. Anderson tored At Tea recently elected national treasurer of the Central Federation of Wo men'* Club*, was honored at a tea on Saturday afternoon, June 10, at the tolva.d Hotel ip West Jeffertoo Officers and member* of the Woman'* Club of Weat Jeff ejaon were hoete**e* for thi* oc In the receiving line were Mr*. Ande.son, the honoree, Mr*. Aub rey Mauney of King* Mountain, p. esident ot North Carolina Feder ation of Women* Club*; Mi*. Ivey Moo. e of Noith Wilkeaboro, pre*i dem of Distrirf I, Mr*. Bob Drsughon, president of the West Jefie.scn club; also Mrs. Kluabetn Ba.lowe, viee-piesident, and Mr*, bob t-a.riah, sec. eUrytrsa.urer, of l.cers of the hostes* club. Mrs. Salter and Mr*. Elizabeth Miller poured tea and served dainty retreahment* f.om a beautifully appointed tea table. A muaical program was present ed during the afternoon by Mrs. Sharp* She make, Mrs. Gale Mc Millan. and Mr*. Mary M. McNeil. Officers and ipecial gueat* from the various Federated Women'* Club* in the district, were the in vited guests Those attending from the Worth while Woman'* Club of Boone In cluded Mrs. Herman Wilcox, Mrs. Wayne Richardson, Mrs. B. W S tailings, Mr*. Roberta Ray, and Mr*. A. E. South. Kepharts Fete Camp Personnel Dr. and Mrs. Kephart entertained the personnel of Camp Yonahlos lee, made up of 140 campera and 39 itaffera, on laat Wednesday evening at their home. The crowd came in four differ ent groups and each group had many of the Interesting objects brought from foreign countries and weie then shown around the house and finally given refreshments on the front terrace. The pre-season crowd, who were in camp for three weeks will be leaving on the 25th On the 27th another group of 140 will arrive] for the eight weeks period. Miu Mast, Mr. Dietrich Married V St Humms Lutheran Church of Pittsburgh, Pi., tM the k?m of the wedding of Misa Ruby Far* Mart and the Rer H. K. Dietrich. Jr. The ceremony, performed by the groom's fatter, the Rev. H. K Dietrich, Br, took plaoe on Friday. June 1. at 7:B0 p. m. Given in marriage by her bro ? her, the bride wore a floor length jowa of chantilly lace and tulle. Her fingertip veil wai attached to a lace coronet. She carried a i prayer boh cvered with satin and i lopped with a purple orchid. Mia* | Dorothy Mae Dietrich, lifter of ; i he gioora, terved a* maid of hon | or. Armand Downing aervad at 1 beat man. Ushers were Robert >iadd, William Gadd, and Benton Wataon. Immediately following the cere mony, a reception wa* held in the ?ocial hall of the church. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mia. J. M. Mast of Rominger, is a graduate of Appalachian State Teachers College. She la a mem I ber of the faculty of Pleaaant Gar dens High School in Marion. Rev. Mr. Dietrich ia a graduate I of Concordia College, Ft. Wayne, i lnd., and Concordia Theological I Seminary of St. Lou la, Mo. He is | pastor of 8t. Matthew's Lutheran Church in Marlon. The couple are malting their home in Marion. Cove Creek Club To Meet Tonight The Cove Creek Community De. velopment Club will meet Thurs day at 7:49 p. m. in the high ichool cafeteria. All citizens are urged to attend. The community ilgm are being constructed and we would like to have representatives from Phillips Branch and Brushy fork present to help us establish our community boundary. An interesting program will be presented. Boone Man Gets Degree At Indiana Mr. H. M. Moretz, Jr., of Boone received his B8 degree at com mencement exercises held st Indi ana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana, on June 11, and has ac cepted employment with the A it P Tea Company. His mother, Mrs. Karleen Moretz of Boone went to i Terr? far th*? commcnce ??TP ? ???? m ment. Songfest To Be Held At Trade Tb? East Tennetmee singing convention will be held at Sunset Park, Trad*. Tenn , Sunday, July IS. The Self Quartet of Hatuonvtlle. Va., and a number of other vocal (roup* are scheduled to appear. Re* Walter Johnson is publicity director. Horn Parade i Continued from page one.) Decoration- (Floats) Pete Kv eiett, chairmen; Leo K. Pritchett, Mrs. Corky Owsley. (Street and ?tore*) Bert Ellis, chairman; Bill Klutz. Mis. UHta Wilson. Boy Scout ? J. B. Robinson, John Kirk. Visiting GuesU? Mrs E. L. Ray, H. W Wilcox, Mayor Gorton Wink ler. Photo ? Palmer Blair, Mrs. Ruby Weston, Paul Smith. Ministerial ? Rev. George Ar thur. Rev. E. F. Troutman, Rev, J. K. Parker, Jr. Picnic ? Glenn R. Andrews. Finance ? Paul A Coffey, chair man; D. L. Wilcox, W. R. Winkler, Lyle Cook, Jerry Coe. First Aid ? J. B. Bobbins. Blowing Rock? Larry Harris,' ; chairman. Publicity ? Ralph Tugman, chairman; Stretch Rollins, Spencer Robbins. Johnson Teaches (continued from page one) County. Before that he served as principal of Bethel School at Su gar Grove. Mr. Johnson has had two years service In the army, one of these spent in Europe. He is married to Ldith Lucille Parker, and they have two sons, Walter III, age 8, and John Roby, age 2. They will move to Wingate for the summer school and live on the Marshville highway where they have pur chased a home. Dr. Smith said that Wingate is indeed fortunate to secure the ser vices of Mr. Johnson, who has proven himself S good teacher and one who is genuinely interested in the development of the individual students. He is a member of a Bap tist church and has been very ac tive in the chuich work wherever he has bean. , So This Is New York (continued from page four) flail* for beating by hand the wheat and oati; a mas'* boot nail ed to ? poat and uaed aa an early mail bos; jack* to elevate the family carriage when it broke down in the plain-dirt road; and wide, flat wooden paddle* for pat ting feather bed* into ihape aftei the touiiing of the night. Senator Stuart Symington laid that the firat time be paid a call on the lady who U now hi* wife, the former . Eve Wadaworth, he wa* greeted at the door by a butler in white glove*. "I thought he wa* her father, Senator Wada worth, and ihook hand* with him warmly," Smyington laid. "1 made ! a poor impression on the father but ' 1 made a lifetime friend out of that butler." ? ? Thi* sidewalk luperintendent stuff would be funny if it were not so elaborate nowaday*. At ; Park Avenue and 92nd Street a , new building ia going up, and the fence lurrounding the job i* equip ped with concave plexiglass bub ble* arranged so that *hort, med ium-height and tall watcher* can view the goings-on from the tide walk. Not only thi*, but the rub beroecker* hear record* played softly, while a voice tell* the his tory of the lite from the time of old Pet Peg-Leg Stuyvesant. Then a version of the same commentary u given over the loud-speaker in French. Fairview Club Holds Meeting The Fairview Home Demonstra tion Club met recently at the home of Mri. Elbert Norrit. The meet ing was called to order by the president. For devotions Miss Iris. Norris read fom the fifth chapter of Matthews. Mrs. P. E. Bingham gave a re port on frozen peaches and Mrs. George Moetz gave a demonstration on household hints. Mrs. Norris, assisted by Mrs. Emma Carroll and Mrs. Dorman Winkler, served re freshments to seven members and two visitors. Moles in the lawn may be dis couraged by destroying their food ?white grubs and earthworms. AT AUCTION Thursday, July 5, 1956 10:30 A. M. The Beautiful Farm of ARLIE B. HODGES VALLE CRUCJS, N. C. WE HAVE SUB-DIVIDED THIS PROPERTY?TRACTS AND LOTS TO SUIT ANY PURCHASER * An elevated section overlooking the beautiful Watauga River and the valley through which it flown ? easily accessible ? A new, inodern house? water, lights, etc. * A large barn and other outbuildings ? The scenery is unexcelled anywhere in this country. The panorama of moun tains presents a different view in every direction Property like this is rarely on the market in or near Valle Crucis. This section is a mecca for summer visitors. Several pretty summer cabins and homes are located in this Neighborhood A Good Investment for a Home or Speculation TERMS ANNOUNCED ON DAY OF SALE FREE - FREE - FREE Nice New Radio - Cash Prizes,,? Good Music v ARLIE B. HODGES, Owner S. C. EGGERS & COMPANY SELLING AGENTS 100>/2 W. king SL Boone, N. C. Telephone AM 4-3601 ARLENE FRANCIS says: 4 out of 5 who save stamps Yes . . . mor* thon 20 million woman saw S. 4 H. Green Stamps! S. & H ., you know, Is the oldest, largest, most reliable stamp plan in America. S. & H. has been re deeming stamps for over 60 years, and today S. & H. re deems more stamps than oil other stamp plans combined Shop your stores that give S. & H. Stamps apd watch your books fill up. Delicious Breokfost Treot! Pinky Pig Sliced B A C 0 N & 39 Mickleberry All Meat Hudson Satin NAPKINS G. E. Yellow LIGHT BULBS Corr's Crockin Good Vuilh Wafers too ? Watt Franks % 39* w 77" Mickleberry All Meat Sliced Quality-Tender Shoulder 57c Bologna ? 39c Veal Roast* 33c Quality-Tender Shoulder Quality-Tender Veal 29c Veal Chops u 35c Loin Chops u 79c c He Fresh Frozen Foods! Russo or Cloud Kist Strawberries 5 99c Tender Whole _ . ? . . BABY 0KRA 5'^ 99c fClZ. - ? oOr C?I?J< 'rOSrl Chicken PIES 5?,99c CheeS? " 296 Sfl,adS 25? Assorted Flavors Gelatin Low Price! I Stock up en Mi soft, absor bent tissue at thh low, eco nomical price. Shop where you get the "Best for Less"! Dixie-Home Household Cleaaer . '- 33c Griffin White Liquid Polish & 35c Griffin White Liquid Polish 15c Texize Liquid ? ? JMrch . ?. Fresh, Fresh Produce . . . Fancy Quality Tender Green Beans Fresh and Tender Yellow Squash Small Fancy Cucumbers It's "Verl-Best tr 2 25' 2 only 1 5' 2 ONLY 1 9* Strained Baby Foods Gerhers 3 31c Dog Food Red Heart 2 ^ 29c Detergent V e I vsr 3ic Libby's Small Green Lines 27c . Soft Northern Tissue 4 35c Complexion Soap Pahnolhre 4 ? 37c Chicken of the Sea Chnnk Tnna t: 3ic White Toilet Soop Octagon 3 & 23c Liquid Shortening Jewel Oil ? 67c Brock's Mershmallews 19c Washes White Sopor Sods "ST 32c Brock's Candy Dandy Milt Pillows 14-Ox. tZ 29c DIXIE HOME'S EVERYDAY LOW PRICES MEAN | YOU CAN SHOP ANY DAY AND SAVE ANY WAY!