Activities Christina* holiday* begin today. Wednesday, at MM lor AH8 and T>;; extends through Monday, Jknuary X Claaae* art to resume on Tuaa day, January S. Bp ? tW high school faculty o< AHS I and party at the Gateway Restau BwwMitilfc.K" "M ? rant Thursday evening, December IS. The menu conalated of turkey, pea*, candied yam*, cranberry aauce, hot rolla, coffee and iee cream. Following the meal, BUI Roes prea anted a abort program in the form of a Chriatmaa atory. Then he had gam Dry uwm Um rale of Santa and diatribute gift* to all preaeat. Thortan, wivw and htt^ tEtfMft. other inmli frfHP piwfc tpualjr drawn name* lor the oe> cation. 'Wry ? "t 1 Chriataua Dancc Um Sophomore clau aponaored the annual Chrutmai danea at the high achool gym Saturday night, December 17. Mary Lawrence and Phil Mc Guire reigned over the dance, af ter Tommy Owaley and Cindy Klutz crowned them regenta. The aophomore claaa presented, through I ~ \ ' V;, ? ? Greene Buick, Inc. cA 7^?RRY &A M ovmhUb ?! nt (k*aL< mmI |m4 will* w# art tslMiial io all (ritaii aai a?t|kV?ri aat ?#ry wiakaa for ? |a)raa? aai < >raUt Y-latiJ. itaioa. 1 Pit Wilcox, the queen with red The gym had a lighted Christmas tree In the center, with the throne at the left Refreshments were Mrved from a festive table at the oppoaite end of the gym from the throne. k After the dance all fathered around the tree and laai Chrlatmaa carols. Christmas Beek Festival The spirit of Chrtotnuu reigned in th' A ipalachian High School Li brary on December 18, 19, and 20 when a Christmas Book Festival was held. All English classes were scheduled to visit the library for one class period during the three days. The students enjoyed brows ing and getting acquainted with the new books which were on diaplay. Over 2*0 new titlea, covering var ied topics in fiction and non-fic tion, have been added to the li brary's collection this fall. Christ mas book marks, made by the It brary staff, were given to all the students and teachers. Library bulletin boards carried out the theme of the season. On one was displayed a painting of the Madonna and Child done by two li brary science students. Another portrayed the atory of "The Twelve Daya of Christmas" with paper sculpture figure*.' A third board in the corridor showed San ta dropping booka dwn the chim ney, with a caption encouraging students to "Give Books" for Christmaa. > Student Council Visitors On Monday, December 12, (our members of the sophomore class were visitors it the Student Coun cil meeting. These were: Wilms Moretz, Carmalee Watson, Mar garet Steelman, and Pat Proffitt. Freshmen class representatives visited the council on Monday, December 19. These students were Betty Cooke, Fred Cook, Jerry Hollar, Laura Foster, Lorene Trip lett, and Marilyn Triplett In order to let the student body know what goes on in the Student Council, the council has invited members of the four high school classes to visit their meetings dur ing the past few weeks. Citizen Of The Week Paul Perry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Royce Perry, was named Citizen of the Week on Friday, December te. Paul is president of the sopho more class, and he is active in Fu ture Farmers of America and in *-H Club activities. Grace Day was elected by the Student Council and was named Citizen of the Week on Wednes as The Santa Clous Insurance Co. I ~ " ? ? ? ?U] PLVSt , EXTRA DIVIDEND of THREE HUNDRED SIXTY-FIVE DAYS T containing HEALTH, ? WEALTH, and HAPPINESS COE INSURANCE AGENCY JERRY COE ? KATHLEEN HODGES GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE GOOD CHEER CO. K 217 Appalachian Theatre Building ? Boone, N. C. Dial AM 4-8256 day, December II Grace, a senior, la the daughter ?f Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Day of Blowing Sock. She ia a member of the paper staff and of the Student Store Club. In a recant election of senior auperlatives. Grace was cho sen "Miss Appalachian". ? Report* from tobacco grower! and warehouaemen aa of November 1, indicate that North Carolina 'a flue-cured tobacco crop wilt be ?lightly over a billion poun