Named at-large delegates were Ray Jennings of Tayloriville, I. E. Broyhill of Lenoir, Mr* Uwu 0 Roger* of Charlotte and Ctiarle* O. Owen of Aiheville. All pledged their vote* to Eiaenhower. 1 Twenty-four other delegate* to the national convention were pick-1 ed at di*trtct convention*. None ?a* instructed a* to how he should vote. / L Jennings w?? turned by accla mation u state chairman and Aroyhill *u elected for another teira as national committeeman. Mra. Rogers wan elected national eommitteewoman 1,0154 - Mm over Mrs. Sallle Wilkinson Blan chard of Kannapolis. Mrs. William Treston Few of Durham chose not to run for national committeewo man, a post she had held many years. The platform, submitted by J. Marvin Glance of Aaheville, whole heartedly "commended" the Eisen hower admlinstratlon and called for an end of 59 years of Demo cratic rule In North Carolina. LIKES TO STAY IN JAIL Los Angeles. ? Joe Vesley, a former janitor, eligible 'or j>arolc from city Jail, recently wrote Judge Joseph L. Call that he liked it fn jail and would prefer not to be paroled. Said Vesley: "I am treat ed right here. I have good food, good clothing and don't have to pay rent." He was convicted of de frauding an inkeeper by refusing to pay a 14.02 long-distance tele phone call toll. GOT TWO CENTS Coolidge. Aril.? Burglars, who forced their way into a drivc-m theater office, found thejf effort unrewarding. All thev iot was two cents, which h*d beep (eft in thv cash bos. ?'?-.Mtdii So This la 5^ New York II ti!I would not want to be a window-wa*her of the building ? he could (till feel (ailing 102 Mortal Mdvln Matting ly of Bardrtown liked the big town kut confided to mo that h? would rather live on hi* father** farm? which waa what he M plan ning 40 do anyway. He thought a trained Mind peraon could farm all right . Another group now approached, and I found they were boy* froln the Watt Virginia School for the Blind at Romney. A nice bunch of fellow*, they talked freely and Earl Jackton of near Welch, Wert Va. *ald be could uae more time in ?eelng thin place. Arthur Burnitde from near Pfinceton felt that the UN was the prettied place he ever "law." Jerry Woolwine and WUlie Aldrich, both of whom live not far from Welch, felt much at home here? and I told them we wanted them all to May a* long a* poealble. Paul Langan began to get hi# boy* together In order to board the train for home. By hii kind yet firm manner, one could aee that he undertaood blind people and liked to work with them. Hit Khool ii evidently doing greatly We k?v* ? complete stock of ' ? ?, ' Farm And Garden Tools including ? good losg hand led ahovel tl.M thia Ii not ? toy, but ? t?d shovel 'with atrcng ?teel blade, and good Jshe handle. Be au?* ?o ahop with ua before you buy. j HA1 hett* WATAUGA HARDWARE, INC. ' I !? I beneficial work. A* the blind beys from Kentucky and Wert Virginia left, I bid a lump la ay throat flora ww a group, greatly handi capped, bat you would hardly know it had they not had to be led and (eel their way around It aeemed to ate that no visitors ever aew more in New York- -and I'm aura none ever appreciated it more than theee One young gentle Right Senator* have been named to a apecial panel that la u> con duct an inquiry into lobbying, cam paign contributions and corrupt political practice* The group ia evenly divided both aa to Party and to Ha members' votes en the recently-vetoed natural gas bill. run NLL VETO Secretary of Agriculture Eva Taft Ptmwn recently laid that all Eiaenhewer would veto the {arm price rapport bill If it came to Him incorporating rigid high price is- ^ * HITS ? CAM PARKING lloline, III ? A femlnio let, while attempting to get her car into a parking place, loot con trol of her automobile. It (truck one car, pushing it into another. Her car then broke off the parking faeter and tight pole. The falling pole broke the windahield of an other car and dented the top. and broke the rear window of the fifth. "Tell Mr. Washington I expect results anq moment now" Long Distance puts you In touch, i MN FRANKLIN got result! fait whan he pulled lightning from the sky. And Ilk* lightning, you con get results? or news from loved ones? by Long Distance. If s eosy to use, low in cost, personal, i Call someone now? / Call by Number? /ft Twi;? At Fatf tOUTNIRN MILL TILIPHONI ""MAWI COMPANY LAST 3 DAYS WASH OUT SALE Of Used Cars And Trucks We've told ? record number of 1956 Buicks, and have more trade-in* than we have space for. We're up against the wall. So we're WASHING OUT our entire stock of used cars and trucks, which includes 35 DIFFERENT MODELS AND TYPES. Prices start as low as 135.00. Below Is a partial listing. -EXAMPLES ? 1941 DODGE SPECIAL SALE PRICE $65.00 1953 BU1CK 4-Door Super Blue with white top, radio, heater, t Dynaflow, Clean. 1951 BU1CK Komi master Radio, heater, Dynaflow, two-tone ' grey. Extra clean. 1953 CHEVROLET Be! Air Power Glide, radio, heater, two tone. Clean. 1950 CHEVROLET 2-Door Radio, heater. Power Glide. SPECIAL SALE PBICE $395 1955 V8 FORD RANCH WAGON Radio, heater, I3.0M actual miles. Like new. 19-17 FORD V8 Sport Coupe j A real buy! 1950 CHRYSLER Extra, extra clean. ?! 1954 PONTIAC Catalina Radio, heater, hydramatic, extra, extra clean. 1950 PLYMOUTH 2-Door Radio, heater, clean. i 1 SPECIAL SALE PRICE $275 i i 1952 DODGE VrTON 1955 FORD F6 V8 2-TON 1954 DODGE lVa-TON ' t 1953 CHEVROLET ?/a.TON I 1 1951 FORD 2-TON V8 1938 BIJICk ? Good roaditinn. A real buy! K; * ? * 'IL mk& ?i GREENE BUICK.I \1/ou> i autiu>^ixi tfin'cA a^dCjHiC J&ud AMherst 4-3778 400 W. KING ST. BOONE, N.C MOW! GtT "NfW'fURE Smooth as Velvet, Dixie-Horn* tm - Nestles Mm ' ' Jfife ???? \ ! SEMI-SWEET MORSELS *? 23c Luncheon Meat ARMOUR TREET ....,?? 35c Armour's CHOPPED HAM 'ST 49c Armour's CHILI EL'tr 29c tST 33c Armour's . VIENNA SAUSAGE.. 2 Z? 35c Gold Medal MACARONI . . . '? 19c Mayonnaise - 45 Stoke!/* Finest HONEY POD PEAS 22c Foncy Long Groin ? MAHATMA RICE . .-30c 41c For Whiter Clothes 4 CL0R0X 1. 17c - 31c Dixie Libby's Yellow Cling PEACHES . 23c Florida Grapefruit JUICE 2 Sunshine Hi Ho CRACKERS ? 35c Libby's Cream Golden CORN 2 35c Pops-Rite Pop Corn 2 X 39c Aunt Jemima Smooth Creamy, Petfr Pan CORNMEAL .... .5?31c PEANUT Ftuffo New Golden ? ? ?? ?? ?? 12-oz. SHORTENING ... Z1 89c BUTTER Dixie-Home Evaporated, 3- 36c 33 Soft Northern TISSUE 4?35c Toilet Soap OCTAGON 23c Super Washes with SIPER SODS 31c Soap Powder VEL X 30c Strained Baby Foods OERRERS 6 ? 58c Ivory White IVORY SOAP 3 ?. 41c Washes Pure White IVORY FLAKES & Sic Complexion Sire CAMAY 4 - 37c Washday Miracle DREFT X 31c UU? GIV? 4.W. GR?n sTamps Tasty and Tender! Florida Pole Beans 2 29' Golden Bantam Frozen, Blue Bird Orange SWEET CORN JUICE .6?73c Frozen, Dixie-Home Fordhook - 29( LI MAS 3 '^ 59c meat makes the meal Black Hawk Lean Sliced a co ib pkg. 39 U.S. Good Beef CHUCK ROAST . ? 31c M 4% U.S. Choice Shoulder * 63C VEAL CHOPS . * 39c Thrifty-Tender, U. S. Good STEAKS T-BONE. CLUB, SIRLOIN. delmonico;- MMWBBI1BI1IB1IIMB1I SAUSAQE . . *? 19c B0"?|Ml??B?Sf,TS Smoky Mountain . AA? FRANKS . .^7Se !? " W Flirt River Sliced Southern Gold BACOH . . . . " 29c OLEO 2 - 49c Oscar Mover 2 Tasty Mild WIENERS . ? 2Sc CHEESE . . -39c New Wonder Soap SHRF & 30c Wathing is a BREEZE 31c Blues as it Washes RIHSO BLUE 31c Dixie Home s Everyday Low Prices Mean rou Can Shop Any Day and Save Any Way. "