W. A. SHULL AND W 8 E0MI8TEN. of Boom and Blowing Rock, reapectively. arc ihovn with the 7-polnt, 200-pound buck they killed on a hunting Uip In the Clearwater Beach Mctlon of Burke county So This Is New York (Continued from page (our) advertising, eventually became preftdent of an agency and mar ried an opera atar. He was colorful, had a lot of imagination, and bit bright candle went out at the age of M. 4 Grace Di Biaae is a happy girl,1 yet ahe paints vividly scenes of suffering. As i talked to her in the New York University Book Store, it seemed to me that her artiat'a eyea My far beyond the walls of the building, and viewed the big ger realities of life. From Portland, Maine, she has been here ten years studying painting and opera. Around the corner, I viewed her impreaaive exhibit of religious art, outstanding among which was ? striking picture of a suffering pea sant in a concentration camp, en titled "Blessed Are the Persecut ed." Hiss Di Biase knows beauty, but she also sees the sadnesa In the world. In the mail: thanks to Mrs Grsntland Rice, Bobby Jones and| Toots Shor for their nice comments, on the recent tribute in this col umn to the late and beloved ! Grantland Rice ... a remark from a reader that New York should be roped off as an international sone. Farm Notes The market value of term real eatate Increaaed more than two bil lion dollars during the 12 montha that ended March 1, 1985 The total value of liveatock and poultry on farma January 1, 1039 waa 42 per cent below the record 1092 value. Through October 15, American farmera had 40 per cent leaa wheat under price aupport than on the aame date laat year. The new Dixie Bright 244 to bacco, developed in North Caro lina, ia reaiatant to Grailville wilt, fuaarium wilt, and black ahank. The major change In 1094 to bacco inaect control recommenda tion! it the approval of broadcaat treatment for control of wire worma in newly-aet tobacco, ac cording to the N. C. Agricultural Extenaion Service. The alfalfa weevil waa found in North Carolina for the firat time in 1099. Experta aay the infeata tion waa ao light that no inaecti cide uae appear! neceaaary to con trol the weevil in 1096. North Carolina may turn toward bulk marketing of peanuta in the future, according to one expert.' One bulk handling atation wai ei Labliahed in the State during 1099, ?nd both growera and buyera teem ed pleaaed with the ayatem. ? Bida to aupply the Commodity Credit Corporation with around 47 million buahela of additional grain ?torage in atandard ateel bine have been aaked by U. S. 0. A. Foodhandler's School Largely Attended The Foodhandler'a School ?pon *oicd by Ike local health depart ment. held last week is the din lot room oi Creed'y Cafe waa very (uccaaaful. Tha waa the aeeond achool In (our month* For the two achooU >08 people reglatered with a total attendance of 706 Of thoae attending 170 are eligi ble for ? 100% certificate of at tendance becauae they were pre aent for three or more aoaaiona. I The following eitabtiahmenu 1 will be given a poeter certificate to diaplay allowing that 80-100% of I their ejnployeea attended th< achool: A. 8 T. C. Cafeteria, Appala chian Rest Haven, Aunt Kmma's, Carolina Pharmacy, Creed's Cafe, Daniel Boone Hotel; Gateway Restaurant, Green Valley School Lunchroom, Hillside Dairy Pro ducts, Mountain Rest Home, Pan try. Shorty's, Watauga Hospital Dining Room. The schools were for the pur pose of improvement of service to customers, raising the quality of food served, promotion of better anitation, better practices of per ?onal habits, and personal hygiene. Tufts will succeed Grainger as U. S. G. A. president. BOONE 'S I"! KIDS OUR FUEL OIL GIVES 1 J A WEAT TUfiTf> CERTAIN, ' I WUEN WEATHER COLO I ) BfSIMS ' For belt home heating results use our reliable Fuel Oil. Regular metered deliveries assure you of a constant supply . . . save you time, effort and worry. err FUEL-TRON Fuel OU Conditioner $1.19 pt. One pint enough for 273 gallons Saves fuel oil, keep* system clean. I WANT TO sm OH youR i OIL MAT? switch to (Isso) HEATING OIL # cuo filter and oonla clogging Bp M 84% t 0 greatly reduces Metric* call txp*w?! # burn* hoc tad ci? I 2 Trucks To Serve You in Watauga County R.D. HODGES. JR. j i in i mi AtJU/i. 6SSO oducAul 4**8801 ? BOONE AN "Oh!" , Take a good look at real pood look.*! No place but In Oldimobile lor *56 could you find gninf-plac** glamor like lhi?^ For here Is rtyling impirrd by Oldi>mobilc*? exrlucive Star fire ? v* ?l h the tame cleek, low-cut line* ? a bold new airfoil grille ? fleet lew beauty from every point of vie* ! And *lten it come* to action, thin car more than live* op to It* look* ! Powered by Old?mobile*? biasing new Rocket T-35A ? Engine, paired ?Hh new Jeta?ay llydra-Matie* for powerfully mooch performance! Make a date with OldMnoblle'i Super M for 1956! 'Standard on Ninoty. Eight feodeli, optional at oitro coit on Svpor N modal*. fOpMonol ot aatra to*, Sotoy 'ovor Storing itondord on Ninofy-lifM Modal*. Only Okk hm mil th? "f. Iifin ?? mJ ih m firfiira" rwwnriwf w ???? rvrvrv * IMal T-MD AcUmI * Mb-lnpM MrM * Many Hy*i Matte* M)' SaaatlMa' ? TnMSrft* lilt?mi * M| Nm Slrti Mil SM|I ? Flttwi) M OM?l * MfaMrMCMbl *f?N?rMIMnl ? plvt #vtfy cAvkW b llM?n^ 'hat Pmwr hnm>| I SMOBI visit mi "io?n room". . . at tow oip?mo?m dcalu-si BLUE RIDGE MOTORS Dial AM 4-3/ W MUtfNTt "MMM TOTUkMr. WIW MVI MIMWAT AM MNNH MTI Now'* the time to cosh in on big savings! ) he holidays ore ropidly approach ing and you will- want to be prepared. This week you will find many "value ' packed buys" on our shelves that will help you sovr on all your food needs. Shop early . . . stock up your pantry now ond be leady to serve your family ond friends delightful meals. Shop Dixie-Home . where you get "'ne BEbT for LESS' , where shop Meats In variety . . . Your beet buys this week! A crisp klice of oocon at breakfast . . . delicious1 i BACON 37 Creamy Shortening ARMIX 31 73c Chicken of the Sea TUNA FISH No. w Qe. Con v9? The Wesson Oil Shortening SNOWDRIFT 3 & Sic Liquid Shortening WESSON OIL ?"? u. tot. U?9v For a smoother complexion nroRv soap 23c tixe So tender they broil in a jiffy! Quality-Tender VEAL SHOULDER CHOPS ? 39c Fresh Sliced For stewing - Quality-Tender Beef Cubes Pork Liver ? 19c Boneless Stew 49c Quality-Tender Jeef Freshly Made Frank's yuunijr- i ciiuvi vet > Short Ribs 19c Liver Mush - 19c . . Dixit Plantation Brand Purt Flavorful Chicken Ml#* Pol Pies " 25c PorkSausaae -37c Palmetto Farm Vi lb. prints Margarine 2?* 35 Vol. One Funk & Wognells Encyclopedia goes off Sale December 14, (Last chance to purchase yo jr vol. one.) t*Uf SOUTHERN mosmtautt Just bake a few minutes . . . Lite-Bake H olw *utf counrisv Benson's Biscuits 10c New low price! Dixie Thrifty 51 Gauge, 15 Denier Nylons*^ Dixie A whole dinner . ( . right from your pantry shelf with Libb/t CHOPPED BEEF 2 - 59c Tops in quality, flavor ond good eating . . . Hunt's Tomato Catsup 2 35c Never too tort . . . never too sweet! Del Monte Pineapple Juice 2 - 49c Highest quality . . . Easy Cooking Water Maid Rice 3^ 35c Ideal for soups or cosset Je dishes . . . Carolina # Okm& Tomatoes 3 ~"'3T For fresher skin DIAL SOAP 2 3 27c Keep Odor away DIAL SOAP .2 ? 37c Leaves Clothes Softer nORV FLAKES IS 32c The soap of beautiful women CAMAY 4 "ST 37c Maeks clothes sparkle OXYDOL 3ic Safe for silks and nylons DREFT V? 31c Betty Crocker White, Yellow & Chocolate CAKE MIX ^29c Enjoy this mellow fruit in many ways . . .? Sunshine DRIED PEACHES 33c Perfect for your favorite casserole dishes . . Thrifty Moid TOMATOES . : i 2~.T 23c Morton's FROZEN FRUIT PIES "St 25c The pets love! WILSONS CERTIFIED MEATS Corn Beef HASH r 29c Vienna S?$agc2t^35c TRIPE S 41c Lord Chesterfield The pets love! DASH DOG FOOD 2 ZJ 29c Cat Okra "J" 15c lldhpi. Al y? Ww tm 4s It vfafc f wr ?Mr* mmd tmtk hi si I m fMr cfcciw s# Over 1500 GIFTS Your tost buy in Froth Fruits and Vsgstablss . . . "Vsri-Bsst" Florida Juicy Sweet ORANGES 8 ? 43' Florida Juicy Sweet T> f ? ngerines 325 Dixie Home's Everyday Low Prices Mean Can Sh?P An* Day And S?ve Any Way!

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