\a-. >hu ?oc<? JEAN L. RIVERS, Editor ? Home Telephone AMherat 4-388^? Office Telephone AMhent 4-3612 WM Local Affairs Mr. J. I-on Harriton attended Tweettie's homecoming La Hickory """" Mr. Cecil Miller and ton. Joe, visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller in Chapel Hill over the week end. Mr. and Mrs J. L. Reese Wd K redd to are <m a vacation trip in the Smoky Mountain Park area. Mr. and Mn. Ted Hagaman an nounce the birth of a son, Jed Smith Hagaraan. Jr? on May 19 at Watauga Hospital Mr. Joe Harden of White Plaint, N. Y. spent Thursday aight here with Mrs. Hardin and their daugh ters, Joan, Ladle and Betsy. Mitt Patty McGuire of Woman's College and Mr. Mm* Eby of High Point spent the week end with Mrt. R. W. McGuire and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cook an nounce. the birth of ? son, John David |II, on May 12 at Watauga HospitaL Mr and Mrt. James Dotton re turned home Saturday from Clare mont, where they have been teach ing school. Miss Ruby Akers will leave Thursday to spend the summer with relatives in Tupelo, Miatit sippi. Mr. and tors. Jerry Anderson and David of Raleigh spent the week end with Mrs. Anderson's mother, Mrt. M. P. Critcher. Mr. and Mrt. O. T. Hobgood of Jasper, Florida viaited ovep the week end with Mrt. Hobgood's sis ter, Mrs. J. M. Gaither The Meaars. -Albert Mullis and Bert Ellia are spending the week at Bcllefonte, Pa., tn a fishing trip, Mrt. E. Y. Marsh and Sallie Ann of Charlotte are visaing this week with Mrs. Marsh's parents, Dr. and Mrt. G. K. Moose. Mrt. Barnard Dougherty, who has been ill at Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem for two weeks, re turned home Saturday. >1 ?) ? tf.wi ?. Mr. Robert Bingham left Sun day for Fort Pierce, Florida, where he will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 'Dan Evans for two weeks. Mr. and Joe Minor, Joe, Phil and Jan, spent the week end in Win ston-Salem with Mr. and Mrs. John A. Minor. " Mrs. Ray Derrick it a patient at Blowing Rock Hospital, where the underwent surgery last Wednes day. Mrt. Emma Setter received word Friday of the death of her 92 year old. aunt, Mrs. Sarah C. Greene, of Cayuga, Indiana She died on May 4th. Miss Margaret E. Whitener of Washington, D. C., and Mn. Char les Keerans of Palmetto, FTa , have arrived at the White ner cottage for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crook went to CreeqvUle, S. C., Sunday to take their son, Charles, who will be employed with the Dillard Paper Company there this summer. ltrs. Bud Jensen returned to her hoipe iq Clay City. Indiana Tues day after visiting a few days with hee daughter, Mr*. Herbert Wey and family. Mm. T. M. Greer returned home Tuesday after visiting a few days in Ahoskie with her father, Mr. W. W. Clarke, wfco has been iH for two yews. V*. and Mrs. Dick Henson and children, Linda, Sharon and Ricky, of pristot, Virginia spent the week end with Mrs. Hensea's mother, Mrs. Bonnie Younee. Mrs Ethel KeUey will leave Wednesday for a visit in Clinton, Tennessee with her sister, Mrs. W. M. Saunders, who Is critically in. . . Orlando Brown of Woman's spent the week end with hei father. Mr. Edgar Brown, and her grandmother, Mrs. Bessie 1). Brt~ f' Mrs R. H. Hardin is spending some time la Greensboro with Mr. and Mm. Roger Matthews and la RatdsvlUe with Mr. and Mn W r McLeod # Mr. aad Mrs. Pari Wwkter aad Eddie Paul were reseat visitors with Mrs. Charles Une In Mor ganton and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Un dis In Marion, N. C-S Ifcjorlnd Mrs. Mn It. Thomas, Ja?t Martin Mrs. Horace Dowling and Miss Patricia Dow ling will leave Thursday for a thmrweek vac*ioa at *?aaa Ptty. Jle* Jersey Mr.. Blanche Range and Mr*. I Lillic Duggar of Elinbethton. Ten nessee visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Rob River* and Mr. and Mn Ernest Lewis. Mr. Fred Council] Of Morganton ?P?nt the week end with hia par ents, Mr. And Mr*. James H. Coun cil], Mr. Bert Harrili oi Morganton was their guest on Sunday. The Rev. Everette Lowman at tended the Methodiat Rural Fel lowship Retreat for the minister* of the Western N. C. Conference in Failaton, N. C. Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hooper Hendrix plan to spend the week end in ?helby and to attend the wedding of Miss Mollie Ann Newton and Mr. Thomas Boothe, Jr.. Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. A R. Smith spent Sunday night and Monday in Chapel HU1 with Mr. apd Mrs. L. C. Cheek, Jr. Mr. Smith attended his 30th class reunion at Wake Forest College Moaday. Mr. and Mr*. Gordon WinWer and daughters, Misses Anna Boyce and Barter* Winkler. Mr. Sonny. Keplar and Mr. Bay Greene left Sunday for a vacation at Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Rotast of KnoxviHe, Tenn. were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Norris Mrs. Rotast, niece of Mr. Norris, graduated at Appalachian College Friday. Mrs. Everette Lowman, Everette, Jr., Joe and Wanda, spent Monday and Tuesday in Statesville and visited with Mr*. Lowman's father, Mr. C. H. Drum, who is ill at Davi* Hospital. Mrs. Ralph Tugman, Sonny Tug man and Rachel Rivers left Mon day for a week's viait with Mr*. Ben Ragan in Raleigh, Mr*. C. C Glenn and Mrs. Louise Greene In Durham. Mr. and Mr*. Tommy Richardson of Elkin spent Thursday night with Dr. and Mrs. O. K. Richard son. Mrs. Tommy Richardson gra duated at Appalachian State Teach Dr. and Mr*. J. D. Rankin and Mr. E. J. Abernethy attended the funeral of Dr. A. T. Abernethey at Rutherford College Friday and they spent the week end with re latives in Newton, Gastonia and Greensboro. Mr. Louis Farthing, Chief War rant Officer, of Norfolk, Virginia is spending several days here with Mrs. Farthing and their children, Louis, Jr., Bennie and Dixie. Mr. Farthing will leave soon on a six month Mediterranean cruise. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs Com WilioB, Jr., were Mr*. Wil son's parents. Mr and Mrs. Robert M. Banner of Newland. They at tested ASTC graduation exercises and the president's luncheon at the college on Friday. ' Ms. and Mrs A K. Bracy and son. Fred, of Ahoskie spent Thurs day and Eriday with Mr. and Mr* Joe Minor They attended their daughter Edith's graduation from Appalachian State - Teachers Col lege FViday morning Airman and Mrs. Guy Hint Jr., and daughter, Debbie, who have been In Bryan, Texas, for several months, arrived here Friday for a tenday visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. A G. Miller. Airman Hunt wjll report te Washington, 0. C? June 1, where he wilt be stationed indefinitely, iti* family will accompany him. Among those coming from a dist ance to attend Mr. Dean Bingham'* ftineral Saturday were Mr. James H Moore of Roanoke, Virginia, Mr ami Mrs. I J. Gran. Dr. E. C. Widenhouae of Greensboro. Ms. and Mrs. Joe Amoadola and daugh ter Mary Frances of Salisbury, Mrs. John Frank Johnson of Win ston Salem. the Rev. Joseph T. Sharkford of WMkartown and Mas 4- B. Porter at Cherryville. Mrs. Ed Han, Mrs. Lee Reynolds. Mrs. R. H. Harmon. Mr*. B. V Stalling* and Mrs R. W. Watkins attended the aVinual meeting of the State Flower Show in Char lotte Monday afternoon and even ing. Mr*. Stalling* and Mil Reyn olds remained then Tuesday and Wednesday for the State Garden Club convention of which Mrs. ^tailings was elected president and Mr* Reynolds wa* elected secre tary and treaaorer. . ? I * : STEAKS AT OmiR Dr. tad Mrs. A P Kephart will go to CnunpUr on the 29th. where Engaged Photo by Paul Weston Studio MARY ELIZABETH HYLER Mr. and Mm Claud* Wesley Hyler, a t Yaneeyville, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to Bob by Fanklin McConneH, of Hickory and Boone, ion of Mr. and Mra. J. C. McCoanell, of Boope. Miss Hyler 1? a senior at Appa-f lachian State Teachers College, where she is majoring In science and mathematics. Mr. McConnell is a 1955 gradu ate of Appalachian State Teachers College and is now with the Stand ard Oil Company of Hickory. A fall wedding is planned. Mrs. Masters, Mr. King Wed * Mrs. Jaunita Master* and jtr. E. Ford King, Jr. were married fol lowing the church services at the Presbyterian Church Sunday at noon. The Rev. J. K Parker, pas tor, officiated. The bride wore a light blue silk shealh dress with matching duster, and white accessories. Following the ceremony the couple received in the vestibule of the church, then the bride and bridegroom, members of both families and out-of-town guests were entertained at a luncheon given by Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Smith, Mr. and Mrs.- Hale Vance- and Mr and Mr*. Zet> Shook at the Vance] Guests included Mr. and Mrs. E. Ford King, Jr., Mrs. E. Ford King. Sr., Ford King III, Carolyn Masters, Mr. and Mrs. Coaker Triplet! of Boon*, Mr. aa^ Mrs. Ellis Moody and Joe, Mr. aad Mrs. Frank Dayton of Burnsville, Mrs. J. S. Moody, mother of the bride, Nat Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anglin of Greene Mountain, N. C? Mrs. J. R. Moody and Mrs Gentry of Ertrin, Tennessee. After the luncheon the couple left on a wedding trip through Florida, and whan th?y return they will reside at th? King home on Grand Boulevard. Dta?er Party . . On Friday, May 11, tht employ ees of Northwestern Bank enter tained at a dinner party at the Boone Trail Cafe honoring Mrs. Jaunfta Masters and Mr. E. Ford King, Jr. They received many love ly gifts from those present, which included Mr. and Mrs Alfred Adams, Mr. James Marsh. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Jones of Blowing Rock, Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Trivette. Mrs Grace Flick, Miss Reba Reese, Mr. and Mr*. Robeh Parker, Mlta Carolyn Greene, Mr. Johnny Aus tin and Mr*. -Velma Burnley. Shaver _ ? J? Mrs. Masters was honored with a lingerie shower given by Mrs. Fred Mast and Mrs. Jerry Wilson at the Mast home last "Wednesday evening. A color note of green aad whit* was usad 1* the decorations and refreshments. Punch, bridal cakfcs, liuts and mints were served to the twenty guests, and the bride elect was presented a corsage. FORMAL AND INFORMAL WtuDING POR TRAIT j Ballroom Class Enjoys Formal The Teen-Agers' Ballroom da*. I*pils of Ma Nancy T. Cook. entertained, by Mrs Cook at ? May Formal on Ttecday evening. *"f 11 Thb was the second for maJ dance of the year tor this froup?ad marked thu and of thoir ?print ????. The Teen Canteen room *11 decorated in spring col ors for the occasion, and punch and cookie* were served to tke following students and thair guest* Linda Kay CUne. Jack Martin Thomas, Jilda Creed, Bobby Cook. Rachel Rivera. Bob Agle, Priacilla Hampton. Dean Johnson, Bar bara Matheson. Sonny Tugman Hodges, John Ralph Buchan ?n, Marjorie Reynolds. Bobby Voder, Judy Johnaon, O. M Hamp Ion, Janie Smith. Jimmy Good night, Linda Mast, Bob Cook, Mic key Johnaon, JoAnne Hardin and BiU Gragg. drums were an added attraction arums weer an added attraction to the music of the evening. Tke class is soon to form a Junior Cotillion Club, with mem berahip continuous from year to vear, but alwaya limited to mem bers of the seventh and eighth grades. Ablating Mrs. Cook as chaperon was James Northcu{t of ASTC. Parents and friends who called during the evening included Mrs /oh? Anderson, Barbara Mart, Mr ind Mra. R*. E. Agle, Mr. and Mrs t. C. CUne, Dr. J. C. Yoder, Mr. ?nd Mra. Joha V. Hodgea, *., ind John Hodges, Mr. and Mrs R#lph Buchanan, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tugman. Music, Art Club Have Supper ? The annual covered dish supper, mtatanding social event of the 'ear for the Muaic and Art Club nembers add their husbanda, was leld Thursday evening May *l7th it the spacious home of Mrs. Her nan Wilcox on Orchard Street. The president, Mrs. Roy Rufty presided and gave a hearty wcl :om* to all husbands present. Ralph. .Winkler, speaking for the intends responded. It being the lirthday of Mr*. Rufty, "Happy Sirthday" was sung and a special welcome given to Mr. and Mrs. I 3uy Goodman who are just back 1 >om Florida. The speaker of the evening was Hrs. A. E. South who, with the lelp of her audience, gave a most jnusual original address, all in a tumorous rein. The husbands were further entertained by an illustrat sd lecture on Modern Art by Mrs Wiley Hartzog. The All-Girl Orch :stra, directed by Mrs. Clyde Wine Jarger with Mrs Esther Boone at he piano and Mrs. B. W. Elia as ?otoiat, rendered several breath iking selections. All musical in itrumcata were of original design ind consisted of washboard, tin 'an drums and cymbols, comb nouth organs, etc. ? Every member of tke club was jreacnt except one which made 31 people in all. Each and everyone eft with the same feeling they al ways have after such an occasaion Hut surely this is the best supper; ?he most original entertainment wd the finest feeling of fellow ?hip that wc have ever had. Bride Elect Party Honorees Miss Patsy McGuire and Miss Nancy Dec Winkler, bride elects of June were honored at a patio sup per Saturday evening by Mrs. A. E. Hamby, Jr.. Mr*. Leo Hagaman and Mr*. Joe Crawford at the Ham by home. The buffet table covered with a yellow denim cloth held two black hurricane lantern* with yellow candle*. The base* were filled with fUme and yeUow axalea. Wild flower* decorated the terrace. The hosteasess gave Mia* Mc Guire a cream and augar in her breakfast china and Mia* Winkler the gravy bowl and ladle in her pattern. ' , Those making up the list of in vited gueit* were: Mis* Nancy Dee Winkler and Mr. Earl Penick, Mis* Patsy McGuire and Mr. Mark Eby, Mrs. Steward Winkler, Mr*. Ala McGuire, Ala Sue McGuire, Phil McGuire, Mr*. Jesiie McGuire, Miss Clyde Kilby, Mr. and Mrs James Councill, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Shoe make, Mr. and Mr*. Johnny Councill, Mis* Nancy Quail*, Miss es Barbara and Anna Bojrce Wink ler, Mr. Cliff Kepler, Miss Betty Swaim, Mr. Billy Lyons, Mr. Ray Greene, Mr. and Mr*. Rob River*, Miss Rachel Rivers, Mr. BUI Craw ford, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Winkler, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. Hamby and Pam, and Mrs. Len Hagaman. BPW Installs Slate Officers Installation of new officers was the highlight of the Boone Busi ness and Professional Women's Club meeting on Tuesday night, May IS. In a simple, beautiful and in spiritual ceremony Mrs. Stella Spencer of the Lenoir Club charg ed each officer, one by one, to per form her office with the joy, abi lity, dignity, ynd loyalty of a busi ness and professional woman, and pinned on each a corsage of carna tions* in a color typfying the quali ties needed by an officer. Officers installed for the new year are: President, Corky Owsley; 1st vice-president, Isabel lotiar, 2nd vice-president, Dot Tugman; recording secretary, Jenny Groce and Kate Wilson; corresponding secretary, Betty Jo Henderion; parliamentarian, Earleen Pritchett. Mae Tucker and Sue Coffey Hall were welcomed back into the mem bership. Visitors were Mrs. Vera Tunnell, of Boone, Mrs. Stella Spenser, Mrs. Virginia Trott, and Mrs. Kitty Beach, of Lenoir. flower Show t|| Be Held August 9 The annual Boone Flower Show will he held August 0 and 10 in the Boone Baptist Church, f, ' $ The theme for this year's show will be "Travelogue U. S. A," This year's objective will be to empha sise the beauties of various areas of our country as well as the neces sity for conservation of our natur al hertU|ff?j|| While this outstanding summer event was originally sponsored by the Worthwhile Woman's Club, in reennt years it has become a com munity project with the coopera tion of the Blue Ridge Garden Club, the Gardenerettes, the Jun ior Woman's Club, and many in terested individuals. Mrs. Lee Reynolds and Mrs Ed Hall are co-chairman for this year's show. Mrs. Wheeler Dinner Guest Mrs. Julia Cook Wheeler was honor guest at a bountiful dinner on Sunday, May 13th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Don Hayes, in the Rutherwood community. The occasion was in celebration of het 86th birthday. A large number of friends and relatives attended including her daughter, Mrs. llayes and Mrs. Dock Cox, and her son. Simon Wheeler; also three grandchildren, and four great grandchildren. Sharing honors with Mrs. Wheel er were her niece, Miss Mollis Cook, snd Howard Brookshire whose birthdsys were the 12th and 14th respectively. Gardenerettes Hold Meeting The Gardenerettes held their re gular monthly meeting on Thurs " day. May 17 at the Gateway Res taurant. Mrs. Hadley Wilson, president, presided. Mrs. B. W. Stallings gsve an in teresting and very informative program on horticulture, stressing various points on which flowers are judged in the horticulture division in a flower show. Tulips, narcissus iris and pansies were brought to be scored, following the rules set up by the handbook for flower shows. After s question and answer session the meeting adjourned, ?c. Mrs. Hugh Hagaman and Mrs. William Garvey were hostesses. OB8ERVE8 108th BIRTHDAY Philadelphia, Pa. ? Frank Alex ander Holden celebrated his 106th birthday anniversary recently on Friday, April 13th. Active and alert, Holden helps take eare of several blind residents at River view, the city's home for the aged, where he lives. DoYwiKiuwf ^ ??very family Midi i planned lift insurance prof rim? loo often on the death ot the family money maker, insufficient funds ?rt available to utile bills that mult be peid promptly Every family needs pro tecHen to plan for lilt's oontinfanoM such as a death, a birth a change in job, or buying and selling a home. Lai your Security Ufa Representative help yw plan your insurance program to flee the Future with Security." Frank M Payne. General A rent North WMt*rn yMaajLUIIMJll Bank Bid*. Remember... Telephone Numbers Now have OFFICE NAMES and NUMBERS ? All telephone numbers in Boone and Blowing Rock now have office litmes and numbers, and are so listed in the new directory. The old direc tory is now out of date, and should be disposed of. . ? To make a local call, or to call between Boone and Blowing Rock, dial the first two letters of the proper office name (either AM or CY) and the five numerals of the desired num ' ber. ' . ' ? * M . If you have not received your new directory, please notify the Business Office. Other dialing information will be found in the front of your new tele phone directory jfe > mM The members of the Bethel com munity improvement project met May 11 to discuss new projects ud fleet new off teen. They are M follows: Chairman. Lewis Nor ris: first vie* chairman. Mra. Inn Farthing; secretary. Mm. W. R. Vine*; treasurer, Mrs. Latvia l?jor ria; reporter. Mrs Melvin MUlsap The next meeting will be the 3rd Thursday night at 7:10. m MVIUCm STUDY Hie greatest research attack on hurricanes in history is about to begin, under the National Hurri cane Research Project, with head quarters at West Palm Beach, F!a. Funds to (tart the work were pro vided by Congress la*t year. The primary purpose of the study is to Inform and war* the public bettor of the development and approach of hurricanes. FORD OWNERS WATSON'S GARAGE Dultil Urciut No. tIM | Rente ttl ? Deep flap, N. C. w* NIICRIPTION , SIRVICI ? la tha compounding of prescription*, time may be of great importance. Our (killed Registered Pharmacists make the of minutes. Ample Mock ? permit u* to con pound even the most com plex prescription without delay. And you will find our prices uniformly fair. May we serve you soon? ? I Three Registered Pharmacists: 0. K. Moose. W. K. Richardson. 0. K. Richardson ?llmlM 1 PROMPT SEE VICE STORX HOURS: 8:30 A. II. TO 9:30 P. M Sundays: 2:00 P. M. to 8 P. M. ? If needed after store hours Dial AM 4-3819, AM-43999, or AM 4-3839 Boone Drug Company THE REXALL STORE AM 4-37M YOU* PRESCRIPTION STORE _ n For The nyaiii v vi ? iiv 3.. J J '5- ' Straight Year r*. ft Don't put your winter clothe s away without this protection. Insure your clothes and your peace of mind. SAMTOM AM 4-8415 ? .. IHl: :M

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