: ?> is - j 1SM-S7 BUDGET RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONER* or fr/rtMGA cvvrm. Section 1. The following amounts are hereby appropriated le*r the operation of the county government and it* subdi vision tor the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1956 and ending on Juntf Ml MOT, according to the following schedules? g GENERAL FUND / ... -..v ? Commissioners Amountant - tant & Tax Supervisor Hector County Attorney Kaim Hi Home' Demonstration .... Elections ...... Courthouse Maintenance '.v . Jatf ~ i Coroner... .4... She*p Killed by ?>>$* Library Expense Salary? Service Officer Office Expense ? Serv. Officer Forest Fire Control Social Security Tax ..... Tax Refunds $ 600.00 1,500.00 4,600.00 . 5,100.00 . ff.406.00 . 2.406.00 . 11.800.00 .. 200 00 . 7500.00 .. 5,500.00 . 8.900.00 .. 6.500.00 .. 200 00 700.00 .. 900 00 . 2.400.00 50.00 2345.00 600.00 500.00 WELFARE ADMINISTRATION FUND Salaries ...... r ? $14,280.00 Mileage 2,400.00 Office Expense ......... ...... 1,490.00 Board Memberdiip 330.00 Oeneral Relief 1,401.00 Aid to Blind - 3,203.00 Burial Insurance 200.00 Maintenance to Health Office 9,080.00 Doctors and Dentists ............. 425.00 Medicine & Prescriptions 75.00 Child C?re ?. 500.00 Vital Statistics 300.00 To Complete Health Center 2,000.00 Miscellaneous . 80.00 ) 35,734.00 SOCIAL SECURITY Old Age Assistance v $16,960.00 Aid to Dependent Chidlren 11,440.00 Aid to Permanently Totally Disabled 4,505.00 $ 32,905.00 | DEBT SERVICE FUND Bond Interest Payments ( 1,780.00 , Bond Principal Payments 16,000.00 Fiscal Agency Fees 70.00 $ 17,850.00 SCHOOL CURRENT EXPENSE FUND $ 74,187.00 TAX COLLECTORS COMMISSIONS AND RELEASES $ 12,000.00 TOTAL $241,071.00 Section 2. It is estimated that the following revenues will | be available during the fiscaUy?ar b* ginning on July 1, 1956, and ending on June 30, 1957, to meet the foregoing appropri ations according to the following schedules: m GENERAL FUND Current Year's Property Tax $54,148.00 Schedule B License 400.00 Tax Penalties 2,500.00 Marriage Licen?e 500.00 Revenue from State Taxes 1,834.00 Clerk of Superior Court Fees 7,000.00 Miscellaneous 2,500.00 State Aid? Vet. Serv. Officer 1,000.00 Cost of Tax Sales 500.00 Unencumbered Balance 25,452.00 WELFARE ADMINISTRATION FUND Current Year's Property Tax $10,950.00 Revenue from State Intang. Tax .... 305.50 State Aid from Welfare Adm. 9,500.00 Unencumbered Balance - 614.00 $ 96,834.00 I SOCIAL SECURITY FUND Current Year's Property Tax : $21,902.00 Revenue from Stat* Intang. Tax 733.50 State & Fed. Share of Grants 7,500.00 Unencumbered Balance ? 2,331.00 $ 20,141.50 $ 32,466.50 Your Choke CHEST OR UPRIGHT NEW 191/2 CU. FT. UNICO FREEZERS only $349.50 PCX irttroduces two brand new UNICO Freezers, both 19H cubic foot capacity? both offered at the cam* low price. The new model* include all the famous UNICO feature*? thick, 4-inch insulation, copper refrigerant coil*, 5-year guarantee on the freezer unit, tamper-proof controls? giving you more actual freezer space for your dollar! Visit your FCX today ? and take your choice. TO MEMBERS OF THE BLUE RIDGE ELECTRIC I ' MEMBERSHIP CORP.: We will give you one year's electric current FREE to run any UNICO freezer purchased from us beginning , July 1, ISM. Watauga FCX Service ft. WATER ST. SOON* M, C. nrar service fund *]; Current Year'* Property Tax $15,486.00 Revenue from State In tang. Tax . 480.00 Unencumbered Balance ... 2,467.00 $ 18,442 00 SCHOOL CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Current Year's Property Tax $48,320.00 Revenue from State Intag. Tax 1.537.00 Miscellaneous ?... 2,000.00 Pine* and Forfeitures 10.000.00 State St Federal Grants 12.340.00 $ 74,187.00 TOTAL $241,971.00 Section 3. There is hereby levied the following rates of tax on each one hundred dollars ($100) valuation of taxable property, as listed ftr taxes as of January 1. 1956, for the purpose of raising the revenue from Current Year's Property Tax, as set forth in the foregoing estimates of revenue, and in order to finance the foregoing appropriations: GENERAL FUND $ .20 CO AGENTS, JAIL, SERYJCE OFFICER, COUNTY ACCOUNTANT, LIBRARY 10 HEALtH & WELFARE 10 SOCIAL SECURITY ADM 05 DEBT SERVICE *8 ? SCHOOL FUND 25 SOCIAL SECURITY 12 ' *% TOTAL RATE $ .90 Such rate* of tax are based on an estimated total assessed valuation of property for purposes of taxation of $21,000,000, and an estimated rate of collections of 88 per cent (88'^ ). Section 4. There is hereby levied for the fiscal year 1956-57 a poll tax of $2.00 on all male persons in the county between the ages of 21' and 50, in accordance with the provisions of G. S. 105-341 (1), unless any such person is exempt as pro vided by law. Twenty-five per cent (25^) of the proceeds of the poll tax shall be deposited in the General Fund, and seventy-five per cent (75'/* ) shall be deposited in hte School Current Expense Fund Section 5. There is hereby levied for the fiscal year 1956-57 a license tax of $2.00 on each open female dog of the age of six months or older, and a license tax of $1.00 on each male dog and on each female dog other than an open female of the age of six months or older, in accordance with the provi sions of G. S. 67-5. The proceeds of such tax (shall be de posited in the school Expense Fund in accordance with the provisions of G. S. 67-13) . Section 6. There is hereby levied on each marriage license issued during the fiscal year 1956-57 a tax of $4.00, in accord ance with the provisions of G. S. 51-20. The proceeds of such tax shall be deposited in the General Fund. Section 7. There is hereby levied for the twelve months be ginning (June 1, 1956) a privilege license tax in the maximum amount permitted by Schedule B. of the Revenue Act, being Article 2 of Chapter 105 of the General Statutes, and by any other sections of the General Statutes, on each business, trade, occupation, and profession which counties are authorized to tax under Schedule B. of the Revenue Act and by other sections of the General Statutes. Section 8. Copies of this resolution shall be furnished to the county accountant, to be kept on file by them for their direction in the disbursement of funds. Adopted this the 2nd day of July 1956. Signed: ARLIE P. WALSH, Chairman J. D. SHOEMAKE GEORGE A. WILSON Irrigation In A Circle SILVER LAKE, Kansas This unique wlf-pro^M if ritkUr system on the C. A. Neuher farm hii a ar riea at toWera mounted on whwb that revolve around the LP-Caa tank that auppliea fuel for tM irrigation pomp. Each tower ia equipped with a hydraulic pump which power* the wheels over the (round. The sprinkler line is earned 6' 8' above the (round to clear (rowing corn and ia eelf-propelled in a circle around the well. Irrigation to remove the "lack of moisture" risk from modern farming is fast becoming standard crop insurance practice. ? According to the U. S. Department of Agriculture, is take almost 100 billion gallons of water daily in the Ujited about half the fresh water used annua By If a soil moisture cheek shows less than 50% readily svailable moisture ia ths upper three feet, H is time to irrigate. LP -Gee tanks, such as need on the Neuber farm, stand by ready to power irrigation pumps during sny attended period of dry weather. And since fuel is consumed only when the pump is turned on, the fsitaer ha* no stand-by or monthly service charge. The clean-burning fuel ariB not gum up no matter how long it is stored, and tssta show that motor maintenance costs are reduced as much as 80%. Soil Bank Plan May Aid Burley Growers There ire three main ways is which a tobacco farmer may bring his 1990 tobacco acreage into the Acreage Reserve program of the Soil Bank, County Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee Chairman B. W. Farth ing said today. He 'explained the three actions as follows: 1. The farmer may underplant his tobacco acreage and certify that this was done in anticipation of complying with the 1990 Acre age Reserve or because of adverse weather conditions, which has been the case in many instances in this county. 2. He may refrain from harvest ing the crop on a portion of his tobacco acreage allotment because of destruction by natural causes. 3. He may plow or otherwise physically incorporate- an agreed upon-acreage of the crop into the soil or clip, mow or cut it before July 31. Points 2 and 3, Mr. Farthing pointed out, are special provisions for the 1996 crop year because of the late enactment of the program. He said it is anticipated that dif ferent provisions will apply to 1997 and succeeding crops under Look at tho trucks that aro ALL-TRUCK New INTERNATIONALS - All-Truck Built to save you the B|G money! T? mm* Mm MO mmv on the job you need a truck that's all truek. And W*e get 'em. They're trucks that are built from the drawing board out a* truik*. With no passenger car engines or components asked to da a track job. That pays off in BIO money, because your truck stays on the job longer, more dependably. Repair* are fewer, and leas costly. And for all their money saving value, we em thaw you the right track for your job that can't be beat for comfort, performance or style. Bat there'* bo need to take our word far K, whan yon can come ki and aee for yourself. How about today? ?1A lH*?*H\?UC?? ? ?B CO B ART?K m Heater, extra clean 1949 Chevrolet Club Coupe Fleetline, heater, $245.00 1949 Ford 4 door 1948 Chrysler 1947 Studebaker 1946 Nmh 4 door Blue 1941 Chrysler 4 door Bku> 1944) Ford Coupe Black TRUCKS 1955 Ford Pickup V8 Blue, radio, beater, one owner, 5,000 mile*, like new 1956 Dodge Pickup V8 Blue 1 1955 Dftdge Pickup V8 Blue 1950 Chevrolet Pickup WE WILL TRADE FOR CARS, LIVESTOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Brown & Graham Motor Co. FraiMhJMd Dealer No. >33 Your DODGE atut PLYMOUTH Dealer E. KING ST. BOONV, NORTH CAROLINA