WANT ADS Watauca Democrat WANT ADVERTISING RATE s cwrrs a woBB-sa* manmvm c aurat Cash Mutt Accompany AO Ordert MEN'S BABY CORD PANTS, blue ?nd tan. *3.98 CHURCH'S. W. King St., Boone. le good" US?Delectric rantfot. apwt ment aod full tue. KDUISTEN FURNITURE CO. 7-1&3C FOR SAL*? Two regittered year ling polled Hereford built. H. U. Hamilton, Jr., Boone, N. C. lc SPECIAL SALE? HOUSE TRAIL ERS FOR MONTH OF JULY? Sac the famoui Knox and Nashua Mo bile Hornet ? one, 'two, and three bedroom models. Liberal allow ance* on uaed trailert, cars, and furniture ? up to five years to pa jr. See them today at the TruTred Tire Company, 772-4th St. Dr., SW, Hickory. N. C. Phone 29611 7 12 3c WANTED? Riders to San Antoni*, Texas ?r la that direction ,to share ear expenses. Will leave Monday July 16th. Contact Tommy Jones at Vance's Recapping. lp FOR SALE ? 4V4 lots in Hardin ad dition. Bargain. Call AMhertt 4 8543. 7-5- Jp WANTED ? Companion and house keeper for active elderly lady. Ap plicant should be able to cook and keep house Will live in. Write Mrs. Kirk Henry, Box 3, Emory, Va, or call at H. M. Henry Hone, Emory, Va. 6-21-4? HAVING A BIRTHDAY? Try Mrt Ray's home baked cakes decorated to suit your taste and color scheme. Mrs. E. L. Ray, 214 Locust, tele phone AM 4-8978. Ml-Sp SEE HENRY MAST for all your plumbing and heating, and repair service, Boone, N. C. Phone AM 4 3815. 6-2?4p DISCOVER URANIUM with a pre cision Geigor counter. Ail models in stock lor immediate delivery. Write for free catalog. Hall Tale vision, 903 Howard Street, Greens boro, N. C. 7-5-tfc ROOM FOR RENT? Available with breakfast, on July 21st. Mrs. Greer, 306 Grand Blvd. Phene Am. 4-3131. TO ftfflafRs oTThe Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corp. ? We will give one year's electric cur rent FREE to run any Unleo Farm Freezer purchased from us begin ning July 1, 1806. Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St., Boone le GROUND HOG KILLER? We now have Cyano gas for killing ground hogs, moles, and ants. Wataoga FCJC Service, S. Water St., Boone. le GOOD GULF FUEL OIL. J. IX Shoemahe, dealer, day phone 8970; night 3921 or 3630. 12-t3-tfc DR. L. E. WELLMAN will be In hit office over Fanner* State Bank, Mountain City, Tenn., Tuesday, Wednesday, Thunday of each wed; from 9 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. Eyes examined. Glasaes fitted. 4-234fc TIRES ? See us for your new tire needs. Watauga FCX Service, B. Water St., Boone. le GOOD GULF OIL PRODUCTS. J. D SHOEMAKE, dealer. Watauga and Ashe counties, day pbooe 8970, night 3921 or 3630. 12-22-tfc INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICID ES ? Pick up all of your spraying and* dusting materials at the Wa tauga FCX. We also have selected weed killers for controlling weeds in your lawn without destroying your lawn. Watauga Tex Service, S. Water St., Boone. Ie GOOD USCO WASHERS --All HMiktiS wringer snd lutoBitic {utriDtetd good mechanic tl coo dition. EDMISTEN FURNITURE C. MUc rot sAfS ? Wd" Vfiw Transparent apple* PWked from tree. ?17? per buahel. Call AM * <28* from 8 * m. to S p m. AM 4> 82T7 after 6. lp LrrtlJC BOYS' Burgundy oxfbrda, black erene and ne lan lie mole, size Sty to 3, $> N t? M-08. CHURCH'S. W. King St.. Berne. le FOR SALf ? Freak dairy cew and calf. Heavy milker. Finley P. Hod tea, Route X Boone. lp CEMENT ^BLOCKS? Let us fur niah your light weight cement blocks, all a lies at reaaenable pric es. We deliver In quantity. Wata uga PCX Service. S. Water St.. Boone. lo COOK'S AUTOMATIC LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaning Service. The only exclusive shirt service. Pick up and delivery. Phone AM 4 3540. corner Blowing Rook and North Wilkesboro roads. 6-14-t(c UN ICO FREEZERS? For the best buy la freeters, stop by the Wata uga PCX Service, S. Water St., Boone. Ic MEN'S WORK OXFORPSr? Vul corfc sole, also ventilated work ox fords. $5.85. CHURCH'S, W. Kins St., Boone. lc WE BUY, SELL OR TRADE aay thing, anywhere, anytime. MAR Furniture Co, Vllaa, N. C. M-tfe *200 PER WEEK CAN YOU QUALIFY? We are not kidding about the above earnings, nor do we want you to take our word for It You are more than welcome to talk with our salesmen who arc nuking this| amount of. money right now. Go out with them for a day and watch while they put commis sions of |60 or more in their own pockets. If this doesnt convince you, nothing will. w * ft" ? ???*?* I will hire three salesmen this week Itiese men will have the following qualifications: (1) Ability and .willingness to work hard. (I) Preferably between the ages of 21 andT45. (S) Ohm a late model car. (4) Willingness to learn. nose selected will be trained thoroughly in the basic funda mentals of salesmanship. Quali fied prospects are furnished daily. Accumulative bonus is paid semiannually. In many instances the annual income from bonus checks alone is as much as the average man earns during the course of s year. If yon are dissatisfied with your present income or position, this legitlmste top-flight proposition merits your gncere considera tion. Personal interviews only. If our offer is not worth a per sonal visit and a half-hour of your time, you are not the man we want If it Is, this may weil be one of the important decisions of your life. FOR APPOINTMENT: Write Billy E. Bryant Box B273, BUtmore, N. C? giving tbeee details: Age, occupation, make and year of ear. 7-Mc Paul said to Mr. Ed: " There have been many fire haxards removed from the Ureets in Boone , and the people are to be congratulate upon thit clean-up campaign. One of the latest eye tore tpott to be removed \ is at the tide and rear of the Sinclair ttmtitn on o West King Street, owned and operated by Mr. Guyu Smith. E. A. GAULTNET AND 1. PAUL WINKLES Watauga Insurance Agency North wetter* Bank Btd|.? Aone AM 4-8291 Box 267-? Boone, N. C wars STRETCH NYION SOCKS ?ir- Slightly irregulars, $449. CHURCH'S, W King St., Boon* le FOR SALE? Outtide door, iaside door, bath room window, picture window, iron radiator, laundry stoves. medicine cabinet. chimney tUe. C. C. Ceok, 401 if. King St., Boom. K. C IP THIS 18 TO NOTIFY aU potions responsible that I will shoot aU dags roaming my lands which are not with someone. I am forced to do this a| several of my sheep have been killed by dogs. My lands will be posted and trespassers will be be prosecuted according to law.? WLAINE MORETZ. Boone. Route No. 1. lp GOOD USED 4-piece bedroom suite. EDM1STEN FURNITURE CO. T-lMfc JUST RECEIVED ? Carload of UNICO FARM FREEZERS. Buy now and take advantage of car load unit price. Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St., Boone. 1c FOR SALE? About 3 acres uncut hay, two last years stacks. Come see ? make offer. Take away. A. M. Critcher, Blowing Rock, N. C. lp PONIES FOR SALE. Gentle for children. S4e Glenn Teague, 3 miles from Blowing Rock on Shulls Mills road. 7-12-2p HOUSE TRAILERS. Twe used bar gains. .Trade for most anything. Terms. F. L. German, Granite Fall*. N. C. 1P 6EWIVO ANB ALTERATIONS^ AM 4-8406 dk FOR SALE? Coca-Cola dry drink box, l&caae capacity $79. Good condition. 1 Dodge m ten truck $190. \.. A. Henson, Vilas. N. C. 7-12-2p CLINTON CHAIN SAWS? We are Bow your local dealer for Clinton ehain saws. See u* for free demon stration. Watauga PCX Service, S. Water St., Boone. Jc USED COOK STOVES and Heating Stove* wanted. Call, write or aee M & R Furniture Co., Vilai, N. C. 3-8-tfe DUSTERS? We have a complete line of bean and vegetable duster*. See u* before you buy. Watauga FCX Service, Boone. 1* HARRIED MAN Wanted For respomible poaition in an* around Boone, married. Petition, no layoff*, year 'round work, permanent for the right man. Write ^ualificaUona to: EM PtOYMBNT ? NOTICE or INTENTION TO AW* TO LOCAL GOVERN MENT COMMISSION IOI APPROVAL OF BONOS NOTICE in hereby given of in tention of the undersigned to file application with the Local Govern ment Commission, Raleigh, N. C.. for Its aproval of the iawance of the following proposed bond* of the Town of Boone, North Caro lina, which bonda shall be subject to approval of the voters of said Towp of Boone at an election: *711, doo of bonds to enlarge and extefcd the water supply system maintained and operated by said Town to supply water to said Town and its inhabitants. This notice Was first published on the 8th day of futy, 1996 Any citiiep or taxpayer objecting to the Issuance of all or any of said bon<}s may file with the Local Government Commission a verifi ed statement setting forth his ob jections as provided in Section 190-11 of (he General Statutes of North Carolina, in which event he shall also file a copy of such state ment with the undersigned, at any time within ten days from and af ter such first publication. A copy of this notice must be attached to the statement so filed. Objections set forth In said statement shall be for consideration by said Commis sion in its determination of wheth er or not it may hold hearing mati THE TO ONE, NORTH CAROLINA! Clay, Town Clerk T-Mt 1 Sweet Corn la >? Desirable Food Sweet corn is available the jr?ir round, usually in several differ* nt forms. However, during the local season, the fresh, sweet corn is usually the most desirable According to Oeorfe Abehier. extension consumer msrkotlng specialist at Sute College, in choosing fresh corn H is best to look for s cob well tUled with bright, plump, milky kernels that ait just firm enough to offer alight resistance to pressure If the husks are on the corn, they should he fresh and green with a bright appearance and aaug fitting on the ear. Dry, yellow or straw-colored husks are an ladica NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified u the admini strator of the estate of Andy Creer, late of the county of Watauga, State of North CarttiM, this is to notify those having claims against the estate of the said deceased, to present them to me within 13 months of the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in har of their recovery. Those indebted to the estate are asked to make im mediate payment. This July 2, 1956 STANLEY GREER, AdinJni atmtor, Vilas, N. C. 7-5-6p NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as the adminis tratrix of the eatate of Deam B. Bingham, late of the county of Watauga, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all thoae having claims against the estate of aaia deceased, to p reseat them to me within 12 months of hte date here of or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their reoovery. Thoae in debted to the estate are ashed to make immediate payment. This June 18, IMS? MRS. CARRIE H. BINGHAM, Administratrix, Boone, N. C. ?l-6o tion of or dusue, resulting in the toufheMMkVuicoiarMM. lou of flavor and shriveling of kernel*. Gralni from ?Mtl the milk (lows when you press them with your thumb art tender, says Mb shier. Remember to toftk for ears that are free of worm Injury. Choose corn from t refrigerated or lead display. Although com U eaten as a vegetable, It is really one of the cereal grains. One medium-sited ear of corn gives about the aame amount of E vitamins as two slices of enriched bread. One ear of com provides only about SO calories, but when milk or butter is ?d4*4, so are calories. If Yon Hare ESTATES TO LIQUIDATE Oft LAND TO AT AUCTION WftlTK US AT HICKOKY, N. C CAROLINA LAND A AUCTION CO. 'ROUND T1K CLOCK Prescription Service By Registered PhuMeU Harris Rexaii Drug Store Main St BLOWING BOCK, N. C. Pbene ZQ1? MINIM THURSDAY, 9\ FREE ^ CLOCK RADIO Watauga Gulf Service Main and Yonahlossee, Blowing Rock, N. C. Telephone CY S>9SU FREE - G.E. CLOCK RADIO - FREE to be give* away Thursday Night July 12th ^?*5 8 o'clock No pvrchtue necettary. You don't have to be pretent to wtn. YOUR CHOICE WHILE THEY LAST A set of six aqua swirl tumblers with the purchase of seven or more gallons of GULF GASOLINE Free Gifts For All Kiddies. . . Balloons and Lollypops If | Everybody Cordially Invited ? ? Finest Service in Town Open 7 Days A Week, 7 A.M. to 9 P.M. CoaqkkM Line of GULF TIRES, BATTERIES, ACCESSORIES LUBRICATIONS, WASH AND POLISH, ROAD SERVICE