Mill*. Mr. Parker, who is liupector with N. C. Motor Vehicle*, wa* recently transferred from Troy to Newton. Mr. and Mr*. W G. Little of Jefferson. Mrs. Oacar Osborne and children^ Joyce Ann and Ginger, and Miss Koseman Fields of Mouth-of Wilson. Virginia visited during the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cline. A-3c Jimmie G. Flick and Mr*. Flick have arrived in Cheyenne, Wyo., where he entered technical school December 1 at Franci* E. Warren Air Force Base. The couple is residing at 1012 W. 28th St., Cheyenne. Linda Sue Craig, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Alien Craig of Blow iag Hock, underwent surgery Fri day at Mercy Hospital in Char lotte. Linda Sue is the granddaugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Coffey of Laxon. Mrs. Traoy CounciU, education al consultant for Birmingham Pap er Co., Birmingham, Alabama, at tended the White House Confer ence on Education in Washington, D. C. last week. While there shfc visited her son-in-law and daugh ter, Lt. and Mrs. Bert M. Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. R. W . Lancaster of Union Grove, announce the birth of a daughter, Susan Annette, Wed nesday, November SO, at Iredell Memorial Hospital. Statesville. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster ara former residents of Boone and teachers at Appalachian High school. Dr. and Mrs. A P. Kephart just returned from a weeks' visit to Charlotte, W i n s t o n-Salem, and Greensboro. Upon their return they brought with them for the week and visit, Mrs. W. S. Barney of Greensboro, wife of the late Dr. W. S. Barney of Womans Col lege. Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Farthing and (^lildren, Louis, Jr., Ben and Dixie, who have been in Norfolk, Virginia for the past two yeara, have established their home on Grand" Boulevard. Mr. Farthing, chief warrant officer in the Navy, on the carrier, "The Coral Sea" for a Carrlbean cruise on January 1st. Open House At Garden Club The warmth and wonder of Christmas are welcome anywhere. The greens, the bright ornaments, the shining ribbons, are Just as festive in the Jiymg room or kit chen as they are on the tree. So, for your pleasure, and to carry the wonderful spirit of the season all through the houae, the Apple Blos som Garden Club will have a "Hol iday House." ' The dub members are decorat ing. and inviting the public to visit, on Thursday, December 8, the home of Mrs. S. V. Tomlinson on Pilaon Street. The home will be resplendent in all its Christ mas gaiety and the pleasure, as well aa ideal, you may receive will be most gratifying. Tickets, which are sixty cents each, may be purchased from any club member, at Brames' Drug Store ,or at the house on Decem ber 8. The hours for the "Holi day Houae" are from two to four in the afternoon and from seven until nine in the evening. Yule Party Held By Jr. Women The Junior Woman's Club held its annual Christmas party, Thurs day in the Fellowship room of the Presbyterian Church. The tables were beautifully decorated with evergreens, red candles and red glitter-balls. Each member brought gift* for a needy family chosen by the club. Mrs. Tex Craven was welcomed into the club u a returning for mer member. After a delicious turkey buffet-supper the members with their huabands as guests, en joyed an evening of varied infor mal games. Over-all chairman a I the party, was Mrs. Bob Congleton. Serving on committee* with her were Mrs. Jack Lawrence, Mrs. Palmer Blair, Mrs. Dean Andrews, Mrs. Billy Winkler, Mrs. Adolph Crew, Mr*. Jim White, Mrs. Abe Littleton. Mrs. Milton Jordan sad Mr*. Tom Wright. SNOW CHAPTEE NO. ttt Oimi Or THE EASTERN STAJt The regular meeting at this Chapter, " ? '-y night. December 13, at 7:30 p. m. At the close of the meeting flic mml Christmss party will be held All member* are cordially Invited and urged to attend. ? Helen Underdewn, aecre Miss Susan C. Ybanez Is Married To Mr. William Ira Peters III In Florida MRS. WILLIAM IRA PETERS, III Miss Susan Corinc -Ybanez be came the bride of Mr. William Ira Peters, III November 28 at 7:30 in the evening at the Plymounth Con gregational Church, Coconut Grove, Florida. A reception follow ed in the church gardens. The bride's gown was white sat in, empire style, embroidered neckline encrusted with pearl* The veil was held by pearl tiara. The attendants were Mrs. Ro bert Grady Barrs, formerly Mias Wanda Ruth Horton, in pink over taffeta, as matron of honor. Miss Woodard, in shaded blue net "over taffeta, as maid of honor. The bride's bouquet was a cascade of white roses. Her attendants car ried cascade bouquets of red ros es. Ringbearer was Master John W. Kennedy, Jr., nephew of the bride. Best man was Mr. Thomas C. Mun sell. Ushers were Mr. Gary Christ ens, Mr. Ray Glenn and Mr Rich ard E. Ellington. Mrs. Peters is a native of Miami. After graduating from Coral Gab les High School, she attended pri vate schools in Athens, Greeace; was in Europe two years. She is assistant to Ybanez Custom Dress es. Mr. Peters is also a native of Miami, his family having settled in Miami in 1895. He attended the University of Miami, is a charter member of Nor-Mi DeMolay, and Is now a Mason, is a member of the Naval Air Reserve, and is presi dent of Peters Smoked Fish Co., Inc. \ After a tour of Florida on their honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Peters will reside in Miami. Mrs. Peters is a granddaughter , of Iilr. H. W. Horton of Boone. ?i'-i.) ???II, . Funds Are Sought For Children's Home The annual Christmas campaign (or funds for the Children's Home Society of North Carolina has be gun. Between now and Dec. 23, those dedicated to helping helpless bab ies are hopfxl that no less than $53,000 pours from all directions into society headquarters at* 740 Chestnut St., Greensboro. To those unfamiliar with the work of the Children's Home Soc iety, campaign workers point out that its goal is to provide a "fu ture" for babies and small child ren all bver the state who other wise would not enjoy the benefits of a normal home. Since the Children's Home Soc iety opened its doors 53 years ago, it has provided "futures" for-morp than 6,000 infants. It did so with voluntary contributions only. The Christmas campaign is be ing headed this year by Benjamin Cone, of Greensboro, chairman of the Society's finance committee ? whose over-all goal for an operat ing budget is >163,000. But right now, the committee is concentrating on the Christmas goal of >59.000. The society, which is non-sectar ian and state-wide in scope, re ceives no tax funds from govern mental organizations. Its operat ing expenses come entirely from the voluntary contributions of pub lic-spirited individuals and organi rations. The average cost for caring for a baby one day is >3 60 Eighteen dollars will provide for a baby's food and clothing one month. For one week, >4.80 is needed. llhiriag the past year, 428 child ren were helped by the Children's Home. The Society also aided 336 mothers who could not care for their children. The society has headquarters in Greensboro and district offices in Wilmington aid Asheville. Staff members also ere located in Kin ston, Durham a ad Chertotte. Under the guidance of Mies Har riet Ty nes. Executive Director, the Children's Heme Society ex ercises every care in carrying out the work of adoption. roOTsellag is provided, first of all, for relative* of the babies who may be offered for adaption. Nurs ing. medical, legal and psychologi cal care is provided for the child MMtf.fl And Bnally, the meet careful study if given to needs of those , families who wish t* adopt child ren. Adoptions are handled on a statewide, nonsectarian and volun- ! tarily-supported basis. Solicitations for the Children's Home are carried on in Boone and environs by the Junior Woman's Club. Blowing Rock PTA Meet Set . The Blowing Rock PTA* will meet on Monday, December 12 at 7:30 in the school auditorium. Mr. Guy Angell will be the guest speaker, and the faculty will be in charge of the refreshments. The PTA urges each parents to attend this meeting if possible. Now Showing Saturdays & Sundays Only SKY-VU DRIVE-IN THEATRE TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT Beginning at Dark Saturday and Sunday Dec. 10 and 11 Strategic Air Command JAMES STEWART , JUNE ALLYSON Student In Eta Kappa NU W H. Farthing, a native of Boone, U a junior in electrical engineering at State College, Ra leigh. Due to hit outstanding character and scholarship, he has been granted membership in Eta Kappa Nu. Eta Kappa Nu is the National Honor Society of Electri cal Engineers. The induction ceremony was held December 2. Eleven Juniors of a claas of 84 were inducted. Dr. Held Warren, the national president of Eta Kappa Nu, was the speaker at the banquet following 'the cere mony. Dinner Given On Birthday Rev. and Mrs. E. H. Lowman en tertained last week honoring their son Joe on his 11th birthday with a dinner party. Those present in addition to his sister Wanda were Carolyn Masters, Ala Sue MeGuire, Robert Matheson, Tommy Creed, and Joe Todd. VFW Auxiliary . Meeting Set The regular meeting of the La dies' Auxiliary of V.F.W. Post No. 7031 will be held at 7:30 Thurs day evening,' December 8, at the Post home. All members are ask ed to be present to help with the Christmas work. Cove Creek PTA Session Monday The regular Cove Creek Parent Teachers Association meeting will be held Monday night December 12 at 7:30 o'clock. The grade children will present a program "Christmas in Many Lands." Health Film There will be a health film, "How Do Vou Stand?", sponsored by the North Carolina Chiroprac tor's Association on station WBT TV, Charlotte, Thursday, Decem ber 8, 6:16 to 6:30 p. m. Spring Colors Arc Envisioned The five colon which arc going I to be mo*t popular. this coming i spring are grayed blue, toft pink. 1 yellow and green and a bisque tone of pale beige You will aee these tones in light-weight jerseys, flannels, broadcloth, wool crepe, and light weight worsteds and sil ky fleece?.sg?'&|: ' ? Another big hit WiW be crape and silk print dresses with drap ery detail at the tmnmy line. These are quite a change from the linen add rayon sheath dresses so popu lar for the lant few seasons. They are softer aad can be worn by more women with success Chiffon scarfs will be floting from double slit pockets In many dresses designed for morning. Surah silk Is more important than ever before. Flattering side-swept draping at the bodice will be good. Gold - metallic fabrics will carry through the spring. Many linen and cotton suits and dresses are using gold trim. Qnj lovely cock tail dress feature* a full skirt of surah silk and gold metallic cock tail pants showing through the slit skirt which is open from waist to hem. The bodice is fitted and the sleeves are three-fourths dol man design. This Is not the type dress most of us will buy but it looks interesting in a fashion show. Shirtwaist type dress wearers will be happy to know that top designers say that the shirtwaist style will be a big favorite this coming spring and summer. One designer has made ? trench coat shirtwaist type dress that is destin ed for fashion fame. By inverting a pleat in a shirtwaist's sleeve the designer has come up with a new sleeve twist. Lace is being coupled with nylon marquisette or chiffon for a new look in after-five clothes. The em broidered look will be smart for afternoon and evening clothes. Embroidered linen and failles and Can't Get Rid ?ff Your Cold? Thon.try 066. ths wlde-ectfvity med icine, for grtatfl effectiveness against all symptoms of all Mlndt of colds. 666 copjbinee 4 potent, widely preecrtbed drugs snd give* positive dramatic reeuits In ? metier of hours. Its combined therapy covers the tompUU nui#r of all cold symptoms. N? ether cold rrmady 09 zrMsiSEf ODD r Swim woven stripes and Persian prints will b* outstanding < ? Q With military procurement un ler attack, the Army Secretary has been vested with full respon ?ibility to provide food supliM (or the Army. Navy, Air Fores aad rr ? fo vQur Holiday Outfit s?otf white.. . holly red. . . evergreen f SEE *pv V . Sjf Whatever the color of yovr outfit... 1*1 us restore Ms sparkling like-now look? ?1 ? Sprue* up tbe Sanitone way and you needn't worry if Xmas left you with no cash to buy new duds (or (hi* gay season's entertaining'. Sanitone keeps rlnfhM InnkSng ...and AMERICA'S PREFERRED dry cleaning cost# only pennies more? Sanitone Dry Cleaning ? a. * || | iL , ? ? 1-? A _ ??lt Oil I ALL M OUT ? ? ? MMNMI ipRI ? ? ? 100%-fcetttr prau lasts dry cleaning odor? Trailway Cleaners INCORPORATED Boone, N. C. ' Telephone AM 4-8415 Year's Lowest Prices! Timed For Christmas Gifting! in Save Real Money on 1955 KELVINATOft an4 UNIVERSAL Ranges ? Refrigerators - Washers ALL DRASTICALLY REDUCED! TO MAKE BOOM FOR 1956 LINES ARRIVING SOON ALSO LOOk OVER OUR NICE SELECTION OF ECONOMICALLY PRICED Small Appliances Ideal for Christmas Gifts SUCH AS PERCOLATORS - SANDWICH GRILLS - TOASTERS - FOOD MIXERS - ETC 2- 1Z23E, I;? AYERS ELECTRIC SHOP 227 E. King Si., Next Door to Dixie Home Store, Boone, North CarolinA, Dial AM 4-3877