?hiP NT ADS Watauga DemocratE WANT ADVERTISING BATE ' ' I CENTS A WORD? 5?c MINtWVM CHARGE ,7 Cash Mutt Accompany All Orderi FOR RENT ? 2 furnished apart menu, steam heat, lights, water furnished. CaU AM 4-3782. lp FOR SALE ? 3 mules, 1 old mare, 5 OIC small aheats. Want to buy a run-down cheap farm in ten miles of Boone. Collis Austin, Route 3, Boone, N. C. 12-22-2p FREE POULTRY CULLING SER VICE ? 1 1 you are aa FCX feed patron and have 29 or mare laying hens which are housed, we will eull them with no charge. Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St., Boone lc OPENING FOR TWO PEOPLE, men or women. Sell for a reliable company. Earn $90 or more a week. Must have a car. If you like a steady job write Mary E. Holle man, Route 4, Lenoir, N. C. lp FOR SAL? OR TRADE ? 1?90 Ford. Radio and heater. Good condition. $390. Blaine Fletcher, Mabel, N. C. 12-19-2p FOR Sa?e ? 16 ewes, 2 and 4 years eld. To start lambing February 1. A. N. Thomas, Trade, Tenn. 12-19-2p NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has severed all business connection with Boone Cafe, located in the town of Boone. N. C., on the Blowing Rock Road, and is in no way responsible for any indebtedness or transactions of said Boone Cafe from first date of this publication, December 1, 1959, henceforward. (Signed) HELENA C. JOHNSON. - 12-1-4C FOR SALE ? 31 acres, 9 tenths to bacco base, nice 9-room asbestos house, cabinets and water in kit chen, good roads, school but. 93,900. Mrs. J. W. Covington. Reese, N. C. 12-l-4p DR. L E. WELLMAN will be in his office over Farmers State Bank, Mountain City, Tenn., Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday of each week, from 9 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. Eyes examined. Glasses fKted. 4-23-tfc DR. GALE F. BARE. CHIROPRAC TOR? Office hours: 8:3<rto 12; 1 to 9. Tuesday and Friday nights by appointments only. X-ray service. 417 E. King St, Boone, N. C. Phone AM 4-3871. 5-27-tfc HOG FEED ? Get the most for your feed dollar by feeding FCX Porkmaker. Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St., Boone. lc NOW IS THE TIME to install your storm windows. Trailer load just arrived. Mountain Lumber Co., AMherst 4-8074. lM-tfc TELEVISION SALE? 17" Trne tone T. V. Sets, voted clearest sharpest pictures, guaranteed one year. On sale this week only $12995. WESTERN AUTO AS SOCIATE STORE. 9-29-tfc TRUCK TIRE SALE ? I FOR CASH ONLY 660 x 1?, 6 ply * 1980 680 X 18. 6 ply 23.80 700 x 18, 8 ply 28.90 7#0 x 20, 10 ply 81.80 828 x 20, 10 ply 88.90 Prices include* all tax CANNON'S TEXACO SERVICE C. W. CANNON, Manager Route No S BOONE, NORTH CAROLINA le ALL BOOTS 10% OFF? Men's ami boy?\ including iaaalated. CHURCH'S. W. King St. iMe. lc MEN'S KOBJCS-IcUai (or Chriat nii g i f t >, *5 96 and up. CHURCH'S. W. King St., Boone, lc WANTED ? A good man and smaU family to stay with me aa one of the family and tend crops. Will give you a good chance. Alao will give a good piece of land to the right man. T. R. Bumgardher. Trade, Tenn. lp GOOD GULF OIL PRODUCTS. J. D SHOEMAKE, dealer. Watauga and Aahe couatiea, da\ phone ?970, night 3921 or 3630. 12 -12-tfe SEE US for best buy* in Used Equipment ? (3) TDfl Crawler tractors with blades and winches. All makes and sizes of power units, both gas and dieael, 10 good used power saws from $100.00 up. Your GH Power Unit and McCul loch Chain Saw Dealer. FARM ERS EQUIPMENT INC., Box 238. Phone 496, North WUkesboro, N. C. .. IMMc JUST RECEIVED? New shipment of print feed bags. WATAUGA FCX SERVICE, S. Water St., Boone. lc ? ACCOUNTANT, SECRETARIES, office workers wanted. We fill on ly 29 per cent of the calls we get tor office help. Take your training now. Write for Information. Drau ?hon Business College, Winston Salem, N. C. 11-10-tfc FCX Dividends ? 4% debentures are now being issued on last year's patronage through your Watauga FCX Service. Thee debentures draw 4% interest or may be re deemed at face value. These deben tures are valuable, so do not mis place or deStfoy them. Watauga FCX Service. S. Water St., Boone. lc KSC FUNDS for 10M program vear arc now available. We are filling ASC order* for 2-1J-1S fertilize pasture*. Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St., Boone, lc FRESH COUNTRY EGGS, at rea son^Wj prices Watauga FCX Ser vice, S. -Water St., Boone. lc FOR RENT ? Two 2-bedroom houses, reasonable. Ray Farthing, M It R Furniture Co., Vila*. N. C. 12-1-tfc PRICES SLASHED ON STORM WINDOWS ? Stornj windows and door* reduced, by one-third at your Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St., Boone. lc COTTON SEED MEAL ? Let u* take care of roar winter Bead* for cotton *eed meal now while the price is right Watauga FCX Ser vice, S. Water St, Boone. lc PHENOTHIA2INE ? Worm your sheep before breeding time with ohenothiazine. We have it in bulk at 10 lb?. for fJW. Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St. lc WEATHER STRIPPING ? Free e* timate* ? Insulair* Rock Wool In sulation Type "A"; rustproof due Interlocking weather stripping, Wieeo Storm Window* and Doors. Quality workmanship. Norman Lackey, 829 Faculty Street Phone AM 44M7, or Wood row Singleton, Morganton, N. C. Phone 1S70-W. 5-27-tfc Legal Notices NpTVC EXECUTORS' NOTICE Hiving qualified u the execu ton ol the will of H. B. Perry, de ceased, late of the county of Wa tauga, State of North Carolina, thia la to aetify all those having claims aMimt the Mtate of the aaid de ceased to present them to us with in IS months of the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in tar o I their recovery- Those in debted to the estate are asked to make immediate payment. This November JO, IMS H. B. PER RY. JR., ufcRTRUDE PERRY. Executor*. 344 North Elm Street, Greensboro, N. C. lM-Sc EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Ha vine qualified as the execu tor of the will of Olen G. Winebar fer, late of the county of Watauga, State of North Carolina, this is to notify these having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to me within It months of. the date hereof or this Dotice*will be pleaded ill tar of their recovery. Those indebted to the estate are asked to make Im mediate payment. This December 10, IMS? ERNEST MORETZ, E* ecutor, Zionville, N. C. 12-lS-8c-m WANTED? Used bicycle, clean, good mechanical shape. See Dallas Hodges at Greene Bulek, Inc. Phone AM 4-3778, Boone. N. C. lp GOOD GULF FUEL OIL. J. D. Shoemake, dealer, day phone 8970; night 3921 or 3630 12-22-tfC NEEDED? PARTS MANAGER to handle parts in Buiek-GMC deal ership. Reasonable experience needed. Apply Greene Buick, Inc. Phone AMherst 4-3778. Ic FOR SALE ? Small brown and white pony, 9 years old, well-brok en. See Herbert Wey, Blowing Rock Road, Boone, N. C. le THOROUGHBRED CHIHUAHUA puppies for sale. Male and female. Just the thing for Christmas. Con tact D. W. Cook, AMherst 4-3461. lp FIREWOOD ?QR , SALE ? Both hard wood and soft pint. Edgar D. Hardin, Boene, Route, 1, phone AM 4 3431. 12-22-2p BOYS' STORM COATS-fleversl* ble, fingertip length, $6.93; boys' overcoats, sizes lo, 12, 14? (9.M. CHURCH'S, W. King St., Boone, lc WE CAN STILL take care of all your need* in men's and boys' pants Our stock of sport coats it also complete. CHURCH'S. W. King St., Boone. lc HIGH COST OF GIVING worrying you? See our array of budget priced gifts for every man and boy on your Christmas list. CHURCH'S, W.-King St, Boone. lc ANNOUNCEMENT? We are glad to announce that Mr. Burl J. Greene is now associated with us as mill operator. Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St., Boone, lc BEST BUILT SEWING MA CHINES? Sales. service. See the beautiful models now on display at our store. Makes ideal Christ mas gift. Electric portable com plete with all attachments, now only $60.96. Call or write for free home trial. Miller Brothers, AM 44494. Boone, N. C. 12-19-2c CASE FARM TRACTOR, plow, mower, cultivator, dean Special wintertime bargain at $693.00 on easy terms. F. L. German Motor Co., Granite Falls, N. C. 12-19-Sc OFFICE MANAGER? The WatT uga County ASC Committee will accept applications tor the posi tion of officer manager at the ASC office until December 24, 1999 ? B. W. FARTHING, Chairman. U-19-2C FOR RENT ? One 2-bedroom house, reasonable. Ray Farthing. M lc R Furniture Co., Vilas, N. C 12-1-tfe gateway restauranj E. KING STREET tMSMemv- *&'? OPEN ALL DAY Christmas Day RESERVE FAMILY TABLES * ' W. / For That "Extra Christmas Touch" In Appointments I , and Service SPECIAL MENUS FOR CHILDREN NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA WATAUGA COUNTY Under and by virtue of the pow er of tale contained In a certain deed of trust executed by David N arris and wife, Grace Norm, dated the 11th day of July, 1M7. and recorded in Book 53. at Pane 92, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Watauga County, North Carolina, default haviw been made in the payment of the In debtedness thereby secured and said deed ef trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclo sure, the undersigned trustee will offer Tor sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Boone, North Carolina, at eleven o'clock A M , on the 10th day of December, 1#(SS, the property conveyed la laid deed of trust, the lame lying and being in the County of Watauga and State of Nortn Carolina, in New River Township, and mor* parti cularly described as follows: Lying and being east of the Town of Boone, and Being lots numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the D. S. Ray Subdivision as shown on plat prepared by G. Sam Rowe, C. X., dated April, IMS, which said plat is of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County in Plat Book No. 1 at Page 106, and for a more complete de scription of said lots reference is hereby made to aaid recorded f>lat. This 18th day of November, 1B53. WADE E. BROWN. Trustee 11-24-4C-B NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA WATAUGA COUNTY Under and by virtue of the pow er of (tie contained in a certain deed of trust executed bjr Orville Hagaman and wife, Anna Lee Hagaman, dated the 9th day of December, 1964, and recorded in Book 74, at Page 13, in the office of the Register of Deeds of 'Wa tauga County, North Carolina, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust be ing by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in 'Boone, North Carolina, at eleven o'clock A. M., on the 30th day of December, IMS, the property con veyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and bctng in the County of Watauga and State of Nortn Carolina, in Boone Township, and more particularly described as fol lows: Lying and being in the Town of Boone and BEGINNING on a stone on the east side of Oak Street, North-West corner of Lot No. 19 and runs South 72 East 143 feet with northern boundary of lot 19 to a stone on west side of a 12 foot alley, northeast corner of lot 19; then north 19 east 80 feet with the west side of said alley to a stone on west side of alley, south east corner of Charles Hollar's lot No. 14: thence north 72 west 142 feet with southern boundary line of said Hollar's lot to a stone on east side of Oak Street: thence South 18 West 80 feet with east side of Oak Street to a stone on east side of Oak Street, the BE GINNING corner, being Lot No. of the Hardin addition to ne. This 28th day of November, 1955 WADE E. BROWN. Trustee 12-l-4e-B NORTH CAROLINA WATAUOA COUNTY Al adminiitrator c. t. a., of Carl Davla, deceased, 1 will offer for sale at public auction for rath at U? HIGHLANDER MOTOR COM PANY, in Boone. N. C? at eleven o'clock a. m., on the 9th day of model. Truck to be aold AS IS. and may be insj>ecte<J at any tiqoe prior to Thia * NORTH CAROLINA WATAUGA COUNTY Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Watauga County, made in the special pro ceedlngs entiled Lewis Stout, Peti tioner, vs. Hort Hodge and wife, Helen Hodge; S. G Hodge and wife, Bealah Hodge; Robert Hodge, single, minor: Norman Davis and wiftu Patsy Davis; Mack Davis and wife. Virgle DavU; Stewart Hodge and wife, Mrs. Stewart Hodge; Cart Hodge and wife, Margaret Hodge; Reba H. St John and husband, George St. John; Hate! H Simeo* and hus band, Lonnle Simcox; Grady Stout and wife. Ruby Stout; Raleigh Stout and wife, Nellie Stout; Mar shall Stout and Wife, Ruth stout; Linie Stout Rhymer and husband, J. D. Rhymer; Keily Stoat and wife; Nannie Stout; Uaaie Stout Tunas and huaband, Zeke Timba; Joe Dan Stout, widower of Nealle Hodges Stout; Dallas Hodge and wife, Elizabeth Hodge; E" wuc, biuaucui /nuuKe, ciiine Hodge and wife, Mary Hodge; Vic toria Hodges Morets and husband, Denver Moretx: Danford Hodge Adams and wife, Mrs. Danford Adams; Stella Jean Hodges Card well and husband. Gene Cardwell, Ruby Hodge "Buchanan and hus band; Myrtle Hodge, aingle; Ruth Hodge, single; Jamea Hodge and wife, Mrs. Jamea Hodge; Emma Catherine Isaacs, single; Ruby Isaacs Creasy and husband; Beulan Isaacs Raines and husband: Nor man E. Isaacs, single; Frank Ray. Marshall, single, minor; Mildred Isaacs Marshall and husband; W. Grady Isaacs and wife, Mrs. W. Grady Isaacs; J. Lonnie Iaaacs and wife, Mrs. i. Lonnie Iaaacs; H. Gerald Isaacs and wife, Mrs. H. Gerald Isaacs; Lawson Isaacs, widower of Maggie Hodges Isaac* defendants; the undersigned Coaa missioner will on the 27th day of December, at twelve (12) o'clock noon, on the premises at Zionville, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest binder for cash that certain tract or parcel of land ly ing and being in Mabel Township, Watauga County, Nprth Carolina, and more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING on a stake in the Public Road, in L. Greer's, G. C. Greer's corner, and runs North west course about B poles to a stake in G. C. Oner's line SH poles to a stake in State Highway; then with aald Highway an Xaat course 13 poles to a stake in the old road and L. Greer's llhe; then with the old road and L. Crier's line 12 poles to the BEGINNING, containing 91 H poles, more or less. This the 24th day of November, IMS I. C. SOGERS, Commissioner August 1. 1B#0, fro* Am D. Btm IHMr MM vui Mabel Bumaaraer. and Edwin Bumgarner which deed is of record m the Office of the Register of Deed* for Watauga County in Book M at P??e 219, the tract herein conveyed consist ing of 82 acres, more or less, the lumber and aawed fence stake* be ing excepted; ami not conveying . however, that part of the above dated May 18, iftwT recorded in Book 73 at Page 4#6, and reserv ing a rifht of maf across the lands of the granton a* mt forth in the i deed to Mwtcn Hodges, BUT this sale wUfb* made tub- ! ject to any and all unpaid taxes 1 AT COVE CREEK ISTORE FREE-FREE HI [ ELECTiUCl TRAINS FOR CHRISTMAS ~ - WE WILL GIVE AWAY * 2 AMERICAN FLYER EAf U 59-Piece CAVll TRAIN SETS WEEK FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS HERE'S WHAT YOU GET! BIG W-Pe. AMERICAN FLYER ELECTRIC TRAIN SET With ?%. Fo*t Over an* Uader Daubleloop Track Trwtle Kit ?No. 307 Atlantic Ut Locomo tive and Tender ?No. Ml Refrigerator Car ?No. Ml Gondola Car ?No. B38 Caboose ?20 Section* of No. 702 Curved Track ? fl No. 700 Straight Track ? XH OO-Watt Traniformer ? No. 747 Figure 8 Trestle Set ? Illustrated Train Manual ?No. MO Track Terminal Retail Value $29.95 each l WE WILL ALSO GIVE AWAY A 9.5 CU. FT. . INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Deluxe Refrigerator At THE END OF THE TOBACCO SEASON ? InqUir ? for Detail* of Thete FREE PRIZES at COVE CREEK STORE | SUGAR GROVE, N. C. coroner 4-ooor ir*c?r New '56 Dodge Coronet Invades Low-Price Field ! i CNM An tki rmnrti if thi (rat Mp mum* -rt ? +, MHa. M-tiM M-fmmU ? OL CM H ++ * Iw-Hlw M ~ Ben b no stripped-down "price special" ... but a full-tut, full ttyiml, full- fashioned beauty that's KINO SIZE in every way. , This new Dodg* Coronet takes the measure at all otkert in the low-price field ?t every point of value: Site! Beauty! Style! Power! Roomings! Comfort! It is actually bigger and mart luxurious than ears costing up to a thousand dollars Store! You hat? ? full choice of body styles, a full choice of advanced power features. And . , . jrou tet the Magic Touch of Dodge push-button driving! Come discover the dividend of extra value that Dodge brings you in the Coronet. It'* (he King Size buy in (he low-price field! ^^VahmUm 4?r*4?Knm4tm* , 9

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