ells Grads he tan loot at the fim.be i i my wish pride 'I built Jut But for all that teaching ti a glori ous, even holy profession. It hai reward* and satisfactions that no other calling offer* and that can not be meaaured In dollar* or In public acclaim or In the pomp and circumetance* of office. Saint Paul broke with the upbringing of hi* youth, but he never forgot that he had sat at the feet of a great teacb You will have the golden oppor tunity to quicken and furniib the mind*, of children, to enable their thoughts, to lhape their characters, to fix the course of- their live*. To your work there I* a touch of im mortality. When you build purpoie perception and stamina Into a child, you build tomething that endures for hi* lifetime and I* transmitted for his children a* their inheritance from a cultured To those of you who are enter ing the teaching profession I ex tend my heartiest congratulations and my sincerest commendation, and my warm personal thank* a* a private citizen of North Carolina. You have, I truly believe, selected the moat beneficent, the most genuinely utiifying, even the nobleit of all secular professions. May the Lord who gave to human ity the Greatest of All Teachers bless you in your work!" Dr. W. H. Plemmons, president of Appalachian State Teachers College, who presided at the exer cises, announced that the senior claas at Ms last meeting yesterday had elected as permanent officers the following: Billy Ray Soflcy of Mocksvllle, president; John Maur ice Lovett of Miller* Creek, vice president; Betty Huffman of Mar lon, secretary; and Margaret Good man of Union, S. C., treaaurer. On behalf of the senior claas, Mr. Sot ley presented to Dr. Plemmons for the college the first contribution the college had ever received to ward the establishment of a living endowment. In addition to a check of <187.90, the seniors pledged $1,114 to be paid to this purpose before the end of the next school year. This living endowment Is to be used to make it possible for worthy and needy students who wish to become teachers to attend Appalachian State Teachers Col lege. Dr. Plemmons cslled this gift "one of the most momentous steps this institution has ever taken." Students who graduated with honors were as follows: Magna eum laude ? Helen Davis Brown, Huntarsville; Mildred Laney Black burn, Maiden; Sarah Dean Uddle, Jefferson; Juanita Harrell, Bakers ville; and Ruth Carolyn Harmon, i UacotaUm. Cum laud*? WUma j , Christine rotter. Miller. Creek; j John Maurice Lovette, Milters 1 Crook; Bobby Loo Myers. Hays; fhrifht frtitCT-1 P" Lucy Betty Barker. Elkin; Peg Cy Jane Harrison, Denton; Carolyn 1 June Leftwieh, Lenoir; , Coffey. Hudson; Nancy Loo Sni dor, Eaglo Springs; Martha Cuthrio Hmphill, Morgan ton; Alverte Eunice Houston, Kssriaburg; Loan Ksye Watu, Morganten; J an too Swift Fraley. Room; Margaret Cot art Hartmon. MMMMMnShMM Loan Heid, Moorteville; Mary Juno bhoota. Laurel Springs; Betty Jane Brown, Rod Springs; Gwen Thomp son Cail ton, Lenoir; George C. Carter, Jr.. Boone; Margaret Jane Goodman. Union, S. C.; Doris Ann Vanco, Boone; David Wood Barrett, Amherat, Vs.; Edward Barry Ruth, High Point; Helen rianeot Sisk, Bessemer City; j Franklin Turner Widenhouae, Con cord; Julia Ann Host, Charlotte; I Iris Irms Tsnner, Elk Park; Mar ! tha Jesn Templeton, Boone; Joan ette Willis, Lawndsle; Elisabeth Carolyn Bare, Jefferson; Shirley Sbarpe Campbell, Kannapolis; Dorothy Mae Eadot, Catawba; Opal Christine Elliott, Marble; Betty Jean Emmett, Gastonia; Bonnie Inex Godfrey, Marion; Shirley Crabtree Hall. Winston-Sslem; Msrjorie Carter KmschwiU, Mars Hill; Ruby Jean Lowia, Creston; : Peggy Lee Long, Charlotte; Cllffo ! gene PUkinton, Lenoir; Grotta I Woolen Price, Jonetville; Jscqua > line Richardson. Lllesvllle; Jo Nell | Starnes, Monroe; Margaret Crsw : ley Thurman, Boone; Doris Eu - Uen la Wall, Spindale; ; Nsncy Catherine Caldwell, Char lotte; Ila Louise Church, Millers Creek; Eugenia Ruth Davis, Bilt more; Doris Duncan Edwards, Cliffside; Abby June Gibson; Eli sabeth Jane Holden, Monroe; Mary Frances Martin, SUtesville; EUins Mae Weaver, Crasty Creek; Nelda Peterson Wilson, Burntville. Bachelor of science degrees were swarded to 198 and master of arts degrees to 27. So litis Is New York r (continued tram pace tour) "kfil4rand goods and on them war* label* giving the prices. Then It turned out that thii waa 6nt of the discount houses which are growing fast her*, and that the secret of their big business activity was simply lower prices. We saw the Broadway play which has Just opened here, "The Lovers" by Leslie Stevens, pre sented at the Martin Beck Theater by the Playwrights' Company, and were quite impresaed by it Like Henry Adams, It takes you back to the 12th Century for the portrayal of great truths that are as sensible as they are today. A knight takes the young bride of one of hia pea sants away from her husband on their wedding night ? because he wanted her and had the legal right of such possession. The problems which follow, theh uman and ec clesiastical reactions which al though sad are alao moving, all furnish a very entertaining even ing in the theater. TOE or DDT should be used to control flea beetles in tobacco and gardens. ENROLL now1. ? at ibe _ -suns? AND BECOME A Beautician (or an interesting and profitable career Come in, phone or write for details JOBS GUARANTEED SPECIALS $3.00 rem A LIMITED TIME ONLY ftf'S""*: $lMt B* WSJ""* ?&00 use "" 1 M.00 Inckidknf Haircut. Shampoo ud Set ? HAIR TENTING AND NJEACHING >1 PRICE W* ? HAIRCUTS *) - ft md 7Sc North Wilkesboro Beauty School 127% B. St ^Ph. M ? North WUkwboco, N. C. Tweetsie (continued Iron page m) VM their UW-WM to IMM? bar Tweetsie* put. others to see her for (he first tim?. but all to cheer and ippliud bcr Plenty of music and MtcrUii mmt w** wpptttd lor tkfl hour long prof urn by the Lenoir Rhyue College Band, the Hickory High School Band, the Boom High School Band, television cowboy Fred Kirfey, and the "Twilight***," a "oca I group of young ladle* from i Charlotte. It waa Tweetsie'* big day. As she came to ? atop at the trackside platform, studenta from various high schools in the ansa i stopped from her Ipad coach ?reae- : ed in costumes fashionable in the IMO's, so the little vintage choo choo would feel right at home. Tweetsie got her start back in MM. but was put out of service when the 1M0 floods washed away 1 the tracks between Boone and Johnson City, Tenn. Then, about three years ago, a group of Virginians bought the little train and used her to carry excursion passengers over a one mile stretch of the Shenandoah Central Railroad. The venture didn't pay, so Tweetsie was put up for sale again. , Gene Autry, the cowboy star, put In a bid and wanted to take her to Hollywood, but the deal fell through, and Tweetsie was finally j bought by Mr. Robbins. Introduced by Hickory Mayor Donald S. Menzies, Governor Hod 1 ' |M Mid T?sUis would prow, to be a big tourist attraction, and uid then VI tour things Mar* Carolinian* caa concentrate oo to promote touriat business la the Mat* ? good food, comfort and hos pitality, friendl tneaa, and cteanlt He aald that tw eapects North Carolina to develop a bffliow dxt lar tourist trade in the near fu ture. He praised those who had pro moted the TweeUte project and urged everyone to help it as much u possible os a true enterprise basis. Israel Is reported to have applied 1 (or a $75,000,000 loan from the I United States Export-Import Bank j It would bo spent for water do- 1 velopment { ? TOBACCO GROWERS Don't gambit on your tobacco beds. Prevent Blue Mold and Wildfire NOW. Ask (or and u?e GREEVERS AGRICUL TURAL STREPTOMYCIN in either powdtr or liquid form. Available at drug, hardware and feed (tore* or write u?. G RE EVER '8 INC. ChilhewU, Virginia Local Realty Values G.I. and F.H.A. Loans Now Available Require Small Down Payment FOR SALE ? Going buaineu ? gift fhop and apartment houie, good 7-room house completely (urniabed. Can be bought separately or together. Located Linville Road, Blowing Hock. Terms if needed. LAKE SITE AND WOODED MOUNTAIN LOTS? Located 2 milea from Boom on good highway. One-third down. STONY FORK? 8 milea from Deep Gap, TO acres tt cleared, 8 room frame house, outbuildings, block chicken houses 100 x 30 and 60 x 30. timber land? $9,300 TAKE THE LANDLORD OFF YOUR PAYROLL! Buy this house! New brick 3 bedrooms, large living room with beau tiful view, storm windows, hot air heat, and large lot. HOME BUY WORTH SEEING! 3 bedroom, large' living room, den, Iprge kitchen, beautiful lot outaide city limits on Deerfield Road. GOOD 4-BEDROOM HOUSE, full basement, lot 100x180. Lo cated Oak St., priced for quick sale. BEAUTIFUL 7-ROOM HOUSE, 4 bedrooms, large living room, ? bath, baaement, small barn with concrete floors, garage, with 9 acres land alt cleared, with fruit trees, raaberry and etc. ' Beautiful shrubbery. Located at Laxon on high * way No. 421. NEW RESTAURANT FULLY EQUIPPED with new exponent Building 48'x36'. Over 900 foot of road frontage on highway 421 about 6 milea west of Boone. LOCATED Vt MILE WEST OF BOONE on highway 421. Good 6 room brick houses plastered walls, hardwood floors, full baaement, forced hot water heat. 8 acres land. Priced to sell. GOOD 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, bath, steam heat, large lot, located on Howard Street near college, price, <8,800. 2 APARTMENTS, completely furnished, in brick buUding with ' storeroom on ground floor^ located on Howard Street. A good investment INVESTMENT PROPERTY? Good brick 10-room house, with 4 room double garage apartment. Located on Water Street Priced for quick sale. GOOD 7-ROOM HOUSE, bath, with 4 acres land, located on Junalusks Road. Price 16,800. APARTMENT OR ROOMING HOUSE-located on corner lot at Oak and Pine Streets, near College. Apartment over garage. Priced to sell. VERY DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS juit off Blowing Rock Highway near the peerfield road. FOR SALE ? 10 acre farm, good 6 room house, bath, hot air heat, basement, new chicken house 15'xflC and tobacco base. Lo cated Deerfield road near Boone. Immediate poeseaaion. NEW S-BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE? Bath, attached garage, fire place, full basement, hot hir heat, located Howiu-d Street WOODLAND DRIVE? New S-bedroom brick houae, two ceramic tile hatha, diahwaaher, full baaement, hot water heat, double garage, storm windows Located in one of the better reel * dential sections, near college. F.H.A. or O. I. low available. 1 MILE WEST Or BOONE? Good ? room house, bath, ? acree alnd. Excellent conditio*. Priced for quick sale. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS? N?w development? Highland Av enue just out of city limits. One of the better aectioarf to build. Term*. GOOD S-Room STONE HOUSE, two hatha, large lot Located Grandview Heights. $7,300. GRAND BLVD.? Good nine room houae (two apartments) bath, large lot Hot air heat Will sell or trade for smaller houae. Priced for qijlek sale. GOOD BUSINESS LOT located on Main Street Desirable for any type of bus Us sea SELECT RESIDENTIAL LOTS FOR SALE. DIAL AM 4-ttM ? BOONE, N. C ? 217 MAIN STREET List Your Property tvith LI a for a Quick Sale Have Demand for Small Business ? Also far Farm* Tri- County Realty Co. E. F. COE, Manager SLICED BACON PORK SAUSAGE TURKEY HENS ? Freshen Summer Shoe* with Grittin's Fancy Tasty Fish Tq?s For Salad White Sh?c Polish Sr25e Dressed Whffieg* lie College Cheese cP 25 A,trtr/, LeOn Tender Palmetto Form Pme Jiice . *?"25e Doeeless Stew ^45? Sliced Cheese k?29c r.iJSBi niJt.SSW"':"' SweBw -n. ^????shortening Tasty Quaker MACARONI 18e Gold Medal SPA6HETTI S? 14c Hostess Bartlett THE NEW FINER PEARS 4 99c Dixie Home's Refreshing TEA V* Pound Pockage Gerber's Strained Baby Feet 31c Green Giont Tender Peae 2 -cT 41c Planter* Fresh Peauts 39c White, Yellow, Choc., Pillsbury Cake Mixes 4 * 99 The Favorite Van Gimp Pork 'Beans 9 99' Carr'i Crackin' Good Saltines . . 19 pIrE APPLE JELLY 2? 31e Your Ptts Will Love SLICK 008 FOOD i 49c Limeade or Lemonode Fresh swmt,""u" llm s 7~"c Dixie-Home's Frozen jumbo's smooth WHOLE OKRA 5 pk*'- 89c PEANUT BUTTER . 41e nnvuvnnM* m r Fancy Tender Green i 2, 25 BL Fancy Yellow Fresh Sweet Golden Bantam SQUASH 3 - 25c C 0 R N .- 59c Argo torn Starch IS 14c New Detergent Dash 39c Gold Seof Glass Wn '?? 53c Old Dutch % J Clcaaccr 2?,21c2"^29' Mirocle Cleaner I Tb? Cold Crapm Soop Soilax , Ciaay i'"C25c II 3 S3* Do,forf Bash 2 ^ 29c Removes Stubborn Dirt LAVA SOAP 2 I:. 23c So Soft . . . Northern Tissae 4 ? 35c Cleans Easier Spic&Spaa DIXIE HOME'S EVERYDAY LOW PRICES MEAN you CAN SHOP ANY DAY AND SAVE ANY WAY