No salary terms or oootrscl pro visions were announced for Broome, but it was generally as sumed he took the post under the same conditions as Duggins h?d %eld It ? without a formal contract. No Athletic Director The college has had no athletic director by such title. Basketball Coach Francis Hoover, who serves as business manager of athletics, said the resignation "came as a surprise to me." Dugglns. an "oldocbool" stickler for conditioning and fundamentals, came to Boone as line coach in 1*W from an assistant's post at Milligsn, where he graduated Be went to Tampa University as line coach in 1M1, served as a Naval officer during World War III, and returned to Appalachian in 1M0. In 1M7 he succeeded head grid coach Flucie Stewart, who went to Maryland as basketball COACH. Broome, ? 1940 graduate of Ap palachian, played four, year* on the football teams of Kidd Brewer. Broome alternated at wingback and tailback on the 1037 team that west undefeated and unacored on. and played fullback dn the 1039 rd 194) teams. He coached at Henderson High School in 1941, served as an ath letic officer in the Air Force, and went to Rocky Mount High School in 1943. Hfc came to Appalachian as backfield coach in 1947 when Duggins was elevated to head coach. Broome got his master's degree in physical education at North Carolina in 1949. He is a native of Marion, is mar ried to the former Lee Blanton of Gaatonia. They have one child. Babylonia clay tablet yields new Biblical lore. Trees Are N?wSl| Bone Contention |j Dont fight over those tntt, men! There's mm for everyone la the lumber game? as long a* folks are satisfied with mm rather than all. Mjr* Jim Andersen, State Cal lage extension forestry specialist. Andersen says that there's ? squabble going on between saw millers and pulpwood people And the only way to resolve the argu ment is for the two factions to co operate a little mora. Here's bow the argument goes, according to Anderson: Pulpwood dealer: "Getting so you can't find a two-Inch green, living thing in the piney woods no more with tbem 'blankety' saw millers butchering everything clean down to the sixe of half a toothpick.'' Sawmiller: "Aint gotn' to be a stick left after tbem pulp 'pecker wooden' finish their slaughter. Won't be in business next year if I got to put up with their iqeas." The forestry specialist says there's more than a grain of truth on both sides. As an answer to the problem, be quoted an authority in "Forestry Digest" urging lumbermen to sell small trees to pulpwood people rather than lose money trying to make lumber out of them. On the other hand, the article asked that small trees of promising quality snd vigor be grown to sawtlmber size for maximum profit The 871 cattle Mid at the fit cattle sale recently in Statesville wm the largMt fat sale in North Carolina history. OWN your own COTTAGE These cottage* can be built on your lot or on our?. The lot can be the down pay ment. Convenient financing with S years to pay balance. Can be completed in a week. Price range from $900 to $2,200. Ideal tbr Beach Cottages, Hunting Lodges, and Quest Houses. TR I -COUNTY REALTY COMPANY Jerry Coe ? C. M. Critcher Amd 79tut OAu tit TKtm iu APPALACHIAN THEATRE Thursday Hare's ? plctura that ?oft- pedals nothing I HKDtCT I0SUUS i MYNE JUtlfNEH DAHLTHEMiNG 1 Friday ? Bargain Day 10c - 20c Saturday Night ? 7 and t RICHARD CONTE Play Lucky Every Sal. Night? 2 Giant Jackpots Hqi JIO Sure, Winners Sunday AlAN LADD . EDW. C.ROBINSON and all IfHEUO* FRISCO BAY braakt loo**l JOANNE DRUt Monday and Tuesday js vZ. 'J . bottom of tni bottle Cine maScoPE Wednesday i I Early Feathers || Are Good Sign All poultryman, whether raising chicken* for broilers or for mar ket efg product loo, like to see and aa early aa poasihls It's a sign of good hf tiling good fifth** and ,R 8. Dearstyne of the State Col lege poultry science department says that, although good feather ing if primarily an Inherited characteristic. It nay be offset to a large extent by other factor* en countered by the ehtek during earliest period of life. What are some of the factors which may react against early and complete feathering? Deerstyne says that some include overcrowd tog. overheating, excessive chil ling, lack of proper humidity in the bouse, unbalanced diet, and certain types of dtsaasss. Dearstyne says it's especially important to observe the feather ing of the birds during the first six weeks of life. Should they fail to feather normally, one of two things must be wrong: either the feathering inheritance of the chick is poor or some of the above mentioned factors of good manage ment have been violated. If it's poor -management, cor rective steps should be taken. If the fault lies in inheritance of the chicka, that's "all she wrote." No thing csn be done. North Carolina's 1M6 allotment for wheat is 283,998 acres, com pared to over 10*i million acres for Kansas, the largest wheat- pro ducing state. Dr. Dickson Is Author OfOne Of Newer Novels Dr. Harry E. Dickson, industrial phytic laa at the atomic energy plant at Oak Kidge, Tenn., if the author of "Build Thee More State ly Mansions," an cutting tint novel, published by Vantage Prw of New York. Of local Interest Is the fact that Dr. Diekaea's wife is the fanner Miss Aibertine Bather land. the daaghter of the John S. Satherlands of Creeten, N. C. and the Dfckaeaa art wall known in this area. They.reaMe In Oak Kidge and are among the tint private land awners there. Build Thee More Stately Mans ions tells the story of a lonely young man who leaves the hill country of his birth to taste the wonders of the wider world which ha finds Just beyond the horizon. In this searching psychological study, the author takes the reader through the young man's college years, his entry into medical school, his war experiences, and finally to the threshold of hia medical career. The book is a paa lionate, perceptive portrayal of youth groping to discover the sense of life itself Harry Dickson was born in the foothills of the Cherokee Range of the Appalachians in the small textile and farming town of Engle wood, Tenn. He edited his school paper there, and then went on to college in Jefferson City. After two years in the Pacific campaigns during World War U he attended the University of Tennessee Medi cal School inhere he obtained his Local Realty Values G.L and F.H.A. Loans Now Available Require Small Down Payment NEW 3-BEDROOM brick house, bath, radiant heat (used only 700 (al. this winter), large spacious lot. Extra beautiful view. Located in Councill drove. Priced to sen. Own a summer or year around cottage. These cottages can be built on your lot or on oyrs. The lot can be the down payment Convenient financing with 9 years to pay balance. Can be completed in a week. Price range from 9900 to 92,200. Ideal for Beach Cottages, Hunting Lodges, and Guest Houses. GOOD 80 ACHE FARM located on Phillips Branch on good road. New 4-rooni house, water in house, 22' xW barn, 9-10 tobacco base, 1-2 land cleared. Sacrifice price. GOOD 7-ROOM HOUSE and large lot located in Perkinsville. GOOD 00-ACHE FARM located in Bamboo section. Good house and barn. Price 98,000. Terms if needed. VERY DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS Just off Blowing Rock Highway near the Deerfield road. EXTRA GOOD 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, bath; large spacious lot located on Deerfield road convenient to town. Priced for a quick sale. Terms if needed. GOOD GOING BUSINESS FOR SALE? Did a gross of 9100.000 last year. Owner has other business reason for selling. \ Good terms, ideal for hubsand and wife. Confidential list ing, information will not be given by phone or letter. One of the best locations in town. GOOD 3 BED ROOM HOUSE? bath, hot air furnace, Urge lot. Located In Perkinsville. Small down payment. .Balance 9% loan, monthly payments 947.49. FOR 8ALE ? 10 acre farm, good 6 room bouse, bath, hot air heat, basement, new chicken house 15'xflO" and tobacco base. Lo cated Deerfield road near Boone. Immediate possession. APPALACHIAN STREET ? 7 room bouse, 2 baths, looted near College, will trade for small place out of town near Boone or will ieU. NEW 3-BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE? Bath, attached garage, fire place, full baaement, hot hir heat, located Howard Street OLD BRISTOL ROAD ? 2 bed rooma, living room, kitchen, dining room, bath, full baaehient, hot air furnace. Well insulated. Price 96,800. Terms if needed. WOODLAND DRIVE? New 3- bedroom brick house, two ceramic tile baths, dishwasher, fuU baaement, hot water heat, double garage, storm windows. Located in one of 'the better resi dential sectlotu, near college. F.H.A. or 0. L loan available. FOR SALE? P. A. Hunter property located 8 miles east of Boone on Ityghway 411, near Parkway School. New Restaurant ideal for track stop. Good 7-room bouse, bath, heat, 98 seres land. This property can be bought as a whole or will be divided to suit the buyer. Good terms. GOOD 9 BED ROOM HOUSB, bath. 8 to ? acres of the best bot tom land, good outbuildings, located on bardsurface road. Sherwood section. Ideal property for some one wanting nice home for retirement. Price is right 1 MILE WEST OF BOONE? Good 8 room bouse, bath, 6 acres alnd. Excellent condition. Priced for quick sale. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS? New development? Highland Av enue Just out of city limits. One of the better sections to build. Terms. GOOD 6- Room STONE HOUSE, two baths, large lot Located Grandview Heights. *7,300. GRAND BLVD.? Good sink room house (two apartments) bath, large lot Hot air heat Will sell or trade for smaller house. Priced for quick sale , GOOD BUSINESS LOT located on Mala Street Desirable for sny type of business. SELECT RESIDENTIAL LOTS FOR SALE. . DIAL AM 4-ttM ? BOONE, N. C. ? *17 MAIN STREET Litt Your Property with Vt for o Quick Solo Have Demand lor Small Business ? Also (or Farms Tri-County Realty Co. E. F. COE, Manager C M. CR1TCHER ML D. degree id 1M1. He interned at the Baptist Memorial Hospital in Memphis and established him self in private practice in Etowsh, Tenn. Because the twenty-four hour day and the seven-day week did not leave any time for his Writing, Dr. Dickson accepted the pest at Oak Ridge which enables him to fulfill his professional as well as his creative interests. He la married and the father of a son. He ia now actively engaged in the writing of a second novel. Hudson, Nash $ Dealer Chosen Watson's Garage, located at Deep Gap and operated by Claude and James Watson, recently ac quired the Watauga County dealer ship for American Motors Corpora tion automobiles, consisting of the Rambler, Hudson, Nash, and Met ropolitan cars. The new dealership has- two Rambler cars on display at pre sent, Claude Watson said Tuesday, and will be able to procure any car in the American Motors line with a minimum of delay. Egypt and the World Bank re cently announced agreement on a $200,000,000 loan to start building Aswan High Dam. John 0. South Dies Saturday ; \ J oh a O. South, aa, ? former resi dent of Watauga County, difd Sat urday, March 10, in the Morgantoo State Hospital, where he had beeo a patient sipce 1(SS. K Funeral services ware held at 2 p. m. Tuesday, March 18. at the Tamarack Aptist Church, conduct ed by the Rev. Noah Johnson, and buriaj was in the Thomas cemetery at Trade, Tenn. He is survived by six brothers, Roby, Milan, Pa., Thoaaaa, Creston City, Calif., Eli and Saai, both of Columbus Falls, Oregon, Frank, Childs, Ind., and Dan, of Tama rack; and two sisters, Mrs. Julie S. Price and Mrs. E incline Mun day, both of Tamarack. December estimates showed that in 1853, farmers got the highest yields in history on the smallest acreage harvested since 1M0. - REMEMBER - Rulane Gas Service Is ECONOMICAL! bTOLAMF FABKWAT IULAIX DIAL AM 4-3054 Beauty Winner J Carolyn Hodges was th? winner in the beauty contest held at Park way School March 1, while Betty Hollar is the runnerup Miss Hodges is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hodges Miss '-m ? ? Hollar is a daughter of Mr. and Mr. Lit* Hollar. ,, V Hod meat production by com mercial livestock slaughter plant* La the United State* during Nov ember totalled 1,403,000 pound*. ? per east more thaa produced to the previous November Prolific @ For Farmers Who Demand The Very Best In Fertilizers | FOE ALL CROPS. TOP QUALITY, FREE-FLOWING FERTILIZERS IN 50, 100 AND 200- POUND BAGS There'# More in New V-C PROLIFIC It builds additional crop yields by supplying nitrogen, phosphorus and potash additional amounts of many other nutrients essential to healthy' plant growth. When you build up your soil with V-C Prolific Fertilizer, you build bigger farm profits. v WE FILL ASC ORDERS. COME IN AND SEE US AT i OLD STAND pACK OF THE BUS STATION C. M. and R. H. Critcher If you own one of these cars... , ? _ . it'll pay you to trade now for a new 1956 PLYMOUTH ? . ' fV Perhaps you haven't bought a new model of your present make of car because you've been disappointed at how little thatcarhas changed this year. Fact is, the only really NEW low price car this year is PLYMOUTH, and it'll pay you to buy a new 1956 Plymouth NOW. Your present car is at the peak o t its trade-in value today, and. right now you'll get a money saving High Volume Deal at your Plymouth dealer's. See him today-you'll be glad you did. ONLY PLYMOUTH'S NEW THIS YIAR. In a year of otherwiie "warmed-over" car atyliot. Plymouth bring* you tomor row'* itylinr today in it* all-new Aerodynamic Design. Plus the biggest aiia of any low-price car. NEW PUSH-BUTTON MMM-Plymouth'* ?lone in the low-price three ! A posi tive mechanical control. Push-Button Drive U the safest and eaaiefft ever designed I Optional on all 29 new Plymouth models. Try itl PLYMOUTH 6IVES TOU KMC MlUt for jrour dollar with feature* such a* elec tric windshield wipers. Safety-Rim wheel*, twin-cyljnder front brake* that the other low-price car* don't have. See the NEW Plymouth today 1 PLYMOUTH costs** C>wi At dm y fM toy I... Ifcrwyk af m ywere jtm mm U...ymr9 fiM (m w ? Wyiwi *. 7fc?f ? ?m mm 1?ri Wynmiii ?? m f?*fc 9km cf tan imM.