Notices wauninuer rrnawsaip at 5:48 P Bl. Circle! of the women of the Ckurch meet the flrit Monday of each month; general meeting of the women of the church each third Monday. ?? Joe Coffey. Sunday Maia lit and 2nd Sunday! ? 11:15 ajii. Other Sundaya? ?:<# a. at. Confession* before Mm. mST BAPTIST CHURCH Hewing Rack Rev. 0. CariUa, Co*, pastor 10:00? a. m. Sunday School 11:00 a. m.? Moraine Wortbtp 7:30 p. m. ? prayer meeting 8:00 p. m.? Choir rehearsal 8:00 p. m. ? Evening Worship MOVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH George A. Arthur, pastor 10 a. m. Sunday School 11 a. m.? Morning worsMp 0:18 p. m.? MiLowi 0:48 p. m. ? Youth FelloiHhip ot Loyal Worker* 7:80 p. m. Evening Worship Wednesday: Prayer meeting at V:30 p. m. CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANT Blowing Rock. Sunday Mass 1st Sunday of month ? 0 a. m. Other Sundays ? Mass in Boon*. ^urfproof I Squ?ltoblt ? flattie Mi* D O. Morete. Sr. and Mr Wade Coffey, avperinteodeou Sunday School at 10 a. m. Worship at 11 a. m Sermon topic: "A BaatiUhil Bwaaet." (Old Vaar'n Message) The women of the church and the S? day sohool will .five a pa geant, "What Do the Christina* Carol* Say?" Sunday evaning, De cember 88, at 7 o'clock. Graee Sunday School plans to more into the new Sunday School Building Sunday, January #. Come and worohip. LUTHERAN PARISH George W. Shuford, pastor. BETHANY: l?t Sun ? 11)00 ? Congregational neetlng 2nd and 3rd 8?a.? flight HOLY TRINITY: 2nd Sunday? 1 1 iSO ? Congrega lonal meeting 4th 8unday ? night HOLY COMMUNION: lit Sunday? 2:80 Srd Sunday ? 1 1:00 ? Congrega lonal meeting 7HURCH OP CHRIST We*i Main Street Bible Study, Lord'i Day, 10 a. n., morning worihip 11, evening rorghip at 7:30 p. m., Bible atudy rhursday 7:30 p. m.; Radio pro tram every Lord'i Day at 8:10 a. n. to 8:46 a. m. H. Ernest Shoaf, Evangeliit. BOONE METHODIST CHURCH Everett H. Lowman, pastor. Sunday School 0:49, Ralplf Tug nan, Superintendent Morning Worihip, 11:00 Both services to be broadcast iver WATA 8:00, Family Fellowihlp Supper it church, followed by children's urogram and carol ling. . . 8:30, Service of Chrlitmai carols ind candles, a candlelightlng ser ice. The children's choirs will lag. 'BUWM? MKMOR1AI rtnirmuN chubch Blowing M0tk ?er. L T. Newl.wl. D. D., paster Biewiag Beefc. N. C. Worship wvIom wtfy Sundi/ morning at tl. Sunday school (toy Sunday morning at W i ?' Pny?r meeting avcrjr Wednee djjr night *t 7:80. Meeting of Ike young people 7-9 every Sunday night. TIM Wmbm. at the Ghureh iheet the second and fourth Monday nights. MEAT CAMP ASSEMBLY OP GOD C. A. Kelly! f?t?r I'entoccwlal Service ' Sunday School 10:00 a. ra. Moraine wonHip 11:00 a. m. Chriet Ambassador's 6:30 p. m. (young people) Kvangeliatic aervlee 7:80 p. m. Midweek services Tueeday night pnyer? 7:*) Friday night preaching? 7:88 Sanitarians Have Met ting The three unitarian* of the Al leghany-Aihe-Watauga Diitrict Health Department, Mr. A Ljde Jon ea of Sparta, Mr. Bower Camp bell of Jefferson, and Mr. Jamea P. Brown of Boone, attended a meet ing of the,Weetern District Sanita tion Section of the N. C. Public Health . Association held In Aahe viile at the Buncombe County courthouae, Friday, Dec. f The theme of the meeting waa "Animal and Insect Borne Diaeases That Concern the Sanitarian." These included malaria, typhus fever, the encephalltibea, rabies, leptoapirosis, psittacosis, rocky mountain ipoted fever, anthm, trichinosis, brucellosis, creeping eruption, hookworm and ringworm. A discussion of peiticides follow ed. Daniel J. Tobin, former preal dent of the Teamatera Union, A. F. L., dies at the age of 83. V. ?. m. Auxiliary To Aid 111 Veto ' The U4i aa Auxiliary to Watauga Mountaineer Pojt 7031 V. F. W. QMt Thursday, Detvmber ti at 7:30 p. n. Auxiliary president, Mr*. Neflie Holman. p resided. Aa i part ?f their Chrtotma a work this year the auxiliary ia lending Christmas card* with money enclosed to hospitalised vet eran! at Otoon hospital, Mid a home permanent for a child at Caawell Training Schol. a 0 in billi from the thief's hands and Jacob stopped to pick up the money. So did passersby. Jacob salvaged *38, the thief netted about >175, and passersby scampered off into the darkness with the rest. IN MUIHY OF MACTIN 1. aiMUN Martin L. Herman waa bam January 14, IMS and departed this life October 24. MM. age M years. 9 months and 10 days. He was initiated ia Snow Lodge No MS A P. & A M the llth day of March. 1919. He received the Fellow Craft decree the 1st of May, 1019 and raised to the Sub lime degree of Matter Mason the fifth day of Jun^, 1019, serving as Maater of the Lodge in 1*39. Brother Herman was a loyal and enthusiastic Mason Whereas our moat Holy Sup reme Grand Maater. in His infi nite wisdom has aeen fit to re move him from all earthly associa tion, therefore, Be H resolved: (1) That in hia death we have lost a loyal Maaon, a faithful member and a worthy Brother. (2) That we extend to his beloved wife, family and other near relatives our heartfelt sym pathies and commend them to the care of One who is able to succor and comfort all who will put their trust in Him. (1) That theae re solutions be spread upon the re cords of the Lodge, a copy sent to Brother Herman's fsmily snd ? copy sent to the Watauga Demo crat for publication. This fifth day of December, 1959. J. D. Shoe make. Maater H. H. Davis, Secretary Partners in North Carolina re ceived a total cash income of $927, 823,000 for agricultural commodi ties in 1994. Underwood Franchise Agents Typewriter* *ml Adding MmUbm Cheek Writer*, Addresiing Machines, Cuh Registerf, Billing Machine*, Art Suppiie*, Office Outfitter*, Portable Typewriters All Make* Machine* Repaired by Factory Trained Men Largest Office Supply Outfitter* in We*tern North Carolina Phene Lenoir PL MMt (Kerene Charge) SMITH PRINTING COMPANY 117 S. MULBERRY STREET LENOIR, N. C. INTO THE DULL ROUTINE There wai little excitement in a shepherd's lift. Long, uneventful d ays beneath the hot tun on a (rany hillside. Long, lonely nights, ?till end shadowy as the moon rod* ?lowly among the clouda. AU the monotony o( a million Uvea today. But into the dull routine of a ?hepherd'e life came the vieion that " * haa captivated the imagination a i man (or two thouaand years. An angelic voice saying. "Pear not . . A heavenly hoet singing, "Glory to Cod . . . and peace . . . The startling proclamation of the Bavior'a birth) The menage still comes with brightnesa and joy to all whoee lot it i* to labor, to endure, to wait. And the Church, preaching the Truth of the One born that night in Bethlehem, calla men from the drabness of worldly purauita to see this Thing which has come to paw, which the Lord made known unto a band of bored ahepherda centuriea ago. Published Weekly in the Interest of the Churches of Boone and Watauga County by the Following t WATAUGA HARDWARE, INC. Phlfcg, Maytag Appliance* Building Material*. Myer* Pump* COB INSURANCE AGENCY All Line* buurance Dependable Seal Eatate Service FAB MESS HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. Everything In Hardware and Aaaoclated Line* UtlTHEY'6 STORE Dry Oood*. Clothing. Shoe*. Groceries Modem Cafe hi Connection BOONE TRAIL RESTAURANT "A flood Place To Eat" Baxter Hardy, (Mk*r ? ? Acroe* from Po*toff ice REINS-STUBDIVANT funeral home Dial AM 44866 ? Ambulance Service ? WATAUGA MOTOR M ARRET Thoae Good Gulf Product! Comer Main Street and Blowing Hock Road NEW RIVER UGHT * POWER CO. TRAILWAY LAUNDRY, INC ~ ; Boone ? Dial AMhent 44(15 TODD * BIGGINS ESSO SERVICE Jo* Todd ? Bruce Higgine ' Walking, Creasing. Tire* sad Battertee THE NORTHWESTERN BANK A Good Bank Staring a Goad County CAROLINA HAMIACT A Complete Drug I *135 MmMPHBt?, I Li- A ft ' S'/kI SMITHEY'S is always headquarters for Christmas food*. Our big Grocery Department is filled with all the good things that are usually associated with the Holiday Festivities. We welcome your patronage. Inquire About VALUABLE FREE PRIZES We Are Giving Aunty Between Nqu> and Chrittnuu NUTS Diamond English WALNUTS, large, lb 53c CHESTNl/TS, lb 19c BRAZIL NUTS, lb. 48c MIXED NUTS, lb 48c CHRISTMAS CANDIES We have today received 14, OM pounds of our first shipment of Christmas candies; others will arrive jCxptn ngpr VUUlL Christmas, consisting of jCocoonut- an*. Ovnage, Cocoanttt 'Chocolates, Chocolate Bits, Blackout Mixed, Jellies, Cocoa nut and Bars. FOR THE, CHRISTMAS TXBLE OR GIFT BASKET Oranges and Tangerines will be coming in fresh from now until Christmas direct from the orchards and packing houses, which will offer you a saving on the box or bag or dozen. CRANBERRIES, lb 23c CHOCOLATE, half-lb. ... 55c Herahey Baking COCOA, half- lb 35c Queen of the West FLOUR, 100 lbs. $7.20 CRISCO, 3 lbs. 89c Granulated SUGAR, per 100 lbs $9.50 . i ?' ? . i , "! t % Flavors and Spices of all Kinds - Pure SUGAR STICK, 2-lb. box .. 48c 1 ORANGE SLICES, lb 19c GUM, 6 pkg. ? . . 20c Fresh Florida Oranges Daily Orange Juice, 46-oz. 29c S Assorted Flavors Jello, 3 for ___ 25c Sweot ' ^ ^ Potatoes, 3 lbs. 25c 3 Lbs. Jewel Shortening 69c Malagas Grapes, lb. 12%c No. 2 Can Argo Sugar Peas ... 15c Ckocolate Coated Cherries, lb. 49c Broken Stick Candy, lb 19c Allerton Mix Candy, lb. 25c Cratny Chocolates .... 25c Pinto Beans, bag $9.00 \ Bananas, 2 lbs. 25c 1956 EDITION OF BLUM'S ALMANAC NOW HERE lO Per Cent Off on Treats for Chnvhefl and Schools ? Bags Furnished SMITHEY'S STORE _ I . . ? _ The Greta Bargain Giver* Boone, North Carolina