;rs ToSthe Editor 1. Another material blowing la the an usual amount of capital in I'satiaaiil la motor courta, now homes, largo and atnall buaineaaes, and ? desirable citiaeni coming to maka their permanent homes with ua. 1 Great aplrltual uplift to thoae wfeo have eyea to aae and hearta to recelra the Inapiratlon from the definite portrayal of the following and many othera. Our Idea la are bond up la our relation* to God Our happlneas and neighborly fel lowship depend on lore of our fel lowmen, ?Justice, concern for the mlafortunea of all men, cooperative aelf-government, ae If -control, dig nity /of work, intelligent worship, struggle agaiaat the barberiam of war and the struggle for personal community,, and International S. The great community unify ing force of auch an unaelflsh co operative enterprise i Many are giving of their time and effort without any material re turn. Many othera are cooperating by belonging to th* Southern Ap palachian Historical Aaaociation. Many othera jnay Join this aaaocia tion and thua receive a personal paaa to the drama at any time dur ing the aeaaoa. We hope there will be no stampede but that many of you will hurry to The North western Bank and ask for the priv ilege of joining. This Is not a frantic effort for your support. It is a friendly offer of a privilege and a blessing. Why not make iftothtf practical application of your Christian ideal* and Join thia worthy and inapiring association of aineere people? DR. A. P. KEPHART Boone. N. C. la the put four year* I made mm tri|) into the Watauga Hospital tor an operation and alae the sec ond trip for an operation from Pensylvania. It tojk a lot of puniih raent on the way in, aa it is a long ride. The fint trip wai from Ko chtfter, N. Y. After I arrived at the hospital I couldn't have receiv ed any better care anywhere. Should It be my misfortune to have to go to a hospital again, I hope 1 can return to the Wa tauga Hoapttal. The population of Watauga County is 18,342 people. There aM approximately 1,000 taxpayers in Watauga County. I feel that it is a serious responsibility upon all of as in Watauga County to make our Watauga Hospital good enough for all Of us. We may ask people for a donation for the hospital. Soma people will tell you. Charity begins at home, but what Is our home. I think our church should be our home too. Some people will tall you, you can go home whan you cant go anywhere else. I am net speaking of a heavenly home. I am apeaking of a place for our body to gaiq strength and health and the doctors and nurses, the Angels of Mercy, are the ones we look to. How about our Watauga Hos pital? Wa can be on our way to our home or the church of our choice, when we may meet with aa accident or sudden illness, and t}>e Hospital is the first place Wa feat to. I am Just an amateur when tt comes to hospitals, but I think $80,000.00 could be spent on the Watauga Hospital without making tt too modem. I would like to see ta drive put' on to gain funds for our hoapitaL I think we should um our Wa tM? Democrat to load the drive and publish a complete 1M of mm o I donors. You win flad enclosed *600 ai my donation I would like lor it ta bo wad for modern tabfos for bod patients. Those tables don't take op muck fpaco and can be uaed for many I would like to lend a donation for stationary bod lights whieb art attached to the wall and a cord fastened to the bad rail so each patient can turn on his own light If the members of each church in Watauga County will take a part in this drive, we will got a hos pital large enough to stUt the Deeds of everyone in Watauga County. I think it would bo better to build one large hospital than to build several ? mailer ones. Lot'* all pitch in and help this cause to better our community for us sad our children. Very truly yours, t FRANK CHURCH ' c-o Relvoir Hotel, 138 N. Royal St Alexandria, Vs. Two Arc Injured In Auto Crash Mr. and Mr*. Robert I. Million of German town, Pa. were Injured Friday when the ear In which they were riding (truck two poets by tl?e roadaide and ran 78 feet down an embankment Into the woods near Linvllle. The accident occurred when Mr. MUllgan wa. blinded by fog. ac cording to Patrolman C. W. Mas on. who aided Patrolman Plpea of New la ad in investigating the acci dent. Mr. MlUigan suffered cut* of the forehead while hia wife la reported to have had a slight fracture of the right shoulder. They were treated at Blowing Rock Hospital i Patrolman Maaon was Interested in the statement by Mr. Milllgan that had hia safety belt been fast ened, he felt he could hare con trolled the car. IN MEMORY OF KELIA DIANE WILSON'S FOURTH BIRTHDAY A Tiny Rosebud lived with iu ? Until God called her home above. He took her there to live with Him, Became He needed ? Precioui Gem. Her hair waa blonde, her eyes were bin*. Our love for her la strong and true. We miaa the softness of her skin, The tiny dimples in her chin. A living doll wlio ran and played. To show her hu>plness day by day. We know that we muat understand, God also loved little Kelia Diane. He wanted her fpr an Angel above, And, in His way was showing His lovj. She's now living In a belter world than ours, ' And never, shall have any cares. May we not grieve the parting rose. But wonder at our many foes. Written by Aunt Peggy Rose. The Federal government la pre paring to begin the long-delayed trial of William Z. Foster, titular head of the Commulflst party of the United States. FORMAL AND INFORMAL WEDDING PORTRAITS 125 East Main St., Boone, N. C. Phone AM 4 8425 ?? "? Protect Your Family BY BECOMING A MEMBER OP REINS - STURDIVANT MUTUAL BURIAL ASSOCIATION, Inc. KM ?* ' . M ? ' TELEPHONE DIAL AMhent 4 -MM ' . ? J A 25-Cent Pee la Charge Upon Joining, After Which~the ^ . Following Duet Are in Effect: DOUBLE BENEFIT quarterly One to ten jreai*. 4 .20 Ten to thtrty years .40 Thirty to fifty years JO Fifty to sixty-five years 1.20 1 1 " 1 11 t yearly * ?0 1.80 3.20 4.S0 benefit $100.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 r ? ? ? COUPON - i KiTcnm/'S SHKAM I If /i > Uh t k ml <*w- : laWM. M'Hf I ? Ht. ??? | STUftOY LAWN RMCC I POUR SPOUT JUG I cm pactty. Cm ' ?? WHl MfekW Mf. I?>l ll? ?Ut k*t ?? kim. i S299 ROTATING $279 i 6 40 1. a rvfffad tUd fl?M* b?u ? dwiMa turlm. newt HuOtxu MIVK*.t3]N Tit CtMffcla Tot! ' Dri*?? Scram, ' Mh HoW>, *S" EES" rtflw ihaft, r?k? dMH. WW M | SHOmt'S PAKAIHSII | $298 L~t* 10 01. ?( nliW to rtty U?V??>, iwlmil. DOOR 5169 GUARANTEED SAVINGS aluminum waste lASKn^H G-E LIGHT BULB HEADQUARTERS W? handle G-E Mb for ?v?ty Ujfc^. iafpwpowU Kaap Spar* OA Hand. Stock Up My GENERAL? ELECTRIC m I totk IU Miwfc ia ttlwt *? COUNTING CALORIES? COUNSELOR 1ATM SCAUS Sm 69* View BMNm ??h Iot $9.27 vat*r. RtftUr | p^flce M.St. INmIwhWhIi i iMtMptlw* EAGLE AIR RIFLE ? /Ot! H handsaw D/ssrm [RjBjj N?. NI204 BENCH PLANI WiM wdi ff.44 Riyhf sum for hoim ownti auJ lutkWuM> UIK4 IIVWJIN . (? He TtlCK'S IN TNC TfttOCER 1 Beautiful floors J ? Quick and easy with ? ?(Dw?t?Htic3 % %\ oift for . . . wUm ? 2 tyMfe// Stanley R*. 11* MITtl BOX Strong ond Sturdy -ond with back or ponal taw to cut wood at d?tired t r in anglot. ?>? MMMmMm VQIL far mnr Ml# ? W " gggUt 9*/ Popular 26" 8 or 10 point ow cat pattern. Tap* (round bUd. for anooth easy cuttin* Rich dark maroon ^ handle of dur- ? - ? bio plastic. For a limit* J IQ95 timo only O NAMWAM 99C WIEK SKOAL PISTOL *? ?r ? ??