Church Notices GRACE LVTIIUN CIl'ICH Err. E. r. Tr? !?.?, paeUr Warship at 11:00 a. ra. . RT Sermon topk; "Look Up, and Ufa." Efi Lather League at 0:0# p. m Weak Day School Monday at 4 . 0Q P ?? I Choir rehearsal Thursday even ing at ?J0 with Mr. Walton Cola directing and Professor Cole st*the CKIVRM RIDRT CHURCH (Church edifice Echo Park. Blow ing Rock.) Services Sunday! at It a. m. RUMPLE MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Blowing Rack, N. C. Dr. Kaya will preach, using the subjact, "Ota- Spiritual Blood Bank." The organized Men'i Bible Claaa continue! to grow. It maeti in the Manae at t:S0 a. m. for doughnnts and coffee At 10 o' clock the Bible lesson ia taught by Dr. Kays. FOREIGN HUSSIONS TALKED AT PERKINSVILLE BAPTIST The Psrklnsville Baptist Church will obaerve "Foreign M Unions Week End" Saturday and Sun day. The Rev Bud Spencer, a foreign miaaionary who hai Just returned from Japan, will ipeak Saturday at 7:30 and at 11 a. m and 8 p. m. on Sunday. He will challenge everyone In tbeee men. age* about the work in Japan ilnce World War II. Thii if a rare op portunity for the people of thii area to hear freth newi from a foreign land. Everyone ii invited. HOLY COMMUNION SERVICE A Vesper Holy CommunloA Ser vice will be held at the Boone Methodift Church Sunday, July 19th at 9:30, announced the Rev erned E. H. Lowman, paator. FIBST BAPTIST CHURCH Blowing Rock, N. C. ReV. G. Carlton Cat- paeter Sunday School? 10:00 a. m. Worth I p icrvice ? 11:00 p. m. Sunday Evening service ? 9:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 8:00 p. m. Choir rehearsal Wednesday s' p. m, _ _ ?T. MATTHEWS AT TODD CJ Sunday. June 24? Morning Ser-f vice at 11 a. m by H. A. Dob-! bin. Evening Service at 4 o'clock by I Bishop Henry. BOONE CATHOLIC CHURCH Mass in Blowing Rock TO SING AT GAP CHEEK The Melody Quartet, composed of member* of the Lawaon family, will appear Wednesday night, July 11, at 7:30 at the Gap Creek Bapt iat Church in a program of sacred tonga. The public ia invited. BOONE METHODIST CHURCH E. H. Lowman, pastor. Sunday achool? 949. Morning worship ? 11:00. Methodist Youth Fellowship ? 6:30. Choir rehearsal ? Wednesday, 6:15. A cordial welcome to all. BLOWING KOCK METHODIST Dr. H. E. Speace, Pastor. Service* each Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH J. K. Parker, Jr., pastor. Sunday school at ?:45 a. m. Morning worship at 11:00 a. m. There la a nursery kept for small children during this service, with a nurse on duty. Westminster Fellowship at 5:46 p. m. Circles of the women of the church meet the first Monday of each month; general meeting of the women of the church each third Monday. LUTHERAN PARISH George W. Shu ford, pastor. Donald Woolly, student associ ate. Holy Trinity ? Sunday School 10, Service 11 Bethany ? Sunday School 10, Service 11 Holy Communion ? 1st and Srd Sundays ? Sunday School 1:30, Ser vice 2:30 2nd and 4th Sundays ? Sunday School 10, Service 11. Rulane Gas ECONOMICAL! -REMEMBER catholic annra or tie EWBAHV IIiwIh *Mk UhIM Snadayt ? tbaci , 11:00 a. m and 11:00 bom Other Sunday* ? Mmm .< > % \ Barnett Motor Co. EAST MAIN STUKT Ceeler Lkeaw Number *479 BOONE, N. C Cool Chickens I! ire Suggested Every poultry raiaer should take teps to Mp kit bird! stay a* tool ? possible In hot weather, accord n t to Thomaa B. Morris. State oliege extension poultry speeial it. He points oat that a chicken's >edy temperature la 107 to 1W de rrees, and Utey cannot pe4pire to telp keep their bodies c^ol. H birds are uncomfortably hot. hey wool eat aa they should When they go off toed, they don't {row or lay well, and cost the xmltryman money. There are several things that nrodueers can do to help keep feed Make up during hot weather. >penihf up the house as much as MiaaiUe to permit free circulation if air, and running water over the roof with a sprinkler or logger lozzle are two good ways. Aa aluminum roof will make a Miilding cooler. If the roof la of a son-reflective material, it should >e painted with aluminum paint. Mraw, shavings, or sawduat can be placed on the roof and then kept ?ret to make the house cooler. In >ulating under the raftdrs also helps. It has been estimated that deep litter makes the bouse seven to 10 degrees warmer, so use a thin lit ter not over two inches deep in the rammer. Also, on exteremely hat days, place several extra water buckets, small pana, or tuba, and fountains luide the house and keep them tiled with fre?h, cool water. Nehru urge* the ?erf t6 respond to Soviet amity bids. ;'$1 HOME REALTY CO. H. CRADY FARTHING WATT H. CRAGC SAVINGS * LOAN BUILDING ? BOONE, N. C BUSINESS LOT. located at intersection of Highways 221 and 421 in PerkinsviUe, (rooting on highway 421 about ISO feet. Good location for store or filling station. BEAUTIFUL HOME located near IRC plant, 4 rooms, bath, full site basement. Lot 190*30# al ready graded ready for other building*. Priced to sell. LYNN SPRINGS? Filling station and grocery store for sale. 3 acre lot. Both doing good business now. Good location in a growing community. Complete with all equipment, scales, cooler, typewriter and all for 97,900. LOCATED BETWEEN BOONE AND BLOWING ROCK? Good 5 room cottage, bath, basement. Private 'water system. Nine acres beautiful s conic property. Ready financed. FRONTING HIGHWAY 421 in Council addition: Lot 128x130 with 7 room dwelling. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. Also garage apartment with 4 room, bath, financed. LARGE BRICK APARTMENT on King St.? Throe room apartment, bath and hall down. Four rooms and bath and hall up. Valuable lot 90x171. This is very desirable property containing ga rage and large work shop. 4 ? COLLEGE CIRCLE? 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, bath, bedroom suite, 1 acre scenic lot $*.000 ? 44? HODGES GAP ROAD? 4 rooms, bath, hoi air heat, unfurniahed $0,000; furnished flO.OOO M? DANIEL BOONE PARK? Just two bloeks from P. O. S rooms, 3 bedrooms, bath. 90 ? WOODLAND ? 4 bedroom brick veneer, oil furnace, plastered wan*, large lot - $12,900 16 ? GOOD INVESTMENT? Vacant lot just back of Trailway Laundry, paved road '$800 12? STATE FARM ROAD ? 4 rooms, bath, basement, 1 acre lot level and fertile, close In. 36 ? Summer home ? 6 rooms all completely furnished, bath, nice scenic lot $4,000 C ? Poplar Grove ? 9 room farm house, 33 acres grass and wooded land, creeks $3,800 19?6 miles east of Boone ? 4 room cabin, 1 acres with cherry and apple trees j. ? $2,000 13? RAINBOW TRAIL? Good 4 room cottage, ? acres beautiful scenic property $4,000 11 ? 8 rooms, bath, 3 acres steep and well wooded land, 900 foot road frontage $3,900 1? DB PARK ? 9 room brick, full basement, oil furnace, large lot with garden $12,900. IF BUYING O* SELLING, CONSULT US ? LOANS AVAILABLE The Am* r if in Magazine U to be , dropped alter August. f I AM THE CHURCH They pause in the road of life and faze at ME. And their feelings are a mixture of long ing and hesitation. What shall I say to their longing ... to their hesitation? I am the Church. I come not from man but from God. Man raised my steeple to the sky, a prsyer of steel. But Cod opened my doors to the reverent. He lifted the Cross of His Son to beckon men. He engraved His mes sage on the hearts of my people. I am the Church. They long for me because I teaeh truth and awaken faith . . . because hope and courage and strength aad happiness are promisee I make to those who heed me. I am the Church. They helitate as they sp proach me. For they say, "How can we be sure your Troth is true ? your Faith bellev able ? your Promises certain?" I am the Church. That is why men can be sure! I come not from man but from Ood. Men may toy with the truth, but not Ood. Men may break faith, but not God. Men may forget their promises, but not Ood. I am the Church. I belong to yew . . . to your family ... to your nation and world. Do you belong to me? THE CHURCH FOi AU . . . au rot the cmmcH Church it th? grvolttt fac te M .onh (o, th. buildup ol ?OOd Clt,l.n?h,p I, Wrthaui a >tro?t Church ndlltm ??><>?, <* can ** fH?t? or* four sound "hI'-T" "h' P*"**1 Shoukt ragularljr and tup r- k. ,ch. Th,? <"* (11 fyj1* **" ?'? 12) Tor hi, J1*" ? "?? (I) Tor th# Mi w m? community and nation <4j r"J!? "?? <* th. Oh arch ?hich MM. h? -oral and md Support. PVm to qq to j-LTt ulc,,lr a"d "od Ptflm* Chwl;r V?' p"?' ;j i-ii .? -S-fi! >M }-,'i fc?Kua? 'i ij-ti p., X- \4?. V^. Published Weekly in the Interest of the Churches of Boone and Watauga County by the Following: WATAUGA HARDWARE, INC PhMco, Maytaf Appliances . Buildinf Material*, Myers COE INSURANCE agency All Una* Insurance Dependable Seel Estate ferriee ~ FARMERS HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. BverjrthUs in Hardware and Associated Line* SMITHEYS STORK Dry Goods, Clotkinf, Shoes, Groceries Modern Cafe M Connection BOONE TRAIL RESTAURANT "A Oeod riade To Eat" fester Hardy, Owner Aow fnw Poetoffice BEINS-STUBDIVANT FUNERAL HOME Dial AM 4-8M6 - Ambnlaoca Serric* WATAUGA MOTOE MAKKET TtiOM Good OuU Product* Ctrwr Main Streat and Blowing Bock Band NEW EIVEE LIGHT * POWEE CO. TEAILtTAY LAUNDRY, INC tail Boom ? Dial AMberst 4-6415 TODD A HIGGINS ESSO 8KB VICE jo* twm ? btm* imm JWaahint, flwahg. Una aad Battariaa THE NOBTHWESTEEN BANK A Oood Baak Sarrtaf a flood CbUQr ycrS5S?SSfKSfT