Second Section Lions Club Members See Shearing Demonstration , Members of the Boone Lions Club were treated to ? sheepshear x ing demonstration at their last ? regular meeting by the wiaar at , this year's state 4-H sheep-shearing contest held in Raleigh last Hay. ' LanSe Reese of the Bethel Club < and Bill Allston of the Boone Sen ( tor Club, winner and runner-up 1a the state contest this year, sheared ' several sheep in the parking lot of > the Daniel Boone Hotel to show the Lions how experts do it Assistant County Agent W. C. ? Richardson made a talk to the dub before adjournment to the parking lot for the demonstration. Reese and Allston, he said, will ? enter the national sheepehearin/ contest at the International Live Mock Exposition and 4-H Congress ' to be held in Chicago next Novem ber. v Watauga County 4-H Clubbers have wen the state contest every ' year since 1048 except last year, , said Richardson, when top honors were taken by Alleghany County. Watauga County's record in na ? tional competition Is as follows: , 1MB, Clint Reese, fifth; 1SM8, Clint Reese, first; 1860, Bob Wilson, first, Ben Norris, second; 19S1, ' Vance Vines, unplaced; 1M2, Bob , by Gene Norris, eighth; 1903, Glenn Reese, thihl; 1904, Dudley Norris, seventh. All of these boyi represented the Bethel Club (except Allston thie year), and won first piece la the state contest of the year la which they entered the national event. Watauga is the only county in the United States, said Ricivardson, to win the national contest two years in a row (IMS and 1M0), and the only county to place first and second in a single year (1900). Beese and Allston will go to rural Illinois and Michigan to prac tice shearing for about ten daya prior to the national contest. Rich ardsoa Mid. Objectives of the 4-H sheep shearing program, he said, are at follows: ? 1. To harvest the wool crop at the best time and In the most de sirtble nuumer. 2. To learn the proper method of handling sheep -while shearing, thereby making shearing easier on the operator and the 'sheep. 3. To remove the fleece in one piece, free of second cuts. 4. To .learn to shear with a ma chine so that all of the wool it obtained. 5. To learn the proper method of prepai^ag wool for market Watauga, Richardson pointed out, is North Carolina's principal sheep-raising ' county. Both Boone, Bamboo Have Diamond Defeats Both Boone and Bamboo suf fered a defeat over the week end to allow West Jefferson and lia ble to move within striking dist ance of the league leadership. J. M. Burkett did some excellent pitching for Mable in defeating Boone as did Jonah Baldwin for West Jefferson in defeating Bam boo. Each week the league lead ership gets closer as the teams are playing much better ball. Large crowds are attending and much interest is being shown. Gaines this week that should help decide the leadership is Boone at West Jefferson and Millers Creek at Bamboo. Results of Saturday's play: Mable 4, Boone 3 Millers Creek 14, Lansing 4 West Jefferson S, Bamboo 3 Foscoe 4, Blowing Iteck 3. Sunday's results: Boone 14, Lansing 11 I West Jefferson at Mable (rain) j Millers Creek 12, roscoe 7 Bamboo at Blowing Rock (did not play). Standings: Won Lost Boone _...7 2 Bamboo ? 2 Mable 5 3 Millers Creek S 8 Foscoe 3 6 Blowing Rock 2 ? Lansing * 1 7 This week's schedule: Saturday ? Boone at West Jeffer son 8 p. m.; Lansing at Foscoe; Blowing Rock at Mable; Millers Creek at ' Bamboo. Sunday ? Boone at Foscoe; West Jeffenon at Blowing Rock; Lans ing at Bamboo; liable at Milleri Creek. Methodist Men To Hear Plemmons The Methodist Men of the Boone Methodist Church will assemble for their regular monthly meeting at 7 o'clock in Fellowship Hall at the Church on Wednesday, June puLwd'with D*"w01Um te mom, president of Appalachian State Teachers College, as the speaker. Dr. Plemmons' topic will be concerned with church-college relationship. One-third once of antibiotic In a ton of feed may boost pig growth from 10 to 20 per cent, say Florida Experiment Station workers. STRAWBERRIES Berries will be available every day beginning June 1. Most of our berries will grade "fancy." Those wanting berries are asked to notify me in advance so I may tell them what day to come. . W. D. DAY WALNUT LANE FARM, NEVA, TENN. (Detour by M3 to Watauga Lake and follow signs.) CENTRE FURNITURE CO. Announces Opening of a New Drapery Department ? ' ' . -1?' *? ' ' 4 .J: * ' ?' ? - NOW.. Decorator Fashioned-Custom Fit Draw Draperies EXPERTLY CORRELATED TO YOUR FURNITURE Available in all widths from SO inches to 300 inches in ? wide range of new patterns and co tors ? Our Home Planning Consultant will harmonize your colors at no extra cha rgc. Our regular interior decorator, Mrs. Marjorie S pence, will be ani?(ed on Friday, June 22, by a Factory Representative, Mrs. Myitis Sechler. < We Invite Your Attendance Bring us your decorating problems. There is no charge lor answering your question*, and giving you any advice required. Recreation PerkinariOe ku been replaced by Rutherwood in the Men's Soft ball League. Therefore, Ruther wood wiQ take the place of Perk InsvUle oa the ached ul? that was published previoutly in thin pa par, H was announcer* by Dave Ab eraathy, recreation director. ? After the first week of play In the Kent Softball League, the Presbyterians h^ve taken com mand of first place. They defeated the Mountain Lions M. and Oak Grove by the acore of 24-8. The IRC and the Methodists alao were undefeated, bat they played each other and were tied up (MS when* the came had to be called off be cauae of dartmees. The game will be replayed tonight (Wed) on the IRC field at f o'clock. The standings after the firat week at play: Won Loet Preabyteriana 2 0 I R C 1 0 Methodist - I 0 Baptist 1 1 Rutherwood 1 1 V F W. . .1 I Mountain Liona 0 2 Oak Grove .0 2 Little Leagae ? Approximately 50 to 60 boya were oa hand for the opening of Little League haaeball Thursday, June 7. These boys were very interested and eager to get started. Due to the large number of par ticipants, the boys have been di vided into two different age groups, 9-13 and 13-14. This was dona to provide a better oppor tunity for the smaller and younger boys and to create more interest amoqg the older boys. To provide adequate time for games, each group win play on different days. Here is the schedule for the next two weeki* June 18-22 ? Mon , Wed., Fri ? 9-12 years; Tue., Thura.? 13-14 years. June 28-29? Mon., Wed., Fri ? 13-14 years; Tues. Thura.? 0-12 years. All of these boya can partici pate ia horseshoe, volleyball, teth erball and badminton each day, but will be able to play ball only Waal Wirt ? Metal Hoofing and HARDWARE Gwteriei and Feed VILAS SERVICE STATION AND ByiLDEKS SUPPLY VILAS, N. C. News .' i| on the feys indicated above. So there will be something for all the boy* to do each day. The groat interest that those boys hire taken in our community should bo proud of. Any parent who is interested is invited to visit the playground and offer any sug gestions that might lead to the betterment of the recreational pro gram. Duo to the lack of players and interest, there will not be a wo men's softball league until fur ther notice. News Items From Valle Cruris It'i been good haying weather in Valle Cruris the past week. Every farmer has been putting up stacks of hay, hoping to get some rain Just as soon aa haying Is over. Mrs. W. W. Mast has returned home from Watauga Hospital in Boone where she underwent an ap pendectomy. We hope for her an early recovery. The children of the Glenn Farth ings have been visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R A Farthing and Mr. and Hn ? tan ley Harris. Mrs. Leah Fieri of Florida has come to spend the summer at her home here. The Home Demonstration Club met last week at the home of Mrs. Allle Shull and Mrs. Anne Leake. Subject for study was 'Wife-Sav ers" that take the ache out of house cleaning. Mrs. Robert McMillan and Mrs. Wallace May and their children have been visiting with their mo ther. Mrs. Clyde TeAer, at Matney. ' Mrs. Helen Mast has returned ? her home after spending aever d weeks with her daughter In Ohio. Mr. and Mra. Britenatine from the University of Miami are here tor the aummer at their home in upper Valla Crucia. Mr. Briten itine ia teaching at Appalachian State Teachers College during the rammer term. \ * The Epiacopal Minister*' Coo ference U being held at usual this summer at the mission Chief Warrant Officer Louis Farthing and Mr*. Karthlng and children visited with relatives and friends on Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Lula Moore of Lenoir spent Sunday with her brother, Tom Bated. lira. Dennis Hodfta, the former Mill Patty Baird, of Charlotte, has been visiting for a few day* with her parents, Mr. and Mr*. Clint Baird. Mra. Benny McDonald of Char lotte, spent a few days recently with Mn. Alice Baird and Mrs. Edward Baird. Miss Leslie Hast of Vilas visited Saturday and Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Tom Taylor, and Mr. Taylor. A major activity at tk? Lower Greenville to the breedinc Ubm. g? DINING and DANCING CBBATVt00D*8 SUmtB CLUB Nerik WUkesbera, N. C. OfM IHllif a i FRIDAY, 8ATURDAY, SUNDAY Delicto? 1Mb Item of the Week t- v /, ,? .. COMET LAWN RAKE . . . $1.00 CHARKETS, 10 lbs. $1.25 ? WATCH THIS SPACE EVERY WEEK FOR OUR SPECIALS Farmers Hardware & Supply Co. 102 West King Street ? Boone, N. G ? Phone AM 4-8801 GLAMOROUS, SURE but a tomboy at heart! Turn Chevy out on the road to discover its real charm! For this is the beauty that recently raced t,\S8 miles in tk hours to set a new round-the-clock competition track performance record I It happened at the famed Darling ton Raceway, Darlington, S. C. A regular production Chevrolet with 225 h.p. poured it ?n for 24 straight hours, averaging 101.68 miles per hour, to top the Indianapolis stock car record by 280 miles! Add that to Chevy's unparalleled record in stock car competition? and you come up with the low priced beauty that outshines ?*ry body! No maybes about it Here's proof of pep and performance that mean* safer, happier highway driv ing. Few can at any price can hold the road with Chevrolet's grace. And it's got the stamina to stand the gaff far 24 straight scorching hours at a pace that few other cars would evea attempt to match! Drop by? you 11 see you can't beat Chevy for a awy, eitherl Ml CONOmONMO? TMMUTUM MMW OM-AIMW IOW COST. US US DUONRMTl North Depot Street PHONE AM 44443 CHEVROLET, INC fy_i? ? i?... . u. ???* 9 no. im