' ' Scoutarama ' ' Is Topic Of Scout Gathering The Boy Scout circus or "Scout arama" to be held in Winston Salem on Saturday evening, Hay 5. was the chief tonic of diaeuasioa at the Watauga district comsaittee meeting and scouters' round table held at the Blowing Rock School on the evening of April B. Koicoe Stevens, executive for the Old Hickory Council, was a visitor at the meeting. He stated that about 3,000 scouts, explorers and rubs will take pail, in the gigantic program at the Winston-Salem Col iseum. The event will be the most ambitious in the history of the council. A ticket sale for the Scoutarama will be conducted hjr the scouting units of Watauga county . Joe Davenport, executive for the Watauga-Ashe-Wilkes region, will be in charge' of the demonstration of pioneering, in which explorer units will erect about thirty towers, bridges, lean-tos and other struc tures simultaneously on the stage. Dr. Lee Reynolds announced that the training program for scout leaders will be conducted on four evenings in April, beginning April 25. A full schedule. has been ar ranged tor active and prospective leaden on Bey Scout*, Explorer and Cub Scout level*. Mr. Davenport also announced the coming trip fr6m the Old Hickory Council to tbe Philmont Reservation in New Mexico. The 1860 caravan will be led by the Rev. Russell Burns and Paul Bing ham of West Jefferson. Philmont is the ranch estate on which Ex plorer Sdouts spend periods el the year, returning to original pioneer conditions of the West. A fellowship of the Order of the Arrow will be held at Raven's Knob on April 28 and 29. The next court of honor for the district will be held on Sunday, April 28, when a large number of local scouts will be publicly recog nised for the advancement' they have made in scouting rank. Dr. J. T. C. Wright, district chairman, presided at the meeting. He announced that the May meet-, ing will be held at Henson's Cha pel. Refreshments for the district meeting were served by Troop 901 of flowing Rock, host unit for the evening. About forty scouts and scout leaders were present. 4-H Health Program Activated In Nation' "Improving Family and Com munity Living", the 1900.' 4-H theme, ii being put into action by 750,000 4-H Club member* parti cipating in the National 4-H Health Program. Through the program, members are improving indiyidual, family and community health. Individual 4-H'era and local Clubs will be honored for outstanding accom plishment by Eli Lilly and Com pany, Indianapolis, Ind., a new donor of awards. Recognition for individuals include gold-filled med als for four county winners, an all expense trip to the National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago for the state champion, and $300 college scholarships for six national win ners. Attractive certificates will be presented to each of the four loc al 4-H Clubs in a county conduct ing a health prdgram worthy of a blue award rating. A maximum of 10 two-color certificate* are pro vided for the clubs which report the most outstanding local 4-H health programs in the State. Health activities carried on by 4-H'ers include physical and den tal check-ups; studies of home and community health and sanitation needs; practice of basic first-aid and emergency procedures; co operating in Community health programs, such as polio immuni zation; participation in physical and mental health programs and camps; learning proper food habits; and many other activities relating to the improving of health standards. Suggestions on ways to develop individual and club health pro gram* are included in the Nation al 4-H Health Program leaflet, made available by the National Committee on Boy* and Girls Club Work through county Extension offices. The program is conducted by the Cooperative Extension Ser vice. Koto-Spit Is New Utility There If a new battery driven roto-apit unit on the market that is sensational. It can be used any where. Fits any type of (rill, braz ier or fireplace. It is completely portable which makes It perfect for hunting and fishinf trips as well as in the home or backyard. No electrical cord or plug is nec cessary. It is powerful with a cook ing capacity up to ten pounds. Bat teries will provide up to ten con tinuous hours of operation. This rotospit is made of durable alum inum and uses two standard D flashlight batteries. All types of accessories are avail able. There is a steak basket, a shisk-ke-bab or frank spit, and an unusual spit fork. The rotMpit and all the accessories aire reason ably priced. They are made by a California manufacturer. An outstanding food study group believes It is possible to improve the nutritional habMa of large groups of people by improving the food practices of children. They say that: "If these children have an opportunity to lea'rn and practice principles of good nutri tion in school, they will acquire better food habits snd attitudes which will carry over into child hood." This group of educators state that it is never too early to atari the child's education ia good nu UitioB. lijgfeii i m - j Tags On Front Are Now Illegal Highway Patrolman Mason calls attention to the- fact that many motorists have left their 1959 lic ense tags on the front of their vehicles. The officer points out that only one tag is issued this year and It is a violation of the law to use an out of date ta|g on the front of an automobile. LOST BIBLE RECOVERED McAlester, Okla. ? During World War II, while fighting for Aachen, Germany, Sam Holloway, of Mc Alester, lost his Bible. Recently, a city official received a letter from Joseph Franck, of Aachen, saying , that he had found a Bible, wiQi|(tfoIloway'a, name inside, in the ruMle of an airraid shelter and wanted to return it. Hollo way now lives in California, but his parents live here. Stocks of 1,740 million bushels of wheat stored in all positions on October 1, 1955, jpere the largest for the date in the comparable series beginning in 1935. \ "lESSr."-' '* ' '? ' '* "" ' ? ?? Tangy Tomato Aspic Liked By Men Jellied aalada liked by men an thoee with the natural flavoca of fooda predominating. Tomato aapic continue* among the masculine favorite* because of ita clear and direct tomato tang. Thia salad is a natural too with such menu laadera aa steak and aatatoee. See radpa below. Tomato aapic rataa aa a claaaic of gel-cookery, and the aimpl* formula only calls for combining tomaui juice, unflavored gelatine and seaaoninga. The plain gelatine, softened in .cold juice and then > thoroughly dsaaojved in hot tomato juice, introduces no flavor of ita own. Ita magic property ie to gel the tomato juice at refrigerator temperature. Then at taste- time, each bite ie firmly cool yet melting to create a very special appetite appeal. To unmold, quickly dip the aalaamold to ita dtpth in hot watari loosen around edge of container with tip of knife; hold serving plate over mold; invert, and ealad will slip onto the plate. Quick Tomato Aapic , 2 envelopes unfavored gelatin* 3W cup* cold tomato juice 'A teaspoon aalt H teaapoon celery salt teaspoon onion (alt teaspoon sugar teaspoon Tabasco ! tablespoons lemon jtiic* Soften gelatin* in 1 cup of the cold tomato juice. Place over boiling water; etir until palatine is diaaolved. Add to remaining 2H cup* tomato juice; etir in remaining ingredients. Pour into a 4 -cup loaf pan; chill until firm. Unmold on platter; garnish with salad grata*. To aerve, cut into 8 portions. Serve with Roquefort chesee dicing. YIELD: 8 servings. NOTE: For 4 servings, cut recipe in half (vnd pour iato individual molds. SMART GOPHER * Las Vegas. ? Paul Thomas, a farmer harassed by a pesky go pher, dropped a concussion bomb into the gopher's hole. But the gopher pushed the bomb, with fuse burning, back out. Thomas quickly picked it up and hurled it away. The bomb ignited a hay pile. While firemen savefi Thomas' house and barn, twelve tons of hay were de stroyed and the gopher still peers out of his hole. DEMOCRAT ADS PAT BAGS M SNAKES Sutherland, Neb.? Although 98 rattlesnakes were killed In three days it a (arm near here recently, the rattlers still had not been en tirely cleaned out. The owners kill ed 37 rattlers the first day in an abandoned prairie dog town. Just eighty rods from the farm house. Kills on the next two days brought the total to 96. The U. S. expects to issue mil lion passports yearly by '60. DOGWOOD WANTED Convert your dogwood to Dollar*. Tor specification* or cash on delivery, contact your local buyer DEWEY HOMES Route 3, Box 27 Boone, N. C T^r mm used car festival -OI^E OWNER BARGAINS? 1954 Buick Super 4 door Completely equipped, beautiful blue with white top, local, one owner car at great savings. 1953 Buick Super 4 door Dynaflow, radio, heater, wrap around windshield, many smaller accessories, local one owner car, * top condition. You can save plenty on this one. 1953 Buick "Special 4 door , Conventional transmission, radio, heater, many smaller accessories. This is an outstanding automobile. 1954 Chevrolet Bel Air 2 door sedan. Cream with metallic green top and 2-tone green interior. Powerglide, radio, heater and a myriad of genuine Chevrolet fac tory approved extras. ?ANOTHER GREAT BUY ? 1952 Ford Customline V8 2 door briiliant black finish with excellent white wall tires, radio, ?heater, overdrive. Yon must drive this one to appreciate it This Seal mm year windshield is year guarantee of satisfaction ?BARGAIN DEPT. CARS ? 1947 Ford Coupe 1947 Ford 4 door 1941 Ford Coupe 1948 Plymouth 1950 Oldsmobile "98" 4 door 1938 Buick 1950 Oldsmobile "88" 4 door 1941 Dodge 2 door 2?1947 Buicks TRUCKS 1953 Chevrolet l/j ton pickup 1952 Dodge Vi ton pickup 1954 Dodge 2 ton 1951 Ford IV2 ton G R EEN E BUI CK.IV5 AMherst 4-3778 ^ 400 W. KING ST. BOONE, N.C. & 4p&^plp Sunnyfield in 1-4 lb. prints sunnyneia in i-t in. prinn Creamery Butter, lib. Ctn. 65c , I j5" ' m Ann P*(e Preserves? CHEERY, PEACH, PINEAPPLE, 2 Lb. Jar 49c \ '? ? ' " ? Ann Page CHERRY PIES, Each 39c Mild and Mellow 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE, 1-lb. bag ? 79c Ann Page Regular or with Chili Gravy RED BEANS, 4 1-lb. cans 39c Sultana Creamy SALAD DRESSING, qt jar 37c ? EIDfiT choice in gas .and oil... In keeping with this reputation for quality, Quo Research I Ua^ak rMl Tf o^o nnwop fn oncrlna Ufa am) or(v .1 Research created Uniflo Motor Oil It adda power, adda to engine life and gives outstanding gas and ollmileage. For the best power team you can buy, get Uniflo Tnd Esao Extra Gasoline! word in dealer service... LAST Now's a good time to we your Esso Dealer for an oil change, lubrication, a tire and battery check, and other seasonal services. Count on him for all this and plenty more. You'll find his station is headquarters for Happy Motoring! ALWAYS your best buy! Drive in to a clean, well-equipped Eaao Dealer Station for popular Eho and Atlas product*. Start traveling fir?t-claaa today! ?sso Todd & Higgins Emo Service Smith's Emo Station ran U? ak tmo Opm 7 Days a Waak W. C. Lentz Opto 7 Dart ? WMk Btowtof Beck. H. C. LUTHER ESSO SERVICENTER