Comments By BILL WHITLEY INADEQUATE. Sen W Kerr Scott hit uked for in ixpiniioii watershed development program, which he said to now "groealy in Under present law, groups of fermeri. businessmen, municipal ties, etc.. are eligible to get Feder al aid lor small watershed pro Jects, but the aaaiataace Is limited and meet of the coeU for such pro jects must be paid by the local groups. Such projects have proved very t valuable in rscent years by im pounding small bodies of water for flood prevention, new source* of Industrial and municipal water supplies, soil conservation and re creation. "With many, many cities and towns seeking new sources of wat er supplies and many farm sections plagued with poor drainage, small watershed projects at the head waters of our creeks and river* are the answer to a good many of our water resource problems that both town and country people are trying to solve." Scott said. EXPANSION. The Senator said present law allow* little more than "advice and technical assistanc e" U) communities that want to carry out small watershed projects. Scott asked the Senate to pass a bill that would require the Feder al government to pay the total construction coats of approved pro jects and eliminate much of the red tape that Is involved in the present program. RUMOR? There's a rather reli able story making the rounds in Washington to thl* effect: The Republican National Com mittee, when it meet* in San Francisco next month to nominate Eisenhower and Nixon again, will diasolve itself. Prom then tfn, the top level strategy of the Republic? Tarty will be formulated and executed by what will be known aa the "Na tional Republican Board of Kedi cal Examiners." At the present time, Dr. Paul Dudley Hagerty ia the leading con tender for the post of chairman. TREND. The current issue of "U. 8. News and World Report" carries an interesting article on the problem of Negro population in Washington. Pigures show, the article aays, that in a few years the Nation's capital will be more than half populated by Negroes. In 1M0, 28 per cent of Washing- 1 tort's population was Negro. In 1000, the percentile was 39. To ! day. it it 45. Poultry Cost Should Be Cut If Tar Heel poultrymen are to compete successfully for the con ?umeri' dollar*, they muat strive (or the greatest efficiency possi ble. They can do thia by cutting production coeta to the minimum, accoi to K. 8. Dearalyne of (he Mate College poultry science department. One of the flint places to start achieving this efficiency is with the feed which represents about I SO per cent of the cost of poultry I production. Dearstyne estimates < that around 2V4 million dollars woith of feed s year ia lost through ! waatage by North Carolina poultry- ] men. Much of thia feed waatage ia ' caused by - improper construction of feed hoppers. In the process of eating mash, chickena "bill out" a certain amount of feed. Thia in variably falla into the litter about the hopper and ia lost. Properly constructed hoppers esn cut this j loss. Many poultrymen put too much i feed in the hoppers. Dearatyne 1 emphasizes that the hoppers should I not be over two-thirds full. Improper storage of feed may bring about heavy losses. Sacked feed stored on concrete, dirt, oi wood may absorb moisture, bringing sbout decomposition, ran cidity, and moldiness. Such feed eaten by chickens may bring about severe digestive upsets. Sacked feed should be stored on slatted racks about eight inches above floor level. Constant war should be waged againat the rata and mice, which relish poultry feed. THIEF REPEATS New York ? Two month* ago, Kenneth Fagin. manager of a Woolworth itore, waa forced by a red-headed gunman to go back in : to the itore after cloaing time and I hand over $1,400 from a aafe. Sev eral nights ago, the red-haired gunman reappeared juit ai Fagan iwaa locking the itore door, pro duced a gun and laid, "Let'i do the iame thing." They did ? thii time the bandit got $900. I The North Carolina acreage of ' Leantatoup?i Mr harvest in 1M6 ia | peifllnatM at 4,300 acre*, a reduct ion of 20 per cent from laat year. I So This Is New York (Continued from peg* two) they make profiU, they pay divi- 1 dendi, If not, they go bankrupt. In 1 this way, these young people learn 1 about the problem* of life they are 1 later to face, by doing thing* for 1 themselves. Gotham Catherine*: A Texan | came to New York and needed to ea*h a check. Typically, he went (traight to the president of the 1 fir?t bank he *aw?and got the I check cashed . . . *ign of lummer i* the beginning of the outdoor chea* games in Washington Square, play ed by folks off from work who choose to divert their minds in this fashion ... a peddler of bal- . loons on a street corner watching ' out for the cop* a* furtively a* if he were bootlegging moonahine . , . there i* an optical itore at 22nd Street and 9th Avenue which will make spectaclea for you while you wait , . . in a ten cent (tore, a little old lady solving the meal time problem by sitting in a phone booth and munching on a sand wich she evidently brought from home. Auto compame* report peak un employment ha* paaaed: Hrtm on m nm Denver, Col ?Seeing ? "driver lew auto" with iU headlights out roll through a red light at a down town intersection. Patrolman Geor ge Zellner jumped into hit ear >nd overtook the ear. When be got eves with the ear, there waa a driver in it. after all. The driver explained that, a few minutei be fore, he bad been "under the daab bpard trying to fix the headlight*." Potatoes were the only food in a list of It commonly used foods in the daily diet which showed less coat increaae than milk during the period of 1039 to IBM The reserve at corn on farms and in storage off farms in North Carolina as of April 1 is 44 per cent above the amount in storage on that date in IMS. Sheetrock ? Rock Wool Wire ? Metal Roofing and HARDWARE Groceries and Feed VILAS SERVICE STATION AND BUILDERS SUPPLY VILAS, N. C. I Concrete Blocks LIGHTWEIGHT IABORATORY-TESTED ALL SIZES We Are Located On US Highway 421, Vz Mile West Of Boone Dial AMherst 4-3618 Night Phone, A. E. Stephens, AM 4-3407 Maymead Block Co. Bristol Road Boone, N. C. AMD MORI VOUNQ ARK DI8COVERINQ ... high-powered the Rocket f There's no feeling like the secure feeling of piloting an Old s mobile t estment like the solid of owning an Olds I ^ And thereto no time like the present time to gst the most for your trade-in f '?ourui oarr out of tmb ohdinarv... OLDSMOBI l_ E i?" - . ; t . 4 ; Boone, North Carolina ? auAurr ntwa * ym * ** *????? ??"? m?ubi ? BLUE RIDGE MOTORS Dealer License No. 2382 Dial AM 4-3776 ftl CAftl'Ul . Ml VI ftAFBLTI ItVf tOUTHf RN HOSPITALITY i? out iwii roi couiriir ? he-' Real Kilt Fly and Mosqvito Bomb Real Kill Fly and Mosqaito Spray Cranberry Sauce is good with chicken - No. 300 12-Ox. QQ. Bomb WWW Quart CQ. sot. OSfC Can* Ocean Spray 2 Mahat/io Long Grain Fancy Rice ? 2 Pka" 30c the m< Quality-Tender Dressed and Drawn HENS . 33( BOLOGNA? . . .-39c FRANKFURTERS - - ? - 39c PORK LIVER a . . .-19c SAUSAGE 'V - 27c U.S. Good U.S. Good Veal Veal Cutlets 79c Loin Chops . lb 69c U. S. Good Veol U. S. Good Veal Shoulder Chops "? 33c Shoulder Roast " 31c Flavorful Dixie-Home TEA 4-Oz. Pkg. V NEW ALL PURPOSE DETERGENT WHITE ARROW IVfessofll Oil 33' WESSON OIL LIMA BEANS TEXIZE STARCH ASTOR COFFEE WONDERFUL FOR FRYING Quart Bottle PRESTON FANCY ALL GREEN 4 NEW LIQUID ?*i<: Si;* PURE INSTANT 6-0*. Jar 59 49* 19" 1.29 No. 303 Can* Quart Bottla Libby's Fresh Frozen BABY LIMAS 10-0*. Pkgi. 5 Libby's Lime Ade or LEMONADE ; . , Fresh Frozen STRAWBE LAST CALL ONE-PIECE-A-WEEK PLAN FOR OBTAINING THIS EXCEPTIONAL 7-PIECE SET OF /fashion cHefi AMERICA'S MOST BCAUmil MATCHED ALUMINUM 'WITH STUNNING MODERN Cetygfc-TMe COVERS \ 3-QT. COVERED _ SAUCE POT i regular value $3.7? &Hjk|*2.39 ? m witfc $54)0 pvrdioM W fro?fi#? Fancy Crisp Superfine CM. Rod cardinal * ? Mix Vegetables "J.- Me MM Armour Star (irapesz11" 4? chopped H?n . v: 49c Armour Star VieiM Sausage 2 Cans 35c Chunk Style Tuna Star "JJ? 31c ALL PURPOSE SHORTENING Lettuce 2?29' F?.cy rip* BAKE-RITE Tomatoes 2-29' 3-?7c Glass Wax GoMSeal '?? 53c Sour Pickles Playmte ?r 31c Armour Stor Tree! "