SANDALS for the little fellow*, .lie. 8 to 3 ? 82.4(1 to ?(*. CHURCH*,' W. King St.. Boone, lc TIRES? Sm ui for your new tire ??*. Watauga FCX Service, 8. Water St.. Booae. lc WANTED ? ISO, jparents to get better acquainted with their chil dren on Hay 90th. Fifth Fishing Rodeo, Register at once. B. W. Stallings. lc FOR RENT ? Completely furniihed 2 bedroom cottage on lake, 2 mile* from Boone. TRI COUNTY REAL TY CO., Jerry Coe, Boone, N. C. lc GIRL WANTED? Preferably with child or expecting, for houskeep iag and help in imall lunchroom. Write or call Nick'a Lunch Room, Merydel, Md Phone Greensboro 2870, anytime after It o'clock at night except Tuesdays. 5-24-4p YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN? Jobs waiting, $90 to S180 a week. You start earning when you start learning. Don't face the future un trained. Write CHARLOTTE BEAUTY SCHOOL. 129V4, S. Try on St., Charlotte, N. C. 4-19-10p USED COOK STAVES and Heating Stoves wanted. Call, write or see MAR Furniture Co., Vilas, N. C. 3-8-tfe EXPERIENCE PROVES ? fiftS open formula fertiliser la better. For better harvest at lowest pos sible price, visit your Watauga FCX in Boone. lc PLANT FCX SEED with confi dence, harvest with pride. Full selection at your Watauga FCX in Boone: le GOOD GULF FUEL OIL. J. D. Shoemake, dealer, day phone 8090; night 3021 or 3630. 12-224fc BOYS' SOX? First quality, nylon toe and heel, slrts 8 to 9ty. 29c pr. or 4 pr. tot $1.00. CHURCH'S, W. King St., Boone. le DR. L. E. WELLMAN will be In Us office over Fanners State Bank, Mountain City, Tens., Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday of .each week, front 9 a. nr. to S:ST# m. Eye* examined. Glasses fitted. WMfc GOOD GULF OIL PRODUCTS. J. D SHOEMAKE. dealer. Watauga and Ashe counties, day phone 8*70, night 3921 or 3830. 12 22- tfc ACCOUNTANT, SECRETARIES, office workers wanted. We All on ly 25 per cent of the call* we get far office help. Take your training now. Write for information. Drav ghon Business College, Winston Salem. N. C. 11-10-tfc MEN'S NYLON STRETCH SOX? Dark assorted colors, slightly ir regular, 49c pr. CHURCH'S, W. King St., Boone. lc The Board of County Com missioners of Watauga County will git as a Bdard of Equalization and Review of property valuations at their regular meeting on the First Monday, June 4, 1956. WATAUGA FEED A j Milling c:o. DUSTEJtS ? We have a complete line of bean and vegetahle dusters. See us be/pre you buy. Watauga PCX . Service, Boone. 1* ROOM .FOR RENT ? Breakfast served. Phone AM 4J131, 300 Grand Boulevard, Boone. 5-24-tfc FOB SALE? 7 foot G. E. refriger ator, good as new. See James Dot son on Oak Street tr call All 4 3938. lc FLOWER PLANTS? We have Just, received our variety of flower ai}d vegetable plants, which includes snapdragons, asters, petunia*, pan sies, coitus, and tomato and sweet pepper plants. Watauga FCX Ser vice, S. Water St., Boone. le OUR SELECTION of men s and hoys' **??***' pasts is at its peak. Give us s look. CHURCH'S, W. King St., Boone. 1c GARBEN FERTILIZER? We are now able to offer you the highest analysis complete fertiliser ever, ACI 42. This is granulated homo genized 14-14-14 fertilizer, the highest analysis complete fertili zer we hsve ever had. This fertili zer-was used by the National Corn Contest winner (over 300 bu. to the sere.) Why take home a bag of filler when you can take home a bag of fertilizer? Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St., Boom, lc FOR RENT ? On* two-bedroom apartment unfurnished, h**t and hot water, large rooms, plenty of closets, center of town. Also one three-bedroom 4 furnished apart ment Call Amherst 4-8087 or see Stanley Harris, Chamber of Com merce. * 3-2B-tfc MALE OR FEMALE HELP WANTED ? Life, Hospitalization. Accident snd Health Insurance ag ents wanted. Full or part time, to represent an established North Carol ins Company serving HorQi Carolina people, specializing in ac cident and health, hospitalization, and life or individual and group basis. Liberal commissions. Write: M. R. Greenwood, Blue Ridge I IV suraim Service, P. O. Box 163, NortfaUpkesboro, North Carolina 3-29- lp ? 4-6-tfc WE BUY, SELL OR TRADE any thlng, anywhere, anytime. M ft B Furniture Co.. Vilas, N. C. 3-8-tfe BEST CHICK FEED INVEST MENT!? FCX Starter and Grower mash for all 'round better flocks. Start using FCX fsed today. Order from your Watauga FCX In Boon*. le BOYS' SHORT PANTS? Wide var iety of colors and sizes, 2 to 10, just in season? 87c. CHURCH'S!. W. King St, Boone. lc BARBED WIRE ? New light weight 4-point barbed wire, spec ial high tonaile steel, twice the rust-free life of ordinary wire, la boratory and farm tested, coats l??s P*r SWM iffliee. Get it at .your Watauga FCX Service in I Boone. le tng&ssK apple wriy and ? special spray. W?uu?? FCX Service WaUr St, Boooe. lc SPECIAL - TOBACCO fRANS PLANTERS, only <3 99. vrhlle they last. Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St., Boone. lc REDUCED PRICE or production type chicki We have a special price on Parmeater and Sex-Link chicks ? ?1S 00' per hundred while tlM^r last Watauga FCX Service, S. Wf?et St., Boone. lc SEE HENRY MAST lor all yo?r plumbing and heating, and repair service, Boosie. N. C. 5-2*-4pi FOR SALE ? Several hundred fret of used chestnut lumber. CaB Mis. Pearl L Bingham. AMherst 4-8431 or AMherat 4 3327 S-24-2C UNICO FREEZERS? FW the beat buy in freeaera, atop by the Wata uga FCX Service, S. Water St, . lc DO YOU NEED NYLON MESH SHOES?? la Black or tan. solid comfort tor W.95. Ala* other ven tilated shoes that you can afford. Including white bucks with black soles. CHURCH'S. W. King St. Boone. lc WANTED ? Dairy cattle to freshen in July. Would buy amall herd. Write, Box 270, Morganton, N. C. S-10-tfc DISCOVER URANIUM with a per cision Oeiger counter. All mtdeU in stock for immediate delivery. Write for free catalog. Hall Tale vision, 903 Howard Street, GreeM boro, N. C. 5-S-tfc FOB SALE ? Mexican burrts. cheap. Safe for children. Boyd Miller and Dale Vannoy. Boone, Route 1. 3-3-4? NEWS ^RINT PAPER, 8 <4 111, banded tn packs of 300, bnly 80 cents a package. Watauga Demo* crat. tie FHETWl'HIAEWE, 9T E CTAt PRICE ? We now have phenothla tine in 8 lb. bags tor $3.06, while they last Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St., Boone. lc FOR RENT? Six -room farm house nekr old fish hatchery property, Water ih house. E D Cook. Boone Route 1. 5-S-tfc HAVING A PARTY?? Lot me furniah the refreahmenta. Speciali zing in petit four*, iced . squares, cub. .cakes. Mrs J L. Rfy 214 Locust St., AM 4407S. 6-3-4) ARE YOU A SALESMAN? De mands are so great for our NEW MODERN PLAN, which covers prescriptions. Chiropractors, fit., that we need two additional re presentatives for Buncombe, and surrounding counties to follow up the numerous inquiries that are flowing in. White Cross Men enjoy very liber al commissions, monthly and semi annual bonuses, and Company par ticipating To qualify must he! 1. Willing to work 2. 21 years or oyer < 3. Own auto A Honest and sober For interview, write or. call Billy E. Bryant, District Manager, Box S273T AsKeville, N. C., Phone' S 7668, for appointment 5-10-3c Pi cl rt H 2C c? Cl F? E! ar ta ?i in y? s. INSURANCE CLAIMS*. ? . . ? can be handled without red tape 6r delay when yeu . insure with ,\T' "? ' your local indaoandani agent ' loe *17 MAIN ST. 'ANTED ? Job 00 dairy (Mm by wn with wife tod t?o cftiideea ichard Swift, Tsauuack. N C. Ip OR SALE ? 4 room bouse. Ira it, conveDiently laCated Mill Lenoir to Blowing JtoA , EJSVWi.' "? OB RENT ? Purnithed apartment I- room. C.11 AM 4-8WT after 4:00 : I OK SALE CHEAP? Car tiailer i flood condition. Clyde Robinson, MM. H. C. Oft HUNT - Two Wmms on Bird'. Creek Road WUHe Earp. ilas, S'. C. ?? ;?. > Ip OR SALE-Used refrigerator* ood condition. $23.00 ' and iip. lust have warehouse space. Swof >rd'?. v' S-24-2C REMIUM TOBACCO FBBTILI ER ? Use PCX 44-19 premium ibecco fertilizer to get the most Bondage possible per acre. We a) > have sulphate of potash and 0-24 tobacco top dresser. Wata (a PCX Service, S. Water St.. oone. Ic | BUY YOUR GROCERIES AT HENDRIX AND SAVE MONEY ?re are a few specials tor thii | eek: lb. Bucket Pure Lard 91.96 I lb*. Corn Me*i v ? # or. Maxwell House Instant Coffee - $1.90 dt. Nescafe Instant Coffee $1.49 I lb*. Polar Bear Flour 92 oo I I he. Red Band Flour 92 10 ! lbs. Thrifty Flour ....? $1.49 HENDRIX GROCBBY Depdt St. Boom, K. C. lc OYS' PANTS, sheer gabardine' tes 9 to 19. 99.99 to 99.99. HURCH'S, W. King St. Boone, lc OYS' TERRY TLOTH SHIRTS? xes 9 to 19. 91-29. CHURCH'S, King St. Boone le LORIDA HONEY FOR SALE at atauga Tourist Court on the lowing Rock Road, Boone, N. C. 5-17-Sp 0 YOU HAVE any empty milk ittlea. We need them. Please call > and we 'will pick them up. HILL> ie Dairy Products, INC. AM 4 tlL 5-17-2C EAL ESTATE LISTINGS of aU nds wanted, especially loyd Bobbins, Pbooe 7131, f Itttk-N. C. M0-3c AWl* feoWERS REPAIRED gad recision ground. Guaranteed to ip a' hair. V. L. Payne, general rpalr and blacksmith shop. West oward St., Boone 9-19-Sp j.i, . i I. . l% OFF ? Little boys' sport ?ts, sine 9 to 7 ? 90* OFF. aURtlTS, W. King St., Boone le ISECTICIDES AND KUNGICID 5? Pick up all of your spraying id dasting materials at the Wa Uga FCX. We also have selected sed killer* for controlling weeds your lawn without destroying iur lawn. Watauga Fcx Service, Water SL, Boone. le . ? EXKLTOr* NOTICE ^ of the County of Watauga, North CMtu, this ii to notify thoae having claims against the estate of |h? haul deceased to praa^ot them moatiuf o/'the'date hereof^r" this nptice will tie piaaded in bar of tbeir recover) Those indebted to the said estate are asked to make " te payment to the said un d executor. FOR RENT ? Six room house with automatic dtah washer and tile bath. Cloae in. Apply ?t Western Auto Store. lc QOOD USED ELECTRIC AND OAS RANGES, ?15 and up. Mast have the warehouse room. Swof ford's. , ' 6-24-2C GRASS FOR SALE at S livers toBe See I. J. Bingham, E. Howard St.. Boon* , . IP MM MONTHLY SPARE TIME Refilling and collecting money from our five cent High Grade Nut machines in this area. No aelling! To qualify for work you must have car, references, $040 cash, secured by inventory. Devoting 6 hours a weak to business, yourtnd on per centage collections will aet up to MOO monthly with vary good pos sibilities of taking over full time, laconic increasing according. For iatarview. include phone M' appli cation Write Eastern Distributing Co., 11 N. Juniper St.. Phija. 7, Pa. IP FOR SAfiE? Ne* rallo*ay bed w#h Infterspring mattress, MpOO. Electric steam rooa heater 910.00. Army cot MM. Rhododendron Motor Lodge. Blowing Rock. N. C. IP Mr. Ct, W. Edwarda, president ?f Skyline Telephone Miakirikln Q acp.. announced today that the construction of tha new telephone system in this county is pro ares sing rapidly. He explained that ?H o I the cable it in itec* and the crews are rapidly pulling la the open wire. , Mr. Edwarda atated that the con tractor will have crew* wiring houses for telephone service for the next few weak* and pointed out that the people taking phones should decide exactly where they want their telephone Installed in order, to avoid delaying this work. Cooperation on the part of the people in this matter will lie ap preciated. - Mr. Edwards also stated that the people who have not paid the bal ance of their membership fee Primary Continued (ram page one office: For Governor: C. E. Earte, Jr., Luther H. Hodges, Harry P. Stoke ,ly, Tom Sawyer. For Lieutenant Governor: J. V. Whitfield, Kidd Brewer, Alonzo C. Edward;, Gurney P. Hood, Luther E. Bernhardt. / For Commissioner of Agricul ture: L. Y. Ballentine, Kermit U. Gray. For Commissioner of Inaurancet Charles F. Gold. John' N. Fred erick. For Commissioner of Labor: H. D. Lambeth, Jr., James R. Farlow, Frank Crane. For United States Senator: Mar shall C. Ktirfeet, Sam J. Ervin, Jr. DOGWOOD WANTED Convert your dogwood to Dollars. For specification* or cash on delivery, contact your local buyer DEWEY HODGES Route 3, Box 27 Boone, N. C FUEL OIL ( A f)\ KEROSENE Colvalcl, tSnc. P. O .Box sa BOONt, N. C. Day Service ? WAREHOUSE _ Telephone AMhent (Mil NIGHT ? BR VICE BILL imOWN CABELL GRAGO Teleyfcef* AMkent 4-XSS9 Telephone AMhent 44TM FREE Call u? when your TV *r Radio go en bad. Fr*m May 23 through May 29,. if the -trouble is a 6W4 tube, we will repair it FREE. ?HMHBi "H HmmfM Until May ?, ?hop win 9 ?; :'-r ?r ? ' " Bgffip mth Annua! | Watauga Fishing fto