DRIVE-IN ^ NIGHTS ARE HERE AGAIN SKY VU DRIVE-IN THEATRE A MVS SEASON OF SMASH HITS TWO SHOWS BACH NIGHT Note with Wide Screen and CinemaScope Wednesday and Thursday June 20 ? 21 The Prodigal CinemaScope Edmund Purdoni Friday and Saturday June 22 and 23 Stranger On Horseback J del McCrea in color ALSO Black Fury Everglade* Action Sunday? June 24 CattieQueen of Montana Bonald Reagan Monday and Tuesday June 25 and 2S Man From Laramie Sctpe and Color James Stewart brought a quickening id the pilar Adlai Stevcuoii could Ml have failed ta aaa the poealbUity of add ed luater to tka Democratic noml Mtifffi ihotild tht PreskUfit'i health tore* him to (top aaida. It k even lair to say that Stonvaaon would probably be tka favorite in a Preaident race not Including flu. The proepect that the Preaident might be forced to recooaider hia deciaion to run, which it now aeenu be will not be focced to do, cer tainly influenced Averell Harrl raan into announcing he would hereafter be 'an active candidate Hia frank atatomeat that he would run on a strong civil righta plat form brand* Harriman aa the type candidate who will aplit the party in a gamble to win, aa did Harry Truman. auccaaafuUy, In 1M*. The difference in running againat Eiaenhower and Dewey, with a aplit party, might be great er than aome imagine. In thia con nection. Nevertheleaa, thia la Har riman'i avowed atratogy. Mean while, Stevenaon remains the fav orite for the Democratic party nomination. There are indlcationa that the Republican Administration is ready to go into action, in several ways, to ease the tight economy the na tion haa auddenly encountered in thia election year. Interest ratoa will probably be lowered soon and the farmer will be given the benefit of aid pro grama quicker than aome had ex pected. The idea la to get money eaaed up and in circulation and to give the fanner aome hope for a brighter future in the four years than be haa had in the past four. Action may be taken in both these fielda by the time you read thia. It ia almost certain to be taken in the next two montha. Senator Richard Ruaaell, admit tedly one of the moat talented Sen ators in the upper legialative body, wanta to convert J.7 billiona voted for foreign aid by the Houae to the Air Force. Ruaaell, chairman of the Senate Armed Porcee Commit tee, doea not think the U. 8. Air Force ia being kept on par with Ruaaia'a and he thinka more money ia urgently needed. It ia ironical that Ruaaell will be following thia approach while hia retiring colleague. Senator Wal ter George, la urging the Senate to restore half ? billion dollars from the bllltod dollar cut ad miniatered the aid bill In the Houae. In the lower body, Houae Foreign Affaire Committee Chairman Dick Richarda, alao retiring after thia year, won hia battle againat the Adminiatratlon, Speaker Rayburn and Joe Martin, when he got the Houae to auataln hia committee's action in whacking the foreign aid bill. The odda are againat Ruaaell, of courae, in hia effort to divert for eign aid money to the U. 6. Air Force, bqt there are a lot of people TAKEOFF THOSE "BLINDERS" ooino omrMouNo too til tut SCfNfftr Nor THI KOAOI You m America rlea?a? wHm ^ H>wl in di? 1ow?m luxury oW?i?d by Grnfcoaad ? on hu ?*???*? of trip! like than WESTBOUND Chicago. 111. Dallas, Tex El Paao, Tax Lot Angela*, Calif Seattle, Wash EAST BOUND Washington, D. C. ...... t 8 85 Norfolk, Va. - $ 8.85 Miami, Fla. .. S16.10 Tampa, Fla. (ll.M Plus U. S. Tax FOR HOTELS, SIGHTS EE ING, PRE-PLANNED VACATIONS l?? Taar Greytoeed Agent la Ike Terminal Save on Extra 10* Each War With a Round-Trip Tickat ??? mm y* CATION PI^NNINO aUVK*. LOW -CO* T _ ^ ? liafltvill PACKAGE IIPIIII ? ' GREYHOUND TERMINAL Md^fetmrm^ecthlmb GREYHOUND Benson Salute* 16-Ycar-Old Winner Of Contest To Grow Canning fhcnlity of Agriculture Ezra Taft Htniun honored William Rockefeller, a 18-yaai-old Phalpa. Naw York, tarn boy, by awarding him a apodal plaque for hia out standing achiavamant in winning tha firet canning cropa content. William crew ovar 40 tona of baata on two acrea of land, more than twica tha vMd hia father produced on ehnOar ground, and aoid hia crop to a cannery at a St of ovar 11000. Tha aonteat, ly organized by the National 71 Vegetable Growers Aeeoci ation ana the National Cannera Aaaociation, waa the ft rat in an annual aeriee of auch competitiona daa igned to intereat young people in farning and the particular needa of the canning induetxv. The plaque waa preeented at tha National Cannera Aaaociation convention in Atlantic City, where Secretary Beneon gave a brief addreaa. praiaing William for hia aucceaanu work and ezpraaaing hie approval of tha contaat ana ita purpoaa. William followed up with a apeecb of hia own in which ha explained the roothoda he uaed in growing tha baeta. He worked carefully and scientifically at evary stage of the project and got aO the helpful advice ba could from his local Future Parmera of America chapter, of which ha la priM riant, at wall aa from )lia high achool agriculture taachar and nia father. The 1965 con teat was a pilot program in seven states, but in liK the tannine crope contaat will ba national and covar every atata where canning cropa are grown. All boya and girla between the agea of 14 and 21 may partici pate without belonging to any orsanizatioB or paying any fee. When they enter the con teat, they receive automatic memberahip in NJVGA and may jfet guidance with their crop raiaing and mar keting from FT A or 4-H if they belong to either of theee groupa. High acbool agriculture teachers, local 4-H leaden or NJVGA head quarter! (108 French Hall, Uni versity of Maaaachuaetta, Amherst, Maaa.) will diatributa entry blanks on request. As for prises, there will be not only ? national winner, but winners on the state'snd regional level, too. William Rockefeller sava he hopes to win soother sward this year, but it looks aa if he'll have plenty of competition. 7 who wuold (eel more confident that the money was being put to good um if the Air Force wti ?pending it rather thad a number of foreign countries . The battle will probably be in progress in the Senate when you read this, or it could be ended. Chances are the Senate will be re luctant to increaie aid in this elec tion year, in spite of Senator George's plea, but he has been consistently effective in this re spect, in past years. News of Servicemen jimmy pnorrrrr serving IN GERMANY Berlin. ? PFC Jimmy Proffttt, whose wife, Betty Jean, lives in Boone, N. C., it > member of the Berlin Command LeClerc rifle and | pistol team In Germany. LeClerc competition simulates combat firing. The winning team of the Army's European matches represents the U. S. in a match between the NATO nations. Proffltt, a driver in the 6th In fantry Regiment's Company E, en tered the army in December of IBM, and received basic training at Fort Jackson, S. C. He arrived overseas in May of 1095. The 21-year-old soldier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Proffitt, Sherwood, attended Cove Creek High School in Sugar Grove and was employed by Cannon's Texaco Service Station in Boone before entering the army. DAN G. MILLER FINISHES SUPPLY HAULING COUR8E Fort Tee, Va. ? Pvt. Dan G. Mill er, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Miller, Route 2, Boone, N. C., re cently was graduated from the sup ply handling course at the Quart ermaster School, Fort Lee, Va. In the eight-week course; Miller was trained to load and unload supplies and equipment, to operate materiala-handling equipment and to assist in the receipt, storage, Issue, sale and salvage of technical or general materials. The 17-year-old soldier entered the Army in January of this year and completed basic training at Fort Jackson, S. C. Walter Reuther of the United Automobile Workers said that the union's next major bargaining goal would be a shorter work week. FOREIGN AID Senator Richard Russell (D-Ga.) breaks with his colleagues, Sena tor Walter George (D-Ga.) on for eign aid issue. Russell asks that 3.8 billion dollar foreign aid bill be diverted to Air Force and the Strategic Air Command. George, on the other hand, says foreign aid should be increased over House passed figure. Secretary of State Dulles said "a pretty thorough airing" of for eign policy argument during the campaign would be welcome. Students ask Czech Government for more freedom. FORMAL AND INFORMAL WEDDING PORTRAITS 125 East Main St., Boone, N. C. Phone AM 4 8425 Try Us Once, You'll Use Us Alwavs Variety Is the Spice of Our Printing Business On any day, we're apt to be printing anything ... from a shipping tag to a souvenir pro gram, from a billhead to a broadside. Every job . . . large or small ... is printed to per fection and delivered on time. WATAUGA DEMOCRAT Printing As You Uk? It Resolution of Si Respect June IX lDH TO: Th? Master, Warden and Brethern of Ashler Lodge No. 378 of A. t. k A. U . Deep Gap, North Carolina. Brethern: Whereas God in His infinite wis dom has seen fit in His kindly pro vidence to send the (rim reaper, Death, amoug us to remove from our midst our beloved brother, Enoch Reeves Mickeal, therefore, be it resolved: Firit; that we join with the relatives and friends of our deceas ed brother in mourning for their loss and for losing a loyal, faithful, and beloved brother from our Lodge. Second; that the members of Ashler Lodge recommend to the bereaved the comfort and conso lation around those who put their trust in Him. Third; that we have one copy of these resolutions filed with the records of our respective Lodge, one copy given to the bereaved i family, and a third copy forward ed to the office of the Watauga Democrat for publication. Dated at Deep Gap, N. C. This day of June 12, 1958. Respectfully submitted by the Resolutions Committee of Ashler Lodge No. 373. Johnson L. Wellborn Robert L. White - Rev. Homer V. Greene. STALIN DENUNCIATION Secretary of State Dulles, in ma jor statement, says present denun ciations of Joseph Stalin, show that it is not the man alone who was responsible for the terrible state of affairs in Russia, but the sys tem. Dulles tells the worl4 that under a system where the indi vidual is suppressed for the glor ification nf the state evils such as those now being .revealed in Rus sia, which took place under Stalin, will continue. ADENAUER'S VISIT Chancellor Kenrad Adenauer ? recent visitor in Washington ? re affirms West Germany's close ties with the United States, through his visit runs head-on onto presidential illness. Adenauer, reported plan ning another election campaign in 1957, when he will be 82. INSECT FIGHT The Civil Aeronautics Adminis tration hps announced that it will help the Agriculture Department in a massive air attack on insect infestations in New England and ihe mid-West. Aircraft will spray more than 1 ,000,00* acres in New York, Massachusetts, lower Ver mont and New Hampshire in an ef fort to halt the spreading gypsy moth, while the air assault in the nid-West and Rocky Mountain irea will be aimed at crop-eating normon crickets and grasshoppers. CIVIL BIGHTS Franklin Roosevelt Jr. says there * a good chance that action will * taken on' a civil rights program, n the House, at this session. He abels as optimistic, however, a* lertions that a discharge petition vill force such bills out of the lules Committee immediately. Ac ion in the House might be mean nglesi, since this is the final ses ton of the 84th Congress and ince Senate action would be nec essary ? at this session ? for en ictment. , BLOODSHOT Man looked quite ill. Went to hospital. Got paid while out of work. Got well. Hospital and doctor bills also paid for him. How come? Has Hartford ?Accident - Sickness Insurance. You should too. Call us. ATOM POWERED NAVY Rep June* T. Patterson (8 Conn) recently predicted that the United State* fleet would be an atomic-powered one "within the next fifteen years. "^Legislation pending in Congress would author ise construction of the first nuclear surface warship? a cruiser design ed to fire guided missiles. The Navy already has atomic powered submarines. United States air bases in Mo rocco, built at a cost of 9410,000, 000 are said to be threatened as a result of document* exchanged be tween France and Moroco. Premier Nwtr of Cgypt has ac cepted ao invitation to visit Com muaist China. Rulane Gas Service Is , ECONOMICAL! REX AIR CLEANER Shampoos Carpets, Vaporizes, Humidifies and Deodorizes Approved t>y American Medical Association SEE OB CALL JAMES DOTSON FOR DEMONSTRATION AMherst 4-3938 Concrete Blocks LIGHTWEIGHT IABORATORY-TESTED ALL SIZES * v We Are Located On US Highway 421, Vz Mile West Of Boone Dial AMherst 4-3618 Night Phone, A. E. Stephens, AM 4-3407 Maymead Block Co. Bristol Road Boone, N. THIS BEAUTY CAN THREAD A NEEDLE! / Horo's Handling So Proolso and ? ffortloss. You Forgot *1 Bossing Ono of tho Blggost Cars on Iho Road I It fed* and meet* like no other car you've ever known! Here is control as precise and sure as the engineering that created this sleek '56 Pontiac. It's control based solidly on the strength and balance of a rugged X-member frame? on the power and smoothness of the brilliant Strato S treat V-8 and Stra to- Flight Hydra Ma tic*. It's control horn of steering so accurate you could thread a needle? and of huge brakes that react to tiptoe pressure to give you cat-quick stops! A few milee in this road-hugging beauty is an eye-opening experience! Try it! (Jome on in and see us soon. ?An axtra-coM option. BARNETT MOTOR COMPANY EAST MAIN STREET Dealer License Number 1473 BOONE. N. C

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